P a r t y t i m e


v i o l e n c e
Jan 29, 2011
let me start by saying i am not here to make friends. i do not care what peolpe think of me nor do i make any apologies for my very strong and abrasive views. my views have been carefully built over years of reading and self education; i am a tenacious seeker of truth. i am a firm believer in absolute justice (violence does solve problems) and absolute fairness. my beliefs may seem extreme and excessive but i assure you in my mind they make perfect sense. i am an antisocial sociopath (with a few exceptions) and have no remorse nor guilt for anything, but i am a ethical person and believe in natural law.

i have strong interests in religion, faith, philosophy, science and politics. the most controversial subject i may partake in is my utter disgust for israel and all zionist jews. my contempt for zionist jews does not make me an anti-semite, it shows that i am informed. i find that most people who label me an anti-semite are the same people who state they hate muslims. muslims/arabs are more semitic than most of today's khazar jews, so who is the true anti-semite? i do not hate anyone but i do feel in my core that a certain ethno-group is nothing more than a parasite that sucks the blood of righteous and virtuous people.

i am not a christian nor a muslim. i am neither liberal nor conservative. i try to use critical thinking in all aspects of my life and logic and reason always take precedence over emotion and propaganda. i believe political correctness and affirmative action are the a.i.d.s. and cancer of our society. without open discussion and unbiased fairness how can blind hatred and division ever be conquered?

i have read the entire bible and the quran and also read the adi granth sahib here and there as well as information on deism, pandeism and pantheism. all of these sum up my spiritual beliefs. the book 'the 5000 year leap' is my political 'sacred text' and 'the protocols of the learned elders of zion' and common sense are my ‘revelation’.

'the blade of the righteous never dulls'
i am an antisocial sociopath (with a few exceptions) and have no remorse nor guilt for anything, but i am a ethical person and believe in natural law.

Yeah that's where my red flags went up. Whatever.

Enjoy your stay, however long it lasts.
let me start by saying i am not here to make friends. i do not care what peolpe think of me nor do i make any apologies for my very strong and abrasive views. my views have been carefully built over years of reading and self education; i am a tenacious seeker of truth. i am a firm believer in absolute justice (violence does solve problems) and absolute fairness. my beliefs may seem extreme and excessive but i assure you in my mind they make perfect sense. i am an antisocial sociopath (with a few exceptions) and have no remorse nor guilt for anything, but i am a ethical person and believe in natural law.

i have strong interests in religion, faith, philosophy, science and politics. the most controversial subject i may partake in is my utter disgust for israel and all zionist jews. my contempt for zionist jews does not make me an anti-semite, it shows that i am informed. i find that most people who label me an anti-semite are the same people who state they hate muslims. muslims/arabs are more semitic than most of today's khazar jews, so who is the true anti-semite? i do not hate anyone but i do feel in my core that a certain ethno-group is nothing more than a parasite that sucks the blood of righteous and virtuous people.

i am not a christian nor a muslim. i am neither liberal nor conservative. i try to use critical thinking in all aspects of my life and logic and reason always take precedence over emotion and propaganda. i believe political correctness and affirmative action are the a.i.d.s. and cancer of our society. without open discussion and unbiased fairness how can blind hatred and division ever be conquered?

i have read the entire bible and the quran and also read the adi granth sahib here and there as well as information on deism, pandeism and pantheism. all of these sum up my spiritual beliefs. the book 'the 5000 year leap' is my political 'sacred text' and 'the protocols of the learned elders of zion' and common sense are my ‘revelation’.

'the blade of the righteous never dulls'


the mouth of the stupid never shuts.

I'm finding much irony in the OPs claim of 'critical thinking' and the drivel he wrote. Anyone else?

i am a tenacious seeker of truth. i am a firm believer in absolute justice (violence does solve problems) and absolute fairness.

goyim said:
my utter disgust for israel and all zionist jews. my contempt for zionist jews does not make me an anti-semite, it shows that i am informed.

Israel and Zionist Jews?

goyim said:
I do not hate anyone but i do feel in my core that a certain ethno-group is nothing more than a parasite that sucks the blood of righteous and virtuous people.

Ethno group? Those are Israel and Zionist Jews? :lol: So now you move to all Jews.


A lot of "I" statements and an entire post delineating what "is" and what "isn't" reality and righteous?
goyim said:
'the blade of the righteous never dulls'

My 2c since you posted a hello?

You are not righteous as you are already about as dull as they come.:razz: I see in you, a narcissist who so far seems to confuse attack with intellect.
Just so you know, sociopathy and ethics (other than those of a situational variety, which means they have to suit you, not society as a whole, which means they are not really ethics at all) are mutually exclusive. I suggest you further your education.
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it's always the more genetically INFERIOR who are always the ones who feel most threatened. that must suck to fall on the bottom rung of evolution. i see im going to have some fun with you intellectually limited clones. ropey and jroc you two hardly qualify as human beings so it goes without saying, your comments dont matter. awww did i hurt feelings already? i guess it wouldnt be polite to advocate that hitler was correct in all his endeavors against the parasites that caused such discourse all throughout history huh? the sword is sharp and ready!
I think you'd enjoy yourself more over there on bodybuilding.com's misc section. You sound just like all the Jew hating, anti-religion retards that hang out there.

This place aint for you.
let me start by saying i am not here to make friends. i do not care what peolpe think of me nor do i make any apologies for my very strong and abrasive views. my views have been carefully built over years of reading and self education; i am a tenacious seeker of truth. i am a firm believer in absolute justice (violence does solve problems) and absolute fairness. my beliefs may seem extreme and excessive but i assure you in my mind they make perfect sense. i am an antisocial sociopath (with a few exceptions) and have no remorse nor guilt for anything, but i am a ethical person and believe in natural law.

i have strong interests in religion, faith, philosophy, science and politics. the most controversial subject i may partake in is my utter disgust for israel and all zionist jews. my contempt for zionist jews does not make me an anti-semite, it shows that i am informed. i find that most people who label me an anti-semite are the same people who state they hate muslims. muslims/arabs are more semitic than most of today's khazar jews, so who is the true anti-semite? i do not hate anyone but i do feel in my core that a certain ethno-group is nothing more than a parasite that sucks the blood of righteous and virtuous people.

i am not a christian nor a muslim. i am neither liberal nor conservative. i try to use critical thinking in all aspects of my life and logic and reason always take precedence over emotion and propaganda. i believe political correctness and affirmative action are the a.i.d.s. and cancer of our society. without open discussion and unbiased fairness how can blind hatred and division ever be conquered?

i have read the entire bible and the quran and also read the adi granth sahib here and there as well as information on deism, pandeism and pantheism. all of these sum up my spiritual beliefs. the book 'the 5000 year leap' is my political 'sacred text' and 'the protocols of the learned elders of zion' and common sense are my ‘revelation’.

'the blade of the righteous never dulls'
Let ME start by saying that you are a self-righteous, arrogant prick with no strong belief structure in anything besides yourself.

Any good sword has 2 blades. Be careful.....
Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah, don't come up in here bashing The Jews!!! :evil: Edited

let me start by saying i am not here to make friends. i do not care what peolpe think of me nor do i make any apologies for my very strong and abrasive views. my views have been carefully built over years of reading and self education; i am a tenacious seeker of truth. i am a firm believer in absolute justice (violence does solve problems) and absolute fairness. my beliefs may seem extreme and excessive but i assure you in my mind they make perfect sense. i am an antisocial sociopath (with a few exceptions) and have no remorse nor guilt for anything, but i am a ethical person and believe in natural law.

i have strong interests in religion, faith, philosophy, science and politics. the most controversial subject i may partake in is my utter disgust for israel and all zionist jews. my contempt for zionist jews does not make me an anti-semite, it shows that i am informed. i find that most people who label me an anti-semite are the same people who state they hate muslims. muslims/arabs are more semitic than most of today's khazar jews, so who is the true anti-semite? i do not hate anyone but i do feel in my core that a certain ethno-group is nothing more than a parasite that sucks the blood of righteous and virtuous people.

i am not a christian nor a muslim. i am neither liberal nor conservative. i try to use critical thinking in all aspects of my life and logic and reason always take precedence over emotion and propaganda. i believe political correctness and affirmative action are the a.i.d.s. and cancer of our society. without open discussion and unbiased fairness how can blind hatred and division ever be conquered?

i have read the entire bible and the quran and also read the adi granth sahib here and there as well as information on deism, pandeism and pantheism. all of these sum up my spiritual beliefs. the book 'the 5000 year leap' is my political 'sacred text' and 'the protocols of the learned elders of zion' and common sense are my ‘revelation’.

'the blade of the righteous never dulls'

"without open discussion and unbiased fairness how can blind hatred and division ever be conquered?"

Blind hatred and division can never be conquered, with or without open discussion. "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are."-- Anais Nin

Thanks for the good introduction. At least it was upfront and we know where you are coming from, sooner than later. :D


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