Over 94,000 Illegal Immigrants in Southern Texas Released Into US With Notices to Report

Does that mean you can get brick work and landscaping done cheap in Texas?
Who is feeding the 94,000?

@White 6

Brickwork already got cheap in Texas back in the 80's when I was mason there. There were so many Mexican bricklayers, then all of a sudden the bottom dropped out of the construction market.

Ever see sympathetic vomiting? One day there were 6 Mexican laborers on the scaffold and the shit truck came to pump out the porta-potties. As soon as the stench wafted across the yard, I swear every one of those Mexicans puked over the railing in a perfect succession.

It was just like dominoes falling over, one after another. Fuck me. I never laughed so hard.:laughing0301:
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It could be that statistics show that there's a high probility of several of those illegals moving in next door to you, infecting you with coronavirus, then robbing and murdering you.

It could be that you and your family end up as some of those statistics.
It's statistically unlikely to happen in Canada even though we allow many more to come to Canada than does America.
Your president has most likely allowed in an equal proportion of immigrants that are required to fill the jobs Americans are refusing.
Capitalism's principles of 'supply and demand' are still subject to increasing the 'supply' in order to lessen the demand.
These illegals cannot legally work. So you're saying our President is intentionally breaking the law?
So you support 90 cents an hour wages.
Supply vs. demand will be deciding in America.
Supply vs. demand will be deciding in Canada, but with some qualifications after considerations on 'social' responsibility by government. (we're commies remember)
No, but we are welcoming more Muslims than America.
If you're going to discuss any matter with me then you'll have to improve your manners.

Whether you believe it or not, the world is at war. You may not have noticed it yet and you may be oblivious to the the fact, all the way up until it reaches your doorstep. But it is coming your way.

So this is not a good time for manners. Save you manners for later, if there is a "later."
Supply vs. demand will be deciding in America.
Supply vs. demand will be deciding in Canada, but with some qualifications after considerations on 'social' responsibility by government. (we're commies remember)
Yep, you Leftards love your slave labor.
@White 6

Brickwork already got cheap in Texas back in the 80's when I was mason there. There were so many Mexican bricklayers, then all of a sudden the bottom dropped out of the construction market.

Ever see sympathetic vomiting? One day there were 6 Mexican laborers on the scaffold and the shit truck came to pump out the porta-potties. As soon as the stench wafted across the yard, I swear every one of those Mexicans puked over the railing in a perfect succession.

It was just like dominoes falling over, one after another. Fuck me. I never laughed so hard.:laughing0301:
I really think the illegal immigration hoopla is all about cheap labor for the movers and shakers, republican and democrat, not about possible voting. You don't see employers in general population at Federal prisons for hiring them, do ya? Just a scam to raise political money, with no intention whatsoever to crack down on the employment, though illegal voter fraud is watched pretty closely. Amazing to me is sanctuary cities not on the border so, doing the sanctuary thing, so they can get in on the cheap labor and hide them (as if they need to) from the Feds.
Yep, you Leftards love your slave labor.

Leftism AKA Marxism seeks to enslave the largest portion of the population, in order to benefit the small yet powerful ruling elite.

Someone should explain this to Donald H. Apparently he doesn't realize that after the great Marxist revolution, even liberals get the bullet.
Why does Abbott allow this?
Abbott allows this shit because he's a fucking establishment cuck bitch-ass motherfucker who needs to be voted the fuck outta here or lynched. Preferably the latter.

God DAMN that oak tree for doing a half-ass job.

Dude talks like a liberty-first guy but acts like a commie leftists.

He talks the talk, but can't walk the walk, although, in his defense, that's been the case since the oak tree incident.

"figures show that 89 percent of all asylum applicants attended their final court hearing to receive a decision on their application"

If they don't show, they get deported.
Why because it says so in your article??? Hahahahahahahaha

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