Pacific Ocean waters absorbing heat 15 times faster over past 60 years than in past 1

No -- actually I don't.. If the govt thinks it can ignore my Rights and hack my papers and communications --- then I ENCOURAGE that we take measures to monitor THEM as well.

In fact -- I've suggested that the big new Spy Palace we are building for the NSA in Utah be taken over and repurposed into a citizen led program to spy on every GOVERNMENT employee..

Private employers have that right. Citizens do also....

Oh gee, you'll have to explain to me what hacking into UK government-university e-mail servers has to do with the NSA spying on you (allegedly). Are you willing to allow others to view YOUR e-mail? No? Then what gives you the right to read the private e-mail of anybody else?

I'm on quite solid ground here. As you should know, the original charter of NSA was to FREELY spy on foreign entities and foreign citizens. They are allowed maximum to do this in the cloak of national security. This affair being an International cartel designed to control and influence public policy and scientific output is adequate justification for interested parties to "spy" across national boundaries.

University emails ARE NOT PRIVATE COMMUNICATIONS.. They are property of that entity. That ENTITY is funded with public money.. They work FOR US. ESPECIALLY if that university is largely funded thru tax dollars.

It's becoming clear that citizens can no longer TRUST the govt with issues of either privacy or oversight. So to get accountability, many folks have determined that (for instance) the US Congress couldn't investigate or manage a grade school yardfight. If my tax dollars are being used to fund devious practices that affect public policy -- I expect I have the right to form or hire INDEPENDENT investigation of those activities.

Now that aside -- you can CLAIM that "no wrong-doing was ever found".. But the CLEAR EVIDENCE of wrong-doing is now in the public domain.. Asterism put it right under your nose. REASONABLE people declare all that to be "wrong-doing". Tho not illegal, those acts of collusion and conspiracy and academic fraud --- they are wrong and they are forever documented.

Just like the Wiki leak files or Snowden's disclosures -- you can't UNSEE the wrong-doing.

Unless you're a partisian who only wants to blame the leaker for the wrong-doing. Know any partisian hacks who DENY the evidence?

From the emails that I've seen there has to be the presumption of guilt to see any wrong doing. Mostly it's just chatter between colleagues.

That's why I hoping for a denier to post one that you consider evidence.
Oh gee, you'll have to explain to me what hacking into UK government-university e-mail servers has to do with the NSA spying on you (allegedly). Are you willing to allow others to view YOUR e-mail? No? Then what gives you the right to read the private e-mail of anybody else?

I'm on quite solid ground here. As you should know, the original charter of NSA was to FREELY spy on foreign entities and foreign citizens. They are allowed maximum to do this in the cloak of national security. This affair being an International cartel designed to control and influence public policy and scientific output is adequate justification for interested parties to "spy" across national boundaries.

University emails ARE NOT PRIVATE COMMUNICATIONS.. They are property of that entity. That ENTITY is funded with public money.. They work FOR US. ESPECIALLY if that university is largely funded thru tax dollars.

It's becoming clear that citizens can no longer TRUST the govt with issues of either privacy or oversight. So to get accountability, many folks have determined that (for instance) the US Congress couldn't investigate or manage a grade school yardfight. If my tax dollars are being used to fund devious practices that affect public policy -- I expect I have the right to form or hire INDEPENDENT investigation of those activities.

Now that aside -- you can CLAIM that "no wrong-doing was ever found".. But the CLEAR EVIDENCE of wrong-doing is now in the public domain.. Asterism put it right under your nose. REASONABLE people declare all that to be "wrong-doing". Tho not illegal, those acts of collusion and conspiracy and academic fraud --- they are wrong and they are forever documented.

Just like the Wiki leak files or Snowden's disclosures -- you can't UNSEE the wrong-doing.

Unless you're a partisian who only wants to blame the leaker for the wrong-doing. Know any partisian hacks who DENY the evidence?

So what you are saying is that the end justifies the mean, even if it means breaking the law. I find it ironic, then, to see you whine like a stuck pig when the government follows your lead. Why don't we discuss this in a new thread. Be sure to title it (I can't argue the merits of the science, so I will just debase the good name of the scientists).

They have already debased themselves. Do you still blame Matt Drudge for breaking the Lewinsky story? When two "innocent" senior private citizens TAPPED the cell phone of then Maj. Leader Newt Gingrich -- did you REFUSE to USE THAT INFO against him? Of course you didn't.
And Congressman McDermott who released that ILLEGAL tape to the press? Slapped on the wrist.

Government is LIMITED in its rights to spy on and misuse MY information.. Thats EXPLICIT in the highest law of the land. OTHER Laws protecting your privacy from FELLOW CITIZENS are under such intense assault --- that most experts and leaders such as Bill Gates and EFFoundation --- say they don't actually exist. :eek:
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I'm on quite solid ground here. As you should know, the original charter of NSA was to FREELY spy on foreign entities and foreign citizens. They are allowed maximum to do this in the cloak of national security. This affair being an International cartel designed to control and influence public policy and scientific output is adequate justification for interested parties to "spy" across national boundaries.

University emails ARE NOT PRIVATE COMMUNICATIONS.. They are property of that entity. That ENTITY is funded with public money.. They work FOR US. ESPECIALLY if that university is largely funded thru tax dollars.

It's becoming clear that citizens can no longer TRUST the govt with issues of either privacy or oversight. So to get accountability, many folks have determined that (for instance) the US Congress couldn't investigate or manage a grade school yardfight. If my tax dollars are being used to fund devious practices that affect public policy -- I expect I have the right to form or hire INDEPENDENT investigation of those activities.

Now that aside -- you can CLAIM that "no wrong-doing was ever found".. But the CLEAR EVIDENCE of wrong-doing is now in the public domain.. Asterism put it right under your nose. REASONABLE people declare all that to be "wrong-doing". Tho not illegal, those acts of collusion and conspiracy and academic fraud --- they are wrong and they are forever documented.

Just like the Wiki leak files or Snowden's disclosures -- you can't UNSEE the wrong-doing.

Unless you're a partisian who only wants to blame the leaker for the wrong-doing. Know any partisian hacks who DENY the evidence?

So what you are saying is that the end justifies the mean, even if it means breaking the law. I find it ironic, then, to see you whine like a stuck pig when the government follows your lead. Why don't we discuss this in a new thread. Be sure to title it (I can't argue the merits of the science, so I will just debase the good name of the scientists).

They have already debased themselves. Do you still blame Matt Drudge for breaking the Lewinsky story? When private citizens TAPPED the cell phone of then Maj. Leader Newt Gingrich -- did you REFUSE to USE THAT INFO against him? Of course you didn't.

Government is LIMITED in its rights to spy on and misuse MY information.. Thats EXPLICIT in the highest law of the land. OTHER Laws protecting your privacy from FELLOW CITIZENS are under such intense assault --- that most experts and leaders such as Bill Gates and EFFoundation --- say they don't actually exist. :eek:

I disagree with any criminal effort to break the law, no matter who is doing it, including right wing extremists attacking the integrity of the world scientific community to further a fossil fuel industry economic agenda.
So what you are saying is that the end justifies the mean, even if it means breaking the law. I find it ironic, then, to see you whine like a stuck pig when the government follows your lead. Why don't we discuss this in a new thread. Be sure to title it (I can't argue the merits of the science, so I will just debase the good name of the scientists).

They have already debased themselves. Do you still blame Matt Drudge for breaking the Lewinsky story? When private citizens TAPPED the cell phone of then Maj. Leader Newt Gingrich -- did you REFUSE to USE THAT INFO against him? Of course you didn't.

Government is LIMITED in its rights to spy on and misuse MY information.. Thats EXPLICIT in the highest law of the land. OTHER Laws protecting your privacy from FELLOW CITIZENS are under such intense assault --- that most experts and leaders such as Bill Gates and EFFoundation --- say they don't actually exist. :eek:

I disagree with any criminal effort to break the law, no matter who is doing it, including right wing extremists attacking the integrity of the world scientific community to further a fossil fuel industry economic agenda.

Didn't get my check from Exxon this month.. The rhetoric is over the top..

Can you see a pattern here?

Skeptic Name RIGHT-WING??? Funded by oil/gas/coal???
Westwall No No
IanC No No
FlaCalTenn No No

Your sample size is too small to make inferences, but I think you should check your premises. And listen to the futility of your own rhetoric.
They have already debased themselves. Do you still blame Matt Drudge for breaking the Lewinsky story? When private citizens TAPPED the cell phone of then Maj. Leader Newt Gingrich -- did you REFUSE to USE THAT INFO against him? Of course you didn't.

Government is LIMITED in its rights to spy on and misuse MY information.. Thats EXPLICIT in the highest law of the land. OTHER Laws protecting your privacy from FELLOW CITIZENS are under such intense assault --- that most experts and leaders such as Bill Gates and EFFoundation --- say they don't actually exist. :eek:

I disagree with any criminal effort to break the law, no matter who is doing it, including right wing extremists attacking the integrity of the world scientific community to further a fossil fuel industry economic agenda.

Didn't get my check from Exxon this month.. The rhetoric is over the top..

Can you see a pattern here?

Skeptic Name RIGHT-WING??? Funded by oil/gas/coal???
Westwall No No
IanC No No
FlaCalTenn No No

Your sample size is too small to make inferences, but I think you should check your premises. And listen to the futility of your own rhetoric.

I didn't say that YOU are funded by Exxon or any other fossil fuel conglomerate. You're just a willing stooge.
I'm on quite solid ground here. As you should know, the original charter of NSA was to FREELY spy on foreign entities and foreign citizens. They are allowed maximum to do this in the cloak of national security. This affair being an International cartel designed to control and influence public policy and scientific output is adequate justification for interested parties to "spy" across national boundaries.

University emails ARE NOT PRIVATE COMMUNICATIONS.. They are property of that entity. That ENTITY is funded with public money.. They work FOR US. ESPECIALLY if that university is largely funded thru tax dollars.

It's becoming clear that citizens can no longer TRUST the govt with issues of either privacy or oversight. So to get accountability, many folks have determined that (for instance) the US Congress couldn't investigate or manage a grade school yardfight. If my tax dollars are being used to fund devious practices that affect public policy -- I expect I have the right to form or hire INDEPENDENT investigation of those activities.

Now that aside -- you can CLAIM that "no wrong-doing was ever found".. But the CLEAR EVIDENCE of wrong-doing is now in the public domain.. Asterism put it right under your nose. REASONABLE people declare all that to be "wrong-doing". Tho not illegal, those acts of collusion and conspiracy and academic fraud --- they are wrong and they are forever documented.

Just like the Wiki leak files or Snowden's disclosures -- you can't UNSEE the wrong-doing.

Unless you're a partisian who only wants to blame the leaker for the wrong-doing. Know any partisian hacks who DENY the evidence?

So what you are saying is that the end justifies the mean, even if it means breaking the law. I find it ironic, then, to see you whine like a stuck pig when the government follows your lead. Why don't we discuss this in a new thread. Be sure to title it (I can't argue the merits of the science, so I will just debase the good name of the scientists).

They have already debased themselves. Do you still blame Matt Drudge for breaking the Lewinsky story? When two "innocent" senior private citizens TAPPED the cell phone of then Maj. Leader Newt Gingrich -- did you REFUSE to USE THAT INFO against him? Of course you didn't.
And Congressman McDermott who released that ILLEGAL tape to the press? Slapped on the wrist.

Government is LIMITED in its rights to spy on and misuse MY information.. Thats EXPLICIT in the highest law of the land. OTHER Laws protecting your privacy from FELLOW CITIZENS are under such intense assault --- that most experts and leaders such as Bill Gates and EFFoundation --- say they don't actually exist. :eek:

"Government is LIMITED in its rights to spy on and misuse MY information.. Thats EXPLICIT in the highest law of the land. "

Be specific.

I think that your ego is talking if you think that anyone cares about your life.
I disagree with any criminal effort to break the law, no matter who is doing it, including right wing extremists attacking the integrity of the world scientific community to further a fossil fuel industry economic agenda.

Didn't get my check from Exxon this month.. The rhetoric is over the top..

Can you see a pattern here?

Skeptic Name RIGHT-WING??? Funded by oil/gas/coal???
Westwall No No
IanC No No
FlaCalTenn No No

Your sample size is too small to make inferences, but I think you should check your premises. And listen to the futility of your own rhetoric.

I didn't say that YOU are funded by Exxon or any other fossil fuel conglomerate. You're just a willing stooge.
Then how are you so certain that those emails were freed by "right wingers funded by big fossil fuel? Thats what you believe ---- right?

I think it was likely to be elements of this "scientific community" that tired of the activism and bullying.. Whose theory is more likely?
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I disagree with any criminal effort to break the law, no matter who is doing it, including right wing extremists attacking the integrity of the world scientific community to further a fossil fuel industry economic agenda.

Didn't get my check from Exxon this month.. The rhetoric is over the top..

Can you see a pattern here?

Skeptic Name RIGHT-WING??? Funded by oil/gas/coal???
Westwall No No
IanC No No
FlaCalTenn No No

Your sample size is too small to make inferences, but I think you should check your premises. And listen to the futility of your own rhetoric.

I didn't say that YOU are funded by Exxon or any other fossil fuel conglomerate. You're just a willing stooge.

Amazing how much non subject related garbage you and your fellow trolls can puke up in just a few hours every time your "skepticalscience" crap backfires.
What`s with all these lame "Fox" news remarks?
Which one of us has ever quoted them and how would any of you know if or what we watch on TV. You figure the only people who laugh at global warming idiots like you live in the US and watch Fox on TV ?
How did you wind up having this Fox news fetish and how would you even know what`s on there unless you are watching it as a part of your compulsory anger management program to qualify for an early parole.
You could not sucker anybody to respond to it so now it`s on to the next best trolling tool...If it`s not a Fox news conspiracy, it`s the "oil lobby" and everybody who is not as dumb as you idiots are is a part of it.
People like you are socially dysfunctional in a free and competitive society, are low skilled and get twisted out of shape when others succeed.
Thus the only way for mentally handicapped idiots like you to achieve equality is by having a government restricting the rest of us to come down to your level "playing field".
Equality for all at the price of excellence for none !
Neither Exxon nor any other oil company has to beg or coerce anyone to buy the oil they bring to the market.
Matter of fact the sanctimonious assholes you quote and admire so much are always the first ones to start hording gas or oil futures when trouble looms. And you would load up every can and container you can get into your car and drive clear across the continent for a 50% gas rebate.
Nobody that reads and quotes the crap like you do, day after day from sun-up to midnight would know how to survive just 30 days if we cut you off oil & gas.
I`m pretty sure you got the same appliances as the rest of us and don`t wait with a magnifying glass in your hand for the sky to clear so that you can roast garden insects for dinner
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Still zero evidence to support what you wish was true. None.

Look it up on this message board, there are several threads on this very subject. But like a true leftwing nut, you would like someone do it for you. :lol:

There are none. I've looked. There is spin in attempts to create what is not there. That's not evidence, much less proof, that the IPCC is not the most reliable source of climate science on the planet.

It is evidence of propaganda attempted by those who profit from the status quo.

Good grief:cuckoo:
If you are afraid of science but comfortable with mythology, that means that you are what's called a primitive.
I love science. I'm uncomfortable with your mythology.

Because some of you cultists are insane. And violent.

You love science but don't believe it??

We keep asking for some little shred of science that supports what you wish was true. So far, nothing.

Will this be your big revelation?

Start with GHGs. Why are they called that?
No, child. You don't get to be condescending. You don't have the horsepower to pull it off.

I love science. Climate science is NOT science. It's "science". With scare quotes.

And there is no question: Some of you cultists are violent. But then, progressivism is based on sheer emotion, the primary ones being rage and hatred. Violence comes naturally.
Excellent links, Daveman. Isn't it funny how the very person who screams "prove it" etc. does not understand what is known and continues on as though the truth does not exist anywhere but on his talking points sheet from a corrupt group of fact-jumpers. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Indeed. He has his programming -- and that's ALL he has. No facts, no logic, no reason, and certainly no science.
I love science. I'm uncomfortable with your mythology.

Because some of you cultists are insane. And violent.

You love science but don't believe it??

We keep asking for some little shred of science that supports what you wish was true. So far, nothing.

Will this be your big revelation?

Start with GHGs. Why are they called that?
No, child. You don't get to be condescending. You don't have the horsepower to pull it off.

I love science. Climate science is NOT science. It's "science". With scare quotes.

And there is no question: Some of you cultists are violent. But then, progressivism is based on sheer emotion, the primary ones being rage and hatred. Violence comes naturally.

You actually believe that you have the power to create truth by typing what you wish to be true?????? Or do you have to click your ruby slippers too.
Didn't get my check from Exxon this month.. The rhetoric is over the top..

Can you see a pattern here?

Skeptic Name RIGHT-WING??? Funded by oil/gas/coal???
Westwall No No
IanC No No
FlaCalTenn No No

Your sample size is too small to make inferences, but I think you should check your premises. And listen to the futility of your own rhetoric.

I didn't say that YOU are funded by Exxon or any other fossil fuel conglomerate. You're just a willing stooge.

Amazing how much non subject related garbage you and your fellow trolls can puke up in just a few hours every time your "skepticalscience" crap backfires.
What`s with all these lame "Fox" news remarks?
Which one of us has ever quoted them and how would any of you know if or what we watch on TV. You figure the only people who laugh at global warming idiots like you live in the US and watch Fox on TV ?
How did you wind up having this Fox news fetish and how would you even know what`s on there unless you are watching it as a part of your compulsory anger management program to qualify for an early parole.
You could not sucker anybody to respond to it so now it`s on to the next best trolling tool...If it`s not a Fox news conspiracy, it`s the "oil lobby" and everybody who is not as dumb as you idiots are is a part of it.
People like you are socially dysfunctional in a free and competitive society, are low skilled and get twisted out of shape when others succeed.
Thus the only way for mentally handicapped idiots like you to achieve equality is by having a government restricting the rest of us to come down to your level "playing field".
Equality for all at the price of excellence for none !
Neither Exxon nor any other oil company has to beg or coerce anyone to buy the oil they bring to the market.
Matter of fact the sanctimonious assholes you quote and admire so much are always the first ones to start hording gas or oil futures when trouble looms. And you would load up every can and container you can get into your car and drive clear across the continent for a 50% gas rebate.
Nobody that reads and quotes the crap like you do, day after day from sun-up to midnight would know how to survive just 30 days if we cut you off oil & gas.
I`m pretty sure you got the same appliances as the rest of us and don`t wait with a magnifying glass in your hand for the sky to clear so that you can roast garden insects for dinner

How did you wind up having this Fox news fetish and how would you even know what`s on there unless you are watching it as a part of your compulsory anger management program to qualify for an early parole.

:disbelief: :lmao:
Science is hard. All answers are either right or wrong.

Politics is much more forgiving. Any answer can be right or wrong.

Those with limited education and cognitive wherewithal choose politics every time and try to bullshit their way through it.

Science is too hard for most here.
You love science but don't believe it??

We keep asking for some little shred of science that supports what you wish was true. So far, nothing.

Will this be your big revelation?

Start with GHGs. Why are they called that?
No, child. You don't get to be condescending. You don't have the horsepower to pull it off.

I love science. Climate science is NOT science. It's "science". With scare quotes.

And there is no question: Some of you cultists are violent. But then, progressivism is based on sheer emotion, the primary ones being rage and hatred. Violence comes naturally.

You actually believe that you have the power to create truth by typing what you wish to be true?????? Or do you have to click your ruby slippers too.
No, child. I acknowledge reality. Progressives ignore it.

You HAVE to ignore reality -- i.e., history -- to be a progressive.

Otherwise you wouldn't embrace such a demonstrably-failed ideology.
Science is hard. All answers are either right or wrong.

Politics is much more forgiving. Any answer can be right or wrong.

Those with limited education and cognitive wherewithal choose politics every time and try to bullshit their way through it.

Science is too hard for most here.
Indeed. That's why climate "science" is political.
Dave is unable to distinguish between science and politics. Such that he thinks that science comes from opinions and politics from facts. Weird, huh? I'm thinking that most third or fourth graders would catch that mistake.
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Dave is unable to distinguish between science and politics. Such that he thinks that science comes from opinions and politics from facts. Weird, huh? I'm thinking that most third or fourth graders would catch that mistake.

No, child. Your delusions of adequacy are not reality. You know nothing of science; you just know your programming.
Dave is unable to distinguish between science and politics. Such that he thinks that science comes from opinions and politics from facts. Weird, huh? I'm thinking that most third or fourth graders would catch that mistake.

No, child. Your delusions of adequacy are not reality. You know nothing of science; you just know your programming.

Wrong again dumbo. You aren't doing very well debating science, without understanding it. That’s why the education that you passed on was so important.
Dave is unable to distinguish between science and politics. Such that he thinks that science comes from opinions and politics from facts. Weird, huh? I'm thinking that most third or fourth graders would catch that mistake.

No, child. Your delusions of adequacy are not reality. You know nothing of science; you just know your programming.

Wrong again dumbo. You aren't doing very well debating science, without understanding it. That’s why the education that you passed on was so important.
I debate fine. The problem is, you don't want debate. You want instant, unthinking, unquestioning acceptance and endorsement of the talking points you're programmed with. All you can do is repeat them. You don't understand them, and you can't debate them.

Since I know how important it is to your fragile ego that you be able to pretend you've won, I'll let you have the last word. You're welcome.

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