Pakistani academic: Islam and Christianity both preach peace and tolerance

What a lying, lying sack of shit! I've read the Quran, it's nothing but a book of bloodthirst & destruction against anything non-Islamic (especially Jews, which explains why Zeropeans fellate it so much), there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING peaceful, positive or altruistic in the Pisslam doctrine whatsoever, I've seen studying this religious bloodbath for several years now, for Chrissakes! The proof? Islam has a 100% track record of rape, death and human rights horrors everywhere it has ever gone in the past 1400 years. It has NEVER peacefully co-existed with anyone else, that is an historical FACT whether liberals like it or not. No good will has ever come from the Islam religion. No good will ever WILL come from the Islam religion. To mention Pisslam in the same breath as an intended day of Christian good will like Christmas is historically obscene.

Certainly makes Pisslam doctrine why Federal Lynching state of hate KKK churchstate cops which attempted baptizing eyes by urinations attacking while talking Washington, D.C. sports teams over lunch in town instead of about their Arab terrorist cohorts that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount prior to 9/11 months earlier as this Christian Nation national religion can only be spoken in the same breath as that Papal contingent of thieving bereavement memorial to JFK arsonists which baptize eyes by urination as if Pisslam is God; as a godvernment of drugs & godvernment of death.
Wow. Great example of what opioids do to a human brain.

Guessing those Christian drug wars against America of the 50's thru present day weren't enough for the cross to be higher than the flag so they went back to what they evolved from to wage an Islam opioid war against America for some modern day ChristHitler master race that still is little more than immaculate conception pseudoscience of an Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality.
Let me know what you're on! I'd like to try it when I'm on vacation and away from people.

Please DON'T !!!!!!!

Most likely never a vacation as it's a waste of time to be on investigative coincidence since the burning bush's Islam oilgarchy sociopsychopathic human farming people techniques putting on a Christian Nation patriot act.
I am laughing violently as this is so fucking stupid that it is funny!
Peace? Religion be it Christianity or islam are the single biggest reason for war on this planet.
No, Godvernment loving Statists are the cause of all wars. YOU are part of the problem, not the solution
You know nothing of what you're talking about as war was around before civilization. It predates it.

God is just another reason to practice killing.

Certainly confirms why Catholic Church killings proclaims the murdered served God & dictate "serve the Pope or die" for practice.
Really? Only a fool would believe that. Islamic terrorists commit acts of terror because the murdering pedophile of a 'prophet' who started this sick religion commands them to do it. It's in the book. Look it up. Nowhere in the Bible will you see anything similar.

Pakistani academic: Islam and Christianity both preach peace and tolerance, minorities have equal rights in Pakistan

Christianity teaches peace to everybody.Islam to Muslims only.
Not only that, but Christianity espouses tolerance. Islam does not.
Really? Only a fool would believe that. Islamic terrorists commit acts of terror because the murdering pedophile of a 'prophet' who started this sick religion commands them to do it. It's in the book. Look it up. Nowhere in the Bible will you see anything similar.

Pakistani academic: Islam and Christianity both preach peace and tolerance, minorities have equal rights in Pakistan

Christianity teaches peace to everybody.Islam to Muslims only.
Not only that, but Christianity espouses tolerance. Islam does not.

Actually, it does.

The problem with these two religions is that they both have radical fringe groups that are trying to drum up a ridiculous war between the two faiths. All nations, including the U.S., need to guard against these fringe elements getting hold of the national military and sending members of the military out to fight, in the name of the country, what essentially is another useless religious war.
A "Jew" is a descendant of Judah, ONE of the twelve tribes.

All the early Christians were still Jews, as were the atheists and communists.

Following the common religion of the modernday Jews is not what makes you a Jew. It IS about lineage.
Judaism is the only faith that is both a people and a relgion. So one can enter the faith from either door. In the past however, one would have to be born to a Jewish mother to be considered a Jew.
...however, Judaism is not a race. There are three human races: Caucasian, Mongoloid and Negroid. Jews are Caucasian, unless converted Mongoloid or Negroid (such as was Sammy Davis, Jr.)

Anyone can convert to Judaism. Not all Jews observe the tenets of the faith. There are, for instance Jews for Jesus.

Likewise, Islam is not a race. It is also not a religion. It is a demented theocracy, founded by a horny pedophile warlord 1500 years ago and infested today with hordes of lunatic Ayatollahs, Imams and brainwashed men who degrade and mutilate females, wipe their asses with their bare hands, screw their goats, and kill innocent people on command.
For over 4000 years Jews have considered themselves a people, and still do. Jesus was born as a member of Jewish tribe or people.
Ethnicity does not define a race. Being a member of a distinct tribe does not translate to being of a separate race no matter when the tribe first existed.

There are only three (some say four) races. Jews are predominantly Caucasian.
Really? Only a fool would believe that. Islamic terrorists commit acts of terror because the murdering pedophile of a 'prophet' who started this sick religion commands them to do it. It's in the book. Look it up. Nowhere in the Bible will you see anything similar.

Pakistani academic: Islam and Christianity both preach peace and tolerance, minorities have equal rights in Pakistan

Christianity teaches peace to everybody.Islam to Muslims only.
Not only that, but Christianity espouses tolerance. Islam does not.

Actually, it does.

The problem with these two religions is that they both have radical fringe groups that are trying to drum up a ridiculous war between the two faiths. All nations, including the U.S., need to guard against these fringe elements getting hold of the national military and sending members of the military out to fight, in the name of the country, what essentially is another useless religious war.
There are radicals in all religions. The bell curve is alive and well in all large samples. Intolerance is a trait of most radicals.
Really? Only a fool would believe that. Islamic terrorists commit acts of terror because the murdering pedophile of a 'prophet' who started this sick religion commands them to do it. It's in the book. Look it up. Nowhere in the Bible will you see anything similar.

Pakistani academic: Islam and Christianity both preach peace and tolerance, minorities have equal rights in Pakistan

Christianity teaches peace to everybody.Islam to Muslims only.
Not only that, but Christianity espouses tolerance. Islam does not.

As in this Christian Nation's supreme swastika up Uranus court tolerance of drug trafficking in synagogue KKK churchstate cops where it doesn't matter how many immaculate drug conceptions they deem is the law as long as the books which Nazis recorded their WW II concentration pedophile plundering & killings go trover & conversion into churchstate property since lynching enforcement of "serve the Pope or die' is the same & as does Islam which West Nazi Germany Virginia & the Federal Lynching state of hate also implement.
Really? Only a fool would believe that. Islamic terrorists commit acts of terror because the murdering pedophile of a 'prophet' who started this sick religion commands them to do it. It's in the book. Look it up. Nowhere in the Bible will you see anything similar.

Pakistani academic: Islam and Christianity both preach peace and tolerance, minorities have equal rights in Pakistan

Christianity teaches peace to everybody.Islam to Muslims only.
Not only that, but Christianity espouses tolerance. Islam does not.

Islam is a Cult of Murder, Christianity a Cult of Love.
Really? Only a fool would believe that. Islamic terrorists commit acts of terror because the murdering pedophile of a 'prophet' who started this sick religion commands them to do it. It's in the book. Look it up. Nowhere in the Bible will you see anything similar.

Pakistani academic: Islam and Christianity both preach peace and tolerance, minorities have equal rights in Pakistan

Christianity teaches peace to everybody.Islam to Muslims only.
Not only that, but Christianity espouses tolerance. Islam does not.

Actually, it does.

The problem with these two religions is that they both have radical fringe groups that are trying to drum up a ridiculous war between the two faiths. All nations, including the U.S., need to guard against these fringe elements getting hold of the national military and sending members of the military out to fight, in the name of the country, what essentially is another useless religious war.

When Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, Fundamentalist Baptists and other 'radical fringes' demanded a Killing of Non-Christians.
Ask for religion affiliation of politicians in so-called 'christian' western countries.
Most of them are Satanist, Freemasons, non-Christians, Atheists etc.

According to the Holy Bible if you kill anybody you go automatically to Hell, in Islam you go to Paradise only after Murder on Non-Muslims.
It is the Difference between Christianity and Cult of Moon God ( Islam )
Really? Only a fool would believe that. Islamic terrorists commit acts of terror because the murdering pedophile of a 'prophet' who started this sick religion commands them to do it. It's in the book. Look it up. Nowhere in the Bible will you see anything similar.

Pakistani academic: Islam and Christianity both preach peace and tolerance, minorities have equal rights in Pakistan

Christianity teaches peace to everybody.Islam to Muslims only.
Not only that, but Christianity espouses tolerance. Islam does not.

Actually, it does.

The problem with these two religions is that they both have radical fringe groups that are trying to drum up a ridiculous war between the two faiths. All nations, including the U.S., need to guard against these fringe elements getting hold of the national military and sending members of the military out to fight, in the name of the country, what essentially is another useless religious war.
There are radicals in all religions. The bell curve is alive and well in all large samples. Intolerance is a trait of most radicals.


Here are Christian ones:


Here are Muslim ones:


Do you see the Difference?According to all Muslim scholars ISIS is the True and Pure Islam based on Quran.
Muslims will kill all non-Muslims in the West after gaining of majority.

You can't be Jewish and an Athiest, ya neo Nazi dickhead.

Of course you can be an atheist and a Jew.

I am essentially (I don't want to argue the semantics of "atheism") both of those things.
Nope. Can you be a Christian and an Atheist?

I don't know if many people identify as such, but sure. In fact, I would guess that most "atheists" in this country have a Christmas tree, exchange gifts tomorrow, and have various other traditions based on the religion they left behind.

I am Jewish because my mother is Jewish, and so is her mother, and so on. I am Jewish because my great-grandmother left her shtetl in Poland and got on a boat. I am Jewish because I was raised to think of myself as a Jew.

I am an atheist because I was raised (by Jews) to not believe in any "God". I am an atheist because my grandfather was a scientist who broke boundaries and discovered things that no one knew before him. I am an atheist because that same grandfather wrote his own haggadah, assigning scientific explanations for all the "miracles" and "plagues".

I am Jewish because that same grandfather couldn't get a job under his given name, and had to change it.
You are correct, mostly, Jew can be a culture, a people, and a religion. It can be one, both, or all three depending on the person. When it comes to Jews, however, you can be a Jew racially, but if you aren't following any of the traditions, tenements, or rituals of the religion whatsoever, then technically, you aren't a "Jew". I have a close childhood friend who like you, was born a Jew, but due to many difficult events in his life, never believed in God, and went on to marry two Christian "White" women and have kids from them. Therefore the only "Jew" in him was the fact that both his parents were Jews.

I on the other hand am what one might call a very secular Jew.

That aside, all I'm trying to say before the antisemite injected his bigotry into the discussion is, as many if not more people have been killed by Atheists, most of them not born Jews or affiliated with the people or religion in any way.
What about replacement theology? From what I've read, believers in Christ are the new Jews. What do you think Scripture was referring to when it mentioned circumcision of the heart? The Jewish race are still Gods chosen people, but they will not be redeemed until the Tribulation.
Both Christians and Muslims have practiced replacement theology and still do. They could not discredit a faith their religion is based on or derived from, so they tried to kill the adherents of that faith, in order to be able to make the claim that "they are the real Jews". This has been the source of antisemtism throughout the ages, in my opinion.
Really? Only a fool would believe that. Islamic terrorists commit acts of terror because the murdering pedophile of a 'prophet' who started this sick religion commands them to do it. It's in the book. Look it up. Nowhere in the Bible will you see anything similar.

Pakistani academic: Islam and Christianity both preach peace and tolerance, minorities have equal rights in Pakistan

Christianity teaches peace to everybody.Islam to Muslims only.
Not only that, but Christianity espouses tolerance. Islam does not.

Actually, it does.

The problem with these two religions is that they both have radical fringe groups that are trying to drum up a ridiculous war between the two faiths. All nations, including the U.S., need to guard against these fringe elements getting hold of the national military and sending members of the military out to fight, in the name of the country, what essentially is another useless religious war.
Christians and Jews have moved on and reformed, Muslims are still stuck in the medieval times and are trying to drag the rest of the world back there with them.
A "Jew" is a descendant of Judah, ONE of the twelve tribes.

All the early Christians were still Jews, as were the atheists and communists.

Following the common religion of the modernday Jews is not what makes you a Jew. It IS about lineage.
Judaism is the only faith that is both a people and a relgion. So one can enter the faith from either door. In the past however, one would have to be born to a Jewish mother to be considered a Jew.
...however, Judaism is not a race. There are three human races: Caucasian, Mongoloid and Negroid. Jews are Caucasian, unless converted Mongoloid or Negroid (such as was Sammy Davis, Jr.)

Anyone can convert to Judaism. Not all Jews observe the tenets of the faith. There are, for instance Jews for Jesus.

Likewise, Islam is not a race. It is also not a religion. It is a demented theocracy, founded by a horny pedophile warlord 1500 years ago and infested today with hordes of lunatic Ayatollahs, Imams and brainwashed men who degrade and mutilate females, wipe their asses with their bare hands, screw their goats, and kill innocent people on command.
For over 4000 years Jews have considered themselves a people, and still do. Jesus was born as a member of Jewish tribe or people.
Ethnicity does not define a race. Being a member of a distinct tribe does not translate to being of a separate race no matter when the tribe first existed.

There are only three (some say four) races. Jews are predominantly Caucasian.
Yes, but in my opinion the classification has its faults, for example, on college applications and most govt. forms, all Arabs and Middle Easterners have to list themselves as "white / Caucasian". You can't tell me that a person from Sweden is the same race as a person from Iraq.
Really? Only a fool would believe that. Islamic terrorists commit acts of terror because the murdering pedophile of a 'prophet' who started this sick religion commands them to do it. It's in the book. Look it up. Nowhere in the Bible will you see anything similar.

Pakistani academic: Islam and Christianity both preach peace and tolerance, minorities have equal rights in Pakistan

Christianity teaches peace to everybody.Islam to Muslims only.
Not only that, but Christianity espouses tolerance. Islam does not.

Actually, it does.

The problem with these two religions is that they both have radical fringe groups that are trying to drum up a ridiculous war between the two faiths. All nations, including the U.S., need to guard against these fringe elements getting hold of the national military and sending members of the military out to fight, in the name of the country, what essentially is another useless religious war.
There are radicals in all religions. The bell curve is alive and well in all large samples. Intolerance is a trait of most radicals.


Here are Christian ones:


Here are Muslim ones:


Do you see the Difference?According to all Muslim scholars ISIS is the True and Pure Islam based on Quran.
Muslims will kill all non-Muslims in the West after gaining of majority.

You missed Eric Rudolph, Michael Bray, Robert Dear, Hagee trying to gin-up war and claiming crap, the preaching about killing Muslims and starting a religious war, the trash like moore trying to block women from the political process, after trying to find a child he could bed, the "holy men" talking about killing LGBTs, the forced-birth guys, the movement by garbage "Christian" men to lure girls into a life of sexual subjugation, the "Institute for Basic Life Principles," Jeffress running around like Chicken Little screaming that Obama was the "anti-Christ." We know about radical Muslims, but we need to keep a much closer eye on radical "Christians" right here in the U.S. who seek to control and ruin the lives of Americans. Radical Muslims and radical Christians are the same trash, cut from the same cloth, just dressed in different outfits. And notice that both groups want to abuse the female half of the population. Put both groups on a deserted island and let them fight it out among themselves out of sight of decent civilization, so that they can't do any harm to anyone else.
A "Jew" is a descendant of Judah, ONE of the twelve tribes.

All the early Christians were still Jews, as were the atheists and communists.

Following the common religion of the modernday Jews is not what makes you a Jew. It IS about lineage.
Judaism is the only faith that is both a people and a relgion. So one can enter the faith from either door. In the past however, one would have to be born to a Jewish mother to be considered a Jew.
...however, Judaism is not a race. There are three human races: Caucasian, Mongoloid and Negroid. Jews are Caucasian, unless converted Mongoloid or Negroid (such as was Sammy Davis, Jr.)

Anyone can convert to Judaism. Not all Jews observe the tenets of the faith. There are, for instance Jews for Jesus.

Likewise, Islam is not a race. It is also not a religion. It is a demented theocracy, founded by a horny pedophile warlord 1500 years ago and infested today with hordes of lunatic Ayatollahs, Imams and brainwashed men who degrade and mutilate females, wipe their asses with their bare hands, screw their goats, and kill innocent people on command.
For over 4000 years Jews have considered themselves a people, and still do. Jesus was born as a member of Jewish tribe or people.
Ethnicity does not define a race. Being a member of a distinct tribe does not translate to being of a separate race no matter when the tribe first existed.

There are only three (some say four) races. Jews are predominantly Caucasian.
Yes, but in my opinion the classification has its faults, for example, on college applications and most govt. forms, all Arabs and Middle Easterners have to list themselves as "white / Caucasian". You can't tell me that a person from Sweden is the same race as a person from Iraq.
Yes I can.

List of Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid civilizations
I am laughing violently as this is so fucking stupid that it is funny!

Peace? Religion be it Christianity or islam are the single biggest reason for war on this planet.

Yup and anyone who thinks Islam is the religion of peace has been living under a rock.

Muslim mutants have no problem killing anyone who doesn't agree with what they believe.

And Europe is learning that the Muslims don't assimilate and will have their own communities with no go police zones.

European leaders are their own worst enemies for letting these Mutant Muslims into their countries. If they had a working brain cell they would kick all Muslim mutants out of their countries and back to whatever third world shithole they came out of.
I am laughing violently as this is so fucking stupid that it is funny!

Peace? Religion be it Christianity or islam are the single biggest reason for war on this planet.

Yup and anyone who thinks Islam is the religion of peace has been living under a rock.

Muslim mutants have no problem killing anyone who doesn't agree with what they believe.

And Europe is learning that the Muslims don't assimilate and will have their own communities with no go police zones.

European leaders are their own worst enemies for letting these Mutant Muslims into their countries. If they had a working brain cell they would kick all Muslim mutants out of their countries and back to whatever third world shithole they came out of.

Funny. I live in a multi-ethnic community on the outskirts of Washington DC that includes a fair amount of Muslims. I have seen absolutely none of what you are talking about. However, there have been disturbances by white-supremacist groups, running around at night distributing openly racist flyers. And a local couple who sought to keep their teenage daughter from having a relationship with a neo-nazi was gunned down in their home a few days ago.
I am laughing violently as this is so fucking stupid that it is funny!
Peace? Religion be it Christianity or islam are the single biggest reason for war on this planet.
Yup and anyone who thinks Islam is the religion of peace has been living under a rock.
Muslim mutants have no problem killing anyone who doesn't agree with what they believe.
And Europe is learning that the Muslims don't assimilate and will have their own communities with no go police zones.
European leaders are their own worst enemies for letting these Mutant Muslims into their countries. If they had a working brain cell they would kick all Muslim mutants out of their countries and back to whatever third world shithole they came out of.

As the Catholic Church version of peace in mass murder of Florida Indians then declaring they died in the name of God; which evidently is why this Christian Nation patriot act for 9/11 of that more perfect union of Islam & Christians mass murder of Americans occurred so they could be deemed as served in the name of God. How there are this many Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality is perplexingly idiotic.
Sure, all religions have done bad things in their past.

Muslims have been doing things for fourteen hundred years and are still doing them.

Name a Christian or Catholic religion that cuts off heads, murders people and other bad things today.

You can't. Only Muslims, who worship a man who was a pedophile do those things now.

Grow up.

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