Palestine Today

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One example is Uganda who attempted to implement draconian anti gay laws, and was criticized for it. International pressure finally watered it down. Pakistan has been pressured on its blasphemy laws. Myanmar on its set of laws removing citizenship from certain ethnic groups.

Wow. Seriously?

So, we are comparing international criticism of Jewish people for declaring a protected, self-determination in their own homeland to:

  • death penalty laws for homosexuality
  • death penalty laws for blasphemy
  • deprivation of citizenship based on race

And you think I'M being unreasonable?

She never cared about any equality, just her obsessive slandering of Israel.
The vulgar virtue signaling is only to mask her blatant racism.

The only thing that's been consistent.
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Guess trolling away with "funnies",
is all that's left when answering inconvenient questions destroys the agenda.

Guess trolling away with "funnies",
is all that's left when answering inconvenient questions destroys the agenda.

You have said what you are going to say already, several posts above (and given your own share of funnies I might add) Given the caliber of your conversation, I have no more interest in any conversation with you then I would with a rabid dog and I seriously doubt you desire real discourse with me either. Find someone else to troll.

Good day .
Guess trolling away with "funnies",
is all that's left when answering inconvenient questions destroys the agenda.

You have said what you are going to say already, several posts above (and given your own share of funnies I might add) Given the caliber of your conversation, I have no more interest in any conversation with you then I would with a rabid dog and I seriously doubt you desire real discourse with me either. Find someone else to troll.

Good day .

Oh boy, You just can't control it,
instead of actually answering, all You have is reserving to trolling with funnies, and infantile name calling.

Guess those questions are really inconvenient.
Expect anything’ — the steadfast service of a Gaza paramedic

For the 78th straight Friday, Nada Shaikh Deeb, 23, collects her first aid kit contents inside her little asbestos-roofed bedroom in Khan Yunis camp in the southern Gaza strip and gets ready to go to the fence.

Nada was injured last January near the fence and still has pain in her leg when she runs. But she has gone out to the fence week after week.

For months, the world took notice of the death of al-Najjar, killed while treating the wounded at the protests against Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip. Even as she was buried, she became a symbol of the Great March of Return.

The bullet that killed Razan was fired by an Israeli sniper into a crowd that included white-coated medics in plain view. A detailed reconstruction, stitched together from hundreds of crowd-sourced videos and photographs, shows that neither the medics nor anyone around them posed any apparent threat of violence to Israeli personnel.

‘Expect anything’ — the steadfast service of a Gaza paramedic – Mondoweiss
UN official finally calls out Hamas’ serial child abuse using kids at Gaza border as human cannon fodder.


UN rebukes Hamas for planning to risk children's lives Gaza border protes
Unlike you, I understand our history, and the events that took place long ago.

Unlike you, I do not blame all people for the actions of one.

You are a jerk. Nothing more need be said when you attempt to use an American tragedy for your own subversive purposes.

Yeah sure, it's because of "understanding history" that You reserve infantile cursing,
and support the enemies of Your own people.


That is pretty pathetic, even from you. Fowl? As in cock fighting? Seriously, get a grip. Own your own hate. And stop pretending you know more about my country.


I'm not the one who is trying to convince people that establishing a Caliphate in their land is justice, while living thousands of miles away and acting like I ride some moral high horse.

You're really are out of Your mind.

And, I might add this demonstrates what a flat out liar you are. You know damn well I meant Emerites and you know damn well I started a thread on exactly that. But hey - keep spreading your lies.

Yet after being pointed to the meaning of the term,
still continued suggesting an establishment a Caliphate.

Your lame taqiyya fools no one.

Liar. Link to it or admit you are lying.

Edited to add. You really are a low grade scumbag of a liar. I found that discussion, where you corrected me on the terms and I said Emerites was what I meant and we agreed on the concept. At no time else did I suggest Caliphates be established.

At least your true nature is obvious.
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The second point you object to is the right for Jews to come live in Israel. (That's all "settlement" means, you know). It seems perfectly reasonable to me that Jews should be permitted to come live in Israel. This law does not restrict anyone. It just gives consideration to Jews. And a TON of other countries have this same law. Why is this problematic for you?
**** this thread.
It's a BLOG SPAMMED for Years by PF Tinhead (mostly boobtubes) and permitted by incompetent Mods.
Often with no other posts for days.
Make him Blog/Let it Die.
Any response is promoting it.

To others:
If you have something to say start a new thread.
Do NOT promote this endless SPAM YOU MORONS.

[We] Jews are supposed 'master of the media,' but you are ALL low IQ CLOWNS who have figured out nothing about tactics that any 3 digit IQer should.,

So a BIG **** you too, you morons.

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Okay. Let's see if we can re-center this. The first point you object to is that self-determination in Israel belongs to the Jewish people.

I argue that this identical to the Slovene constitution which states, specifically, that the right to self-determination in Slovenia rests with the Slovene people. There is absolutely no provision in the Slovene charter for rights to self-determination for the Italian and Hungarian peoples in Slovenia. None. Nada. Zero. It is absolutely clear that self-determination rests with the Slovene people.

Articles 11 and 64 give certain special language and cultural preservation rights to the Italian and Hungarian communities in Slovenia. There is no right to self-determination embedded here.

So, I begin to wonder how you understand the term "self-determination" and what you think it means.

What I object to is it belongs only to the Jewish people. And in the Slovene Constitution, it only is mentioned in the preamble, and states that the right to self determination is fundamental and permanent, but it does state it as singular - unique -limited only to the Slovene people.

What I think self determination means is best defined here:

UNPO: Self-determination
Essentially, the right to self-determination is the right of a people to determine its own destiny. In particular, the principle allows a people to choose its own political status and to determine its own form of economic, cultural and social development. Exercise of this right can result in a variety of different outcomes ranging from political independence through to full integration within a state. The importance lies in the right of choice, so that the outcome of a people's choice should not affect the existence of the right to make a choice. In practice, however, the possible outcome of an exercise of self-determination will often determine the attitude of governments towards the actual claim by a people or nation. Thus, while claims to cultural autonomy may be more readily recognized by states, claims to independence are more likely to be rejected by them. Nevertheless, the right to self-determination is recognized in international law as a right of process (not of outcome) belonging to peoples and not to states or governments.
Nevertheless, the right to self-determination is recognized in international law as a right of process (not of outcome) belonging to peoples and not to states or governments.
Indeed, and the number one excuse to deny Palestinians their universal, inalienable rights is that they never had a state. (Not true BTW, but we have heard that constantly our whole lives.) A people do not need a "state." A people only need to be the people of the place. Palestine is a place whose international borders were defined by international treaties. Those borders went into effect in 1924. The Palestinians, who have lived there for an untold number of centuries, became citizens of Palestine by international law in 1924 and domestic law in 1925. The Palestinians are the people of the place. Race, religion, color, etc. are irrelevant.

The French are the people of France who have the right to self determination in France. They are the people of the place.

The British are the people of Britain who have the right to self determination in Britain. They are the people of the place.

Do the French have the right to self determination in Britain? No. They are the people from someplace else.

How can such a simple concept be so confusing?

Concept? What concept?
What other nations have nation laws that ....

This is my point. Sigh. Many, many of them do. The exact wording varies. But there is nothing in Israel's Nation State laws that differs from many, many other State declarations. Which is WHY I'm saying that you hold Israel to a different standard.

Which ones have wording that claims that the right to self determination in that nation, a nation of multiple native peoples, is unique to only one of those groups and that the government will support the spread and settlement of that one group? Right there isn’t that giving a unique set of rights to just that group?
I could probably get preferential Israeli or Russian citizenship. Maybe Lithuania too.

Also note: Israel was set up/Raison was AS a "National Home for the Jewish People," The 1000/2000 year persecuted Jews.
It is NOT, and was not meant to be a free for all. Not the USA or Canada, and was NOT meant to be.
Got it?
South Sudan recently got independence from the genociding Arabo-Muslim North, and they are and will be separate peoples.

Nationality law - Wikipedia
Provisions to simplify immigration of favored ethnic groups

Several countries' nationality laws have special provisions in them to simplify naturalization of favored ethnic groups. The laws in these countries appear to reflect a desire by governments to guarantee a safe haven to diaspora populations, particularly those assumed to be living under precarious conditions. A non-exhaustive list of such countries laws follows.

Article 14 of the Constitution of Armenia (1995) provides that "individuals of Armenian origin shall acquire citizenship of the Republic of Armenia through a simplified procedure."[5] This provision is consistent with the Declaration on Independence of Armenia, issued by the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Armenia in 1989, which declared at article 4 that "Armenians living abroad are entitled to the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia".

Citizenship act of the Republic of Belarus (2002) states that permanent residence term requirements may be waived for ethnic Belarusians and descendants of ethnic Belarusians born abroad.

According to the Constitution of Bulgaria, Article 25(2): "A person of Bulgarian origin shall acquire Bulgarian citizenship through a facilitated procedure."[6]

Chapter Two of the Bulgarian Citizenship Act is entitled "Acquisition of Bulgarian Citizenship". The first section of that chapter is entitled "Acquisition of Bulgarian Citizenship by Origin", and provides at article 9 that "[a]ny person ... whose descent from a Bulgarian citizen has been established by way of a court ruling shall be a Bulgarian citizen by origin." Separately, article 15 of the Act provides that "[a]ny person who is not a Bulgarian citizen may acquire Bulgarian citizenship ... if he/she ... is of a Bulgarian origin".

The immigration law of China gives priority to returning Overseas Chineseethnic Chinese who were living abroad. As a result of the intersection between this provision and other factors such as the China's poor human-rights record that discourage foreign nationals in general from wanting to move there, practically all immigrants to China are ethnic Chinese, including many whose families lived outside of China for generations.[citation needed]

The Chinese government encourages the return of Overseas Chinese with various incentives not available to others, such as "tax breaks, high salaries and exemptions from the one-child policy if they had two children while living abroad".[7]

The "rights and interests of returned overseas Chinese" are afforded special protection according to Articles 50 and 89(12) of the Chinese Constitution.[8]

Hong Kong
Further information: Nationality law of the People's Republic of China § Hong Kong
In April 2015, the Hong Kong Government announced a pilot scheme named "Admission Scheme for the Second Generation of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Residents" (ASSG).[9]

The Croatian law on citizenship (Zakon o hrvatskom državljanstvu), article 11, defines emigrants (iseljenik) and gives them privileges by excluding them from certain conditions imposed on others.

The Croatian diaspora makes use of this to obtain dual citizenship or to return to Croatia.

Czech Republic
The Czech Republic grants citizenship, and thus the right of residence, to anyone whose parents are or were Czech citizens (unless the individual is also a citizen of a country that has a treaty with the Czech Republic barring dual citizenship of the Czech Republic and that country).[10] Moreover, people of Czech origin might be granted the right to permanent residence (Czech origin is a reason worth of consideration).[11]

In 1995, the Czech Republic amended its Citizenship Law to provide the Interior Ministry with the discretion to waive the usual five-year residency requirement for foreigners that had been resettled in the Czech Republic by 31 December 1994. This amendment was aimed particularly at several hundred ethnic Czechs which had been brought by the Czech government from the Ukrainian region of Volhynia, and was of a limited duration.[12]

The amendment was consistent with what the Czech Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs has identified as "the Czech government's policy principles regarding the resettlement of foreigners of Czech origin living abroad."[13] A private fund, the People In Need Czech TV Foundation, worked with government authorities between 1995 and 2001 to effect this resettlement in the specific instance of Russian and Kazakh citizens of Czech origin, and had resettled approximately 750 such persons as of 2000.[14]

Article 36 (3) of the Constitution of Estonia states that "Every Estonian is entitled to settle in Estonia."[15]

The Finnish Aliens Act provides for persons who are of Finnish origin to receive permanent residence. It is usually Ingrian Finns from the former Soviet Union who exercise this right, but American, Canadian or Swedish nationals with Finnish ancestry are eligible.

The Finnish Directorate of Immigration states on its Returnees webpage[16] that

    • Certain aliens, who have Finnish ancestry or otherwise a close connection with Finland, may be granted a residence permit on this basis. No other reason, such as work or study, is required in order to receive the permit.
    • Receiving a residence permit depends on the directness and closeness of Finnish ancestry. If the ancestry dates back several generations, a residence permit cannot be granted on this basis.
    • People who may be granted a residence permit based on Finnish ancestry or close connections with Finland can be divided into the following three groups:
      • former Finnish citizens:[17]
      • persons of other Finnish origin. This group includes the persons who have at least one parent or grandparent who has been a native Finnish citizen.[18]
      • persons from areas of the former Soviet Union. The group includes persons who have been determined to be of Finnish nationality by Soviet or post-Soviet authorities or who have at least one parent or two grandparents who have been determined to be of Finnish nationality in official documents, e.g., in their internal passports. Also all persons who were transferred between years 1943–1943 to Finland from areas occupied by Germany and were subsequently returned to Soviet Union or who served in the Finnish Defence Forces during the Second World War qualify. To qualify for permanent residence permit, the persons in this group must have a basic knowledge of spoken and written Finnish or Swedish. The knowledge is tested in pre-immigration training and in a subsequent language test. In addition, they must have a pre-arranged permanent residence in Finland, but the labour authorities assist in finding an apartment.[19]
Ghana, in The Right of Abode law, allows for people of African descent to settle in the country.[20]

Various phenomena throughout Greek history (the extensive colonization by classical Greek city states, the vast expansion of Greek culture in Hellenistic times, the large dominions at times held by the Greek-speaking Byzantine Empire, and the energetic trading activity by Greeks under the Ottomans) all tended to create Greek communities far beyond the boundaries of modern Greece.

Recognizing this situation, Greece grants citizenship to broad categories of people of ethnic Greek ancestry who are members of the Greek diaspora, including individuals and families whose ancestors have been resident in diaspora communities outside the modern state of Greece for centuries or millennia.[21]

"Foreign persons of Greek origin", who neither live in Greece nor hold Greek citizenship nor were necessarily born there, may become Greek citizens by enlisting in Greece's military forces, under article 4 of the Code of Greek Citizenship, as amended by the Acquisition of Greek Nationality by Aliens of Greek Origin Law (Law 2130/1993). Anyone wishing to do so must present a number of documents, including "[a]vailable written records ... proving the Greek origin of the interested person and his ancestors."

In 2010, Hungary passed a law granting citizenship and the right of return to descendants of Hungarians living mostly on the former territory of the Hungarian Kingdom and now residing in Hungary's neighbouring countries. Slovakia, which has 500,000 ethnic Magyar citizens (10% of its population) objected vociferously.[22]

A Person of Indian Origin (PIO) is a person living outside of India and without Indian citizenship, but of Indian origin up to four generations removed. It is available to persons of Indian origin anywhere in the world as long as they have never been citizens of Pakistan or of Bangladesh (a reservation excluding Muslims who joined Pakistan during or after the 1947 partition). This unusual type of citizenship by descent is an intermediate form of citizenship in that it does not grant the full portfolio of rights enjoyed by Indian citizens.

The Citizenship (Amendment) Act 2003[23] and Citizenship (Amendment) Ordinance 2005[24] make provision for an even newer form of Indian nationality, the holders of which are to be known as Overseas Citizens of India (OCI). Overseas citizenship is not substantially different from PIO rights.

Holding either PIO or OCI status does, however, facilitate access to full Indian citizenship. An OCI who has been registered for five years, for instance, need be resident for only one year in India before becoming a full citizen.

Main article: Iraqi nationality law

Irish nationality law provides for Irish citizenship to be acquired on the basis of at least one Irish grandparent. Note that for the purposes of Irish nationality law a person born anywhere on the island of Ireland (including Northern Ireland which is part of the United Kingdom where British nationality law applies: thus, people born in Northern Ireland are entitled to both British and Irish citizenship), is considered "Irish." The entitlement to citizenship of all people born on Ireland and its islands was stipulated by the 1922 Constitution of the Irish Free State, and the 1937 Constitution of Ireland and reinforced by 1998 Belfast Agreement. A person born outside Ireland with entitlement to Irish citizenship through a grandparent born in Ireland may pass that right on to her or his own children. To do so, however, that person must register her or his birth in Ireland's Foreign Births Register prior to the children's births. Irish law also automatically grants citizenship at birth to any individual born abroad to a parent who was born in Ireland, without the need to register with the DFA prior to the granting of citizen's rights like holding an Irish passport.

Separately from this right, the Irish minister responsible for immigration may dispense with conditions of naturalisation to grant citizenship to an applicant who "is of Irish descent or Irish associations", under section 15 of the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act, 1986. With rare exceptions the applicant must be resident in the island of Ireland before applying for naturalisation.

Main article: Law of Return
The Law of Return is legislation enacted by Israel in 1950, that gives all Jews, persons of Jewish ancestry up to at least one Jewish grandparent, and spouses of Jews the right to immigrate to and settle in Israel and obtain citizenship, and obliges the Israeli government to facilitate their immigration. Originally, the law applied to Jews only, until a 1970 amendment stated that the rights "are also vested in a child and a grandchild of a Jew, the spouse of a Jew, the spouse of a child of a Jew and the spouse of a grandchild of a Jew". This resulted in several hundreds of thousands of persons qualifying for immigration to Israel (mainly from the former Soviet Union) but not being recognized as Jews by the Israeli religious authorities, which on the basis of halakha recognize only the child of a Jewish mother as being Jewish. People who would be otherwise eligible for this law can be excluded if they can reasonably be considered to constitute a danger to the welfare of the state, have a criminal past, or are wanted fugitives in their countries with the exception of persecution victims. Jews who convert to another religion also lose the right of return. Since 1950 2,734,245 Jews have immigrated to Israel.[25]

A special visa category exists exclusively for foreign descendants of Japanese emigrates (Nikkeijin) up to the third generation, which provides for long-term residence, unrestricted by occupation, but most Nikkeijin cannot automatically acquire Japanese citizenship, and must instead go through the process of naturalization. However, the Minister of Justice can waive the age and residence requirements if an applicant for naturalization has a special relationship to Japan, such as a Japanese parent.

Main article: Oralman

From the Constitution of Lithuania, Article 32(4): "Every Lithuanian person may settle in Lithuania."[26]

The Kola Norwegians were Norwegians who settled along the coastline of the Russian Kola Peninsula from approximately 1850 to the closure of the border in the 1920s. It is estimated that around 1000 Norwegians lived on the Kola peninsula in 1917. The Kola Norwegians were deported to or put in camps in other parts of Russia during the course of World War II.

It was only after 1990 that many of the Kola Norwegians again dared to emphasize their background. Only a few had been able to maintain a rusty knowledge of Norwegian. Some of them have migrated back to Norway. There are special provisions in the Norwegian rules of immigration and citizenship which eases this process for many Kola Norwegians. These provisions are in general stricter than in some other countries giving "Right of return". In order to obtain a permit to immigrate and work in Norway a Kola Norwegian will have to prove an adequate connection to Norway such as having at least two grandparents from Norway.[27] Citizenship will then be awarded according to regular rules.[28] As of 2004 approximately 200 Kola Norwegians had moved back to Norway.[29]

Republic Act No. 9225, approved 29 August 2003, provided that all Philippine citizens who become citizens of another country shall be deemed not to have lost their Philippine citizenship. It further states that natural-born citizens of the Philippines who have lost their Philippine citizenship by reason of their naturalization as citizens of a foreign country are hereby deemed to have re-acquired Philippine citizenship upon taking an oath of allegiance to the Republic, and that their children whether legitimate, illegitimate or adopted, below eighteen (18) years of age, shall be deemed citizens of the Philippines.[30]

See also: Polish nationality law § Loss of Polish citizenship
From the Constitution of Poland, Article 52(5): "Anyone whose Polish origin has been confirmed in accordance with statute may settle permanently in Poland."[31]

On April 12, 2013, the Portuguese parliament approved unanimously an amendment to its nationality laws which would permit the descendants of Jews expelled from Portugal in the 16th century to become Portuguese citizens.[32]

Romania extends citizenship to all former citizens, as well as to the children and grandchildren of those who have lost their Romanian citizenship, regardless of ethnic background.[33]

Russia offers citizenship to individuals descended from Russian ancestors who can demonstrate an affinity for Russian culture and, preferably, speak Russian. Concern about Russia's shrinking population prompted the program. This has had a positive effect because this has not only reversed Russia's population decline but has also increased the birth rate. Officials estimate that 25 million members of the Russian diaspora are eligible for citizenship. The Foreign Ministry has sent emissaries to countries around the world to urge the descendants of Russian emigrants to return home.[34] So far 70% of Russians have come from Ukraine. Many of these people are in the age group of 17 to 25 looking for a better education and a better place to start a family. With a recent increase of Russia's life expectancy and living standard more people have been willing to come back to Russia. As of the 2014 war in Ukraine this has triggered a mass exodus of ethnic Russians in Ukraine into Russia. A small amount of these people have also come from Romania and a few Siberian people's reuniting with their families who have been split since the Cold War. Mostly immigrants have come from former communist countries. Some people returning are the descendants of Russians who fled Russia during the Russian revolution.

South Korea
Main article: South Korean nationality law
"Overseas Korean" are eligible for dual citizenship.

Main article: Serbian nationality law
Article 23 of the 2004 citizenship law provides that the descendants of emigrants from Serbia, or ethnic Serbs residing abroad, may take up citizenship upon written declaration.

There are three categories of Spanish citizenship:

    • de origen (original citizenship)
    • por residencia (by residence)
    • por opción (by choice)
De origen is [almost exclusively] acquired at the moment of birth, mainly to a Spanish parent, and can never be lost. Por residencia is acquired through a predetermined period of legal residency in Spain. This distinction is important because Spanish nationality laws primarily follow iure sanguinis, including those relating to the right of return.

The third category, por opción (by choice), is given to some people of Spanish origins that, though not complying with the requisites to attain the original citizenship, are able to prove close ties to Spain; this option is given mainly to the children of people that have attained or recovered Spanish citizenship after their birth, but it has age limits and one must exercise this choice prior turning 20 (in some countries, like Argentina, prior turning 23, as majority of age is attained at 21 there). Most of the por opción clauses do not confer original status (except those included in the Historical Memory Law), thus it can be lost, and, in case one possesses nationality other than those described below as historically related to Spain (e.g., United States), renounce their current nationality in front of Spanish consular officials.

In practice this renunciation has little practical effect, and in some cases no effect, as only renunciations made to one's own country's officials has an effect on the linked nationality.

The Historical Memory Law (Spanish: Ley de Memoria Histórica), which took effect in December 2008, introduced temporary two-year changes to current Spanish nationality laws. Those whose father or mother were born original Spaniards (regardless of their place of birth, whether they are still living, or whether they currently hold Spanish nationality) and those whose grandparents emigrated due to political or economic reasons will have the right to de origen Spanish nationality. Until and while the Law of Historic Memory takes effect, the following laws will also apply:

1. Natural-born Spanish emigrants (mainly exiles from the Spanish Civil War and economic migrants) and their children are eligible to recover their de origen Spanish nationality without the requirement of residence in Spain. They also have the right to maintain any current nationality they possess.

2. Regardless of their place of birth, the adult children and grandchildren of original Spaniards (original Spaniards are those who, at the moment of their birth, were born to people who possessed Spanish citizenship) can also access Spanish nationality on softer terms than other foreigners: they require just 1 year of legal residence, and they are exempted from work restrictions. This law in practice also benefits the great-grandchildren of emigrant Spaniards as long as their grandparents (born outside of Spain) are/were original Spaniards.

3. Ibero-Americans and citizens of other countries historically related to Spain (Portugal, Andorra, Philippines, and Equatorial Guinea) also have a Right of Return: They can apply to Spanish nationality after 2 years of Legal residence (the usual time is 10 years for most foreigners) and they have the right to keep their birth nationality.[35]

4. Those of Sephardic Jewish origin also have the right to apply for nationality after a year of legal residency in Spain. Upon the rediscovery of Sephardi Jews during the campaigns of General Juan Prim in Northern Africa, the Spanish governments have taken friendly measures towards the descendants of the Jews expelled from Spain in 1492 under the Alhambra Decree and persecuted by the Spanish Inquisition. The motivation for these measures was a desire to repair a perceived injustice, the need of a collaborative base of natives in Spanish Morocco, and an attempt to attract the sympathy of wealthy European Sephardis like the Pereiras of France. The Alhambra Decree was revoked.

In November 2012, the Spanish government announced that it would eliminate the residency period for Sephardic Jews, and permit them to maintain dual citizenship, on the condition that such citizenship applicants presented a certificate of their Sephardic status from the Federation of Jewish Communities in Spain.[36]

Spanish diplomacy exercised protection over Sephardis of the Ottoman Empire and the independent Balkanic states succeeding it. The government of Miguel Primo de Rivera decreed in 1924 that every Sephardi could claim Spanish citizenship. This right was used by some refugees during the Second World War, including the Hungarian Jews saved by Ángel Sanz Briz and Giorgio Perlasca. This decree was again put to use to receive some Jews from Sarajevo during the Bosnian War.

In October 2006, the Andalusian Parliament asked the three parliamentary groups that form the majority to support an amendment that would ease the way for morisco descendants to gain Spanish citizenship. The proposal was originally made by IULV-CA, the Andalusian branch of the United Left.[37] Such a measure might have benefited an indeterminate number of people, particularly in Morocco and other Maghreb countries.[38] However, the call went unheeded by the central Spanish authorities (see Morisco#Descendants and Spanish citizenship).

Turkey's immigration laws permit people of ethnic Turkish descent to obtain Turkish citizenship without the traditional five-year residence requirement required of others.[citation needed]

The immigration law of Taiwan (officially the Republic of China) gives priority to returning Taiwanese and overseas Chinese who are not citizens of the People's Republic of China, Chinese who were living abroad, and encourages their return. However, although Republic of China have not ceded the claim on mainland China, the government does not consider the people in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau as Republic of China nationals.[39]

Overseas ethnic Chinese can register as Republic of China national and apply for a Republic of China passport, however, they do not automatically have a right of return to Taiwan area if they don't have a household registration there.

Not all Republic of China nationals have a right of return to Taiwan area even if they hold a Republic of China passport - specifically, those without a household registration in Taiwan area do not automatically have the right of return, may be refused entry, removed or deported from Taiwan area, and an entry permit is needed before 2011.

Main article: Ukrainian citizenship
According to Ukrainian law, anyone who was a citizen of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic who was residing in Ukraine at the time of its declaration of independence and any stateless person living on the territory of Ukraine at the moment of its declaration of independence was granted citizenship. Anyone born abroad to at least one parent with Ukrainian citizenship, including permanent residents of Ukraine, is entitled to Ukrainian citizenship. Children born within the territory of Ukraine to at least one Ukrainian parent, stateless persons with at least one Ukrainian grandparent, and children adopted by Ukrainian citizens are also eligible for citizenship.

United Kingdom
The British Nationality Act 1948 conferred full and equal citizenship and settlement rights in Britain on all 800 million subjects of the worldwide British Empire.[40] The Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1968, amending legislation passed in 1962, removed the right of entry from 200,000 south Asians long resident in British East Africa who had become the victims of the Africanization drive in newly independent Kenya and wished to move to Britain.[41] The act required "substantial connection" to Britain, defined as (a) birth or the birth of a parent or grandparent in the United Kingdom, (b) a parent or grandparent who was Naturalised in the United Kingdom, (c) a parent or grandparent who became a citizen of the United Kingdom or its colonies by adoption (d) had acquired British Nationality under legislation passed in 1948 or 1964. Further provisions extended rights to stepchildren. The wording of this legislation refers to 'Citizenship', 'Naturalisation' and 'Residence', and at no point refers to any specific ethnicity or ethnic group.[41][42] Announcing his support for right of return legislation in Britain, MP Quintin Hogg stated that, "All the great nations of the earth have what the Jews call a Diaspora," and affirmed that nations "special and residual obligation(s) toward them," which include recognizing their right to citizenship.[43]

The Immigration Act 1971 affirmed the principles of the 1968 legislation, giving the right of immigration to the grandchildren of British citizens and nationals born in the Commonwealth nations.[43] It was in effect long enough to enable the descendants of ethnic Britons to return to Britain from the former colonies.[43]

The British Nationality Act 1981 differentiated between British Citizenship, British Overseas Citizenship, and British Dependent Territory Citizenship, recognizing the right of settlement only for British citizens.[43] It is notable that it was enacted after the contraction of the Empire was completed, and was offered to all substantial populations of descendants of ethnic Britons in the former colonies.[43]

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Indeed, these provide for the right to return.
Indeed, these provide for the right to return.
There is no "Right of Return" to what is now another country.
Countries can (many but Not most do) INVITE/allow/extend a Privilege to Ancestral Ethnics to live in a country but, there is NO Universal "Right of Return."
Especially in cases where borders have changed/it is no longer their country.

Tens of Millions who fled to either side of the Pakistani/India 1947 Partition (and countless ancestors) have NO "right of return" to what is now another country.

2 million original Sudetan Germans and their Ancestors have NO "right of return" to the what is now the Czech Republic, because the War/land Germany Lost in 1945.

If and when Palestine becomes a real country, they will probably extend the privilege to their 'ethnics' to do same, but not to Israel.
But who would want to 'return'?"
It's over-crowded and under-employed due it's staggering Birth rate of the last 70 years - supported by the UNRWA. Were it not for that support, a few million probably would have left in a natural immigration.

That's my last post in this thread.
After this, it's just more Funnies for the PF Tinhead OCD Blog.

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