Palestinian Authority (PA) cuts ties with America (US)


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2010
Reynoldsburg, OH
RE: Palestinian Authority (PA) cuts ties with America (US)
※→ et al,

Small scale riots and open public violence (Low Intensity Conflict) --- same Arab Palestinian practice every day...


EXCERPT: 22 November 2017 United Press International (UPI) -- By Allen Cone --- The Palestinian Authority has officially suspended contact with the United States after the Palestine Liberation Organization's office was closed in Washington.

"The PA has decided to cut its ties with the U.S. administration in response to the closure of the PLO office in Washington," the Palestinian presidency spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeina said in a statement.

The PLO is a hostile political party; whereas, the State of Palestine is a non-member UN Observer.

I wonder how the Palestinians expect to get their US Aid if they cut all ties? Of course, I would not care if all US Funding and Diplomacy stopped.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
"The PA has decided to cut its ties with the U.S. administration in response to the closure of the PLO office in Washington,"

Excellent news!!
Interesting news. I'd be curious to know if the PA decided they had to make this gesture (following the US decision to close the office in Washington), in order to keep what little islamo-street cred they had left in the Arab world. If these events signal an end to US welfare assistance to the PA, they are beyond naive to think that the Arab world is collectively going to make up the shortfall.

I guess the PA's best option is to encourage rioting, looting and mayhem. What else would they do?
Looks like they shot themselves in the foot again. Or more accurately, accidentally blew themselves up again LOL
And Tinmore believes that the PA is a puppet of America...shows how wrong his conspiracy theories are! But it's great news!
RE: Palestinian Authority (PA) cuts ties with America (US)
※→ et al,

Small scale riots and open public violence (Low Intensity Conflict) --- same Arab Palestinian practice every day...


EXCERPT: 22 November 2017 United Press International (UPI) -- By Allen Cone --- The Palestinian Authority has officially suspended contact with the United States after the Palestine Liberation Organization's office was closed in Washington.

"The PA has decided to cut its ties with the U.S. administration in response to the closure of the PLO office in Washington," the Palestinian presidency spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeina said in a statement.

The PLO is a hostile political party; whereas, the State of Palestine is a non-member UN Observer.

I wonder how the Palestinians expect to get their US Aid if they cut all ties? Of course, I would not care if all US Funding and Diplomacy stopped.

Most Respectfully,

I once suggested that since Palestine would never become a state that the people should become Israeli citizens since they were born there and live there. They would have a better life and wouldn't be living in limbo.
Boy, did I step in it. Good thing I could hide behind my keyboard.
RE: Palestinian Authority (PA) cuts ties with America (US)
※→ et al,

Small scale riots and open public violence (Low Intensity Conflict) --- same Arab Palestinian practice every day...


EXCERPT: 22 November 2017 United Press International (UPI) -- By Allen Cone --- The Palestinian Authority has officially suspended contact with the United States after the Palestine Liberation Organization's office was closed in Washington.

"The PA has decided to cut its ties with the U.S. administration in response to the closure of the PLO office in Washington," the Palestinian presidency spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeina said in a statement.

The PLO is a hostile political party; whereas, the State of Palestine is a non-member UN Observer.

I wonder how the Palestinians expect to get their US Aid if they cut all ties? Of course, I would not care if all US Funding and Diplomacy stopped.

Most Respectfully,

I once suggested that since Palestine would never become a state that the people should become Israeli citizens since they were born there and live there. They would have a better life and wouldn't be living in limbo.
Boy, did I step in it. Good thing I could hide behind my keyboard.

Common “palestinian” surname: al-Masri, “the Egyptian” Arafat was born in Cairo.
RE: Palestinian Authority (PA) cuts ties with America (US)
※→ et al,

Small scale riots and open public violence (Low Intensity Conflict) --- same Arab Palestinian practice every day...


EXCERPT: 22 November 2017 United Press International (UPI) -- By Allen Cone --- The Palestinian Authority has officially suspended contact with the United States after the Palestine Liberation Organization's office was closed in Washington.

"The PA has decided to cut its ties with the U.S. administration in response to the closure of the PLO office in Washington," the Palestinian presidency spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeina said in a statement.

The PLO is a hostile political party; whereas, the State of Palestine is a non-member UN Observer.

I wonder how the Palestinians expect to get their US Aid if they cut all ties? Of course, I would not care if all US Funding and Diplomacy stopped.

Most Respectfully,

I once suggested that since Palestine would never become a state that the people should become Israeli citizens since they were born there and live there. They would have a better life and wouldn't be living in limbo.
Boy, did I step in it. Good thing I could hide behind my keyboard.

Arabs originate from where? That would be Arabia. Palestine originated as a Roman name for ancient Israel where there was no Arab population
Who cares what the Palestinian Authority does or does not do?

The shambolic pseudo-government is on borrowed time, if not on life support.

I say life support because there's serious talk (although unofficial), in both Israel and the WB, about disbanding the whole farce as soon as Abbas dies or leaves office.
RE: Palestinian Authority (PA) cuts ties with America (US)
※→ et al,

Small scale riots and open public violence (Low Intensity Conflict) --- same Arab Palestinian practice every day...
I have yet to engage you and your apparent fantasy, as I find what you do here immoral. But, I guess you got me. Same Arab Palestinian practice every day? What are you talking about? Response to the Israeli criminality? The degradation they experience as routine at checkpoints? As they watch their pregnant women die in line as the brave IDF laugh?

The PLO is a hostile political party; whereas, the State of Palestine is a non-member UN Observer.
Are the Republicans a hostile political party? Are the zionists? Hostile to who and why? I mean, the Palestinians certainly have no right feel hostile as American bombs get dropped on the concentration camp their children have grown up in for decades, yes?

I wonder how the Palestinians expect to get their US Aid if they cut all ties? Of course, I would not care if all US Funding and Diplomacy stopped.
Like they care for the scraps compared to what Israel receives; for war criminality!

Most Respectfully,
You always sign this way and what you do is hardly respectable.

I don't respect you,
RE: Palestinian Authority (PA) cuts ties with America (US)
※→ et al,

Small scale riots and open public violence (Low Intensity Conflict) --- same Arab Palestinian practice every day...


EXCERPT: 22 November 2017 United Press International (UPI) -- By Allen Cone --- The Palestinian Authority has officially suspended contact with the United States after the Palestine Liberation Organization's office was closed in Washington.

"The PA has decided to cut its ties with the U.S. administration in response to the closure of the PLO office in Washington," the Palestinian presidency spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeina said in a statement.

The PLO is a hostile political party; whereas, the State of Palestine is a non-member UN Observer.

I wonder how the Palestinians expect to get their US Aid if they cut all ties? Of course, I would not care if all US Funding and Diplomacy stopped.

Most Respectfully,
Who could blame them? We've been bankrolling the occupation of the West Bank since Israel stole it from them/Jordan.

It's clear the US is on the side of land thievery. They shouldn't delude themselves that our government is not.
RE: Palestinian Authority (PA) cuts ties with America (US)
※→ et al,

Small scale riots and open public violence (Low Intensity Conflict) --- same Arab Palestinian practice every day...


EXCERPT: 22 November 2017 United Press International (UPI) -- By Allen Cone --- The Palestinian Authority has officially suspended contact with the United States after the Palestine Liberation Organization's office was closed in Washington.

"The PA has decided to cut its ties with the U.S. administration in response to the closure of the PLO office in Washington," the Palestinian presidency spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeina said in a statement.

The PLO is a hostile political party; whereas, the State of Palestine is a non-member UN Observer.

I wonder how the Palestinians expect to get their US Aid if they cut all ties? Of course, I would not care if all US Funding and Diplomacy stopped.

Most Respectfully,
Who could blame them? We've been bankrolling the occupation of the West Bank since Israel stole it from them/Jordan.

It's clear the US is on the side of land thievery. They shouldn't delude themselves that our government is not.

Damn, you’re ignorant.

Jordan seized Judea and Samaria, Jewish land since antiquity, in the 1948 War and simply called it west bank of Jordan River

Jordan didn’t even exist before the 20th century
RE: Palestinian Authority (PA) cuts ties with America (US)
※→ et al,

Small scale riots and open public violence (Low Intensity Conflict) --- same Arab Palestinian practice every day...


EXCERPT: 22 November 2017 United Press International (UPI) -- By Allen Cone --- The Palestinian Authority has officially suspended contact with the United States after the Palestine Liberation Organization's office was closed in Washington.

"The PA has decided to cut its ties with the U.S. administration in response to the closure of the PLO office in Washington," the Palestinian presidency spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeina said in a statement.

The PLO is a hostile political party; whereas, the State of Palestine is a non-member UN Observer.

I wonder how the Palestinians expect to get their US Aid if they cut all ties? Of course, I would not care if all US Funding and Diplomacy stopped.

Most Respectfully,

RE: Palestinian Authority (PA) cuts ties with America (US)
※→ et al,

Small scale riots and open public violence (Low Intensity Conflict) --- same Arab Palestinian practice every day...


EXCERPT: 22 November 2017 United Press International (UPI) -- By Allen Cone --- The Palestinian Authority has officially suspended contact with the United States after the Palestine Liberation Organization's office was closed in Washington.

"The PA has decided to cut its ties with the U.S. administration in response to the closure of the PLO office in Washington," the Palestinian presidency spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeina said in a statement.

The PLO is a hostile political party; whereas, the State of Palestine is a non-member UN Observer.

I wonder how the Palestinians expect to get their US Aid if they cut all ties? Of course, I would not care if all US Funding and Diplomacy stopped.

Most Respectfully,
Who could blame them? We've been bankrolling the occupation of the West Bank since Israel stole it from them/Jordan.

It's clear the US is on the side of land thievery. They shouldn't delude themselves that our government is not.

why do you terrorist supporters lie? the pals have gotten billions of dollars from us and from other countries.
RE: Palestinian Authority (PA) cuts ties with America (US)
※→ et al,

Small scale riots and open public violence (Low Intensity Conflict) --- same Arab Palestinian practice every day...


EXCERPT: 22 November 2017 United Press International (UPI) -- By Allen Cone --- The Palestinian Authority has officially suspended contact with the United States after the Palestine Liberation Organization's office was closed in Washington.

"The PA has decided to cut its ties with the U.S. administration in response to the closure of the PLO office in Washington," the Palestinian presidency spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeina said in a statement.

The PLO is a hostile political party; whereas, the State of Palestine is a non-member UN Observer.

I wonder how the Palestinians expect to get their US Aid if they cut all ties? Of course, I would not care if all US Funding and Diplomacy stopped.

Most Respectfully,
Who could blame them? We've been bankrolling the occupation of the West Bank since Israel stole it from them/Jordan.

It's clear the US is on the side of land thievery. They shouldn't delude themselves that our government is not.

why do you terrorist supporters lie? the pals have gotten billions of dollars from us and from other countries.
Shouldn't I be asking you that question?

Which country has received the most aid from the US since WWII? I'll give you a hint. It starts with an I.
RE: Palestinian Authority (PA) cuts ties with America (US)
※→ et al,

Small scale riots and open public violence (Low Intensity Conflict) --- same Arab Palestinian practice every day...


EXCERPT: 22 November 2017 United Press International (UPI) -- By Allen Cone --- The Palestinian Authority has officially suspended contact with the United States after the Palestine Liberation Organization's office was closed in Washington.

"The PA has decided to cut its ties with the U.S. administration in response to the closure of the PLO office in Washington," the Palestinian presidency spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeina said in a statement.

The PLO is a hostile political party; whereas, the State of Palestine is a non-member UN Observer.

I wonder how the Palestinians expect to get their US Aid if they cut all ties? Of course, I would not care if all US Funding and Diplomacy stopped.

Most Respectfully,
Who could blame them? We've been bankrolling the occupation of the West Bank since Israel stole it from them/Jordan.

It's clear the US is on the side of land thievery. They shouldn't delude themselves that our government is not.

Damn, you’re ignorant.

Jordan seized Judea and Samaria, Jewish land since antiquity, in the 1948 War and simply called it west bank of Jordan River

Jordan didn’t even exist before the 20th century

And, last I checked, there were no Jews in Israel prior to the Exodus. It is a land that has been conquered countless times by a variety of powers.

The West Bank was Jordan's prior to Israel invading it in 1967. It's a shame that we, as a nation, continue to enable the occupation and illegal acquisition of territory by force, per the Geneva Accords to which Israel is a signatory.
RE: Palestinian Authority (PA) cuts ties with America (US)
※→ et al,

Small scale riots and open public violence (Low Intensity Conflict) --- same Arab Palestinian practice every day...


EXCERPT: 22 November 2017 United Press International (UPI) -- By Allen Cone --- The Palestinian Authority has officially suspended contact with the United States after the Palestine Liberation Organization's office was closed in Washington.

"The PA has decided to cut its ties with the U.S. administration in response to the closure of the PLO office in Washington," the Palestinian presidency spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeina said in a statement.

The PLO is a hostile political party; whereas, the State of Palestine is a non-member UN Observer.

I wonder how the Palestinians expect to get their US Aid if they cut all ties? Of course, I would not care if all US Funding and Diplomacy stopped.

Most Respectfully,
Who could blame them? We've been bankrolling the occupation of the West Bank since Israel stole it from them/Jordan.

It's clear the US is on the side of land thievery. They shouldn't delude themselves that our government is not.

Birdbrain: Jews are the indigenous population. Arabs are occupying Jews’ land.
RE: Palestinian Authority (PA) cuts ties with America (US)
※→ et al,

Small scale riots and open public violence (Low Intensity Conflict) --- same Arab Palestinian practice every day...


EXCERPT: 22 November 2017 United Press International (UPI) -- By Allen Cone --- The Palestinian Authority has officially suspended contact with the United States after the Palestine Liberation Organization's office was closed in Washington.

"The PA has decided to cut its ties with the U.S. administration in response to the closure of the PLO office in Washington," the Palestinian presidency spokesperson Nabil Abu Rudeina said in a statement.

The PLO is a hostile political party; whereas, the State of Palestine is a non-member UN Observer.

I wonder how the Palestinians expect to get their US Aid if they cut all ties? Of course, I would not care if all US Funding and Diplomacy stopped.

Most Respectfully,
Who could blame them? We've been bankrolling the occupation of the West Bank since Israel stole it from them/Jordan.

It's clear the US is on the side of land thievery. They shouldn't delude themselves that our government is not.

Damn, you’re ignorant.

Jordan seized Judea and Samaria, Jewish land since antiquity, in the 1948 War and simply called it west bank of Jordan River

Jordan didn’t even exist before the 20th century

And, last I checked, there were no Jews in Israel prior to the Exodus. It is a land that has been conquered countless times by a variety of powers.

The West Bank was Jordan's prior to Israel invading it in 1967. It's a shame that we, as a nation, continue to enable the occupation and illegal acquisition of territory by force, per the Geneva Accords to which Israel is a signatory.

Birdbrain: Israel dates back 3000+ years. Jordan didn’t exist before the 20th century

Go sit in the Dunce Corner

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