Overbearing Democrat Governors and lockdowns

OK, we've been wearing masks, washing hands and social distancing and locked down during the past month on the west coast and the cases are still spiking proving that the cockamamie cloth masks DO NOT WORK. And Inslee, Brown and Newsom just keep extending the lockdown in violation of my constitutional right to freely associate. I believe the only way we get rid of these dictators is for business to ignore the lockdown and let the public patronize and pay for their BS fines. What do they have to lose. If they stay locked down, they go broke and if they open up they have to pay fines, but they may earn enough to pay the fines and continue their livelihoods. Anything less and you might as well just accept your position in the American Gulag.

Behold, Reason #1 why we can't get back to something approaching normal. People like you can't see the forests for the trees. Mix in a healthy dose of right wing and alt-right media bombardment of beating the drum that this virus is a hoax and lo and behold...no normal. And keep up the constant yammer that this is just happening in blue cities...oy...man, what happened to the intelligence of 45% of the electorate over the last four years. Sad.
Watch out for that piece of sky you ignorant waste of space. We have locked down for the last month. Cases are spiking--Your magic beans are not working so quit trying to limit my freedom. If you are afraid, stay in your fucking basement, moron.

Cry to someone who cares, buttercup. I can't stand douchebags like you. Ignorant. Low information. Low intelligence. Unwilling to even take the most basic precautions as a courtesy to your fellow citizen.
So, as nicely as I can say it, I don't care about your freedom. Your "freedoms" don't extend to placing other citizens in potential danger. If you don't like it, stay at home.
Where have you been for the last nine months moron. We have been subjected to non stop DNC/BLM/Antifa BS while we have been collectively robbed of our constitutional rights in ways that have never been experienced in the history of this country. The restrictions are in DIRECT violation of many constitutional dictates. Tell me how in fear of your safety you are as you haul your commie ass down to Costco, but can't be bothered to go to the polls and vote. You have no argument--Get off of my thread.

Shut up...please. I've been out and about since May. Wearing a mask, social distancing, and lately, even going to restaurants. Patronizing almost all the businesses I did before the pandemic hit. All the while taking the safety of my fellow community members in account. Apparently, that's beyond a low information Trump supporter like yourself. Can't even extend basic human courtesy or decency. Why? Because your right wing media masters keep feeding you shit..and you keep opening your mouth to swallow it.

I don't fear going anywhere. Difference between you and me? I care about the person standing next to me..even if (like yourself) they don't return the favor.
FU, you get your science from the NYT. Many reputable Dr.s that aren't owned by the UN/WHO/CDC/DNC have PROVED that masks don't work, so by going out to your restaurants you are putting your fellow humans in danger according to YOU, moron. Then in the next post you brag about going about your business in violation of the democrat governors' edicts while admonishing me. You are ridiculous. Your mask stops covid about as effectively as chicken wire stops mosquitoes. Just stop it snowflake.

"Many reputable Dr.s that aren't owned by the UN/WHO/CDC/DNC have PROVED that masks don't work,..."

Post a link or sit down and STFU. Prove it, buttface.
That's been your problem your whole miserable life, someone has always done everything for you. You are a waste of good air. Do your own research.
OK, we've been wearing masks, washing hands and social distancing and locked down during the past month on the west coast and the cases are still spiking proving that the cockamamie cloth masks DO NOT WORK. And Inslee, Brown and Newsom just keep extending the lockdown in violation of my constitutional right to freely associate. I believe the only way we get rid of these dictators is for business to ignore the lockdown and let the public patronize and pay for their BS fines. What do they have to lose. If they stay locked down, they go broke and if they open up they have to pay fines, but they may earn enough to pay the fines and continue their livelihoods. Anything less and you might as well just accept your position in the American Gulag.

Behold, Reason #1 why we can't get back to something approaching normal. People like you can't see the forests for the trees. Mix in a healthy dose of right wing and alt-right media bombardment of beating the drum that this virus is a hoax and lo and behold...no normal. And keep up the constant yammer that this is just happening in blue cities...oy...man, what happened to the intelligence of 45% of the electorate over the last four years. Sad.
Watch out for that piece of sky you ignorant waste of space. We have locked down for the last month. Cases are spiking--Your magic beans are not working so quit trying to limit my freedom. If you are afraid, stay in your fucking basement, moron.

Your cases are spiking because azzhats like you won't wear a mask. Maybe you do, but plenty of people don't.
Blame this on your feckless fucked up Orange Jesus.
He pushed the virus off on the governors because he's too fucking lazy to handle it himself.
Other countries keeboshed this because they considered it a NATIONAL problem, not a STATE problem.
Example: Taiwan, 25,000,000 and just over 600 cases with 7 deaths total.
Taiwan.....192 out of 220 globally in tests done....no wonder so few cases and deaths...remember when the President told you if didn't want any more cases to stop testing?
Yeah, Elon Musk took four back-to-back tests with the same equipment, same technician, same test, same lab. Results? Two positive, two negative. Sounds like reliable tests to me--NOT.
OK, we've been wearing masks, washing hands and social distancing and locked down during the past month on the west coast and the cases are still spiking proving that the cockamamie cloth masks DO NOT WORK. And Inslee, Brown and Newsom just keep extending the lockdown in violation of my constitutional right to freely associate. I believe the only way we get rid of these dictators is for business to ignore the lockdown and let the public patronize and pay for their BS fines. What do they have to lose. If they stay locked down, they go broke and if they open up they have to pay fines, but they may earn enough to pay the fines and continue their livelihoods. Anything less and you might as well just accept your position in the American Gulag.

Behold, Reason #1 why we can't get back to something approaching normal. People like you can't see the forests for the trees. Mix in a healthy dose of right wing and alt-right media bombardment of beating the drum that this virus is a hoax and lo and behold...no normal. And keep up the constant yammer that this is just happening in blue cities...oy...man, what happened to the intelligence of 45% of the electorate over the last four years. Sad.

If the things he mentioned were working we wouldn't be in the current situation we are in.
Maryland panicking again and failing to notice that suddenly everything is Covid with no regular flu. So more draconian, freedom robbing, business destroying lockdowns go into effect Friday
I dont know why publuc officials are consumed with eliminating any health risk. It’s not what we elected them for nor is it really even within their legal powers.
Maryland panicking again and failing to notice that suddenly everything is Covid with no regular flu. So more draconian, freedom robbing, business destroying lockdowns go into effect Friday
I dont know why publuc officials are consumed with eliminating any health risk. It’s not what we elected them for nor is it really even within their legal powers.
It has nothing to do with public health--it IS a democrat distraction to keep people's minds off of the corrupt election. If you are locked down, you cannot freely associate or share ideas. AMMO UP.
The next part of the hoax will be that since .01% of all people have a bad reaction then None of Us (for our own safety, health and well being and the health of others) can be vaccinated. We will then need to go to underground bunkers .
OK, we've been wearing masks, washing hands and social distancing and locked down during the past month on the west coast and the cases are still spiking proving that the cockamamie cloth masks DO NOT WORK. And Inslee, Brown and Newsom just keep extending the lockdown in violation of my constitutional right to freely associate. I believe the only way we get rid of these dictators is for business to ignore the lockdown and let the public patronize and pay for their BS fines. What do they have to lose. If they stay locked down, they go broke and if they open up they have to pay fines, but they may earn enough to pay the fines and continue their livelihoods. Anything less and you might as well just accept your position in the American Gulag.

Behold, Reason #1 why we can't get back to something approaching normal. People like you can't see the forests for the trees. Mix in a healthy dose of right wing and alt-right media bombardment of beating the drum that this virus is a hoax and lo and behold...no normal. And keep up the constant yammer that this is just happening in blue cities...oy...man, what happened to the intelligence of 45% of the electorate over the last four years. Sad.
Watch out for that piece of sky you ignorant waste of space. We have locked down for the last month. Cases are spiking--Your magic beans are not working so quit trying to limit my freedom. If you are afraid, stay in your fucking basement, moron.

Cry to someone who cares, buttercup. I can't stand douchebags like you. Ignorant. Low information. Low intelligence. Unwilling to even take the most basic precautions as a courtesy to your fellow citizen.
So, as nicely as I can say it, I don't care about your freedom. Your "freedoms" don't extend to placing other citizens in potential danger. If you don't like it, stay at home.

Nope, you're not gonna tell me or others to stay home. If Im sick, I will stay home.
Cry to someone who cares, buttercup. I can't stand douchebags like you. Ignorant. Low information. Low intelligence. Unwilling to even take the most basic precautions as a courtesy to your fellow citizen.
So, as nicely as I can say it, I don't care about your freedom. Your "freedoms" don't extend to placing other citizens in potential danger. If you don't like it, stay at home.

Says someone who proudly boasts of having no employable job skills. Not exactly the sort of worthless parasitic cretin to whom I am willing to give even the faintest vestige of credibility in pontificating about what essential freedoms I should sacrifice, to assuage your irrational fear of an overhyped flu bug.
OK, we've been wearing masks, washing hands and social distancing and locked down during the past month on the west coast and the cases are still spiking proving that the cockamamie cloth masks DO NOT WORK. And Inslee, Brown and Newsom just keep extending the lockdown in violation of my constitutional right to freely associate. I believe the only way we get rid of these dictators is for business to ignore the lockdown and let the public patronize and pay for their BS fines. What do they have to lose. If they stay locked down, they go broke and if they open up they have to pay fines, but they may earn enough to pay the fines and continue their livelihoods. Anything less and you might as well just accept your position in the American Gulag.

Behold, Reason #1 why we can't get back to something approaching normal. People like you can't see the forests for the trees. Mix in a healthy dose of right wing and alt-right media bombardment of beating the drum that this virus is a hoax and lo and behold...no normal. And keep up the constant yammer that this is just happening in blue cities...oy...man, what happened to the intelligence of 45% of the electorate over the last four years. Sad.
Bullshit. COVID kills old folks and those with bad medical conditions. Nobody else. Much less dangerous than Flu. Why do I ask ,Dumbass? Because Flu kills CHILDREN and people of ALL ages. Proven fuckin' FACT.

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