Biden adminstration considering plan to force migrants to remains in Texas: report

Again, if more funding is needed to address the crisis you're so bent out of shape over, you should contact your congressional representative and ask them to stop talking about impeachment and focus on this "crisis". It is how civics works.

As for personally dealing with it...I live like 100 miles from the border with Mexico. I have lived here for quite a while. The day in/day out stuff at the border hasn't gotten any better or worse during that time except when your blob was stripping kids from their parents to satisfy the sick fucks who voted for him. That was a true crisis. We had like 500 whose parents we could never find. You want to talk about a hit to the system..that is 500+ kids who we had to care for wall to wall.
I have news for you, when criminal are arrested, their kids are always “stripped” away from them. If the kids parents cant find them it’s because they don’t want to, or aren’t the parents in the first place. When illegals are processed, they have to give names, so if the names are real, matching the kids to the “missing” parents would be child’s play and parentage could be confirmed by a simple dna test. The “parents” probably disappeared into one of the barrios filled with other illegal aliens and don’t want to be found.
I have news for you, when criminal are arrested, their kids are always “stripped” away from them. If the kids parents cant find them it’s because they don’t want to, or aren’t the parents in the first place. When illegals are processed, they have to give names, so if the names are real, matching the kids to the “missing” parents would be child’s play and parentage could be confirmed by a simple dna test. The “parents” probably disappeared into one of the barrios filled with other illegal aliens and don’t want to be found.
Thats not news; it's speculation.

With Trump supporters, the cruelty is the point. We had 500+ kids who will likely never see their parents again as a result of Trump's cruelty. And your applause is obscene.
Thats not news; it's speculation.

With Trump supporters, the cruelty is the point. We had 500+ kids who will likely never see their parents again as a result of Trump's cruelty. And your applause is obscene.

Well I guess you answered my earlier question.
You can get more laughable.
Need help packing?
That's probably your dogwhistle for fudge packing, and I'm not interested. That's the best you can ask?

Try this african sissy.... he put the "fudge" in fudge packing.... 💩

obama queer mother fucker 44.jpg
Thats not news; it's speculation.

With Trump supporters, the cruelty is the point. We had 500+ kids who will likely never see their parents again as a result of Trump's cruelty. And your applause is obscene.
Why won't the kids see their parents again? Aren't the "parents" requesting their kids? If not, why not? The authorities know the names the "parents" gave ICE/Border Patrol for themselves and their children. A simple computer search would match them up and a cheap dna test would confirm parentage.
Another law/program that has to be passed/implemented to force republicans to act less crazed. It is sad but this is where we are at in the nation at this point in time.
Joey Xi may attempt to do this, but it is unconstitutional and violates the Bill of Rights.
The president cannot restrict free movement of individuals, or force a state to close it`s borders.
It should be obvious that the Biden Administration cares nothing about protecting America’s borders, and with this contemplated move, it will be equally obvious that the border he wants to protect is around his political base.
This is an awkward attempt to shield leftist Plantation cities and states from having to deal with his illegal immigration problem and to help transform a huge red state into a blue state.
Joey wants to keep that 10% for the Big Guy flowing from the Mexican Narco Cartels....
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Joey Xi may attempt to do this, but it is unconstitutional and violates the Bill of Rights.
The president cannot restrict free movement of individuals, or force a state to close it`s borders.
It should be obvious that the Biden Administration cares nothing about protecting America’s borders, and with this contemplated move, it will be equally obvious that the border he wants to protect is around his political base.
This is an awkward attempt to shield leftist Plantation cities and states from having to deal with his illegal immigration problem and to help transform a huge red state into a blue state.
Joey wants to keep that 10% for the Big Guy flowing from the Mexican Narco Cartels....
I’m always tickled by this rather stupid notion that illegals are being allowed into the nation in general. But it becomes especially moronic to think that it is being done to increase political support. About 1/2 of Americans bother to vote in any given election. And you guys are arguing that there will be a sizable number of illegal aliens showing up to cast ballots?

The reason democrats win elections is because their programs are popular and that they know...have programs.

Anyone know of a specific program being proposed is by any republican?
I’m always tickled by this rather stupid notion that illegals are being allowed into the nation in general. But it becomes especially moronic to think that it is being done to increase political support. About 1/2 of Americans bother to vote in any given election. And you guys are arguing that there will be a sizable number of illegal aliens showing up to cast ballots?

The reason democrats win elections is because their programs are popular and that they know...have programs.

Anyone know of a specific program being proposed is by any republican?
Maybe you should check out the border states. They have been swamped by illegals for forty years. Now they are all over the nation and the liberal, democratic strongholds are finally feeling what the rest of the country has been suffering. Republican plan are to stop the influx and deport those already here.
Maybe you should check out the border states. They have been swamped by illegals for forty years. Now they are all over the nation and the liberal, democratic strongholds are finally feeling what the rest of the country has been suffering. Republican plan are to stop the influx and deport those already here.
Yeah, I can’t drive to work without dodging people in the street we’re so overrun here in Arizona.

Oh wait...we’re not.
Yeah, I can’t drive to work without dodging people in the street we’re so overrun here in Arizona.

Oh wait...we’re not.
Are you really trying to say we dont have a problem with illegals in border states?
In the 80's machine shops had about 4% hispanics,now it's closer to 80%.
Kids can no longer mow grass in the summers to earn some money and the same goes for all blue collar jobs.
Democrat concentration work camps. Biden can get advice from Xi, who is exploiting the Uyghurs.
First genocide in history where the number of victims is negative.
Why did the United States suddenly develop a deep concern for the Uyghurs in China?
Well, it turns out they care about Muslims just as much as a fox cares about the well-being of chickens after raiding the henhouse in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen!
It's time to unveil the hypocrisy behind America's selective outrage – they've been feathering their own cap all along!
Joe doesn't represent the American people. He's the president of the Democrats, that's all.
I don't see how the federal government will enforce making them stay in Texas. They can't even make them stay in Mexico, Guatemala, Venezuela, etc.
So Nooooow they want ankle bracelets! Before that was considered inhumane.
We here in the Lone Star state, have lived and prospered with illegal border crossers, since long before most of y'all were born. Try to find a white native Texan, that can't speak passable Spanish.

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