Overwhelmed by 'Migrants,' Sweden Throws in the Towel....


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
SEE just how easy it is for the White European to commit SUICIDE!

It's a Happy New Year in Europe, where the blowback from last summer's "refugee" crisis is already hitting the old continent hard. People have been killed and liberal ideals shattered, all because naifs like Angela Merkel preferred her fantasy version of Islam to the real, murderous, expansionist thing.

[SNIP]...PJ Media ^

The ending: It's easy to get murdered when you're already trying to commit suicide.


"the point of the "migration" is to re-muslimize Europe. And settling the muslims "refugees" in arab countries wouldn't achieve that goal."

Dont laugh folks, the leadership of BOTH parties have us only a decade or so behind Sweden and Germany.
One of the fears that the invaders have is that the ghosts of Sweden (when Sweden was Sweden ) are rising from their Graves and haunting the country. Why not encourage such a harmless legend.
Their aim is to have one religion in the world. Theirs, and no other modern day religion wants what Muslims want. Global domination by any means. Either fight it or lay down and except it. Those are your only two choices.
People on this board are interesting. They think they're experts on black culture, Hispanic culture, Muslim culture, Arab culture and now European culture and society.

Load of shit.

The only western nation at risk of being a third world nation in 13 years time is the US of A. And our cheeto in chief has put us on the fast track to becoming a third world country so it may be sooner.
Import enough third worlders you have no interest in policing so as to appear tolerant, and who have no interest in working or your society except for what they can weedle out of it, how could you not become third world.
People on this board are interesting. They think they're experts on black culture, Hispanic culture, Muslim culture, Arab culture and now European culture and society.
And you are an expert on the inside of your colon.

One doesnt have to be an expert to read up on a subject, dipshit.

You can read up on a colon all you want. But you cannot see what's going on without actually getting an endoscope and a doctor examine it.

Same goes for cultures and countries. You read about it all you want. But unless you have lived it or even even visited, you cannot pass judgment.
SEE just how easy it is for the White European to commit SUICIDE!

It's a Happy New Year in Europe, where the blowback from last summer's "refugee" crisis is already hitting the old continent hard. People have been killed and liberal ideals shattered, all because naifs like Angela Merkel preferred her fantasy version of Islam to the real, murderous, expansionist thing.

[SNIP]...PJ Media ^

The ending: It's easy to get murdered when you're already trying to commit suicide.


"the point of the "migration" is to re-muslimize Europe. And settling the muslims "refugees" in arab countries wouldn't achieve that goal."

The Right is still fighting the Crusades.
Dont laugh folks, the leadership of BOTH parties have us only a decade or so behind Sweden and Germany.

I have to agree.

The West should kick all Muslims back to whatever shithole they crawled out of. The death cult is slowly taking over Europe and I sure don't want any more of those dirtbags here in America.
rd world nation in 13 years time is the US of A. And our cheeto in chief has put us on the fast track to becoming a third world country so it may be sooner
it's your political side that wants every fucking peasant in the world come through our open borders!

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