Page 47 and a strange fruit.

Home made car first, elections in a moment.

Election rallies require a truck decorated with a bunch of flags.


You must have motorbikes, all trying to hold their flags as dangerously as possible.


Sorry, lots of motorbikes.


and, just to finish off, a microbus or few, all stuffed with people.


Some cynical people suggest they party supporters are paid to run around with the party shirt on and end up collecting a lot of shirts over the campaign.
Of course, I don't believe that for a moment. :D
Too bad we can't outlaw hungry children.

Actually, all countries could but it will never happen.

Poverty is a massive problem out here.
Corruption is part of the cause but there's much more to to than just that.
Indonesia is quite a new country and has only been a democracy for a decade or so; two dictators have held the country back but, luckily, people are realising this, so elections are held dear.
It's coming up to election time but poverty isn't much of an issue.
The politicians know they can't do much about it so they keep their mouths shut and hope no one mentions it.
Many people are trying to help out but these individuals and organisations can only touch the surface of the problem.
I was rather impressed by a church group I came across last week. They'd set up a one day medical centre, checking local's health and offering free simple medical care and advice.
A fine example of people helping out; one that I've seen a few groups do over the last few years.
Personally, I try to do a little but can't do much.
I give food to a boys' orphanage every month and will be sending a girl to school as of the new school year.
The girl is from a very poor family and has little chance of much except an early marriage and a life of poverty unless she goes to school and gets an education.
That'll cost about US $800/year but it'll probably change her whole life.
Her family have nothing and high school would otherwise be impossible so she's off to boarding school where she'll get lessons and a safe place to live and, most importantly, poverty won't force her into an early marriage.

Its exactly the same in parts of the US.

Grinding poverty will never change because the poor and middle class protect the 1%. That's the way it is there and its the way it is here.
Another election. These are around at weekends and, if you look carefully, I wouldn't die of shock if your found a few of the same faces from the first lot I posted.


Breakdowns happen in every country.

but jacks are more interesting here.

This little baby wandered past my front door a few mornings ago.


I was very tired.

As I wander, people often ask me why I carry a camera.

[ame=]DSCF1451 - YouTube[/ame]
Tomorrow sees election day.
Every Indonesian citizen has the right to go to the polls and vote.
The polling stations are commonly tents, spread around in every locality so as many people as possible can vote without travelling very far.
No election is perfect and I've every confidence there will be some dodgy dealings but Indonesia is still a new democracy and most people take their right to vote very seriously.
I suspect anyone nabbed cheating will face time in gaol.


This little baby wandered past my front door a few mornings ago.


I was very tired.


Handsome critter. I used to get scorpions in the house in AZ. There are many different kinds there but its the smallest, called the "bark scorpion" that is the most venomous. The biggest, called the giant desert hairy scorpion is exactly that - humongous but he's also the least venomous and a heart stopper to see.

I was stung once by one of the smaller ones. I don't know if it was a bark scorpion but he was snuggled in my shoe and I wasn't paying attention. Hurt like hell but more scary than anything.

I always had to catch the little ones to put them outside but got pretty good at catching the giant hairy by his stinger. It sounds a lot more dangerous than it is but it took all my nerve the first couple of times I did it.

I have a photo I took of a dead one I found in the cat's cry food dish. I posed him next to a ruler and it shows him at just about exactly 6". I think what happened is one of the cats brought him in from their run through their window, spied the food dish and had to make a decision - scorpion or gnosh, gnosh or scorpion. That's why I found it draped across the cat food.

This isn't my photo but it gives you an idea of their size. Note that he's sand colored ... harder to see in the desert.

As always, fascinating photos.

Especially seeing how people make things work for them. Like the huge bunch of tires on a motor bike.
As always, fascinating photos.

Especially seeing how people make things work for them. Like the huge bunch of tires on a motor bike.

No cash means you do it however you can.
That makes poorer Indonesians, highly adaptable.
In the UK, there are very strict laws regarding knifes, tasers and so on.
These rules tend to be more relaxed in Indonesia.
This was snapped in a supermarket a few days ago.

Back to the election.

As I mentioned, Indonesia is a new democracy so most people take elections very seriously.
Many shops, even bigger ones, opened in the afternoon.

The voting stations were well set up. This station asked me to take photos as they were keen to show the election was being run properly.

You register as you enter the station, using a photo ID to prove who you are.



You sit down and await your turn. The controller reads out your name and you get a voting form.


You must leave your mobile phone on the table. These aren't allowed in the booths.


Fill in your ballot papers


And vote

Double post
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Very interesting photos Indofred, thank you! I've traveled somewhat myself, so always find it fascinating to learn about other cultures and way of life. The knife photo is intriguing, it seems that Indonesia has no laws to do with knifes and guns? Can anyone by one?
Guns are controlled but knives are easy to buy.
Air guns for hunting are very common, especially in villages.
It's normal to see some dude walking around with an exposed rifle so no one looks twice.
I snap the next one I see.
Back to that election.
For some people, it hardly matters who wins - it'll make not a jot of difference to them.


McD's say, "I'm loving it".
Their burgers are shit but I'm loving this.


Internet out here has been pretty terrible but things are on the up, like a ruddy rocket.
Transport can be fun.
This lot were working just down the road so the work's truck was their transport home.
Seeing a bunch of kids hop onto some random truck is a common sight.


Other transport is even more common. Motorbikes are definitely king of the road out here. Little things like a licence are minor points. This girl said she was 14, 10 looks closer.


Her feet don't reach the floor.

A policeman with two pipes.





Any large crowd of people/protesters can get out of hand - may day parades are no different so the police set up posts - just in case.

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