OWS protesters branded as terrorists by our lovely government

Then why do you keep supporting it, and opposing those who point it out?
What you say I'm supporting and what you are pointing out, are two different things.

I support what you are pointing out; I don't support, what you are saying I do.
Really? You oppose "Second Amendment solutions" -- even though that's what got us free from English tyranny. You say that doesn't apply -- but tyranny is tyranny.

Do you support the TEA Party? You don't have to agree with them, but do you support their right to protest the way they do?
Obama's not a liberal!

He doesn't have liberal policies and there's not a single liberal in his Cabinet!

You're fuckin' nuts! And your lack of outrage on this issue, shows you're also anti-American.
Were you similarly outraged when Christian veteran gun-owning, small-government-supporting conservatives were labeled "potential domestic terrorists" by this Administration?


Then feel free to eat shit.

Anyone who goes against obama is going to be considered a terrorist. The liberals are insane and, unfortunately, are running the country into the ground right now. Your point is???
Just pointing out leftist hypocrisy.
OWS is filled with the typical Anarchists who use any pretext to vandalize and loot law-abiding people.
Like those kids getting maced?

Sitting in a public space, is vandalism?

Occupying a public place after being ordered by duly appointed representatives of the local government to depart is a crime.
Blocking a public right of way is a crime.
Destruction of public and/or private property is a crime.
OWS people were given plenty of latitude. They were given places where they could use voice amplifying equipment to air their views. They were permitted to squat in public parks in direct violation of city ordinance. They were given ample time to voice their message.
OWS mistakenly thought their needs would trump the needs of the general population in perpetuity.
These people wore out their welcome and tested the patience of the citizens.
OWS pushed their luck, called the bluff of city leaders.
After much tolerance was shown to these people, the rest of us had had enough.
The bottom line is one cannot be a stick in the mud and be an agitator with impunity. After a certain period of time, the people act to stop the agitator.
This is the manner in which a civilized society remains civilized.
The FBI as with all agencies of this type have a responsibility to investigate all potential threats of this nature. Further, OWS could have been used as a means for violent entities to commit crimes for which OWS may have not been involved with. Smart move on the part of the government.
The FBI deliberately put field agents in their crowds to start violence.

You're full of shit and are basically defending the equivalent of the Gestapo.

You are incredibly ignorant. The people who started violence are the same Anarchists who infiltrate most protests against western civilization.
I'm ignorant? You make general statements and use innuendo as proof. I can back up what I say with specifics!

Washington, D.C.
On the very first day of the Occupation of Wall Street, we saw infiltration by the police. We were leaving Zucotti Park and were stopped in traffic by the rear of the park. We saw an unmarked van open, in the front seat were two uniformed police and out of the back came two men dressed as occupiers wearing backpacks, sweatshirts, and jeans. They walked into Zucotti Park and became part of the crowd.

In the first week of the Occupation of Freedom Plaza in Washington, DC we saw the impact of two right wing infiltrators. A peaceful protest was planned at the drone exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution. The plan was for a banner drop and a die-in under the drones. But, as protesters arrived at the museum two people ran out in front, threatening the security guards and causing them to pepper spray protesters and tourists. Patrick Howley, an assistant editor for the American Spectator, wrote a column bragging about his role as an agent provocateur. A few days later we uncovered the second infiltrator, Michael Stack, when he was urging people on Freedom Plaza to resist police with force. We later learned he was from the Leadership Institute which trains youth in right wing ideology and tactics. We were told he had also been at Occupy Wall Street provoking violence.
Were "Pat" and "Mike", the "Anarchists" you were referring to?

Oakland, Ca.
There have been a handful of other reports around the country of infiltration. In Oakland, CopWatch filmed an Oakland police officer infiltrating. And, in another video CopWatch includes audio tape of an Oakland police chief, Howard Jordan, talking about how police departments all over the country infiltrate, not just to monitor protesters but to manipulate and direct them
Was "Howard" the "Anarchist" you were referring to?

Los Angeles, Ca.
There were also reports in Los Angeles of a dozen undercover police in the encampment before they were forcibly evicted by the police. The raid by the LA police was brutal and resulted in mass arrests, with most charges dropped, but with others mistreated in jails. Similar pre-raid undercover activities were reported in Nashville,Tennessee.
There is nothing more patriotic, than exercising ones right to dissent. And there's nothing more anti-American, than criminalizing that right.

You don't get it. OWS made themselves out to be an irritant to regular people trying to conduct business, go to work, shop or otherwise freely move about. They prevented the general public from using public facilities such as parks.
OWS had no message. These people were protesting to protest.
So what if law enforcement people( umm you have shown no proof other than to state "there were reports") infiltrated OWS?
Did you really expect those charged with the duty of protecting the public and maintaining order and civility to sit idly by allowing anarchists and freeloaders to do as they pleased with impunity?
If anything, OWS people in general were there to antagonize the police and the public.
OWS got what they deserved. Tough shit.
It's over. OWS is no more and the country is better off for it.
Newsflash. Nobody cared about OWS then and even fewer care about OWS now.
So why beat this carcass?
Look it up yourself......there are a ton of them.
I gave 3 examples (of why he's not a liberal) to back up my claim, you've provided none to back up yours.

The burden of proof is on you to provide the evidence, not me.

No..You made the claims. You provide the proof. Regurgitating the words found on a progressive left wing website is not proof or an acceptable source.
Basically, you must post video of the claims you make. Otherwise, you're full of shit.
Read up on how Occupy Oakland (really, Oakland as the epicenter of Wall Street Power - give me a frelling break) vandalized the city.

Occupy Oakland Violence: Peaceful Occupy Protests Degenerate Into Chaos

Occupy Oakland

A simple search will yield a lot of results.
Those were cops doing the vandalism!

Didn't you notice the OWS protestors were not wearing masks, or hear them telling the cops to "stop that", when they were spray painting the walls?

That's YOUR view. Means nothing.
I have never said you were lying. Further, I am not the one who has the burden to prove a fact, you do. Beyond that your position is nothing more than talk.
I've satisfied that burden! I've provided testimony from the people who were there. Once I've done that, the burden of proof shifts to the objector, to prove their objection has merit. All you've provided, are ad hominem attacks on the sources I used, which is not a valid rebuttal.

So cut the foreplay and pony up the evidence; otherwise, apologize to this forum, for wasting its bandwidth.

Insisting something is true does not make it so.
porkloin, that "testimony" is nothing more than hearsay from very biased and interested parties. I have attacked no one, what I have done was disagree with you and ask for sources. You have failed to establish your position.
You attacked the source of my citation! That's an ad hominem attack. In addition, your inferring what they said should automatically dismissed, then list bias and hearsay as the reason. I'm sorry, but eye-witness testimony is allowed in court. And "hearsay", is someone in the third person recounting the events someone else experienced. My sources are from 1st person testimony and there's nothing more credible than that. Just because you don't like what they're saying, doesn't mean its bullshit.

When someone whips out "ad hominem", "citation" "hearsay" on a public discussion forum, they have run out of gas.
You claim these are from eye witness accounts. Ok, provide the source of these alleged eye witness accounts.
Be careful the sources which you may use. We ask questions. Then question answers.
In other words, it had better be solid or you'll find yourself scrambling.
There is no way out of this for you except to come across with your sources or duck out of the thread.
Choice is yours. Credible and unbiased source or you may disappear.
Anyone against the revolving door that exists between Washington and Wall Street would be branded a terrorists.

The real terrorists are the Financial Terrorists on Wall Street and their Wall Street Politicians in Washington DC

Oy Vay!
OWS forgot one basic tenet.

If you want to be taken seriously, then act like it.

They paraded around like a bunch of hobos. Take a shower, get a shave, put on some clean clothes and I'll listen.

MLK KNEW he had to convince White America of the worthiness of his fight, or nothing of any consequence would change Carrying guns and screaming 'Kill Whitey" would have had the opposite effect. So they went the route of non-violence and made the southern crackers look like the bad guys. It worked.

OWS looked like a bunch of dirty losers, and without the support of the bulk of the middle class, was doomed from the get-go.

Doesn't matter what the government has "classified" them as. Most of America dismissed them very quickly.

Their message is sound (money has too much power), but it was delivered improperly.

My personal familiarity is with the Occupy Baltimore movement, and the character, deportment, and appearance of the participants there I believe made a different impression. As my photographs show, some of the participants could be categorized as "social eccentrics", but other participants were more representative of the disgruntled middle class.
See my set of images: "Occupy Baltimore" Protest - a set on Flickr

The two largest issues that scuttled OWS was most of the OWS people had no clue what it was they were protesting. When asked direct questions in man on the street interviews about the economy, current events and other issues, the answers given were from the overly simplistic to the shockingly stupid.
The other problem which faced OWS was they had no message. No unified front.
OWs was a social media generated gathering call. OWS got little if any traction because it failed to grab any positive attention from the general public. Additionally, OWS was ill timed. Here we had groups of people basically demanding free stuff while regular people were struggling to make ends meet while worrying if the next paycheck they get would be their last one.
OWS shot itself in both feet. At best, OWS was an annoyance.
OWS was a flyspeck and I cannot fathom as to why it is even being discussed
The two largest issues that scuttled OWS was most of the OWS people had no clue what it was they were protesting. When asked direct questions in man on the street interviews about the economy, current events and other issues, the answers given were from the overly simplistic to the shockingly stupid.
The other problem which faced OWS was they had no message. No unified front.
OWs was a social media generated gathering call. OWS got little if any traction because it failed to grab any positive attention from the general public. Additionally, OWS was ill timed. Here we had groups of people basically demanding free stuff while regular people were struggling to make ends meet while worrying if the next paycheck they get would be their last one.
OWS shot itself in both feet. At best, OWS was an annoyance.
OWS was a flyspeck and I cannot fathom as to why it is even being discussed
Does this guy sound like he has no clue?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOpVJg2CRgs]Occupy Wall Street Interview Fox News does NOT want you to see - YouTube[/ame]
When someone whips out "ad hominem", "citation" "hearsay" on a public discussion forum, they have run out of gas.
You claim these are from eye witness accounts. Ok, provide the source of these alleged eye witness accounts.
Be careful the sources which you may use. We ask questions. Then question answers.
In other words, it had better be solid or you'll find yourself scrambling.
There is no way out of this for you except to come across with your sources or duck out of the thread.
Choice is yours. Credible and unbiased source or you may disappear.
I provided the source. What you're asking is ridiculous. You want me to provide the source of a source. That's stupid! And there's also no reason to do it, because you've provided no reason to do so. You haven't provided any evidence, in any way, that would cast doubt about what these people said, one of which, was a police captain.

I'll provide another source, when you provide a valid rebuttal.
Insisting something is true does not make it so.
Insisting something without any evidence to back it up, does not make it true. However, if you provide the evidence, it, at the very least, is true for now. And it remains that way, until someone provides evidence to the contrary.
Oh we've only just begun to fuck with YOU..
We'll have you wetting your panties and crying to the mods soon enough.
I don't report posts and I don't put people on ignore. Never have, never will.

Now on the subject of what you think you can do to me, if you're feeling froggy, then leap!

You won't see me backin' up (so to speak).

People like you, are not news!
Really? You oppose "Second Amendment solutions" -- even though that's what got us free from English tyranny. You say that doesn't apply -- but tyranny is tyranny.
I don't support threatening the government with the use of force. In 1776, we had no other choice. Nowadays, we do. As long as we still have, "one man, one vote", there is no reason to take up arms against the government.

Do you support the TEA Party? You don't have to agree with them, but do you support their right to protest the way they do?
I support their right to protest. What they were protesting, didn't exist. What they were protesting, were made up issues that weren't grounded in reality.

The bagger nation was not a grass roots movement. The OWS are grass roots, but the baggers, were funded by the Koch Brothers, promoted by Fox and organized by Freedom Works and Americans for Prosperity.

They protested the raising of taxes, that were actually lowered.
They protested Obama being a socialist, marxist and foreign born Kenyon, all of which, are just ridiculous bullshit to be protesting.
They marched on Washington just 6 months after his inaugaration, for no particular reason. WTF can a President do just 6 months into his presidency, that would be worth marching on Washington over? Stupid! It's just stupid!
When someone whips out "ad hominem", "citation" "hearsay" on a public discussion forum, they have run out of gas.
You claim these are from eye witness accounts. Ok, provide the source of these alleged eye witness accounts.
Be careful the sources which you may use. We ask questions. Then question answers.
In other words, it had better be solid or you'll find yourself scrambling.
There is no way out of this for you except to come across with your sources or duck out of the thread.
Choice is yours. Credible and unbiased source or you may disappear.
I provided the source. What you're asking is ridiculous. You want me to provide the source of a source. That's stupid! And there's also no reason to do it, because you've provided no reason to do so. You haven't provided any evidence, in any way, that would cast doubt about what these people said, one of which, was a police captain.

I'll provide another source, when you provide a valid rebuttal.
Nope..You had your chance. You thought taking the route of baffling us with bullshit was the right path. You thought wrong. All you are doing is protesting.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7RgEt34mA8]Occupy Wall Street Protestors Are Dumb, Stupid, Bums. Judge For Yourself. - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=139r6X1qyzY]Occupy Wall Street USEFUL IDIOTS.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0mDaIZ33rdg]Occupy Portland - College Kids "$20 A HR MIN WAGE IS AWESOME" - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=GxTl1Ykbuww&NR=1]The Best of the Occupy Wall Street Crazies - YouTube[/ame]

Yes, you must provide the source and then another source to support that source.
You whipped out the legalese....Therefore you know all about corroboration.

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