Palestine Today

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1948-1967: Jordanian Occupation of Eastern Jerusalem

Please tell us why Jews were denied access into Bethlehem
Ask Jordan.

Typical deflection when you have no answer

If Jews were forbidden then why should the Palestinians have access to it now?

Why should the Israelis allow the Palestinians to have access knowing that if the Palestinians ever got control of the W. Bank or E. Jerusalem they would not have access to Bethlehem or their other Holy Sites?

This is one time where you can’t come up with your stupid answer; “ Ask Jordan”
Give them an inch, they take a mile.

Another stupid answer. Please tell us what “ inch” the Arabs gave the Israelis regarding their Holy Sites and why Israel should be any different

Why won’t you directly answer a question regarding the PLO position on that Jews will not be allowed at the Western Wall? Because you can’t
I am not the spokesperson for the Palestinian oligarchs.
1948-1967: Jordanian Occupation of Eastern Jerusalem

Please tell us why Jews were denied access into Bethlehem
Ask Jordan.

Typical deflection when you have no answer

If Jews were forbidden then why should the Palestinians have access to it now?

Why should the Israelis allow the Palestinians to have access knowing that if the Palestinians ever got control of the W. Bank or E. Jerusalem they would not have access to Bethlehem or their other Holy Sites?

This is one time where you can’t come up with your stupid answer; “ Ask Jordan”
Give them an inch, they take a mile.

Another stupid answer. Please tell us what “ inch” the Arabs gave the Israelis regarding their Holy Sites and why Israel should be any different

Why won’t you directly answer a question regarding the PLO position on that Jews will not be allowed at the Western Wall? Because you can’t
I am not the spokesperson for the Palestinian oligarchs.

If you won't condemn the Palestinians because you are not the spokesperson for the Palestinian oligarchs then you have no business condemning Israel . Your Hypocrisy shows every time you post

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From local heritage ambassador to world heritage ambassador: A Palestinian’s dream


When Samar Qawasmi was awarded the title of 2019 Palestinian Ambassador to Heritage and Folklore, she immediately started to think of her next move: World Heritage Ambassador, and she is getting ready to compete for it when it will be held in Cairo next month.

Qawasmi, 22, from Jerusalem and a senior in business administration and marketing at Bethlehem University with great passion for heritage and folklore, saw an advertisement at her college for the competition for Palestinian Ambassador to Heritage and Folklore and immediately applied for it.

Qawasmi said she felt a sense of pride for starting her steps in the right way. “I have always wanted to be part of any project that might contribute to spreading awareness about the rich Palestinian heritage and its uniqueness, just as any ancient civilization in the world.”

From local heritage ambassador to world heritage ambassador: A Palestinian’s dream
We reserve the right to defend ourselves by breaking into Palestinian homes and arresting children.

What does "The Israel Lobby - US" documentary reveal about the lobby in America? - Ali Abunimah

The best and most beautiful thing about the olive season in Palestine is that it brings together grandparents and grandchildren. The stories grandparents tell their grandchildren as they teach and guide them how to deal with the olive tree are the most precious.
Photo by Jamal Kiwan.

Six sons are being held in Israeli jails. A seventh was killed by Israeli occupation forces in 1994. Israel has attempted to shatter the Abu Hmeid family in Ramallah in every way. This is a picture of their home after it was leveled to the ground this morning.

Um Naser Abu Hmeid stands on the ruins of her home which was demolished by Israeli occupation forces in Ramallah at dawn today.

The Palestinian detainee Nael al-Barghouti turns 62 today. Al-Barghouti is the longest-serving political prisoner in history as he was arrested by Israeli occupation forces in 1978!

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