"Overwhelming Amount of Evidence Now Exists" Obama Betrayed / Abandoned Americans To Die

Stevens was dead before Obama could have picked up a phone, or a pen, kiddos...
Barry didn't give a shit about them, it was not politically expedient for him to do so… LOL
Barry had no idea where they were, nor would he have needed to since Stevens made his own calls, including the one to be 400 miles away from our embassy that day.
It's old news, no one cares.
Obviously to career politicians those people were expendable, and politically were not important…
They are important to you, playing politics with their deaths...
Libya was a fuck up by career politicians, we had expendable people over there at the time.
It's easily forgotten by career politicians...
Barry had no idea where they were, nor would he have needed to since Stevens made his own calls, including the one to be 400 miles away from our embassy that day.
Nice OPINION. You don't know what Barry knew, mainly because to this day no one has definitively declared where Barry was while this entire thing went down, for over 8 hrs.

We know 'Doogie' was in the WAR Room, but Obama wasn't. Doogie THINKS he may have been in the living quarters. Obama can watch the takedown of UBL in the War Room but can't be bothered to get out of bed while his Ambassador and 3 other Americans are murdered? Really?!

You libs also continue to want to excuse Hillary from any blame, even though Stevens worked FOR HER, she was responsible for his safety, Stevens / employees do not make their own calls - 'trumping' what their bosses say. Hillary had a responsibility to do whatever it took to keep Stevens safe, but what you're saying is that she lacked such leadership and was so incompetent that she let her employees do whatever the hell they wanted.... and when they begged her hundreds of times for additional security she denied them, laughed about it, and claimed she thought it was part of a running joke. Yeah, whatever.
How's that indictment coming?
i think there's a deal in the works, no indictment, but she can't run for potus. which explains bernie on so many levels.

she laughed off benghazi, and just said again those families are wrong. yin and yang.

again the party will use: "let's move on and focus on the important things"...
time for some fast and furious fuckin' subpoenas.
Stevens was dead before Obama could have picked up a phone, or a pen, kiddos...
Barry didn't give a shit about them, it was not politically expedient for him to do so… LOL
Barry had no idea where they were, nor would he have needed to since Stevens made his own calls, including the one to be 400 miles away from our embassy that day.
It's old news, no one cares.
Obviously to career politicians those people were expendable, and politically were not important…
They are important to you, playing politics with their deaths...
Barry and Hildabeast just wish their family's would just disappear, typical of all career politicians.
I'm just angry that a country as powerful as America would allow this to happen. Have they punished the offending country indiscriminately?
The country had nothing to do with it, and it as a mess at the time.
Why are you so negative?

look, the only way to sort out gangs is to execute one in every ten.
For people planning to lose 9 of 10 in a Holy War, think again...

What ISIS Really Wants
Barry had no idea where they were, nor would he have needed to since Stevens made his own calls, including the one to be 400 miles away from our embassy that day.
Nice OPINION. You don't know what Barry knew, mainly because to this day no one has definitively declared where Barry was while this entire thing went down, for over 8 hrs.

We know 'Doogie' was in the WAR Room, but Obama wasn't. Doogie THINKS he may have been in the living quarters. Obama can watch the takedown of UBL in the War Room but can't be bothered to get out of bed while his Ambassador and 3 other Americans are murdered? Really?!

You libs also continue to want to excuse Hillary from any blame, even though Stevens worked FOR HER, she was responsible for his safety, Stevens / employees do not make their own calls - 'trumping' what their bosses say. Hillary had a responsibility to do whatever it took to keep Stevens safe, but what you're saying is that she lacked such leadership and was so incompetent that she let her employees do whatever the hell they wanted.... and when they begged her hundreds of times for additional security she denied them, laughed about it, and claimed she thought it was part of a running joke. Yeah, whatever.
that to me is stunning, where was the president that night, what did he do, whom was he with.
most of the military people i talk to say "do everything you can" isn't an order, and it's certainly not leadership from a cic. we deserve to know by now. the benghazi families are so much better than their government.
Barry had no idea where they were, nor would he have needed to since Stevens made his own calls, including the one to be 400 miles away from our embassy that day.
Nice OPINION. You don't know what Barry knew, mainly because to this day no one has definitively declared where Barry was while this entire thing went down, for over 8 hrs.

We know 'Doogie' was in the WAR Room, but Obama wasn't. Doogie THINKS he may have been in the living quarters. Obama can watch the takedown of UBL in the War Room but can't be bothered to get out of bed while his Ambassador and 3 other Americans are murdered? Really?!

You libs also continue to want to excuse Hillary from any blame, even though Stevens worked FOR HER, she was responsible for his safety, Stevens / employees do not make their own calls - 'trumping' what their bosses say. Hillary had a responsibility to do whatever it took to keep Stevens safe, but what you're saying is that she lacked such leadership and was so incompetent that she let her employees do whatever the hell they wanted.... and when they begged her hundreds of times for additional security she denied them, laughed about it, and claimed she thought it was part of a running joke. Yeah, whatever.
that to me is stunning, where was the president that night, what did he do, whom was he with.
most of the military people i talk to say "do everything you can" isn't an order, and it's certainly not leadership from a cic. we deserve to know by now. the benghazi families are so much better than their government.
It was not politically expedient for him to concern himself with the lives of those people and their families back at home, in short he didn't give a shit.
It was not politically expedient for him to concern himself with the lives of those people and their families back at home, in short he didn't give a shit.
In short, he didn't have time to. Benghazi is not exactly Paris, and he couldn't stop that either eh?
Holy shit . The conservatives take us into pointless wars killing thousands of Americans , but it's all Bengazhi ?

Like they should've taken security from the embassy to go to the Bengazhi outpost ?! As if the embassy wounldnt also be a target ?

It's a Re-Election Year.

Obama declares 'Al Qaieda is on the run', 'the War on Terror Is Over'

Out of the media spotlight Ambassador Stevens continues to report in the month before the 9/11/12 attack that approximately 1,000 Al Qaeida members held a 'demonstration' / rally in Benghazi, that 'another' terrorist training camp has opened up, and that Al Qaeida flags are flying over Libyan Govt buildings.

All of this is kept quiet in the media because it contradicts Obama's claim.

Other countries pull their people out of Benghazi. Hillary and Obama refuse. To do so would be a red flag to the media and would most assuredly be reported.

Stevens' compound is attacked twice in the weeks leading up to 9/11/12, the day the attacks have been called for.

Hundreds of requests for additional security are denied because a plus-up of security in Benghazi again contradicts Obama's claim.

The compound is attacked...while a total of 20 US Embassies throughout the Middle East are simultaneously attacked. The media story is kept quiet. Hillary immediately tells a foreign Ambassador and her daughter the truth - it's a terrorist attack and the video had nothing to do with it. To the media, the US, and the world, Hillary tells a different story. To tell the truth would undermine Obama's false re-election year narrative.

The Quick Reaction Force responding to the attack is ordered to turn back. A US Ambassador having to be rescued by Special Forces when the nation has been told the War on Terror is Over and that Al Qaeida was on the run would blow Obama's false claims out of the water, exposing them for what they were - re-election year propaganda. There is no way the media WON'T report this story if the SpecOps guys have to go in to save Americans.

Ex-SEALS/SpecOps guys working for the CIA are on the ground - letting them respond, hopefully getting Stevens out and saving lives would keep the whole thing quite, the story manageable...but it goes 'south' in a horrible way...4 Americans end up needlessly murdered. 2 of those could have been saved...but they were abandoned...left to ide. Barak Obama BETRAYED 4 Americans and left them for dead...for his and Hillary's political benefit!

The average ignorant American is oblivious to what has fully happened. Obama/Hillary supporters reject the story as false as they can not comprehend these two could have done such a thing....sacrificing 4 Americans for a re-election and a chance at a potential future election.

....but the truth is coming out. It always comes out.

"....but the truth is coming out. It always comes out" -easyt65

When then, maybe you should start using the truth.
Here's a link I have posted, many, many times. This has all the transcripts of the top nine military personnel that oversaw the operations in Libya during the Benghazi attack. They testified under oath and provided documentation that backs their testimony. This lead the Armed Services committee to state that there was no "stand Order" among other things, which by the way show your OP is pure BS.
Man, some people just plain don't get it, so they stoop to hyper-partisan blogs as their proof. Give it up.
Here's the link, do yourself a favor and read it before posting hyper-partisan conjecture.
Committee Oversight of Benghazi Attack - Committee Actions - Armed Services Republicans
Holy shit . The conservatives take us into pointless wars killing thousands of Americans , but it's all Bengazhi ?

Like they should've taken security from the embassy to go to the Bengazhi outpost ?! As if the embassy wounldnt also be a target ?
Stevens did take security, his three man team, now dead as well. They decided it was safe to go, it wasn't.
BOMBSHELL=> US Rescue Team on Way to Benghazi Was Told to Turn Back

In a bombshell report – investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson discovered that a rescue mission was on its way to Benghazi the night of the terrorist attacks but was turned back.
Debra Heine at PJ Media reported:

The evidence is overwhelming that the United States had several rescue teams ready to go during the 2012 Benghazi attacks, but someone — possibly the president himself — prevented them from acting. So said Emmy Award-winning journalist Sharyl Attkisson to talk show host Steve Malzberg in an interview on Wednesday.

This week on her show, “Full Measure,” Attkisson looked into the aborted rescue mission in an in-depth two-part report, “Rescue Interrupted,” which you can watch here and here. She spoke with a Green Beret commander who told her that there were actually Special Forces on their way to Benghazi who were turned back.

Col. Andrew Wood had once commanded a Special Forces anti-terrorism team protecting Ambassador Chis Stevens and other diplomats in Libya. In October of 2012, Woods told Congress that one month before the attacks in Benghazi, his team had been removed from Libya by the Obama administration, despite the numerous warnings of impending terrorist attacks.

Attkisson told Malzberg, “This is something that the president and the White House has steadfastly denied, but there’s now what I would call an overwhelming body of evidence that leads us to believe that somebody stopped a number of teams and potential rescuers from entering Libya or going to Benghazi to help while those attacks were underway.”

BOMBSHELL=> US Rescue Team on Way to Benghazi Was Told to Turn Back (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

Hey, easyt65, where have you been the last 6 months? Haven't you read? Nobody cares about this.

Liberals are laughing at you and these reports. The media has zero interest in knowing the truth. After all, they are in competition with TMZ in getting the real news. Our own republican congressmen are doing their level best to play the role of frightened mice not willing to do an HONEST investigation and to incriminate liars! And American public in general does not think much of Benghazi anymore. It was a blip of an unfortunate incident. It is now 3 years later, you know. They are parroting Hillary at this point what difference does it make?

The only thing Barack Obama that he hasn't done already to try and convince America he is the devil is to don a red cape and pointy tail and a pitch fork.
BOMBSHELL=> US Rescue Team on Way to Benghazi Was Told to Turn Back

In a bombshell report – investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson discovered that a rescue mission was on its way to Benghazi the night of the terrorist attacks but was turned back.
Debra Heine at PJ Media reported:

The evidence is overwhelming that the United States had several rescue teams ready to go during the 2012 Benghazi attacks, but someone — possibly the president himself — prevented them from acting. So said Emmy Award-winning journalist Sharyl Attkisson to talk show host Steve Malzberg in an interview on Wednesday.

This week on her show, “Full Measure,” Attkisson looked into the aborted rescue mission in an in-depth two-part report, “Rescue Interrupted,” which you can watch here and here. She spoke with a Green Beret commander who told her that there were actually Special Forces on their way to Benghazi who were turned back.

Col. Andrew Wood had once commanded a Special Forces anti-terrorism team protecting Ambassador Chis Stevens and other diplomats in Libya. In October of 2012, Woods told Congress that one month before the attacks in Benghazi, his team had been removed from Libya by the Obama administration, despite the numerous warnings of impending terrorist attacks.

Attkisson told Malzberg, “This is something that the president and the White House has steadfastly denied, but there’s now what I would call an overwhelming body of evidence that leads us to believe that somebody stopped a number of teams and potential rescuers from entering Libya or going to Benghazi to help while those attacks were underway.”

BOMBSHELL=> US Rescue Team on Way to Benghazi Was Told to Turn Back (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

4 dead in Benghazi, 4500 dead in Iraq.

You have to hate America to care all about the former and nothing about the latter.
BOMBSHELL=> US Rescue Team on Way to Benghazi Was Told to Turn Back

In a bombshell report – investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson discovered that a rescue mission was on its way to Benghazi the night of the terrorist attacks but was turned back.
Debra Heine at PJ Media reported:

The evidence is overwhelming that the United States had several rescue teams ready to go during the 2012 Benghazi attacks, but someone — possibly the president himself — prevented them from acting. So said Emmy Award-winning journalist Sharyl Attkisson to talk show host Steve Malzberg in an interview on Wednesday.

This week on her show, “Full Measure,” Attkisson looked into the aborted rescue mission in an in-depth two-part report, “Rescue Interrupted,” which you can watch here and here. She spoke with a Green Beret commander who told her that there were actually Special Forces on their way to Benghazi who were turned back.

Col. Andrew Wood had once commanded a Special Forces anti-terrorism team protecting Ambassador Chis Stevens and other diplomats in Libya. In October of 2012, Woods told Congress that one month before the attacks in Benghazi, his team had been removed from Libya by the Obama administration, despite the numerous warnings of impending terrorist attacks.

Attkisson told Malzberg, “This is something that the president and the White House has steadfastly denied, but there’s now what I would call an overwhelming body of evidence that leads us to believe that somebody stopped a number of teams and potential rescuers from entering Libya or going to Benghazi to help while those attacks were underway.”

BOMBSHELL=> US Rescue Team on Way to Benghazi Was Told to Turn Back (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

Hey, easyt65, where have you been the last 6 months? Haven't you read? Nobody cares about this.

Liberals are laughing at you and these reports. The media has zero interest in knowing the truth. After all, they are in competition with TMZ in getting the real news. Our own republican congressmen are doing their level best to play the role of frightened mice not willing to do an HONEST investigation and to incriminate liars! And American public in general does not think much of Benghazi anymore. It was a blip of an unfortunate incident. It is now 3 years later, you know. They are parroting Hillary at this point what difference does it make?

The only thing Barack Obama that he hasn't done already to try and convince America he is the devil is to don a red cape and pointy tail and a pitch fork.

I care. I want 32,000 investigations done on the 4500 Americans who were needlessly sent to their deaths in Iraq.
BOMBSHELL=> US Rescue Team on Way to Benghazi Was Told to Turn Back

In a bombshell report – investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson discovered that a rescue mission was on its way to Benghazi the night of the terrorist attacks but was turned back.
Debra Heine at PJ Media reported:

The evidence is overwhelming that the United States had several rescue teams ready to go during the 2012 Benghazi attacks, but someone — possibly the president himself — prevented them from acting. So said Emmy Award-winning journalist Sharyl Attkisson to talk show host Steve Malzberg in an interview on Wednesday.

This week on her show, “Full Measure,” Attkisson looked into the aborted rescue mission in an in-depth two-part report, “Rescue Interrupted,” which you can watch here and here. She spoke with a Green Beret commander who told her that there were actually Special Forces on their way to Benghazi who were turned back.

Col. Andrew Wood had once commanded a Special Forces anti-terrorism team protecting Ambassador Chis Stevens and other diplomats in Libya. In October of 2012, Woods told Congress that one month before the attacks in Benghazi, his team had been removed from Libya by the Obama administration, despite the numerous warnings of impending terrorist attacks.

Attkisson told Malzberg, “This is something that the president and the White House has steadfastly denied, but there’s now what I would call an overwhelming body of evidence that leads us to believe that somebody stopped a number of teams and potential rescuers from entering Libya or going to Benghazi to help while those attacks were underway.”

BOMBSHELL=> US Rescue Team on Way to Benghazi Was Told to Turn Back (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

4 dead in Benghazi, 4500 dead in Iraq.

You have to hate America to care all about the former and nothing about the latter.
Dead soldiers under Bush don't help them politically but they can use dead Americans under Obama all the day long, and do...
BOMBSHELL=> US Rescue Team on Way to Benghazi Was Told to Turn Back

In a bombshell report – investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson discovered that a rescue mission was on its way to Benghazi the night of the terrorist attacks but was turned back.
Debra Heine at PJ Media reported:

The evidence is overwhelming that the United States had several rescue teams ready to go during the 2012 Benghazi attacks, but someone — possibly the president himself — prevented them from acting. So said Emmy Award-winning journalist Sharyl Attkisson to talk show host Steve Malzberg in an interview on Wednesday.

This week on her show, “Full Measure,” Attkisson looked into the aborted rescue mission in an in-depth two-part report, “Rescue Interrupted,” which you can watch here and here. She spoke with a Green Beret commander who told her that there were actually Special Forces on their way to Benghazi who were turned back.

Col. Andrew Wood had once commanded a Special Forces anti-terrorism team protecting Ambassador Chis Stevens and other diplomats in Libya. In October of 2012, Woods told Congress that one month before the attacks in Benghazi, his team had been removed from Libya by the Obama administration, despite the numerous warnings of impending terrorist attacks.

Attkisson told Malzberg, “This is something that the president and the White House has steadfastly denied, but there’s now what I would call an overwhelming body of evidence that leads us to believe that somebody stopped a number of teams and potential rescuers from entering Libya or going to Benghazi to help while those attacks were underway.”

BOMBSHELL=> US Rescue Team on Way to Benghazi Was Told to Turn Back (Video) - The Gateway Pundit

Hey, easyt65, where have you been the last 6 months? Haven't you read? Nobody cares about this.

Liberals are laughing at you and these reports. The media has zero interest in knowing the truth. After all, they are in competition with TMZ in getting the real news. Our own republican congressmen are doing their level best to play the role of frightened mice not willing to do an HONEST investigation and to incriminate liars! And American public in general does not think much of Benghazi anymore. It was a blip of an unfortunate incident. It is now 3 years later, you know. They are parroting Hillary at this point what difference does it make?

The only thing Barack Obama that he hasn't done already to try and convince America he is the devil is to don a red cape and pointy tail and a pitch fork.

I care. I want 32,000 investigations done on the 4500 Americans who were needlessly sent to their deaths in Iraq.
Me too. Start with your gaggle of democrat cowards in congress including hildabeast who approved the invasion and continued to fund it year after year. Are they as stupid as everyone else or just career cowards?

IOW, you admit obama and hillary lied and covered up their criminal affairs in Benghazi. Good, now we are getting somewhere.

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