Pakistani Muslims sneaking across our Southern Border

The nuclear tech necessary to create an atomic weapon will most likely be Pakistani and there won't be anything anyone can do to stop it except by fortune of good luck. It's probably already here and being assembled in plain site.

Pray that the HEU doesn't have a Russian chemical signature because the last thing every microbe on this messed up planet needs is WWIII. A lot of HEU has come through Gerogia into Turkey over the last 20 years.

Hopefully, Obama will be in DC on that day it goes off. My glass is always half full.

I never officially joined the Minutemen but I did spend a weekend glassing the southern Arizona border. They mostly sat around in their lawn chairs lying about their military exploits but a few of them were out trying to interdict the crossers. Three of us met one group of five about 200 meters into the US side. They went into a defensive crouch so we threw down on them with sidearms. They took off back into of them dropped his backpack running and it had a koran and some other muslim prayer shit in it. We called the BP and they told us not to pursue and hung up.

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