Pakistani Teen Dies Stopping Bomber From Striking School

What is happening in Pakistan is the result of a long period of history, colonialism and it's legacy, years of corruption, a culture that is still after all this time, essentially tribal, multiple wars, and yes - religion enters into the mix. But you don't see all that. And you don't want to.

I might be incompetent at identifying the right geographical region, Sally, but your ignorance extends even further. It's a deliberate choice.

Have you ever thought that others think your ignorance knows no bounds? The two main sects of Islam have been fighting each other ever since Islam came into being, and this is why you keep on seeing the majority Sunnis murdering the Shia in Pakistan. Meanwhile, since you are doing such a wonderful job on the Asia forum, no doubt the regular readers of this particular forum will be waiting with bated breath for your great articles which will, of course, be covering Asia.

Everybody's ignorance knows no bounds. Ignorance is infinite.

For example, you state that the two main sects of Islam have been fighting since Islam came into being. Islam originated with Mohammad. The two main branches came after his death.

In affluent countries you rarely see such volatile religious disputes, Sally. A reasonably intelligent person might conclude that there is far more going on than just a dispute as to whose God is better.

The young man who saved the other children was very brave and noble.

yes he was------does anyone know to which community the young man belonged?

The attackers are said to be of a SUNNI AL'QUEIDA Linked islamicist group known
for many terrorist acts . What was the motive?. Was the school SHIITE?
or was the problem female students-? or what??

It is a bit silly to say that sally is wrong to date the SHIITE/SUNNI split
at the INCEPTION OF ISLAM------she is right. are you quibbling about
"inception" time--------The fight was between Muhummads' son in law----
and another of muhmmad's pals------THE INCEPTION OF ISLAM and it was
over SUCCESSION----very shortly after his death.
In an ideal world we'd have Sally and Sherri locked in a room together. There, Sally could put forth her theories on why poster x or y or z doesn't seem to care about what Muslims (only Muslims because no one else commits violence) are doing to a or b or c in the lands of O and Z. Meanwhile Sherri could find a way to bring in the Evil Zionist Babykillers possibly in concert with drone attacks (that would be a twofer) and line it up with pertinant though misguided biblical quotations. We would have a concession stand of course, and sell popcorn, lottery tickets and gummi-bears. For a modest fee, we could open the door briefly every 15 minutes and make it a spectator sport to an interested audience.

However, this is the real world. The topic is about terrorists and the intense bravery of real "martyrs" like a 15 yr old boy who gave up his life to save 2000 children, and an angry population who can't understand why their government is so incompetent and incapable.

Whatever you say, Coyote, whatever you way. However, in the real, real world when a person does know people who moved to Pakistan, they worry about them being suicide or car bombed while they are out and about since this occurs an awful lot. No one is saying that this young boy wasn't brave, but it is a shame that people do have to blow themselves up to be "martyrs" while taking many innocent people with them.

Suicide car bomber kills 4 policemen in Karachi CCTV News - CNTV English

Coyote has informed us that the TOPIC here is a brave kid who saved what are
probably his own school mates from an attack by "someone" Who are the
saved victims and who and for what reason the bomber wanted to kill them is
simply not an issue as per Coyote. It is all a matter of the WELL KNOWN FACT---
tht PAKISTANIS CANNOT SELF GOVERN because they were ----in the past ---
TAINTED by the presence of "WESTERNERS". I know the mindset because
I have been acquainted with pakistanis for more than 50 years . Coyote does
present the pakistani mindset very cogently. Sherri does help by noting
drone attacks as the prime cause of the murder attempt. So far all they have
left out of the equation is the real issue------it was all orchestrated by MOSSAD
US should LEAVE PAKISTAN AT ONCE please...

I agree-----with the exception of programs to save Hindu india from the FILTH
from up North ----and possible rescue hindus, christians, and sikhs still
stuck in the cesspit above------we should be completely OUT OF THERE.
Our support of the TALIBAN DOGS was truly idiotic. In 1971---flower child that
I was-----I was horrified over the abuses taking place in east pakistan------
NOW that I got smarter-----the only role for the US back then was SAVE THE
HINDUS ----we should have rescued them and then insisted on compensation from
the UMMAH for their lost property-----and more importantly ---their lost lives. Even
now their descendants line the streets of KOLKATA------unlike the frauds in Gaza
who have called themselves "refugees" for 65 years and are FED by the USA------the hindus who fled the filth in 1971 starve in the gutters. USA people are naive.
We should learn to pick our battles with discernment
US should LEAVE PAKISTAN AT ONCE please...

I agree-----with the exception of programs to save Hindu india from the FILTH
from up North ----and possible rescue hindus, christians, and sikhs still
stuck in the cesspit above------we should be completely OUT OF THERE.
Our support of the TALIBAN DOGS was truly idiotic. In 1971---flower child that
I was-----I was horrified over the abuses taking place in east pakistan------
NOW that I got smarter-----the only role for the US back then was SAVE THE
HINDUS ----we should have rescued them and then insisted on compensation from
the UMMAH for their lost property-----and more importantly ---their lost lives. Even
now their descendants line the streets of KOLKATA------unlike the frauds in Gaza
who have called themselves "refugees" for 65 years and are FED by the USA------the hindus who fled the filth in 1971 starve in the gutters. USA people are naive.
We should learn to pick our battles with discernment

It is a shame, though. Partition took hundreds of thousands of lives from both sides. Maybe India should have remained undivided. They were one nation, after all. Even today, many Indians and Pakistanis I know have relatives on the other side
India is by far the largest Hindu country and is located next to Pakistan.

They are the ones who need to rescue the Hindus if they are truely being abused.

Not the U.S. ... :cool:
The boy is indeed brave. I hope one day Pakistan will become a society where adults will do this kind of heroics.
India is by far the largest Hindu country and is located next to Pakistan.

They are the ones who need to rescue the Hindus if they are truely being abused.

Not the U.S. ... :cool:

India is at a gross disadvantage-----it harbors an IMMENSE fifth column-----entirely
traitorous to it--------millions of muslims
India is by far the largest Hindu country and is located next to Pakistan.

They are the ones who need to rescue the Hindus if they are truely being abused.

Not the U.S. ... :cool:

India is at a gross disadvantage-----it harbors an IMMENSE fifth column-----entirely
traitorous to it--------millions of muslims

Not really. There are some bad apples among Indian Muslims but majority of them are good Indians.
India is by far the largest Hindu country and is located next to Pakistan.

They are the ones who need to rescue the Hindus if they are truely being abused.

Not the U.S. ... :cool:

India is at a gross disadvantage-----it harbors an IMMENSE fifth column-----entirely
traitorous to it--------millions of muslims

Not really. There are some bad apples among Indian Muslims but majority of them are good Indians.

Some of the first muslims I have known-----were INDIAN MUSLIMS "someday we
will drink their blood" is not what I would call a friendly indian muslim. Perhaps you
have MORE experience than have I------I had been acquainted with both hindu and
Indian muslims---and pakistanis for more than 50 years--_BUT IN THE USA . I have
worked closely with them-------there is lots of clear ANIMOSITY against hindus by
muslims ------and the ever repeated -----"they cheer for pakistan at the cricket games"---
WITH TEARS IN THEIR EYES--------the hindus are so hurt. Sorry----I am not sure I
believe you------when push comes to shove----the likely outcome is ---- muslim vs hindu---
with only some exceptions
India is at a gross disadvantage-----it harbors an IMMENSE fifth column-----entirely
traitorous to it--------millions of muslims

Not really. There are some bad apples among Indian Muslims but majority of them are good Indians.

Some of the first muslims I have known-----were INDIAN MUSLIMS "someday we
will drink their blood" is not what I would call a friendly indian muslim. Perhaps you
have MORE experience than have I------I had been acquainted with both hindu and
Indian muslims---and pakistanis for more than 50 years--_BUT IN THE USA . I have
worked closely with them-------there is lots of clear ANIMOSITY against hindus by
muslims ------and the ever repeated -----"they cheer for pakistan at the cricket games"---
WITH TEARS IN THEIR EYES--------the hindus are so hurt. Sorry----I am not sure I
believe you------when push comes to shove----the likely outcome is ---- muslim vs hindu---
with only some exceptions

I disagree. But let us agree to disagree and move on. After all the topic is about a brave boy in Pakistan. Why bring India into the discussion!

Also on a separate note, this thread should have been in the middle east section not Asia because majority of Pakistanis consider themselves middle eastern.
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Why would they think of the U.S. as the enemy?

Just because we violate Pakistan air space with drones and drop bombs on Pakistani citizens at will is no reason to hate America.

After all we are doing it for their own benefit......why can't they see that?? ... :confused:
The boy is indeed brave. I hope one day Pakistan will become a society where adults will do this kind of heroics.

Yes, indeed...and I'm glad to see they are making waves about the lack of government response to events like these.
Look, my point is...whether Pakistan or the U.S. is at fault here for their damaged relationship is no longer relevant, frankly, I wasn't trying to blame anyone in particular. I just honestly think it best that both sides just try to cut their losses, you know?

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