Palestine Today

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Beautiful Nazareth, occupied Palestine. Photo by Jamal Kiwan.


Nazareth is located in Israel proper and not in the West Bank. Perhaps you are confusing Nazareth with Nablus. I told you this before...if you continue to call cities like Haifa, Tel Aviv or Nazareth "occupied Palestine", then you are not being serious about finding real solutions to the current problems and conflicts in Israel and Palestine.
finding real solutions to the current problems
Solution to what problem?
Conflict, violence against civilians, rights, recognition of the right to exist, self determination, access to resources, equitable distribution of resources....kind of a long list.
Those are the symptoms.
Beautiful Nazareth, occupied Palestine. Photo by Jamal Kiwan.


Nazareth is located in Israel proper and not in the West Bank. Perhaps you are confusing Nazareth with Nablus. I told you this before...if you continue to call cities like Haifa, Tel Aviv or Nazareth "occupied Palestine", then you are not being serious about finding real solutions to the current problems and conflicts in Israel and Palestine.
finding real solutions to the current problems
Solution to what problem?
Conflict, violence against civilians, rights, recognition of the right to exist, self determination, access to resources, equitable distribution of resources....kind of a long list.
Those are the symptoms.
No...they are problems.
Beautiful Nazareth, occupied Palestine. Photo by Jamal Kiwan.


Nazareth is located in Israel proper and not in the West Bank. Perhaps you are confusing Nazareth with Nablus. I told you this before...if you continue to call cities like Haifa, Tel Aviv or Nazareth "occupied Palestine", then you are not being serious about finding real solutions to the current problems and conflicts in Israel and Palestine.
finding real solutions to the current problems
Solution to what problem?
Conflict, violence against civilians, rights, recognition of the right to exist, self determination, access to resources, equitable distribution of resources....kind of a long list.
Those are the symptoms.
No...they are problems.
Colonization is the problem. Those other things are the results.
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I think you are misinterpreting the nature of the problem. And "colonization" is only a problem because the Arab cultures make it so. Not because it is inherently wrong. The entirety of the Middle East is a history of various colonization by various authorities by military means and international agreements.

The establishment of a state is (in reality) something that is a work product and not an academic right of some sort. The "Right to Self-Determination" is not an absolute right. Most pro-Arab Palestinians don't follow or recognize the international law principle that territory remains with the original sovereign at the end of a conflict unless otherwise provided for by the treaty.

Uti possidetis "as you possess"


Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognized by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned.

The provisions of the present Article do not prejudice any special arrangements arising from neighborly relations which have been or may be concluded between Turkey and any limitrophe countries.
uti possidetis (yoo-tI pah-si-dee-tis). [latin] 1. lnt'l law. The doctrine that the administrative boundaries will become international boundaries when a political subdivision or colony achieves independence.
No...they are problems.
Colonization is the problem. Those other things are the results.

The basic position the Arabs had for over 100 years is that, no matter the reality, no matter the historical context, no matter the outcome of a conflict, no matter the Articles of the Treaty, an unfounded belief that they have some specific right to the territory under the disposition of the treaty.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Palestine Today
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

I think you are misinterpreting the nature of the problem. And "colonization" is only a problem because the Arab cultures make it so. Not because it is inherently wrong. The entirety of the Middle East is a history of various colonization by various authorities by military means and international agreements.

The establishment of a state is (in reality) something that is a work product and not an academic right of some sort. The "Right to Self-Determination" is not an absolute right. Most pro-Arab Palestinians don't follow or recognize the international law principle that territory remains with the original sovereign at the end of a conflict unless otherwise provided for by the treaty.

Uti possidetis "as you possess"

Turkey hereby renounces all rights and title whatsoever over or respecting the territories situated outside the frontiers laid down in the present Treaty and the islands other than those over which her sovereignty is recognized by the said Treaty, the future of these territories and islands being settled or to be settled by the parties concerned.

The provisions of the present Article do not prejudice any special arrangements arising from neighborly relations which have been or may be concluded between Turkey and any limitrophe countries.
uti possidetis (yoo-tI pah-si-dee-tis). [latin] 1. lnt'l law. The doctrine that the administrative boundaries will become international boundaries when a political subdivision or colony achieves independence.​
No...they are problems.
Colonization is the problem. Those other things are the results.

The basic position the Arabs had for over 100 years is that, no matter the reality, no matter the historical context, no matter the outcome of a conflict, no matter the Articles of the Treaty, an unfounded belief that they have some specific right to the territory under the disposition of the treaty.

Most Respectfully,
Most pro-Arab Palestinians don't follow or recognize the international law principle that territory remains with the original sovereign at the end of a conflict unless otherwise provided for by the treaty.
Indeed, you have been dancing around this issue for years.
I see that someone marked my post about Nazareth being in Israel proper and Nablus being in the West Bank "informative." Now, l don't want to sound harsh, but before people post here on the Israel/Palestine Board, they should really educate themselves about the location of cities within the area in question. These are the most basic facts and information about the conflict. Better yet, even try to visit the area, because what you see and experience in reality might be very different from what the media portrays.
Nazareth is located in Israel proper and not in the West Bank. Perhaps you are confusing Nazareth with Nablus. I told you this before...if you continue to call cities like Haifa, Tel Aviv or Nazareth "occupied Palestine", then you are not being serious about finding real solutions to the current problems and conflicts in Israel and Palestine.
finding real solutions to the current problems
Solution to what problem?
Conflict, violence against civilians, rights, recognition of the right to exist, self determination, access to resources, equitable distribution of resources....kind of a long list.
Those are the symptoms.
No...they are problems.
Colonization is the problem. Those other things are the results.

No, the problem might be that some people think the year on the calendar says "1948" instead of "2019." And if they don't realize that the year now is 2019, and deal with that accordingly, then the colonization that you speak of, will continue in the West Bank. So these people who do not know what year it is, are shooting themselves in the foot, and handing over more of Eretz Yisrael to its original owners. So you are surely not doing your cause any favors by not recognizing the year on the calendar today.
Young men and women perform the Palestinian Dabke during the Palestine Heritage Festival in Birzeit University in the West Bank. Photo by Hamza Shalash.

Deir al-Balah City in the Gaza Strip, which is well known for growing date palms. (Balah in Arabic means dates). Photo by Wesam Bashir.

The olive season in Palestine is a joy for everyone who takes part in the harvest. It brings grandparents, parents, children and grandchildren together. The best memories are usually made during the olive season.

Young men and women perform the Palestinian Dabke during the Palestine Heritage Festival in Birzeit University in the West Bank. Photo by Hamza Shalash.


Just looked up that dance on Wikipedia. Lebanese, Syrians, Jordanians and Iraqis also perform that dance. It is derived from Phoenicia, which is modern-day Lebanon. So it is not unique to "Palestine".
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Muslims Demand "Right of Return" to Spain

Muslim groups are demanding Spanish citizenship for potentially millions of descendants of Muslims who were expelled from Spain during the Middle Ages.

The growing clamor for "historical justice" comes after the recent approval of a law that would grant Spanish citizenship to descendants of Sephardic Jews expelled from Spain in 1492.

Muslim supporters say they are entitled to the same rights and privileges as Jews because both groups were expelled from Spain under similar historical circumstances.

But historians point out that the Jewish presence in Spain predates the arrival of Christianity in the country and that their expulsion was a matter of bigotry. By contrast, the Muslims in Spain were colonial occupiers who called the territory Al-Andalus and imposed Arabic as the official language. Historians say their expulsion was a matter of decolonization.


They seem to demand a "Right of Return" to many places they've once INVADED...
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