Over 5700 New Record Highs And We Aren't Even To April Yet

Nobody cares about global warming anymore....................

From a recent Pew Poll>>>


Its only on the radar of the environmental nutters. Nobody else.

Life is about acceptable tradeoffs and thinking on the margin. This is an exercise that is next to impossible for those on the far left. Its the way its always been..............and always will be. Families are hanging on by a thread and the environmental loons are just fine with sticking them with an exra $300 a month on their electric bill trying to shut down coal. But a huge majority hear that and say...........rightfully..........."Fuck YOU!!!"

We can just be happy that less than 20% of the country thinks this way........and actually, it is likely closer to less than 10%.

That's a crock of shit if I've ever seen one. The main thing to consider is what the scientists who have done detailed studies think..........there's your 80%. Can you see a possible correlation to the industriali ed revolution

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Nobody cares about global warming anymore....................

From a recent Pew Poll>>>


Its only on the radar of the environmental nutters. Nobody else.

Life is about acceptable tradeoffs and thinking on the margin. This is an exercise that is next to impossible for those on the far left. Its the way its always been..............and always will be. Families are hanging on by a thread and the environmental loons are just fine with sticking them with an exra $300 a month on their electric bill trying to shut down coal. But a huge majority hear that and say...........rightfully..........."Fuck YOU!!!"

We can just be happy that less than 20% of the country thinks this way........and actually, it is likely closer to less than 10%.

That's a crock of shit if I've ever seen one. The main thing to consider is what the scientists who have done detailed studies think..........there's your 80%

Sure, have your fairy tale.

Nobody cares about global warming anymore....................

From a recent Pew Poll>>>


Its only on the radar of the environmental nutters. Nobody else.

Life is about acceptable tradeoffs and thinking on the margin. This is an exercise that is next to impossible for those on the far left. Its the way its always been..............and always will be. Families are hanging on by a thread and the environmental loons are just fine with sticking them with an exra $300 a month on their electric bill trying to shut down coal. But a huge majority hear that and say...........rightfully..........."Fuck YOU!!!"

We can just be happy that less than 20% of the country thinks this way........and actually, it is likely closer to less than 10%.

That's a crock of shit if I've ever seen one. The main thing to consider is what the scientists who have done detailed studies think..........there's your 80%. Can you see a possible correlation to the industriali ed revolution


sorry s0n..........your side is losing huge!!!:D:D

Nobody cares about the science anymore. The far left might not like it...........but it is what it is.
Cap and Trade is as dead as a doornail...............and shit..........exactly how many times did Obama reference "climate change" in his January SOTU speech?


Why........because its a political A-Bomb these days:fu::fu::fu:

The fringe of this country best get used to lots of coal burning and fossil fuel use in the coming decades. Meanwhile, the k00ks can go and put all the windmills in their backyards that they want. We'll be real proud of ya!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

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woke up to snow this morning....must be the beginning of a global warming ice age.
Nobody cares about global warming anymore....................

From a recent Pew Poll>>>


Its only on the radar of the environmental nutters. Nobody else.

Life is about acceptable tradeoffs and thinking on the margin. This is an exercise that is next to impossible for those on the far left. Its the way its always been..............and always will be. Families are hanging on by a thread and the environmental loons are just fine with sticking them with an exra $300 a month on their electric bill trying to shut down coal. But a huge majority hear that and say...........rightfully..........."Fuck YOU!!!"

We can just be happy that less than 20% of the country thinks this way........and actually, it is likely closer to less than 10%.

That's a crock of shit if I've ever seen one. The main thing to consider is what the scientists who have done detailed studies think..........there's your 80%

Sure, have your fairy tale.


1) On one side you have every credible scientific body and scientist providing evidence that it's real and happening.

2) On the other you have Rush Limbaugh says it's not and yet cannot show one shred of evidence to counter all of the scientists.

Just goes to show you how the wingnuts worship Limbaugh like little sheep. :udaman:
Nobody cares about global warming anymore....................

From a recent Pew Poll>>>


Its only on the radar of the environmental nutters. Nobody else.

Life is about acceptable tradeoffs and thinking on the margin. This is an exercise that is next to impossible for those on the far left. Its the way its always been..............and always will be. Families are hanging on by a thread and the environmental loons are just fine with sticking them with an exra $300 a month on their electric bill trying to shut down coal. But a huge majority hear that and say...........rightfully..........."Fuck YOU!!!"

We can just be happy that less than 20% of the country thinks this way........and actually, it is likely closer to less than 10%.

That's a crock of shit if I've ever seen one. The main thing to consider is what the scientists who have done detailed studies think..........there's your 80%. Can you see a possible correlation to the industriali ed revolution


sorry s0n..........your side is losing huge!!!:D:D

Nobody cares about the science anymore. The far left might not like it...........but it is what it is.
Cap and Trade is as dead as a doornail...............and shit..........exactly how many times did Obama reference "climate change" in his January SOTU speech?


Why........because its a political A-Bomb these days:fu::fu::fu:

The fringe of this country best get used to lots of coal burning and fossil fuel use in the coming decades. Meanwhile, the k00ks can go and put all the windmills in their backyards that they want. We'll be real proud of ya!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

They're gonna have to pay more than a buck to haul their garbage away and bury it in a landfill.
That's a crock of shit if I've ever seen one. The main thing to consider is what the scientists who have done detailed studies think..........there's your 80%

Sure, have your fairy tale.


1) On one side you have every credible scientific body and scientist providing evidence that it's real and happening.
2) On the other you have Rush Limbaugh says it's not and yet cannot show one shred of evidence to counter all of the scientists.

Just goes to show you how the wingnuts worship Limbaugh like little sheep. :udaman:

Leaked e-mails and manipulated data tells an entirely different story.
facts dont matter to some people

Yeah.....we all found that out when the facts of the leaked emails and the manipulated data surfaced....it meant nothing to the global warming cult.

aaaaaaaaawwwww you're just taking that side to support your smoke stack industries. Keep on..........their asses will finally fuck all of us.

This shit reminds me of what happened to the mortgage industry beginning in 2005. The Wall St. crowd were using a formula whioch included home prices continuing to rise 6% a year to perpituity. Only the greediest son-of-a-bitches in the world could possibly believe that. It was a case of greed blocking any remnants of good sense which might have been there.
Leaked e-mails and manipulated data tells an entirely different story.

Actually, they don't.

It's the talking heads telling a different story, not the leaked e-mails.

The leaked e-mails just show that some scientists were making some exaggerations and trying to discredit their opponents.

They do not in fact contradict Global Warming at all.
The hoax of it is man made. I'll give them that.

So, in other words, you are not willing to admit even the possibility that you may be wrong, and you are convinced that the entire thing is a hoax, perpetrated by the majority of the scientific community, on the world.

And yet it's the supporters of the theory that are a "cult".
The hoax of it is man made. I'll give them that.

So, in other words, you are not willing to admit even the possibility that you may be wrong, and you are convinced that the entire thing is a hoax, perpetrated by the majority of the scientific community, on the world.

And yet it's the supporters of the theory that are a "cult".

Leaked emails and manipulated data tells the larger story. But, if you want to feel good, talk to old rocks, he just ignores those facts.
The hoax of it is man made. I'll give them that.

So, in other words, you are not willing to admit even the possibility that you may be wrong, and you are convinced that the entire thing is a hoax, perpetrated by the majority of the scientific community, on the world.

And yet it's the supporters of the theory that are a "cult".
1. All solutions are political based on a socialist/fascist template.

2. All changes in weather are linked to global warming. Not to mention psychology, physiology, geology, solar weather, chemistry, and anthropology. How can this be such an ultimate panacea of causes? The truth is? It can't be.

3. Every measure used to try and connect mankind to any climatic change has been a dismal failure when subjected to repeated and uncorrupted scrutiny.

4. There has never been successful repeatable tests of the theory.

5. Most major organizations who are proponents of the theory have been caught or associated with fraudulent and falsified science.

6. Billions of dollars are at stake for the propagation of such a crisis, while little to no money exists if proven it does not.

7. The opinion of the scientific community has reversed it's ideas on what's really happening at least once every 15-25 years.

8. Basic mathematics applied to simple middle school science show that any production by man of any factors changing atmospheric composition are not even as large as the margin of error.

9. Much proof has been found that our models cannot handle the complexity of even Water Vapor, a much more powerful factor than CO2, let alone the solar activity.

10. No amount of evidence to the contrary will shake the faith in the Chicken Little Chorus who screams constantly "THE SKY IS FALLING THE SKY IS FALLING!!!" even when they experience it personally.

Until these ten aspects in which I base my doubt are satisfactorily proven to me, yes. It is a hoax with the control of Billions, if not TRILLIONS of dollars and power over the lives of the whole world are at stake.

If it wasn't so dreadfully absurd, I'd say I'm living in an season story arc of Dr. Who. The sad part is, THAT is more likely to be true than the current "Consensus" of the Faithers Chicken Little Chorus of lies.
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Leaked e-mails and manipulated data tells an entirely different story.

Actually, they don't.

It's the talking heads telling a different story, not the leaked e-mails.

The leaked e-mails just show that some scientists were making some exaggerations and trying to discredit their opponents.

They do not in fact contradict Global Warming at all.

Actually, it really puts a hit on man made global warming....I think that's what the whoopla is all about. No denying manipulated data, Vast.
That's a crock of shit if I've ever seen one. The main thing to consider is what the scientists who have done detailed studies think..........there's your 80%

Sure, have your fairy tale.


1) On one side you have every credible scientific body and scientist providing evidence that it's real and happening.

2) On the other you have Rush Limbaugh says it's not and yet cannot show one shred of evidence to counter all of the scientists.

Just goes to show you how the wingnuts worship Limbaugh like little sheep. :udaman:

Indeed we do..........and more than 12 years ago, he said this global warming crap would end up a footnote in history as a fad. 12 fucking years ago!!!:D:D:D And he was spot on correct.

Of course.................the k00ks are having heart attacks over it!!!
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