Over and over I read Trump's defenders, in effect, justify their continued support.......

Eric Holder was found guilty of contempt of Congress but the Obama allies said not guilty.
No, he wasn’t found guilty. There was no criminal case, especially given he was acting in his official capacity.

This has nothing to do with Trump’s situation.
Trump fucked up. If it were you or me, we’d catch a charge of obstruction.

He shouldn’t?
He didn’t fuck up. The charge is facially bullshit. It’s also ironic. You can’t “obstruct” something that isn’t even being sought.
He also showered with his daughter, helped cause her sexual addiction, sniffs and gropes children, and apparently has sexually assaulted multiple women. One we know of happened because a SS agent almost beat his creepy ass.
As far as standards and morals go, neither side has any. Yall are two peas in a pod.
What is really strange is how it was the Democrats who led the way with criminal activity as the president. Who recalls the females of FDRs life or the females of John Kennedy's life? Even LBJ had sex with women in the white house who he was not married to.
No, he wasn’t found guilty. There was no criminal case, especially given he was acting in his official capacity.

This has nothing to do with Trump’s situation.
Eric Holder's official capacity was to show up to testify to the Congress. And he of course was pals with Obama so he got away with not appearing. And he was charged for that by Congress.
Shame based bullshit fakely trying to establish that we must “explain ourselves”
Does not work on thinkers
Not when you are a Democrat, like the case of Eric Holder.
Holder complied with many subpoenas, testified under oath, and supplied reams and reams of documents for the witch hunt. He did object on the continued waves of subpoenas and challenged one. It went to court when the House charged him with contempt for that objection, which is how is should be. Guess who won.
He didn’t fuck up. The charge is facially bullshit. It’s also ironic. You can’t “obstruct” something that isn’t even being sought.
You seem confused. He obstructed the subpoena seeking documents with classified markings. He had dozens of them that he hid from the FBI. That’s what they found when they raided his house.
Holder complied with many subpoenas, testified under oath, and supplied reams and reams of documents for the witch hunt. He did object on the continued waves of subpoenas and challenged one. It went to court when the House charged him with contempt for that objection, which is how is should be. Guess who won.
You had democrats in charge and that is the sole reason Holder got away with defying congress.
Eric Holder's official capacity was to show up to testify to the Congress. And he of course was pals with Obama so he got away with not appearing. And he was charged for that by Congress.
Happens all the time, it’s a separation of powers issue, not a criminal one.

Trump is a private citizen and refused to comply with a grand jury subpoena. That makes it a criminal issue.
Nope. I got it right. You’ve got it wrong.

But, ya know. What else is new?
You’re merely refusing to acknowledge facts.

Trump received a grand jury subpoena for documents and hid them. That’s obstruction of justice.
by stating the manifestly accurate observation, "Trump has not been convicted of a crime."

If he is, since I believe the 1/6 trial is first up, convicted in that case of the serious criminal charges brought against him (understanding he will appeal), is that a deal breaker for your support?

It's well understood his moral failings do not persuade you to reconsider him being worthy of the presidency. What about a criminal conviction?
What about a criminal conviction?

In a lib kangaroo court?

Not good enough
Who cares that a biased liberal NYC civil jury made a shitty determination.

You must be one of the scumbag vermin who believe that skanky ho-bag’s ridiculous claims.
Have you noticed every time a ruling goes against Trump you folks blame it on bias? Do you believe the Orange Messiah is incapable of committing a crime? All the grand juries who have weighed the evidence do not believe that.
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In one poll in he last week, 47% of GOP indicate as Trumpers they will vote for him, and the remainder will not.

It was unclear if those who would no vote for him would require appeals to be over.

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