Overweight Indian Girl Blames White People For Her Eating Habits

If she is worried about being fat, she lost the genetic lottery. Just about every Native American I know is at least chubby.
Indians have a certain layer of fat. They will be skinny AF and still have a layer of fat on their bellies. It's genetic, there's nothing wrong with it; It is what it is. :dunno:
Worth 10 of you.
So 100 of you then, amirite?

Fuck you and hope you die.

You white people cannot accept CRT because you cannot accept the history of racism in the country. Once history is written, you cannot erase it. Whether your children learn about the history of racism in school or not they will see it and they will hear about it because it is never-ending. Must be your white guilt raising its ugly head.

You will never read about this in any school..

Marine paratrooper and Pima tribesman Ira Hamilton Hayes was immortalized in the photo of the U.S. flag being raised over Mount Suribachi during the Battle of Iwo Jima.While Ira Hayes was lauded as a hero across the U.S.A., he still could not go to a local diner in Arizona and be served, because racist bigotry against Native Americans, no matter how many dollars he had in his wallet. I am sure despite how so many of his fellow Americans praised him as a hero, no doubt Ira Hayes still had to deal with racist bigotry from locals living near the Arizona Pima reservation!

“Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.”- Kofi Annan 
I know you from Renew America. Can't remember your name there though. Glad to see you still kicking around
This is what CRT teaches kids in our institutions of higher education.
To hate White People.

This girl is overweight. And she's blaming whites for her eating habits and her failure to exercise.

I JUST watched this :auiqs.jpg:

I thought she was an American Injun, but she's INDIA Indian.

I assume this obese girl is living in white America? She should leave. Why do they all want to be miserable here? She's fat AND stupid
I JUST watched this :auiqs.jpg:

I thought she was an American Injun, but she's INDIA Indian.

I assume this obese girl is living in white America? She should leave. Why do they all want to be miserable here? She's fat AND stupid
The commie indoctrination in the public schools is teaching them to be miserable like that.

At the core of it all, it's truly evil. They're stealing hope from children and teaching them not to accept responsibility.

That's a recipe for inevitable disaster somewhere along the line.
The commie indoctrination in the public schools is teaching them to be miserable like that.

At the core of it all, it's truly evil. They're stealing hope from children and teaching them not to accept responsibility.

That's a recipe for inevitable disaster somewhere along the line.
Yes. These people will be voting if not 2024, then 2028 for sure. This is how nations die from within.

Biden Voters, give yourselves a well earned pat on the back.

I hope these white haters you created show you no mercy
Yes. These people will be voting if not 2024, then 2028 for sure. This is how nations die from within.

Biden Voters, give yourselves a well earned pat on the back.

I hope these white haters you created show you no mercy
Oh, they won't. They've had empathy stripped from them somehow. It's fucked up.
Leftists have created their own Frankenstein's Monster. They've created the means of their own destruction
They don't care as long as it takes down the US. They think they'll rise from the ashes with a new Leftist Utopia; Yeah,

that ain't gonna be what happens. :nono:

It'll go just like every other failed Commie Utopia went; With millions being murdered and starved, and humanity being

worse off for it.
Yeah, I saw this on Twitter. It's amazing how it's become acceptable to use racism (and to therefore be racist) as an excuse to excuse personal problems away such as sheer laziness away. No one is stopping her from exercising, dieting, or living her life in a healthy way. Honestly, this is sad.
What is her “ rational?” Maybe her mouth 👄 should be sewn up
Worth 10 of you.


She's a non-person. Anyone who can't control their eating is an animal. Anyone who can't control their eating and then blames racism is a pig who needs to be put down in haste...
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So she's fat and you're an asshole. She will lose weight, but you will always be an asshole..

I've been called worse by better, you cum-gurgling little fuck.

And she's not going to lose a pound if she keeps blaming whitey for all her fucking problems.

Bitch needs to find a treadmill...

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