Page 47 and a strange fruit.

I've posted part of this video before, but I've added to it.
And, before you ask, the ducks are alive. I've seen this a couple of times, and I'm not happy about it.

Mt Gopro with video light is proving to be really handy as more than an action cam. Its small size means I can get shots I'd have no hope of with a larger camera.

Fried noodles are very popular in Indonesia.
This video shows a typical street stall and the cooking process.

In a country with no social welfare system, you do whatever you can to earn money.


Some are more organised than others.

Gemstones are getting really popular here.

They start out as rough stones.


They get cut and polished down to the required shapes.


ending up like this


You decide on the mount and the stone, and they'll put them together for you, or you can just buy a finished one.
A very popular dish out here is known as Bakso.
It consists of meatballs (I'm unsure how much actual meat goes into them), veg, and a load of other stuff. Bakso stands and small stalls are very common, often several in one food court.
I don't eat it, but my wife loves the stuff.

Another extremely popular Indonesian dish is Nasi goreng, or 'fried rice'.
There are thousands of street stands in the Jakarta area, many doing their own special version of this dish.
This one is in South Tangerang.

I'll post a few more later.
Oh go on - one more now.


All they can afford is one wheel for a bicycle?

That guy, and a couple of his mates, run a bicycle shop in a small town called Sapuran, near Wonosobo in Central Java.
They manufacture all kinds of weird and wonderful bikes, as well as service and sell normal ones.
I hate the roads because of the mess, the lack of driving skills, and the massive number of total nut jobs on them.

I love the roads because of the mess, the lack of driving skills, and the massive number of total nut jobs on them; it makes for fun photos.

I don't do much tourist stuff, but I just had to.
This is the Indonesian national monument, known as Monas, in Jakarta.
The video shows you the top observation platform, and the views of Jakarta from there.

The music is the Indonesian national anthem.

The road into Central Java is long, so you might need to relax.
No problem.

When you go to Blackpool, you take a stick of rock back for your mates.
It's about the same here, but you take oleh oleh

You go to a shop like this


And buy stuff like this


I bought dried tempe kimul, a product unique to Wonosobo
Sate ayam is BBQ chicken, and very common in Indonesia.
There are many kaki lima (5 feet) stands wandering the streets in every town.
The '5 feet' refers to the two on the owner, + the three wheels on the cart.

Time marches on, my son has just taken his first steps at ten months old, I've decided my car is too small for four of us, a baby seat and a pram, so I'm thinking about a Daihatsu Luxio mini bus. They're about the size of a transit van, but can seat 8 people, all with loads of leg room, and there's still room for the pram in the back.
I think I just have enough under the mattress to buy it cash, but I want another few quid off the price - well, I am from Yorkshire.
Driving here is interesting, and many people are shocked at the state of the roads, but many expats out here hire drivers, and they rarely to never venture down the small side roads. The tiny road are known as 'jalan tikus' or rat roads. Fine for small motorbikes (I've sold mine), but can be a bit narrow if two larger cars meet up. Lots of minor bumps to be had unless you're really careful.
The video is running fast so the 20 minute trip takes 2 minutes to watch.

Shopping centres are many and varied in Indonesia, so they're always looking for attractions. This one is hosting a Tai Chi event.

People smile a lot here, so dentists are very important people.
Hygiene is taken seriously, as you can see with the lady sweeping the place out.

Microbus drivers tend to park wherever they fancy, even in the middle of a junction.
Safety first - they always make sure the parking brake is on.



Safety is always first out here, as we see with this hand cart belonging to a gas delivery service.


Parking it outside a fire station could well prove handy.

This guy sells newspapers for a living - His English was surprisingly good, unusually so for a street seller.


These guys could speak no English at all, but they knew how to pose for a camera.


These guys couldn't speak English either, but they also knew how to pose.


They looked very happy, probably because the food tastes as nice as it smells


You get off the train at Tanah Abang, walk a hundred yards or so, and come to a road and a bridge.
Millions of people have driven over it, but few will ever realise people sleep under it.
These guys are rubbish collectors, amongst the poorest people in Jakarta, and homeless save for the bridge.



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