Palestine, Beer & Oktoberfest

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009

[ame=]Part 1 - Palestine, Beer & Oktoberfest Under Occupation - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Part 2 - Palestine, Beer & Oktoberfest Under Occupation - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Part 3 - Palestine, Beer & Oktoberfest Under Occupation - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Part 4 - Palestine, Beer & Oktoberfest Under Occupation - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Part 5 - Palestine, Beer & Oktoberfest Under Occupation - YouTube[/ame]
More Bullshit from Bullshit Seeker:

Gaza Christians long for days before Hamas cancelled Christmas | World news |

Gaza Christians long for days before Hamas cancelled Christmas
Since the Palestinian Authority left the Gaza Strip, festive celebrations and displays of crucifixes have become taboo

Christians in Gaza say they face intimidation and arrest over Christmas celebrations since Hamas took charge in 2007. Photograph: APAimages/Rex Features

Of the 1.5 million Palestinians now living in the Gaza Strip, fewer than 1,400 are Christian and those who can are leaving.

There hasn't been a Christmas tree in Gaza City's main square since Hamas pushed the Palestinian Authority out of Gaza in 2007 and Christmas is no longer a public holiday. "People here do not celebrate Christmas anymore because they are nervous," Jelda said. "The youth in particular have a fear inside themselves."

Karam Qubrsi, 23, and his younger brother Peter, 21, are the eldest sons in one of Gaza's 55 remaining Catholic families. Both wear prominent wooden crucifixes. "Jesus tells me, 'if you can't carry my cross, you don't belong to me,'" Peter explained. It's a demonstration of faith that has caused him some trouble. He describes being stopped in the street by a Hamas official who told him to remove the cross. "I told him it's not his business and that I wouldn't," Peter said. After being threatened with arrest he was eventually let go, but the incident scared him.

The brightly decorated tree in the Qubrsis' living room sits at odds with the sombre mood. Their sisters Rani, 29, and Mai, 27, left Gaza in 2007 when the 30-year-old manager of Gaza's Bible Society bookstore, where their husbands worked, was shot dead, having been accused by radical elements of proselytising. They now live in Bethlehem.

"Many people want the Palestinian Authority to come back just so they can take their revenge," Peter said. "This is not a Christian environment. There are no good universities, there is no opportunity to work, no apartments to rent and so no way we can get married. We have no future here."
Hamas lets people drink beer?

You should go. They say everybody is invited.

Beer is haram.:eek:

Gravity REJOICE----there are provisions in shariah law which allow
DHIMMIS (jews and christians---and sometimes hindus if hindus are
needed to keep a specific shariah cesspit going) can make beer
or wine ---or booze) The idea is a DEMONSTRATION OF THE
BEAUTY OF SHARIAH and its "toleration" -----it is also a convenient
source of booze for the local mullahs. Even better news is that the
fact that booze gets made is a convenient reason for the local
on a libel ------"dhimmi sold a bottle to muhummad" The system
is exquistitely logical-----isa-respecters get booze and isa-respecters
get an excuse to rape, murder and enslave.
Just a few years ago there was a pogrom against
allegedly wine making jews in the shariah cesspit in which my
hubby was born. Given a few very ardent isa-respecters seeking
to CLEANSE SOCIETY----that little party "OKTOBER FEST"----
could easily turn into a "slit throat fest" some day
In general ----the wine and beer making dhimmis do live under the
protaction of isa-respecting alcoholics -----so it has been working
out for more than 1000 years ------just fine
Are the Palestinians really trying to say they treat Christians better than the Israelis do?

Gravity-----MUSLIMS TREAT EVERYBODY better than anyone else does
SHARIAH LAW is the MOST ELEGANT in the world ----you need
some muslim friends to TEACH YOU THE FINER POINTS

The history of the commerical production of booze by dhimmis
in muslim countries is very interesting---and sometimes a bit bloody.
Interestingly enough----sometimes the source of booze for
Shaykhs and mullahs has been the good fathers living in monasteries
in the middle east. That need for booze actually acted as a kind
of protective device-----since while muslims drink it------they do not
MAKE IT Another interesting factoid that seems brought about
by the isa-respecting creed is PHARMACY in isa-respecting
societies. I believe that pre-crusades----the "pharmacists"
werr both christian monks and jews----but more
recently ---in islamic countries---the pharmacists were
jews (the proscription on INTOXICATING stuff is
not just alcohol----it includes intoxicating drugs--which are
a big part of old time pharmacy---as for pain relief.)
Isa respecters have been creating commercial opportunities
for non muslims for more than a 1000 years ----pharmacy,
textiles, shoe making and even metallurgy is under a bit of
restriction in the isa-respecting theology-----more recently
the BOYCOTTS have been creating wealth for enterprising
christians with links to muslim countries (past 65 years)

I will not name the christian Lebanese and Syrian families
now WEALTHY in New York-----thanks to the boycotts
of israeli products onging for the past 62 years

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