Page 47 and a strange fruit.



Village life is really cheap but it isn't free so business goes on.
These women are making perfume from dried flowers.

Delivery is the name of the game out here but traffic is horrible so motorbikes are used. One central number gets your order sent to the nearest branch and pizza/burger/whatever is at your door.


Local food vendors walk around so you just wait for your favourite to pass.

The roads here were pretty bad so they were resurfaced by ading a layer of concrete. The minor problem is ........


This is a deeper area so she's really stuck and there is no breakdown club to be had.


but the family will turn up to help.


Just in case you were wondering - she got out.
A couple of posts ago, we saw a woman who had made a boo boo and ended up off road, well, one wheel was.

Men also do this.


Schools, especially small local schools, attract street hawkers.

Some aim at the kids


(SDN is a government run primary school.)

Some, the parents


When there's a building site, there are workers.


They tend to live where ever the work is and, if that work is long term, their families join them.
The houses tend to be less than luxurious.


The building boom is still massive in Indonesia, seeing an average rise of house prices of around 30% per year.
However, new lending rules are clamping down on a lot of loans so that'll slow things down.
The building firms are making a fortune from the boom so are looking at ways around the rules.
However you look at this, there are thousands of empty properties, probably because they're far too expensive to be worth buying.
Someone is loosing out big style and, sooner or later, the lot has to fall in.
As you may know, a few months ago, I bought a Fujifilm HS50 camera.
I have to tell you, I love the thing.

If anyone is looking for a far better than average, simple to use camera with some serious optical zoom, I strongly suggest you take at a look at the high end semi pros from Fujifilm.

This free ad for Fujifilm was brought to you by an extremely pleased user with no commercial interest or gain of any sort from Fujifilm, outside having the pleasure of using one of their outstanding cameras.
Jakarta has many people and, as you might expect, they vary ..... a lot.
This boy is homeless. He has no shoes, as evidenced by his feet, and probably owns the clothes he sleeps in but nothing else. No sign of anyone else around so he's probably an orphan or been kicked out.


This is an entire family of homeless people. These kids beg for a living but the two adults are probably their mum and dad. The father is a street rubbish collector.


The girl in yellow trousers was messy at best. The trousers were badly ripped at the back.

This guy does what he can to earn some money by selling things to passing motorists. He didn't sell a single thing in the 10 minutes I was watching him.


The more observant will have noticed his leg leg is missing from just below the knee. It's common for accident victims to have to work in this manner as they have little hope of other employment.


The last one, I have no idea but I suspect he isn't all that nice a chap.
His expression was less than friendly. I flattered him to get the photo.

These things actually go to sea but not far off the coast.


The cops don't do a lot about traffic violations, but sometimes they do


This one got a ticket

The FBR are commonly known for more extreme or conservative views.


This rather interesting little mini mosque is run by them.



Indonesian level crossings are fun.
The rules are enforced a little better than they were before the big accident last week but chaos is still the order of the day.
I have some video as well.
I'll try to upload when I've edited it but my internet speeds are a joke so I may not be able to do so.





Bits of Jakarta have car free mornings. The police block the road for a few hours.


I didn't see the police fine anyone but they did offer advice to several motorists who tried to get through.


That left the road clear for walkers and cyclists


I almost forgot.
It was raining so the top quality, high tech waterproofs were in use.

you have a thread started about a durian that is going on for a year and a half?
you have a thread started about a durian that is going on for a year and a half?

I don't think there are any durian in this thread but there are in the original.
They may well appear at some point in the future.
Very few people post on this thread but the view count raises quite sharply so people must be reading it.
As long as there's interest, I'm happy to keep posting.

As for that even stranger fruit; I generally describe it as a kiss from your favourite lover whilst she's sitting on the toilet with a terrible case of diarrhoea.
The binmen of Guntur are still using Serco shirts.
To Serco, this was nothing but to people who can't but new shirts because they have no money, it's a lovely gift.

They came from this BBC programme.
[ame=]Toughest Place To Be A Bin Man - YouTube[/ame]


As a note, the programme is real life.
I've visited this area and there is nothing in it that isn't truthful.
Within a mile or two, there are several large shopping centres where you can but the best of everything.
durian benggala, soursop or thorny custard apples, that is the funny fruit in the first post of this thread


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