Paid Trolls

USMESS has become an Alex Jones annex. His fake news is regularly posted in a wide range of categories, and allowed to stay instead of being moved to the rubber room where it belongs. I'm not sure if that is the work of paid posters, or just an agreement between this site and InfoWars.
Billy is a paid troll, imo, CA, so he is going to point at the other side.
How do you know who is what?

Shortly after I joined here, one admitted he was paid. Leftwinger who jumps in any conversation without thinking--only to spout the current leftist talking points.

Learned about the ignore feature and put it to good use. Same with others mimicking the same behavior. Waste of time reading their posts. Not even worth a scroll through.
Since we know that professional trolls exist in various forms all over the internet, should we assume paid trolls operate on this forum? If the problem is as wide spread as reported, and if this forum is as popular as it seems to be, the answer would have to be: Yes.

Gagging the Nation: Government and Corporate Trolls on the Internet

Yes there are quite a few paid trolls on this forum.they are on both the US governments payroll and Israel's as well. The ones trolling in the Israel forum defending the atrocities of Israel night and day like they do,there are a few of them that are just naive and so religious by their bible beliefs they have grown up and been programmed to believe Israel is an innocent victem,that they are just simply that,brainwashed but the majority of them that post there and defend their atrocities are paid shills on their payroll.

Government trolls that you would be wise to put on your ignore list besides the Israel ones on the governments payroll that troll here everyday are .

they got them on forums everywhere.
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Judging by the content of the troll ingredient --- it stretches credulity to believe that somebody would pay money for it.

Especially with teens and twentysomethings in Macedonia already doing it more effectively.

I busted JohnWK for it though. Here's one way to ferret them out --- take a sample of their opening rant, drop it into Google and see if the same rant shows up elsewhere. I found JohnWK posting the same rants to ten or twenty different sites -- verbatim, with the same name. Another telltale sign -- if they're paid they're going to spread out to a lot of sites rather than concentrate on one, therefore they won't be hanging in one thread taking a lot of responses. They're far more likely to be drive-bys.
You don't. But everybody will get labeled by the opposite "side" --- on the basis of not having joined their own wackitude with sufficient venom. Unfortunately this joint is overrun with binary bots, or BBs as I call 'em.

You don't. But everybody will get labeled by the opposite "side" --- on the basis of not having joined their own wackitude with sufficient venom. Unfortunately this joint is overrun with binary bots, or BBs as I call 'em.


God help us!

It's some sort of Russian binary code!

No doubt, Russians are starting the election cycle once again.
Billy is a paid troll, imo, CA, so he is going to point at the other side.

Nah. Even if offered I'm not here enough to make any money.

But I notice you're headed for the leaderboard again. Get paid by volume, do ya?

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