Over in the corner, ignored by most 'passers-by's, Hillary still blaming others for her loss


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
It's really quite sad... Still unable to move on, it seems the only press Hillary can get after losing her 2nd Presidential bid is when she goes through a laundry list of those responsible for her loss.

Clinton blames Comey, WikiLeaks for election loss to Trump

"Clinton said she was writing a book about her experience as the 2016 Democratic nominee.

It is a painful process reliving the campaign,” she said."

She's just so pathetic it almost breaks your heart...or makes you laugh, depending on your perspective. :p

While she is writing HER version of the 2016 Presidential campaign, do you think she will mention:

- How the DNC had to rig their primaries, engage in election fraud during the primaries, and helped Hillary cheat during the debates in order to help her win the DNC Presidential Nomination

- How she would have lost to Bernie had the DNC not helped her win

- How her campaign funded groups that bussed violent protestors to Trump Rallies

- How her husband was giving speeches for the KGB

- How the Clinton Foundation was taking huge donations from well-connected Russian Businessmen

- How her campaign manager took thousands of shares of Russian stock but did not report it and how 1/3rd of his company's board of directors were prominent Russian businessmen who had connections to the Kremlin

- How her campaign manager's brother was working for the KGB and the Russian spy agency that hacked the DNC's e-mails???

My guess is she will leave all of that out. :p
Trying to find a new way to be / stay relevant after her historic, record-setting loss to Donald Trump in 2016, her 2nd overall Presidential Campaign loss, Hillary has announced she is now a member of 'The Resistance'. (Evidently the 'Resistance' is the name butt-hurt, sore-loser, pouty, obstructionist snowflakes are collectively calling themselves).

Hillary Clinton Officially Joins 'The Resistance'

Hillary Clinton called herself “part of the resistance” during an appearance Tuesday at a Women For Women International event.

“I can’t be anything other than who I am,” the former secretary of state said..."

Oh, we know, dear - That's why you lost 2 Presidential elections!

upload_2017-5-2_15-40-34.jpeg [URL='https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.memesuper.com%2Fed57e29acdd4ad3c0cb98843873aefcc_meme-generator-image-preview-hysterical-laughter-meme_1500-1125.jpeg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmemesuper.com%2Fcategories%2Fview%2F4bf6cc1ec0706a8982ea3b95f7545ac0467d78de%2Fhysterical-laughter-meme.html&docid=OBHqoQYBM3fmxM&tbnid=Xi6kOtYIa4NGnM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwixj6Gt-9HTAhUELyYKHdteD6EQMwhDKAIwAg..i&w=1500&h=1125&bih=789&biw=1167&q=hysterical%20laughter&ved=0ahUKEwixj6Gt-9HTAhUELyYKHdteD6EQMwhDKAIwAg&iact=mrc&uact=8']upload_2017-5-2_15-41-9.jpeg[/URL]


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Poor Hillary. She could have been a contender. She could have been someone. Boohoo.
Agree, it IS sad.

She won the popular vote and most Americans voted for her but how do voters compete with special interests, big money and Russia?
- How the DNC had to rig their primaries, engage in election fraud during the primaries, and helped Hillary cheat during the debates in order to help her win the DNC Presidential Nomination

- How she would have lost to Bernie had the DNC not helped her win

- How her campaign funded groups that bussed violent protestors to Trump Rallies

- How her husband was giving speeches for the KGB

- How the Clinton Foundation was taking huge donations from well-connected Russian Businessmen

- How her campaign manager took thousands of shares of Russian stock but did not report it and how 1/3rd of his company's board of directors were prominent Russian businessmen who had connections to the Kremlin

- How her campaign manager's brother was working for the KGB and the Russian spy agency that hacked the DNC's e-mails???

My guess is she will leave all of that out. :p

You're one those pizzagate people, aren't you?

Be honest.
It's really quite sad... Still unable to move on, it seems the only press Hillary can get after losing her 2nd Presidential bid is when she goes through a laundry list of those responsible for her loss.

Clinton blames Comey, WikiLeaks for election loss to Trump

"Clinton said she was writing a book about her experience as the 2016 Democratic nominee.

It is a painful process reliving the campaign,” she said."

She's just so pathetic it almost breaks your heart...or makes you laugh, depending on your perspective. :p

While she is writing HER version of the 2016 Presidential campaign, do you think she will mention:

- How the DNC had to rig their primaries, engage in election fraud during the primaries, and helped Hillary cheat during the debates in order to help her win the DNC Presidential Nomination

- How she would have lost to Bernie had the DNC not helped her win

- How her campaign funded groups that bussed violent protestors to Trump Rallies

- How her husband was giving speeches for the KGB

- How the Clinton Foundation was taking huge donations from well-connected Russian Businessmen

- How her campaign manager took thousands of shares of Russian stock but did not report it and how 1/3rd of his company's board of directors were prominent Russian businessmen who had connections to the Kremlin

- How her campaign manager's brother was working for the KGB and the Russian spy agency that hacked the DNC's e-mails???

My guess is she will leave all of that out. :p

Doesn't break my heart, I rather enjoy the idea the lefty money couldn't buy her the Presidency. I also like the idea we are going to get a tax break. I also like the idea that snowflakes give us such entertainment with their phony narratives. It takes someone really creative to make up some of the bullshit they are slinging, lololol!
The OP is a lie.

She very clearly said "I take responsibility, I was the candidate".

Unlike the fat cheeto who says everything is the fault of others and takes responsibility for nothing he says or does.
It's really quite sad... Still unable to move on, it seems the only press Hillary can get after losing her 2nd Presidential bid is when she goes through a laundry list of those responsible for her loss.

Clinton blames Comey, WikiLeaks for election loss to Trump

"Clinton said she was writing a book about her experience as the 2016 Democratic nominee.

It is a painful process reliving the campaign,” she said."

She's just so pathetic it almost breaks your heart...or makes you laugh, depending on your perspective. :p

While she is writing HER version of the 2016 Presidential campaign, do you think she will mention:

- How the DNC had to rig their primaries, engage in election fraud during the primaries, and helped Hillary cheat during the debates in order to help her win the DNC Presidential Nomination

- How she would have lost to Bernie had the DNC not helped her win

- How her campaign funded groups that bussed violent protestors to Trump Rallies

- How her husband was giving speeches for the KGB

- How the Clinton Foundation was taking huge donations from well-connected Russian Businessmen

- How her campaign manager took thousands of shares of Russian stock but did not report it and how 1/3rd of his company's board of directors were prominent Russian businessmen who had connections to the Kremlin

- How her campaign manager's brother was working for the KGB and the Russian spy agency that hacked the DNC's e-mails???

My guess is she will leave all of that out. :p

Doesn't break my heart, I rather enjoy the idea the lefty money couldn't buy her the Presidency. I also like the idea we are going to get a tax break. I also like the idea that snowflakes give us such entertainment with their phony narratives. It takes someone really creative to make up some of the bullshit they are slinging, lololol!

Big money should not buy any election but it sure as hell bought drumpf the Oval Office and if you think he was owned before, wow - he will never again take an independent breath. And,he has made sure we will never again have an honest election.

I'm happy for you that you're part of the 1% and, as such, COULD get a big tax break, but us lowly working class Americans will be paying a lot more.
Hitlery Clinton continues to remind us of why she lost. This is not a leader. This is an entitled, butt-hurt, participation trophy, power-hungry, left-wing liar who cannot accept she was defeated by Donald freaking Trump.
She added, “I was on the way to winning, until the combination of Jim Comey’s letter on October 28th, and Russian WikiLeaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me
Sweetie....nobody was inclined to vote for you. Nobody. That's why an unqualified, inexperienced, community organizer beat you in the 2008 primary. That's why an 80-year old socialists dimwit who never held a job until he was in his 40's beat you in the last primary and required the DNC to rig the election for you. And it's why I begged and pleaded for you to run and for the Dumbocrats to vote for you - because you are unquestionably the most unelectable politician in U.S. history. Republicans were guaranteed the White House if you ran.
if the election had been on October 27th, I’d be your president
The vanity. The entitlement. The butt-hurt. And she wonders why she lost. :eusa_doh:

Hillary: 'I Was on the Way to Winning,' Until Comey Letter and WikiLeaks 'Scared Off' Voters - Breitbart
The OP is a lie. She very clearly said "I take responsibility, I was the candidate". Unlike the fat cheeto who says everything is the fault of others and takes responsibility for nothing he says or does.
Adolf is lying again. Shocking. She very clearly stated the following, Adolf:
She added, “I was on the way to winning, until the combination of Jim Comey’s letter on October 28th, and Russian WikiLeaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me"
You get that? She was on the way to winning in her mind until someone else caused her to lose. But she didn't just stop there, Adolf:
"if the election had been on October 27th, I’d be your president"
That's not personal responsibility, Adolf. In fact, she never made that statement until Christiana Amanpore forced her to by putting her on the spot on national television. Instead it was her vanity. Her entitlement. Her butt-hurt. And she wonders why she lost. :eusa_doh:

Hillary: 'I Was on the Way to Winning,' Until Comey Letter and WikiLeaks 'Scared Off' Voters - Breitbart
Always Hillary. Passing the blame, out of touch with America. Go home, you're bothering people.

This is what delusional looks like. Bye, Clintons.

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