Palestinian animals blow up civilian bus in Jerusalem

I could also ask what is your point? With all these false analogies, and invented mythologies.

Could you explain how the situation of the Catholics in Ireland vis-a-vis the Protestant rulers differed materially from the situation of the Christians and Muslims in Palestine vis-a-vis the Jewish rulers?

What has been invented?

My point, rather my question was why supporters of Israel expect the Palestinians to behave differently, in terms of violence, than other people that have been in similar situations. I used the various examples of the Irish Catholics, the Algerians, the non-whites of South Africa, the Tamils and we can add the natives of Rhodesia, the Mau Mau in Kenya, etc. etc.

Nobody has answered the question. All I have gotten as an answer is that somehow, the Palestinians are not in the same situation as all those other people, yet no one can tell me why their situation is different.
We understand your point, the Palestinian animals have a right to kill Jews and nobody should be surprised and be upset, because you enjoy it when Jews are killed.

Have I said the Palestinians have a right to kill Jews, or the Irish Catholics the right to kill Protestants or the Algerians to kill French civilians or the non-whites to kill white civilians in South Africa? I have said that it is wrong to kill civilians.

My question does not represent a value judgement. it is a straightforward question. Why would supporters of Israel expect that the Palestinians would behave any differently than other groups that have been in similar situations.

Still, no one wants to take a stab at an answer. I don't get it.
Correct. You don't get it.

You choose to ignore the many responses you have been given because cutting and pasting the same nonsense over and over relieves you of the burdensome task of actually addressing those responses.

He wants to control the agenda. Setting all the precedents. Putting words into people's mouths. The usual.
There is nothing to explain. And you know it.

No comparisons, straw men, logical fallacies, and the rest of your flimsy propaganda.

Name a straw man and any logical fallacy.

What part of the question is propaganda?

It is a very simple question. Why do supporters of Israel expect the Palestinians not to behave in the same manner as other people that have been in the same situation.

The "same situation" you falsely attempt to portray is not at all the "same situation".

It's a very simple issue that you cannot resolve.
Notice, since he's entered this thread, there hasn't been a single comment condemning this barbaric act, instead he's posted dozens of posts justifying Palestinian terrorism and falsely comparing them to heroic resistance fighters. It seems like he gets upset when anything negative is said about his terrorist heroes who go around blowing up civilian buses.

It is barbarous act to put a bomb on a bus carrying civilians. But, that's not the point with respect to my question. The IRA, the FLN, the ANC and the Tamils did as much and worse, so it is not unusual.

My question is why would supporters of Israel expect that the Palestinians would not mimic the behavior of those other groups.

No one expects anything from the Palestinians.

And the IRA have nothing to do with this issue.

Is there an issue?

Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that.
I could also ask what is your point? With all these false analogies, and invented mythologies.

Could you explain how the situation of the Catholics in Ireland vis-a-vis the Protestant rulers differed materially from the situation of the Christians and Muslims in Palestine vis-a-vis the Jewish rulers?

What has been invented?

My point, rather my question was why supporters of Israel expect the Palestinians to behave differently, in terms of violence, than other people that have been in similar situations. I used the various examples of the Irish Catholics, the Algerians, the non-whites of South Africa, the Tamils and we can add the natives of Rhodesia, the Mau Mau in Kenya, etc. etc.

Nobody has answered the question. All I have gotten as an answer is that somehow, the Palestinians are not in the same situation as all those other people, yet no one can tell me why their situation is different.
We understand your point, the Palestinian animals have a right to kill Jews and nobody should be surprised and be upset, because you enjoy it when Jews are killed.

Have I said the Palestinians have a right to kill Jews, or the Irish Catholics the right to kill Protestants or the Algerians to kill French civilians or the non-whites to kill white civilians in South Africa? It is wrong to do so.

My question
Your serial cutting and pasting has been addressed both repeatedly and tediously.

You mean presenting the facts with sources. Something you know little about.


Facts are something you should familiarize yourself with.

Attempting to present Islamo-fascists / terrorists such as Hamas as a "resistance" group is laughable. The Hamas Charter speaks to gee-had (offensive war), as the means to drive the Jews into the sea and reconquer those areas muhammud (swish) claimed as an islamo-waqf

How are Hamas different from the IRA?
Read the Hamas Charter for that ideological perspective.

I don't see much difference between the IRA, the FLN, the Tamils or the ANC and the Palestinian resistance. What would be the difference in your mind?

There is no such thing as the Hamas Charter, it is a Hasbara invention. There is a Hamas Covenant which was issued in 1988 here is a link to the Yale Law library which has the document in its archives. What part of the Covenant are you referring to? I have read it all, but something tells me you haven't.

In any case it is not much different than the Likud, Tehiya and other right-wing Israeli party platforms which call for collective punishment, the "Jewishfication" of all of Palestine, etc.

That last bit sounds suspiciously sinister.
Name a straw man and any logical fallacy.

What part of the question is propaganda?

It is a very simple question. Why do supporters of Israel expect the Palestinians not to behave in the same manner as other people that have been in the same situation.

The "same situation" you falsely attempt to portray is not at all the "same situation".

It's a very simple issue that you cannot resolve.
Notice, since he's entered this thread, there hasn't been a single comment condemning this barbaric act, instead he's posted dozens of posts justifying Palestinian terrorism and falsely comparing them to heroic resistance fighters. It seems like he gets upset when anything negative is said about his terrorist heroes who go around blowing up civilian buses.

It is barbarous act to put a bomb on a bus carrying civilians. But, that's not the point with respect to my question. The IRA, the FLN, the ANC and the Tamils did as much and worse, so it is not unusual.

My question is why would supporters of Israel expect that the Palestinians would not mimic the behavior of those other groups.

No one expects anything from the Palestinians.

And the IRA have nothing to do with this issue.

Is there an issue?

Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that.

You keep repeating your lies ad Iinfinitum. Like a broken record.
Name a straw man and any logical fallacy.

What part of the question is propaganda?

It is a very simple question. Why do supporters of Israel expect the Palestinians not to behave in the same manner as other people that have been in the same situation.

The "same situation" you falsely attempt to portray is not at all the "same situation".

It's a very simple issue that you cannot resolve.
Notice, since he's entered this thread, there hasn't been a single comment condemning this barbaric act, instead he's posted dozens of posts justifying Palestinian terrorism and falsely comparing them to heroic resistance fighters. It seems like he gets upset when anything negative is said about his terrorist heroes who go around blowing up civilian buses.

It is barbarous act to put a bomb on a bus carrying civilians. But, that's not the point with respect to my question. The IRA, the FLN, the ANC and the Tamils did as much and worse, so it is not unusual.

My question is why would supporters of Israel expect that the Palestinians would not mimic the behavior of those other groups.

No one expects anything from the Palestinians.

And the IRA have nothing to do with this issue.

Is there an issue?

Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that.
Those "other", non-islamist groups are not / were not in the same position. Can you explain why?
I could also ask what is your point? With all these false analogies, and invented mythologies.

Could you explain how the situation of the Catholics in Ireland vis-a-vis the Protestant rulers differed materially from the situation of the Christians and Muslims in Palestine vis-a-vis the Jewish rulers?

What has been invented?

My point, rather my question was why supporters of Israel expect the Palestinians to behave differently, in terms of violence, than other people that have been in similar situations. I used the various examples of the Irish Catholics, the Algerians, the non-whites of South Africa, the Tamils and we can add the natives of Rhodesia, the Mau Mau in Kenya, etc. etc.

Nobody has answered the question. All I have gotten as an answer is that somehow, the Palestinians are not in the same situation as all those other people, yet no one can tell me why their situation is different.
We understand your point, the Palestinian animals have a right to kill Jews and nobody should be surprised and be upset, because you enjoy it when Jews are killed.

Have I said the Palestinians have a right to kill Jews, or the Irish Catholics the right to kill Protestants or the Algerians to kill French civilians or the non-whites to kill white civilians in South Africa? I have said that it is wrong to kill civilians.

My question does not represent a value judgement. it is a straightforward question. Why would supporters of Israel expect that the Palestinians would behave any differently than other groups that have been in similar situations.

Still, no one wants to take a stab at an answer. I don't get it.
Correct. You don't get it.

You choose to ignore the many responses you have been given because cutting and pasting the same nonsense over and over relieves you of the burdensome task of actually addressing those responses.

He wants to control the agenda. Setting all the precedents. Putting words into people's mouths. The usual.

How is asking a question "controlling the agenda"?

What precedents are you referring to? Do you have other precedents? If so throw them out there to see if they are analogous.

How am I putting "words into people's mouths" by asking a simple question.
The "same situation" you falsely attempt to portray is not at all the "same situation".

It's a very simple issue that you cannot resolve.
Notice, since he's entered this thread, there hasn't been a single comment condemning this barbaric act, instead he's posted dozens of posts justifying Palestinian terrorism and falsely comparing them to heroic resistance fighters. It seems like he gets upset when anything negative is said about his terrorist heroes who go around blowing up civilian buses.

It is barbarous act to put a bomb on a bus carrying civilians. But, that's not the point with respect to my question. The IRA, the FLN, the ANC and the Tamils did as much and worse, so it is not unusual.

My question is why would supporters of Israel expect that the Palestinians would not mimic the behavior of those other groups.

No one expects anything from the Palestinians.

And the IRA have nothing to do with this issue.

Is there an issue?

Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that.

You keep repeating your lies ad Iinfinitum. Like a broken record.

Can you articulate what part of my post is a lie? Below is the post. Where is the lie. If you can't point it out stop making baseless accusations.

"Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that."
I could also ask what is your point? With all these false analogies, and invented mythologies.

Could you explain how the situation of the Catholics in Ireland vis-a-vis the Protestant rulers differed materially from the situation of the Christians and Muslims in Palestine vis-a-vis the Jewish rulers?

What has been invented?

My point, rather my question was why supporters of Israel expect the Palestinians to behave differently, in terms of violence, than other people that have been in similar situations. I used the various examples of the Irish Catholics, the Algerians, the non-whites of South Africa, the Tamils and we can add the natives of Rhodesia, the Mau Mau in Kenya, etc. etc.

Nobody has answered the question. All I have gotten as an answer is that somehow, the Palestinians are not in the same situation as all those other people, yet no one can tell me why their situation is different.
We understand your point, the Palestinian animals have a right to kill Jews and nobody should be surprised and be upset, because you enjoy it when Jews are killed.

Have I said the Palestinians have a right to kill Jews, or the Irish Catholics the right to kill Protestants or the Algerians to kill French civilians or the non-whites to kill white civilians in South Africa? I have said that it is wrong to kill civilians.

My question does not represent a value judgement. it is a straightforward question. Why would supporters of Israel expect that the Palestinians would behave any differently than other groups that have been in similar situations.

Still, no one wants to take a stab at an answer. I don't get it.
Correct. You don't get it.

You choose to ignore the many responses you have been given because cutting and pasting the same nonsense over and over relieves you of the burdensome task of actually addressing those responses.
He'll never get it. His hate has him in a place mentally that anytime he sees Palestinian barbarian animals commit terrorism and murder of totally innocent people, he simply shrugs his shoulder and justifies the barbarism by saying "why should anyone be surprised that Palestinians don't mimic all these other heroic resistance fighters?" He's just verbalizing what goes on in his head and how he justifies the barbaric depraved behavior that Palestinians engage in routinely.
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The "same situation" you falsely attempt to portray is not at all the "same situation".

It's a very simple issue that you cannot resolve.
Notice, since he's entered this thread, there hasn't been a single comment condemning this barbaric act, instead he's posted dozens of posts justifying Palestinian terrorism and falsely comparing them to heroic resistance fighters. It seems like he gets upset when anything negative is said about his terrorist heroes who go around blowing up civilian buses.

It is barbarous act to put a bomb on a bus carrying civilians. But, that's not the point with respect to my question. The IRA, the FLN, the ANC and the Tamils did as much and worse, so it is not unusual.

My question is why would supporters of Israel expect that the Palestinians would not mimic the behavior of those other groups.

No one expects anything from the Palestinians.

And the IRA have nothing to do with this issue.

Is there an issue?

Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that.
Those "other", non-islamist groups are not / were not in the same position. Can you explain why?

Well, no. They, including the FLN who were Muslim, are in exactly the same position as the Palestinians vis-a-vis their rulers.
Notice, since he's entered this thread, there hasn't been a single comment condemning this barbaric act, instead he's posted dozens of posts justifying Palestinian terrorism and falsely comparing them to heroic resistance fighters. It seems like he gets upset when anything negative is said about his terrorist heroes who go around blowing up civilian buses.

It is barbarous act to put a bomb on a bus carrying civilians. But, that's not the point with respect to my question. The IRA, the FLN, the ANC and the Tamils did as much and worse, so it is not unusual.

My question is why would supporters of Israel expect that the Palestinians would not mimic the behavior of those other groups.

No one expects anything from the Palestinians.

And the IRA have nothing to do with this issue.

Is there an issue?

Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that.

You keep repeating your lies ad Iinfinitum. Like a broken record.

Can you articulate what part of my post is a lie? Below is the post. Where is the lie. If you can't point it out stop making baseless accusations.

"Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that."
Look, we get it, you hate Jews, why should anybody expect the Palestinians not to kill Jewish civilians and blow up bus loads of them? There shouldn't be any condemnation, it should be celebrated, just like Hamas and all those other Palestinian leaders just did. It's a heroic act of resistance just like those other groups you managed to falsely compare Palestinians to.
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Notice, since he's entered this thread, there hasn't been a single comment condemning this barbaric act, instead he's posted dozens of posts justifying Palestinian terrorism and falsely comparing them to heroic resistance fighters. It seems like he gets upset when anything negative is said about his terrorist heroes who go around blowing up civilian buses.

It is barbarous act to put a bomb on a bus carrying civilians. But, that's not the point with respect to my question. The IRA, the FLN, the ANC and the Tamils did as much and worse, so it is not unusual.

My question is why would supporters of Israel expect that the Palestinians would not mimic the behavior of those other groups.

No one expects anything from the Palestinians.

And the IRA have nothing to do with this issue.

Is there an issue?

Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that.

You keep repeating your lies ad Iinfinitum. Like a broken record.

Can you articulate what part of my post is a lie? Below is the post. Where is the lie. If you can't point it out stop making baseless accusations.

"Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that."
You can read back through the thread for the answer. Or, is there some other reason you feel a need to spam the thread with your usual cutting and pasting?
Notice, since he's entered this thread, there hasn't been a single comment condemning this barbaric act, instead he's posted dozens of posts justifying Palestinian terrorism and falsely comparing them to heroic resistance fighters. It seems like he gets upset when anything negative is said about his terrorist heroes who go around blowing up civilian buses.

It is barbarous act to put a bomb on a bus carrying civilians. But, that's not the point with respect to my question. The IRA, the FLN, the ANC and the Tamils did as much and worse, so it is not unusual.

My question is why would supporters of Israel expect that the Palestinians would not mimic the behavior of those other groups.

No one expects anything from the Palestinians.

And the IRA have nothing to do with this issue.

Is there an issue?

Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that.
Those "other", non-islamist groups are not / were not in the same position. Can you explain why?

Well, no. They, including the FLN who were Muslim, are in exactly the same position as the Palestinians vis-a-vis their rulers.
Were Palestinians in the same position when they killed over 150,000 Lebanese Christians because they were Christians, in Lebanon? Or were they just jihading in the name of Allah freeing the land from those filthy non Muslim infidels.
Notice, since he's entered this thread, there hasn't been a single comment condemning this barbaric act, instead he's posted dozens of posts justifying Palestinian terrorism and falsely comparing them to heroic resistance fighters. It seems like he gets upset when anything negative is said about his terrorist heroes who go around blowing up civilian buses.

It is barbarous act to put a bomb on a bus carrying civilians. But, that's not the point with respect to my question. The IRA, the FLN, the ANC and the Tamils did as much and worse, so it is not unusual.

My question is why would supporters of Israel expect that the Palestinians would not mimic the behavior of those other groups.

No one expects anything from the Palestinians.

And the IRA have nothing to do with this issue.

Is there an issue?

Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that.

You keep repeating your lies ad Iinfinitum. Like a broken record.

Can you articulate what part of my post is a lie? Below is the post. Where is the lie. If you can't point it out stop making baseless accusations.

"Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that."

Why do you bother? You're not going to convince me of your weird fantasies.

I've dealt with your type countless times. The technique is crass and stale.
Notice, since he's entered this thread, there hasn't been a single comment condemning this barbaric act, instead he's posted dozens of posts justifying Palestinian terrorism and falsely comparing them to heroic resistance fighters. It seems like he gets upset when anything negative is said about his terrorist heroes who go around blowing up civilian buses.

It is barbarous act to put a bomb on a bus carrying civilians. But, that's not the point with respect to my question. The IRA, the FLN, the ANC and the Tamils did as much and worse, so it is not unusual.

My question is why would supporters of Israel expect that the Palestinians would not mimic the behavior of those other groups.

No one expects anything from the Palestinians.

And the IRA have nothing to do with this issue.

Is there an issue?

Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that.
Those "other", non-islamist groups are not / were not in the same position. Can you explain why?

Well, no. They, including the FLN who were Muslim, are in exactly the same position as the Palestinians vis-a-vis their rulers.
Actually, the various non-islamists were not in the same position as the Islamic terrorist 'Pal'istanians. There's a common theme that connects the Islamic fascists. Can you guess what it is?

One of the first rules in the maintenance of totalitarianism is to invent an external enemy to deflect scrutiny and criticism of the real enemy: the internal islamist oppressor(s). We see this with a of the Islamist terrorist fear societies.

Isn't it odd how we see all these islamist "victims" running around with automatic weapons, complaining of discrimination, whining about being unfairly accused of terrorist bombings, and warning the infidel of the innocent civilians that will be killed in a military reprisal? They justify their murderous acts by claiming to be oppressed by non-Moslems. But if they were truly fighting oppression, they would surely lash out at their own oppressive governments first. On the contrary; they seem to be doing their oppressive government's bidding. When islamics are given the chance to run their own governments, the first thing they do is lock down the society, remove all human rights, and oppress everyone within their borders with intolerable religious laws and ruthless enforcement.
It is barbarous act to put a bomb on a bus carrying civilians. But, that's not the point with respect to my question. The IRA, the FLN, the ANC and the Tamils did as much and worse, so it is not unusual.

My question is why would supporters of Israel expect that the Palestinians would not mimic the behavior of those other groups.

No one expects anything from the Palestinians.

And the IRA have nothing to do with this issue.

Is there an issue?

Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that.
Those "other", non-islamist groups are not / were not in the same position. Can you explain why?

Well, no. They, including the FLN who were Muslim, are in exactly the same position as the Palestinians vis-a-vis their rulers.
Were Palestinians in the same position when they killed over 150,000 Lebanese Christians because they were Christians, in Lebanon? Or were they just jihading in the name of Allah freeing the land from those filthy non Muslim infidels.
Yes. The Pal'istanians were just fighting " oppression " when they inflicted that little dalliance known as Black September on the Jordanians.
It is barbarous act to put a bomb on a bus carrying civilians. But, that's not the point with respect to my question. The IRA, the FLN, the ANC and the Tamils did as much and worse, so it is not unusual.

My question is why would supporters of Israel expect that the Palestinians would not mimic the behavior of those other groups.

No one expects anything from the Palestinians.

And the IRA have nothing to do with this issue.

Is there an issue?

Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that.
Those "other", non-islamist groups are not / were not in the same position. Can you explain why?

Well, no. They, including the FLN who were Muslim, are in exactly the same position as the Palestinians vis-a-vis their rulers.
Actually, the various non-islamists were not in the same position as the Islamic terrorist 'Pal'istanians. There's a common theme that connects the Islamic fascists. Can you guess what it is?

One of the first rules in the maintenance of totalitarianism is to invent an external enemy to deflect scrutiny and criticism of the real enemy: the internal islamist oppressor(s). We see this with a of the Islamist terrorist fear societies.

Isn't it odd how we see all these islamist "victims" running around with automatic weapons, complaining of discrimination, whining about being unfairly accused of terrorist bombings, and warning the infidel of the innocent civilians that will be killed in a military reprisal? They justify their murderous acts by claiming to be oppressed by non-Moslems. But if they were truly fighting oppression, they would surely lash out at their own oppressive governments first. On the contrary; they seem to be doing their oppressive government's bidding. When islamics are given the chance to run their own governments, the first thing they do is lock down the society, remove all human rights, and oppress everyone within their borders with intolerable religious laws and ruthless enforcement.
Those poor Palestinian "resistance fighters" have no choice but to kill innocent women and children in order to achieve this noble goal of creating an oppressive barbaric Islamic Caliphate of Palestine. What the world really needs now, more than anything else, is yet another Islamic failed state run by mass murdering terrorist Neanderthals.
No one expects anything from the Palestinians.

And the IRA have nothing to do with this issue.

Is there an issue?

Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that.
Those "other", non-islamist groups are not / were not in the same position. Can you explain why?

Well, no. They, including the FLN who were Muslim, are in exactly the same position as the Palestinians vis-a-vis their rulers.
Were Palestinians in the same position when they killed over 150,000 Lebanese Christians because they were Christians, in Lebanon? Or were they just jihading in the name of Allah freeing the land from those filthy non Muslim infidels.
Yes. The Pal'istanians were just fighting " oppression " when they inflicted that little dalliance known as Black September on the Jordanians.
Totally understandable resistance farting. Notice wherever these resistance farters have been, they've claimed it their own and started mass murdering the people they're supposed to coexist with.
Well, a lot of ranting but no answer to the question.
It is barbarous act to put a bomb on a bus carrying civilians. But, that's not the point with respect to my question. The IRA, the FLN, the ANC and the Tamils did as much and worse, so it is not unusual.

My question is why would supporters of Israel expect that the Palestinians would not mimic the behavior of those other groups.

No one expects anything from the Palestinians.

And the IRA have nothing to do with this issue.

Is there an issue?

Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that.
Those "other", non-islamist groups are not / were not in the same position. Can you explain why?

Well, no. They, including the FLN who were Muslim, are in exactly the same position as the Palestinians vis-a-vis their rulers.
Actually, the various non-islamists were not in the same position as the Islamic terrorist 'Pal'istanians. There's a common theme that connects the Islamic fascists. Can you guess what it is?

One of the first rules in the maintenance of totalitarianism is to invent an external enemy to deflect scrutiny and criticism of the real enemy: the internal islamist oppressor(s). We see this with a of the Islamist terrorist fear societies.

Isn't it odd how we see all these islamist "victims" running around with automatic weapons, complaining of discrimination, whining about being unfairly accused of terrorist bombings, and warning the infidel of the innocent civilians that will be killed in a military reprisal? They justify their murderous acts by claiming to be oppressed by non-Moslems. But if they were truly fighting oppression, they would surely lash out at their own oppressive governments first. On the contrary; they seem to be doing their oppressive government's bidding. When islamics are given the chance to run their own governments, the first thing they do is lock down the society, remove all human rights, and oppress everyone within their borders with intolerable religious laws and ruthless enforcement.

You are becoming addled. Are you discussing the Palestinians, the PLO or some other Palestinian political faction?

In any case, there is hardly any difference.

You are trying to present the Palestinians as somehow different than other groups. But, there is no difference. You would like there to be a difference but it just doesn't exist.

The IRA justified their murderous attacks by claiming to be oppressed by non-Catholics. How is that different?

The ANC justified their murderous attacks by claiming to be oppressed by whites.

ZANU (Rhodesia) justified their murderous attacks by claiming to be oppressed by whites.

The Tamils (Hindus) justified their murderous attacks by claiming to be oppressed by non-Hindus

The FLN justified their murderous attacks by claiming to be oppressed by non-Muslims.

The Selussi (Libya) under Omar Mukhtar justified their murderous attacks by claiming to be oppressed by non-Muslims.
No one expects anything from the Palestinians.

And the IRA have nothing to do with this issue.

Is there an issue?

Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that.
Those "other", non-islamist groups are not / were not in the same position. Can you explain why?

Well, no. They, including the FLN who were Muslim, are in exactly the same position as the Palestinians vis-a-vis their rulers.
Actually, the various non-islamists were not in the same position as the Islamic terrorist 'Pal'istanians. There's a common theme that connects the Islamic fascists. Can you guess what it is?

One of the first rules in the maintenance of totalitarianism is to invent an external enemy to deflect scrutiny and criticism of the real enemy: the internal islamist oppressor(s). We see this with a of the Islamist terrorist fear societies.

Isn't it odd how we see all these islamist "victims" running around with automatic weapons, complaining of discrimination, whining about being unfairly accused of terrorist bombings, and warning the infidel of the innocent civilians that will be killed in a military reprisal? They justify their murderous acts by claiming to be oppressed by non-Moslems. But if they were truly fighting oppression, they would surely lash out at their own oppressive governments first. On the contrary; they seem to be doing their oppressive government's bidding. When islamics are given the chance to run their own governments, the first thing they do is lock down the society, remove all human rights, and oppress everyone within their borders with intolerable religious laws and ruthless enforcement.
Those poor Palestinian "resistance fighters" have no choice but to kill innocent women and children in order to achieve this noble goal of creating an oppressive barbaric Islamic Caliphate of Palestine. What the world really needs now, more than anything else, is yet another Islamic failed state run by mass murdering terrorist Neanderthals.

Did the IRA have no choice but to kill innocent women and children too?

Did the FLN?

Did the ANC


What is your point?

The question remains, why do you expect the Palestinians to behave any differently than those other groups?
Yes, the issue is that you, apparently, expect the Palestinians to behave differently than the IRA, the FLN, the ANC, the Tamils and other groups that were/are in a similar position as the Palestinians. I am wondering why you would expect that.
Those "other", non-islamist groups are not / were not in the same position. Can you explain why?

Well, no. They, including the FLN who were Muslim, are in exactly the same position as the Palestinians vis-a-vis their rulers.
Actually, the various non-islamists were not in the same position as the Islamic terrorist 'Pal'istanians. There's a common theme that connects the Islamic fascists. Can you guess what it is?

One of the first rules in the maintenance of totalitarianism is to invent an external enemy to deflect scrutiny and criticism of the real enemy: the internal islamist oppressor(s). We see this with a of the Islamist terrorist fear societies.

Isn't it odd how we see all these islamist "victims" running around with automatic weapons, complaining of discrimination, whining about being unfairly accused of terrorist bombings, and warning the infidel of the innocent civilians that will be killed in a military reprisal? They justify their murderous acts by claiming to be oppressed by non-Moslems. But if they were truly fighting oppression, they would surely lash out at their own oppressive governments first. On the contrary; they seem to be doing their oppressive government's bidding. When islamics are given the chance to run their own governments, the first thing they do is lock down the society, remove all human rights, and oppress everyone within their borders with intolerable religious laws and ruthless enforcement.
Those poor Palestinian "resistance fighters" have no choice but to kill innocent women and children in order to achieve this noble goal of creating an oppressive barbaric Islamic Caliphate of Palestine. What the world really needs now, more than anything else, is yet another Islamic failed state run by mass murdering terrorist Neanderthals.

Did the IRA have no choice but to kill innocent women and children too?

Did the FLN?

Did the ANC


What is your point?

The question remains, why do you expect the Palestinians to behave any differently than those other groups?

Ask me a valid properly framed question, other than your flamebaiting, and I might consider it.

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