Palestinian Authority police have banned a Palestinian LGBT rights group from organizing

Aaand he does it again. ALL RELGIONS mantra, but he would never tell that to a Native American about their beliefs, nor a Buddhist. Sure as shit would never tell a muslim to his smelly brown face how stupid their belief is exclusively.
Absolutely I'd tell them that. Why would you think otherwise? Then again, here I am talking to somebody who believes in magic like a little kid.
This genuine concern for the gay community is quite touching.

And the passiveness from the Left for Gay Rights when it comes to appeasing Arabs, Palestinians, and Muslims is quite telling. Look at the Left go ape shit over a fast food CEO saying he opposes gay marriage yet sit on the sidelines when a Muslim shoots up a gay nightclub or throws a homosexual off a roof..... or in this case, an LGBT organization takes root. If I am Gay, Jewish, or both, I’m watching real closely how the Democrats appease these people who want my destruction.
Conservative religious madness is never good
And here come the ALL RELIGIONS ARE BAD mantra. Never attack pisslam exclusively like they do to Christianity every day of their fucking pathetic lives. No, instead they do the old ALL RELIGIONS thing.

Which, is their attack on Christianity as they do every fucking day like the fucking hypocrites they are.
Your magical nonsense is no more or less special than theirs, snowflake
His magical nonsense doesn't end in the death of innocent lives.

Yes it does. Are you joking?
Welcome to ignore...

And just so you know, I think the belief in ANY god is pie in the sky nonsense. Having said that I have no interest in reading the posts of someone so disconnected from reality that they think modern christianity leads to as many deaths as modern islam.
You're a fool and I won't be wasting my time reading your tripe any longer
Conservative religious madness is never good
And here come the ALL RELIGIONS ARE BAD mantra. Never attack pisslam exclusively like they do to Christianity every day of their fucking pathetic lives. No, instead they do the old ALL RELIGIONS thing.

Which, is their attack on Christianity as they do every fucking day like the fucking hypocrites they are.
Your magical nonsense is no more or less special than theirs, snowflake
His magical nonsense doesn't end in the death of innocent lives.

Yes it does. Are you joking?
Welcome to ignore...

And just so you know, I think the belief in ANY god is pie in the sky nonsense. Having said that I have no interest in reading the posts of someone so disconnected from reality that they think modern christianity leads to as many deaths as modern islam.
You're a fool and I won't be wasting my time reading your tripe any longer
All those missiles and bullets slaughtering across the MidEast have "Made in the USA" written on them. Your hero President, the leader of America's Christians, let's Saudi Prince's murder dissenters as long as he keeps launching missiles. How many civilians were killed in our pointless wars there? What about Russia, another majority Christian nation; how many Muslim civilians have they slaughtered over the decades?
The fucking pussies cannot help themselves. Everything white American Christians fault.

Fucking moron.
A couple have alluded to it, but no one has come out and remarked that all of this happened
on the same day that Omar and Tlaib were discussing how oppressive Israel is and how
they should be letting everyone into their country.

I wonder what the Dems are gonna do tomorrow about all of this.
This genuine concern for the gay community is quite touching.

And the passiveness from the Left for Gay Rights when it comes to appeasing Arabs, Palestinians, and Muslims is quite telling. Look at the Left go ape shit over a fast food CEO saying he opposes gay marriage yet sit on the sidelines when a Muslim shoots up a gay nightclub or throws a homosexual off a roof..... or in this case, an LGBT organization takes root. If I am Gay, Jewish, or both, I’m watching real closely how the Democrats appease these people who want my destruction.
This genuine concern for the gay community is quite touching.

And the passiveness from the Left for Gay Rights when it comes to appeasing Arabs, Palestinians, and Muslims is quite telling. Look at the Left go ape shit over a fast food CEO saying he opposes gay marriage yet sit on the sidelines when a Muslim shoots up a gay nightclub or throws a homosexual off a roof..... or in this case, an LGBT organization takes root. If I am Gay, Jewish, or both, I’m watching real closely how the Democrats appease these people who want my destruction.

Yes, I am well aware of the disingenuous concern people show for the gay community in the name of political expedience. Luckily gay people can rest a little easier at night knowing they have so many true allies on this thread and in the world.
They are lucky all they do is ban them.

In reality they would be throwing them all off roofs. That's the SOP for gays in the world of the death cult.

They do like goats though. Pretty goats work well but not gays.

Color me shocked.

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