Page 47 and a strange fruit.

Thanks for posting this Indo..its quite interesting to see real life in this country.
It's just my hobby - keeps me out of trouble, but I hope a few people enjoy it.
From time to time, someone with a brain builds a road hump.
These new ones are being built to stop street races using the road but are well designed.
I was informed, weekends see street racers on that road at silly o'clock in the morning. As is common here, the police did not a lot about it so the locals did.


Indonesia is a country of deep contrasts.
Tomorrow will see me at a technology show, where many of the latest computer gadgets will be on display for the technogeeks, other people will be working in the fields.


Loads of people will be doing stupid things on motorbikes - that won't be changing any time soon.

I've been in Indonesia for quite a long time now and, in those years, I've only found two things that really bug me.
The first is the internet. It's always been slow, unreliable and expensive but, with the improvements First media have made and the new mobile service from Bolt, that problem has gone away.

The second is the roads.
There are many problems with the roads here but the upshot, regardless of proportion of blame, is they're really dangerous.
Some roads are in a bad way.
This one, ironically enough, is on the way from the driving licence centre in Tigaraksa.


However, it's not a million miles away in quality from a lot of other roads.
This taxi is trying to avoid a hole in BSD, Tangerang.


Now, back to that road near the driving licence centre.

Some of the pot holes are quite a size and, after a heavy rainfall, you can't always see exactly how deep.
This truck driver didn't.



One of my favourite Indonesian foods is satay, chicken being the best.
This is is in a shopping centre in Alam Sutara, Tangerang.
Basically, it's bit of meat on sticks, BBQed over a charcoal flame and enjoyed, commonly with rice.
The quality varies a lot but this one is excellent.

A few people have said that, but I have no clue how to go about it.
A few people have said that, but I have no clue how to go about it.

Frankly, I wonder if there would be a very big audience but still - you really do catch "a day in the life of".

When I was looking for a publisher for a really narrow audience book I wrote, I looked for publishers of similar books. Worth a look, IMO.
Street food stands are everywhere.
This one has set up on the road, using old telephone boxes to tie up to and handy seating.


Indonesian food is varied. Even in the cities, many people are only one or two steps away from their village backgrounds and eating habits.

Chicken heads


Chicken skin

I wondered if anyone will read this crap or if I should devote more time to scratching my balls and farting.


Are you kidding? This is some of the very few things you've posted which I have taken any interest in or approve of.
Discipline is lacking on the roads here.
A bus stopping in the middle of the road is common, regardless of other traffic around it.


Motorbikes are good for a laugh - if they weren't so ruddy dangerous.


From the silly to the stupid.
There was a traffic jam so this idiot went over a footbridge, ruddy close to hitting me.


and there he goes...

This guy sweeps the steps, hoping for passers by to leave him a few coins.
A large group of football supporters passed by and, I'm happy to report, several gave him some money.

Poverty is a problem here.
I've posted similar photos before but a few new ones never hurt.
This has been illegal for some while over here but little things like the law are often ignored.



Too bad we can't outlaw hungry children.

Actually, all countries could but it will never happen.
Too bad we can't outlaw hungry children.

Actually, all countries could but it will never happen.

Poverty is a massive problem out here.
Corruption is part of the cause but there's much more to to than just that.
Indonesia is quite a new country and has only been a democracy for a decade or so; two dictators have held the country back but, luckily, people are realising this, so elections are held dear.
It's coming up to election time but poverty isn't much of an issue.
The politicians know they can't do much about it so they keep their mouths shut and hope no one mentions it.
Many people are trying to help out but these individuals and organisations can only touch the surface of the problem.
I was rather impressed by a church group I came across last week. They'd set up a one day medical centre, checking local's health and offering free simple medical care and advice.
A fine example of people helping out; one that I've seen a few groups do over the last few years.
Personally, I try to do a little but can't do much.
I give food to a boys' orphanage every month and will be sending a girl to school as of the new school year.
The girl is from a very poor family and has little chance of much except an early marriage and a life of poverty unless she goes to school and gets an education.
That'll cost about US $800/year but it'll probably change her whole life.
Her family have nothing and high school would otherwise be impossible so she's off to boarding school where she'll get lessons and a safe place to live and, most importantly, poverty won't force her into an early marriage.

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