OVER! House Intel Committee Shuts Down Russia Investigation, Release Final Report - Nothing To It!

now all they need to do is forget about Mueller's investigation.

I forgot about Mueller's Investigation about 9 months ago when it became clear it was never going to going anywhere. Mueller just has a few scarves and white rabbits to pull out of his hat yet so that he can make sure he gets paid the maximum dollars while keeping all of your anti-Trumps hopeful of the ship that never is coming to port. :laughing0301:
Time to open a credible investigation of Clinton/Obama Collusion. They clearly colluded with foreign entities to influence the Election. Christopher Steele worked for both Clinton and Obama's FBI. Just look to the Ohr-Steele connection. It tells the tale of Collusion. It's time for Clinton and Obama to be investigated.
LWNJ's are clinging to the idea that if they keep going they'll get something!!

Slick Willy used to operate under that assumption with Interns / married women / 'hotties' he molested.... heard he ended up getting Herpes...which s why he looks like death now. :p
Are they shutting down muellers too or just theirs?

Mueller's got Trump's tax returns as well as a few folks who have plead guilty as charged. But I'm sure there are people on here stupid enough to think they are one and the same.

Did Trump check the [ ] Conspired with Putin to schlong Hillary in the 2016 Presidential Box in his 1040?

You got him!

Case cracked!!

We will wait to see Mueller's. The GOP turned a blind eye to the Russian Investigation, they are still concentrating on Hillary, Benghazi and her emails. Uranium One is big news to them and recent as can be.
Hannity talks about the above 3 in every show.
you watch hannity?.....lol....you must love watching the same show every night...
Mueller is still checking into all those parking tickets from the campaign. Collusion I tell you

The GOP turned a blind eye to the Russian Investigation, they are still concentrating on Hillary, Benghazi and her emails. Uranium One is big news to them and recent as can be.
Hannity talks about the above 3 in every show.

Ummm....remember that time Trump took $145 million from the KGB Bank while his significant other met with Putin?
-- Oh wait, that was HILLARY AND BILL.

Ummm, remember that time Trump paid a foreign spy who was working with Russians $12 million for a debunked collection of Russian propaganda and then illegally used it in a US election?
-- Oh wait, that was HILLARY.

Ummm, you remember when Trump illegally interfered in a US election - rigging primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud, buying his party and illegally using donations meant for other candidates on his campaign, treasonously collaborated with foreign spies and Russians, and using the FBI like his own campaign bitches to help spy on the opposition during the election?
-- Oh wait, that was HILLARY!

Ummm, you remember that time Trump rejected pleas for additional security over 50 times - even after 2 terrorist attacks, stripped an ambassador of members of his security detail, and then left him and other Americans to die at the hands of terrorists he helped take over a country even though he knew a larger attack was going to happen?
-- Oh wait, that was HILLARY!


...but thank you for reminding us all abut the 'finer selling points' of the DNC's 2016 Presidential candidate...who did not even win her party's nomination. :p

Ummm...remember when Trump took over $100 million from Russian investors or Donald Trump was bragging about the assets they held in Russia. Yet it is okay for Trump to do it but not Bill and Hillary.

Ummm the dossier has not been discredited. Comey testified that some parts were verified. Steele is a former British agent. Fusion GPS hired Steele. There was nothing illegal about it. Russia was helping Trump not Clinton.

How do you rig a primary? Hillary got the nomination by winning 54% of the primary vote to Sanders' 42%. By what new math does 42 beat 54? Or is your intelligence too limited to understand that? Apparently you do not understand how to read a calendar either. Page left the Trump campaign in September. The FISA warrant was obtained in October.

Republicans spent many months investigating Clinton and Benghazi. Gowdy came up with nothing.
Rep Jerry Conaway (R-Tx)
"Our committee was not charged with answering the collusion idea," Conaway said on "Meet The Press." "So we really weren't focused on that direction."

So much for that idea. I guess that is why they didn't find any collusion. They weren't looking for it.

House Intel Republican says panel did not investigate collusion

Also 2 Republicans have said that Russia did work to help Trump. One of them was Trey Gowdy and the other was Rep Tom Rooney. Rooney supported ending the investigation for this reason.

“We’ve gone completely off the rails, and now we’re just basically a political forum for people to leak information to drive the day’s news,” Rooney said. “We’ve lost all credibility, and we’re going to issue probably two different reports, unfortunately.”

GOP Rep. Tom Rooney Breaks Ranks On Russia Report: 'We've Lost All Credibility'
Actuarial tables suggest Muller will likely expire before his witch hunt does.

Especially if Hillary's Russian connections float to the top like the turds they are.
We will wait to see Mueller's. The GOP turned a blind eye to the Russian Investigation, they are still concentrating on Hillary, Benghazi and her emails. Uranium One is big news to them and recent as can be.
Hannity talks about the above 3 in every show.
how did they do that exactly?

They live in the past and are still trying to get the Dems and the FBI. They can't concentrate on too many things at one time , still working on uranium one.
We will wait to see Mueller's. The GOP turned a blind eye to the Russian Investigation, they are still concentrating on Hillary, Benghazi and her emails. Uranium One is big news to them and recent as can be.
Hannity talks about the above 3 in every show.
how did they do that exactly?

They live in the past and are still trying to get the Dems and the FBI. They can't concentrate on too many things at one time , still working on uranium one.
So you’re ok with breaking laws as long as it’s a demoloser? Sure you are. You have no dignity. Mueller has trump right? Why do you need more?
We need to clean house, I don't care if they are democrats or Republican. I mean most of them are multi millionaires making under 200,000 a year. The swamp needs to be drained.
It was published and conclusively put away the Nunes memo. DUH?
Ummm....NO. The GOP release destroyed the liberal lies / false accusations. Evidence of REAL crimes by Democrats have been exposed. Democrats always call others who THEY really are and of doing what THEY have been / are doing... The only good thing about the witch hunt is that it has exposed this over and over and over and.....
NO? Who is talking about Nunes memo anymore? Do you even still remember what it was about?

Who? Just about EVERYONE. That memo, as mentioned, filled the Liberal Witch Hunt narrative full of holes and exposed its BS. Now everyone is talking about how The House Intel Committee ... combined with the IG Report that is exposing FBI criminal partisanship, Obstruction, sedition, treason ... has just voted to shut down the Russian Collusion Investigation because there is nothing there - never was.

The only crimes exposed over and over again were those revealed to have been committed by Democrats.
NO? Who is talking about Nunes memo anymore? Do you even still remember what it was about?

Who? Just about EVERYONE. That memo, as mentioned, filled the Liberal Witch Hunt narrative full of holes and exposed its BS. Now everyone is talking about how The House Intel Committee ... combined with the IG Report that is exposing FBI criminal partisanship, Obstruction, sedition, treason ... has just voted to shut down the Russian Collusion Investigation because there is nothing there - never was.

The only crimes exposed over and over again were those revealed to have been committed by Democrats.

Dumbass, criminal partisanship...by Republicans?

Comey - Republican
McCabe - Republican
Rosenstein - Republican

NO? Who is talking about Nunes memo anymore? Do you even still remember what it was about?

Who? Just about EVERYONE. That memo, as mentioned, filled the Liberal Witch Hunt narrative full of holes and exposed its BS. Now everyone is talking about how The House Intel Committee ... combined with the IG Report that is exposing FBI criminal partisanship, Obstruction, sedition, treason ... has just voted to shut down the Russian Collusion Investigation because there is nothing there - never was.

The only crimes exposed over and over again were those revealed to have been committed by Democrats.

Dumbass, criminal partisanship...by Republicans?

I believe it was you who asked who was talking about the House Intel Memo / Report yesterday. I responded by saying, 'EVERYONE'. D@mn, it ain't 'easy' being this right.... :p
NO? Who is talking about Nunes memo anymore? Do you even still remember what it was about?

Who? Just about EVERYONE. That memo, as mentioned, filled the Liberal Witch Hunt narrative full of holes and exposed its BS. Now everyone is talking about how The House Intel Committee ... combined with the IG Report that is exposing FBI criminal partisanship, Obstruction, sedition, treason ... has just voted to shut down the Russian Collusion Investigation because there is nothing there - never was.

The only crimes exposed over and over again were those revealed to have been committed by Democrats.

Dumbass, criminal partisanship...by Republicans?

I believe it was you who

And he runs off from his stupidity.

Adios dummy.

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