Palestine Today

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RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I always think → "context" with these things (types of photo's).

All Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP), and the associates, donors and contributors are in contravention of Islamic Teachings → "if any Muslim kills an innocent person, that Muslim has committed a grave sin," has been lost in terms of the Jihadists, Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Troublemakers, Adherents, Guerrillas and Asymmetric Fighter.

The violence cannot be justified "in the name of Islam." And everyone knows this. And the propaganda pressed by the HoAP that essentially argue that it is OK to kill any


The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA (AMC), is not an enemy of the US or Israel. Their entire take on the Israeli - Palestinian and the associated Jihad is quite uniquely tied to Islamic teachings. The AMC is not exactly supporting the US and Israel, but they are not advocating violence.

Distorted teachings by extremists represent a threat that generates fear and Islamophobia worldwide. That includes HoAP activities.

Most Respectfully,
Annemarie Jacir on President Trump's Jerusalem declaration and the state of cinema in Palestine

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