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Packing the Court

The decision won't be made unless the dems win it all and unless the SC obstructs like it has not in the past.
In other words, Joe would support expanding the court if he wins and they won't do his bidding. Good to know.

Biden couldn't make a comment either way. He would influence the House and it's his job right now to support Pelosi and Pelosi already stated that there would be no chance. He may or may not agree with that decision but until if or when he takes the Presidents seat, we won't know. Until then, he is just another Democrat Party Citizen. He gave the equiv of "No Comment".
How hard is it to answer this? Let the people decide, why not say that for every issue then?

HE won't answer because it will become the issue.....isn't that was a campaign is for?

Joe Biden is a clown....more like a marionette...who is pulling the strings?

I think the answer was already give by Pelosi. No Packing done. It's not up to the President to determine the number of Justices. That's up to the Congress. And since Pelosi already answered the question, Biden was not going to say yay or nay on it because it's not his place. If the House will not pass a Bill to that effect them it's not going to happen. And no President can change that. It's called the Separation of Powers. Rump believes that HE is king. Biden doesn't believe that he will ever be king nor does he believe that Rump can be the king either.

He got asked if he "supported" it, you dolt.

It's not up to him to support it or not. That's up to Congress. They could have asked him what flavor of Ice Cream he liked just as well and who the hell cares.

So presidents should give no opinion on matters that affect the Nation, when the decision ultimately isnt up to them? LOL
What a stupid justification.
You hacks can be so damn pathetic.

Here's a clue for you, TN. The issue facing the American people isn't whether Democrats will "unpack" the courts. Republicans have already "packed them". McConnell refused to approve any judges under Obama, slowing the approval process to an absolute crawl, and then put judging appointments on a conveyer belt once Trump was elected.

McConnell has refused to pass any legislation, or do anything for the American people except cut taxes. But he has packed the courts with a record number of conservative "judges", many of them highly unqualified and likely to fail. McConnell has made "packing the courts" the only work of the senate for the past 8 years.

All of which ignores the PROBLEMS which Trump has either ignored, mismanaged, or utterly fucked up. The opoid crisis - ignored. Covid19 - total clusterfuck. Racial unrest - cracking down on protestors. And he crashed the economy.

The Senate didn't refuse "to approve any judges under Obama" in fact between 2012 and 2016 21 Federal judges were approved by the Republican controlled Senate that were nominated by Obama. The Senate refused to confirm ONE JUSTICE as was their right. Obama was free to then nominate any number of other candidates for the open SCOTUS seat until he found a COMPROMISE that was acceptable to the republicans. He simply chose not to as was his right.

Yeah they confirmed many of his judges

Biden couldn't make a comment either way.
The 1st Amendment disagrees.
Keep carrying his water, though. You make a great useful idiot.

Common Sense and Loyalty says for him not to express his views. It's called Class. Something you haven't had in Rump EVER.
IF you think Biden has class, you're retarded Dog Faced Pony Boy!

Compared to Rump, a Dog farting on a Ladies Face has class. I guess it's all in the comparison.
Biden couldn't make a comment either way. He would influence the House and it's his job right now to support Pelosi and Pelosi already stated that there would be no chance. He may or may not agree with that decision but until if or when he takes the Presidents seat, we won't know. Until then, he is just another Democrat Party Citizen. He gave the equiv of "No Comment".

Yes, we know. He took the fifth. That's what most guilty people do.

First you say he's just an ordinary citizen (who spent 47 years in federal government) but then say he'd have influence on Piglosi. Ordinary citizens don't influence a speaker of the House.
Yes, we know. He took the fifth. That's what most guilty people do.

First you say he's just an ordinary citizen (who spent 47 years in federal government) but then say he'd have influence on Piglosi. Ordinary citizens don't influence a speaker of the House.
Biden can't express his views when they might cause him to support Antifa...publicly.

What a load of horse shit!
Biden couldn't make a comment either way.
The 1st Amendment disagrees.
Keep carrying his water, though. You make a great useful idiot.

Common Sense and Loyalty says for him not to express his views. It's called Class. Something you haven't had in Rump EVER.
IF you think Biden has class, you're retarded Dog Faced Pony Boy!

Compared to Rump, a Dog farting on a Ladies Face has class. I guess it's all in the comparison.
Yeah sniffing people's hair is classy
Saying desegregation will cause a racial jungle...very classy
Saying y ou are proud your state was a slave state.....super classy
Saying you can't walk into a 7/11 without hearing an Indian accent....how is that NOT classy?
Saying your son didn't take $3.5 million from Russia, when everyone says he did....even democrats.....classy
SAying ANTIFA is just an idea.....really classy
Calling people Dog Faced Pony Soldiers...????????????????
Saying he could have stopped a virus and noone would have died.....you can't be anymore classy
Saying a drunk driver killed your wife, when it was false......super duper classy

I could go on.........do I need to?
To hold onto power, Republicans have suppressed the vote, gerrymandered, and closed polling stations in poor neighbourhoods.

Why do you people make statements in which you know nothing about? Elections are conducted by counties, not the federal government. Republicans could never close polling stations in heavily Democrat areas because they are run by Democrats-not Republicans.

Gerrymandering is done by both parties, not just Republicans. We've been doing it that way for generations. Republicans never suppressed any vote. If you think they did, then by all means, provide credible evidence.

I expect crickets from my response here as always.

Don't hand me your bullshit and lies Ray. I have always given you responses, with more consideration and good manners than you deserve, and in return you've been rude, nasty and dismissive.

Where did I say that all of this was done by federal Republicans?

Repulicans have infected all levels of government. The reason WHY Republicans were so keen on taking over the state houses was to gerrymander the Districts after the 2010 elections. Democrats do gerrymander, but Republicans raised it to an art form which effectively disenfranchised millions of voters and created dozens of "safe seats". Gerrymandering is now being overturned state by state and the voters will be picking their representatives, instead of the other way around.

As for voter suppression, try google. There were literally hundreds of court cases after during and after 2018 - all of them having Republicans charged for voter shennanigans. In last night's debate, Trump asked his supporters to go into polling places and intimmidate the workers there. That's another law that Republicans let lapse over the past 4 years.

The minority party of hate and racism is about to get it's ass handed to it on a plate.

No, you do not always respond to my posts. In fact probably less than half of them. I have never been rude, nasty or dismissive to you or anybody else on this forum unless they attacked me first. I think any honest member here can testify to that. I never draw first blood.

Republicans cannot go to Democrat areas and close down polling places, take voting tables away, or suppress any voter. The only possible way for them to do that is if we did have a federal government conduct all voting activity, and it was run by all Republicans.

Gerrymandering is done by both parties, and they restructure districts to their own advantage. Republicans do it--Democrats do it. Why do you suppose Democrats fought to stop Trump from having a census question of whether a person was here illegally or not? Yes, they want those people to be counted as Americans to steal more seats in the House.

That's besides the fact gerrymandering is on the long list of why Democrats lose elections. Did you ever hear a Democrat politician say "Well, we lost because people don't like our ideas!" Of course not. Every single time Democrats lose, it's because they've been cheated somehow: Punch card ballots, Diebold machines, the Supreme Court, Russian collusion, gerrymandering, Voter-ID, voter roll purges, the electoral college, the FBI director, and the list goes on and on. Democrats can never say they lost an election fair and square.

I asked you for evidence of voter suppression, and you can't provide a case. No, I am not doing your homework for you. Now show me where Trump said for his people to go to the polls and intimidate voters. Lying gets you nowhere with me because I know what I'm talking about.
The American Constituion was the most radically liberal document ever written at the time. And it was designed to be a living breathing document which could be amended as needed as and times changed. The very last thing the Founders would have wanted was to apply 18th Century ideas to 21 Century living conditions.

If it was a living breathing document, there would be no need for an amendment process. The founders did realize that times would change which is why the amendment process was included. But it doesn't change based on who is on the courts or who the President is. If it were, there would be no point of having a Constitution. It would be meaningless.
Biden couldn't make a comment either way. He would influence the House and it's his job right now to support Pelosi and Pelosi already stated that there would be no chance. He may or may not agree with that decision but until if or when he takes the Presidents seat, we won't know. Until then, he is just another Democrat Party Citizen. He gave the equiv of "No Comment".

Yes, we know. He took the fifth. That's what most guilty people do.

First you say he's just an ordinary citizen (who spent 47 years in federal government) but then say he'd have influence on Piglosi. Ordinary citizens don't influence a speaker of the House.

You seem to keep forgetting when dealing about Rump, a President of the United States is NOT a regular person. And Biden is right now. But if he's elected, he stops being a regular person when he gets sworn in. After Rump leaves, he goes back to being a regular person (I almost said Normal Person) and gets the same benefits and hard knocks everyone else does. Rump wants to die in office so he doesn't get those well earned hard knocks.
Biden couldn't make a comment either way. He would influence the House and it's his job right now to support Pelosi and Pelosi already stated that there would be no chance. He may or may not agree with that decision but until if or when he takes the Presidents seat, we won't know. Until then, he is just another Democrat Party Citizen. He gave the equiv of "No Comment".

Yes, we know. He took the fifth. That's what most guilty people do.

First you say he's just an ordinary citizen (who spent 47 years in federal government) but then say he'd have influence on Piglosi. Ordinary citizens don't influence a speaker of the House.

You seem to keep forgetting when dealing about Rump, a President of the United States is NOT a regular person. And Biden is right now. But if he's elected, he stops being a regular person when he gets sworn in. After Rump leaves, he goes back to being a regular person (I almost said Normal Person) and gets the same benefits and hard knocks everyone else does. Rump wants to die in office so he doesn't get those well earned hard knocks.

Then it negates your comment how he didn't answer because he'd influence Piglsoi. Even Biden knows that he has no influence over her. The President is not the boss of the Speaker. He didn't hire her, he's not responsible for her actions, and he can't fire her.

The reason he didn't answer is so if he did steal the White House, nobody can call him a liar when he does support packing the court. He knows it's not popular with the voters, so he's not going to be honest with the people about it before the election.
Biden couldn't make a comment either way. He would influence the House and it's his job right now to support Pelosi and Pelosi already stated that there would be no chance. He may or may not agree with that decision but until if or when he takes the Presidents seat, we won't know. Until then, he is just another Democrat Party Citizen. He gave the equiv of "No Comment".

Yes, we know. He took the fifth. That's what most guilty people do.

First you say he's just an ordinary citizen (who spent 47 years in federal government) but then say he'd have influence on Piglosi. Ordinary citizens don't influence a speaker of the House.

You seem to keep forgetting when dealing about Rump, a President of the United States is NOT a regular person. And Biden is right now. But if he's elected, he stops being a regular person when he gets sworn in. After Rump leaves, he goes back to being a regular person (I almost said Normal Person) and gets the same benefits and hard knocks everyone else does. Rump wants to die in office so he doesn't get those well earned hard knocks.

Then it negates your comment how he didn't answer because he'd influence Piglsoi. Even Biden knows that he has no influence over her. The President is not the boss of the Speaker. He didn't hire her, he's not responsible for her actions, and he can't fire her.

The reason he didn't answer is so if he did steal the White House, nobody can call him a liar when he does support packing the court. He knows it's not popular with the voters, so he's not going to be honest with the people about it before the election.

Biden isn't the one working so hard to steal the election. Rump's Election Brown Shirts have already been run off from at least one polling place. And please don't insult us with screaming "Cite" over and over. You know that even if the Federal Courts says they can do it now, the States don't have to listen and are smart not to allow them onto the polling floor. Shades of 1981.
Biden couldn't make a comment either way. He would influence the House and it's his job right now to support Pelosi and Pelosi already stated that there would be no chance. He may or may not agree with that decision but until if or when he takes the Presidents seat, we won't know. Until then, he is just another Democrat Party Citizen. He gave the equiv of "No Comment".

Yes, we know. He took the fifth. That's what most guilty people do.

First you say he's just an ordinary citizen (who spent 47 years in federal government) but then say he'd have influence on Piglosi. Ordinary citizens don't influence a speaker of the House.

You seem to keep forgetting when dealing about Rump, a President of the United States is NOT a regular person. And Biden is right now. But if he's elected, he stops being a regular person when he gets sworn in. After Rump leaves, he goes back to being a regular person (I almost said Normal Person) and gets the same benefits and hard knocks everyone else does. Rump wants to die in office so he doesn't get those well earned hard knocks.

Then it negates your comment how he didn't answer because he'd influence Piglsoi. Even Biden knows that he has no influence over her. The President is not the boss of the Speaker. He didn't hire her, he's not responsible for her actions, and he can't fire her.

The reason he didn't answer is so if he did steal the White House, nobody can call him a liar when he does support packing the court. He knows it's not popular with the voters, so he's not going to be honest with the people about it before the election.

Biden isn't the one working so hard to steal the election. Rump's Election Brown Shirts have already been run off from at least one polling place. And please don't insult us with screaming "Cite" over and over. You know that even if the Federal Courts says they can do it now, the States don't have to listen and are smart not to allow them onto the polling floor. Shades of 1981.

Are you okay? Now your off on saying "cite." When did I ever use that word and what are you talking about? Today is October 1st. What polling place did Trump's brown shirts run people off from? The election is over a month away.

Trump said he wants his people to oversee the polls and Biden said the same thing. Why are you only talking about what Trump said?

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