Palestinian animals kill Americans on a regular basis...

Were any of these people attacked because they were American or was it just because they were in Israel's war zone?
Were any of these people attacked because they were American or was it just because they were in Israel's war zone?
Israel's war zone ?


You need to keep up.

I knew you would retreat from your nonsense claims.
Look at history. Whenever there is a war it is:

Israel and Palestine
Israel and Egypt
Israel and Jordan
Israel and Syria
Israel and Lebanon

You don't need a PhD to see a common denominator here.
Were any of these people attacked because they were American or was it just because they were in Israel's war zone?
Israel's war zone ?


You need to keep up.

I knew you would retreat from your nonsense claims.
Look at history. Whenever there is a war it is:

Israel and Palestine
Israel and Egypt
Israel and Jordan
Israel and Syria
Israel and Lebanon

You don't need a PhD to see a common denominator here.


A normal state surrounded by psychotic Arab states.
P F Tinmore's next question: Was she raped because she walked down the rapist' path, or just because she had a vagina?

Well, we all know that the mere presence of a woman is enough to cause men to fall into an uncontrollable fit of rape.

So too, the mere presence of a Jew in a Jewish Holy Place is enough to cause Muslims to fall into an uncontrollable fit of murder.

Its not their fault. Women and Jews shouldn't be so provocative by, you know, being in a place.
P F Tinmore's next question: Was she raped because she walked down the rapist' path, or just because she had a vagina?

Well, we all know that the mere presence of a woman is enough to cause men to fall into an uncontrollable fit of rape.

So too, the mere presence of a Jew in a Jewish Holy Place is enough to cause Muslims to fall into an uncontrollable fit of murder.

Its not their fault. Women and Jews shouldn't be so provocative by, you know, being in a place.

Those goddamn Jooooooooos!
P F Tinmore's next question: Was she raped because she walked down the rapist' path, or just because she had a vagina?
Or maybe HE was raped because he thought he was a she with a vagina? :lmao:
...yet there are no consequences, and we keep sending this terrorist culture 800 million a year?

And we do that every year, no matter what, in fact we are their biggest funder!

Run that one by me again?!

DOJ charges Hamas member for 2001 Jerusalem attack that killed Americans

21 years after son’s death, parents aim to crush groups that fund terror

Hurt by Hamas, Americans Sue Banks in U.S.
Such a Ridiculous Post Rouds,considering the Zionist Synthetics have Murdered hundreds of thousands of Palestinians....Your number killed is a mere PISS IN THE OCEAN....Get Real Rouds...Or Get Out of the really are so Ridiculous
Yeah, ridiculous, how dare those Americans be there, and how dare Israelis defend themselves from these savages. :cuckoo:
Rouds,wasn't it the Israeli Airforce that straffed and bombed an American Warship in 1967 killing 20 American Servicemen.....such savages(your term Rouds)steve
There's another thread dedicated to this accidental bombing which neo Nazis and Islamnazis on this board have brought up at least a million times, because they have nothing else on Israel but good stuff.
Rouds It was not mean't as "Good Stuff" friend...I was just pointing out that things happen.steven

"things happen"
Nope...One thing happened.
Were any of these people attacked because they were American or was it just because they were in Israel's war zone?
Israel's war zone ?


You need to keep up.

I knew you would retreat from your nonsense claims.
Look at history. Whenever there is a war it is:

Israel and Palestine
Israel and Egypt
Israel and Jordan
Israel and Syria
Israel and Lebanon

You don't need a PhD to see a common denominator here.
And the nations on the right side keep getting their asses kicked.
Were any of these people attacked because they were American or was it just because they were in Israel's war zone?
Israel's war zone ?


You need to keep up.

I knew you would retreat from your nonsense claims.
Look at history. Whenever there is a war it is:

Israel and Palestine
Israel and Egypt
Israel and Jordan
Israel and Syria
Israel and Lebanon

You don't need a PhD to see a common denominator here.
The common denominator is the same as it is today, Arab Muslim intolerance and violence toward the other. This is occurring not only in Israel but worldwide. In fact, Israel is on the frontlines of fighting Arab Islamic terrorism and IslamoNazism.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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