Pajama Boy Nation

Why is the right so outraged over someone who may or may not be a homosexual?

Are you that insecure?

You are misunderstanding the concept. Pajama boy may or may not be a homosexual. What his sexual orientation is cannot be ascertained from the photo. He is an obvious metrosexual. As a metrosexual he could be homosexual, heterosexual or asexual.

He looks more like an asexual though.

He looks like a great candidate for the "knockout game" the Libs say don't exist...
Black guys are spreading his photo all over their Facebook accounts for sure.
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Pajama boy is just another societal girly man. Weak minded, weak physically, weak morally and spiritually.

Like his mentor and hero obama.

His kind would last about 30 minutes where I live and he'd go home sniffling and crying in his hot cocoa that mommy brings him. Pathetic.

Aka the typical American male. Real ones don't exist anymore.
Pajama boy is just another societal girly man. Weak minded, weak physically, weak morally and spiritually.

Like his mentor and hero obama.

His kind would last about 30 minutes where I live and he'd go home sniffling and crying in his hot cocoa that mommy brings him. Pathetic.

Aka the typical American male. Real ones don't exist anymore.

Speak for yourself.
Pajama Boy resonated with the public, but not in the way the promoters thought. He is exactly what they sought to portray, weak, effeminate, worried about cold feet, sipping hot chocolate that his mommy might have brought to him. The new male. He needs to be taken care of and a strong government is right there to do the taking care of. Pajama Boy is the male version of Julia. A woman who lives totally dependent on the government. Pajama Boy goes one better, he NEEDS to have the government take care of him, protect him and provide for him. Just look at him, it's obvious that he can't do it himself.

It's obvious he can't take care of himself? Really? You get that from a young guy in pajamas with hot chocolate?

I thought he looked a lot like one of my son's co-workers. That kid has a masters in aero-space engineering and works as a subcontractor for a major DoD contractor.

Its about getting young people to sign up for Obamacare. Now I don't like Obamacare. But it seems there has been a LOT added on to pajama boy that is not there.

I find it hilarious the silly things the right gets all riled up about.

Will Issa be holding hearings on Pajama Boy?
Hilarious that the righties call him a pussy but they can't go to the bathroom without carrying their gun on them.
Hilarious that the righties call him a pussy but they can't go to the bathroom without carrying their gun on them.

This is the stupidest God damn non-issue I have ever had the displeasure of commenting on ... in any online forum ... since Al Gore invented the internetz.

Grown men taking little blue pills trashing some guy in PJ's because he's a little light in the loafers.

I swear to crack almighty - if I could delete all the really stupid threads on USMB, I would - accept we would probably have none left to comment in.

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