Palestinian child provokes Zionist judge into leaving court room

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Palestinian child Ahmad al-Salibi provoked the judge of Ofer military court which was convened to look into his case and those of seven other children, all under 16 and all hail from Beit Ummar to the north of al-Khalil, when he said that he does not recognise the court or the Zionist entity and described them as a gang.

According to the lawyers of the Palestinian Prisoners Society, Salibi was asked to stand up by the judge and the prosecution lawyer began to read the indictment list, but the child interrupted the prosecutor saying: "I do not recognise you. I am a 16-year-old child and you are unjustly trying me. You are a Mafia gang and I do not recognise your state.”

When the judge heard these words, he got very angry and left the court room warning the boy that his punishment was going to be severe, according to those who attended the hearing.

Salibi was arrested on 12 March in the town of Beit Ummar and was subjected to beating and “various forms of barbaric torture,” according to defence lawyers who said that signs of torture are still visible on his face and body.

Palestinian child provokes Zionist judge into leaving court room

I am a 16-year-old child
^^^ From Your Link ^^^

Child suicide bombers in the Israeli

[ame=]Children of Hamas - YouTube[/ame]

^^ Where is Unicef? ^^​

[ame=]Children of Hamas - YouTube[/ame]

See above. If you don't see the relevance maybe others will.

What does that have to do with the kid speaking out in a kangaroo court?

Palestinian Kids are Palestinian Kids. Palestinian kids are being used as tools even to their deaths so why would anyone expect otherwise?

What you call a Kangaroo court has more power and proof of legality than the Virtual state you call Palestine.


Anyway, I'm done in this thread as I've said my piece. Others can read and make their own determinations.

Good night PF.
Children of Hamas - YouTube

See above. If you don't see the relevance maybe others will.

What does that have to do with the kid speaking out in a kangaroo court?

Palestinian Kids are Palestinian Kids. Palestinian kids are being used as tools even to their deaths so why would anyone expect otherwise?

What you call a Kangaroo court has more power and proof of legality than the Virtual state you call Palestine.


Israel is a foreign entity sitting in Palestine at the point of a gun.

I wonder what the severe punishment this fake judge will hand to this minor big man that he is.
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Palestinian child Ahmad al-Salibi provoked the judge of Ofer military court which was convened to look into his case and those of seven other children, all under 16 and all hail from Beit Ummar to the north of al-Khalil, when he said that he does not recognise the court or the Zionist entity and described them as a gang.

According to the lawyers of the Palestinian Prisoners Society, Salibi was asked to stand up by the judge and the prosecution lawyer began to read the indictment list, but the child interrupted the prosecutor saying: "I do not recognise you. I am a 16-year-old child and you are unjustly trying me. You are a Mafia gang and I do not recognise your state.”

When the judge heard these words, he got very angry and left the court room warning the boy that his punishment was going to be severe, according to those who attended the hearing.

Salibi was arrested on 12 March in the town of Beit Ummar and was subjected to beating and “various forms of barbaric torture,” according to defence lawyers who said that signs of torture are still visible on his face and body.

Palestinian child provokes Zionist judge into leaving court room

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What does that have to do with the kid speaking out in a kangaroo court?

Palestinian Kids are Palestinian Kids. Palestinian kids are being used as tools even to their deaths so why would anyone expect otherwise?

What you call a Kangaroo court has more power and proof of legality than the Virtual state you call Palestine.


Israel is a foreign entity sitting in Palestine at the point of a gun.

I wonder what the severe punishment this fake judge will hand to this minor big man that he is.

Palestine is the fictional entity trying to undermine the existence of Israel, a real state, and it uses children as soldiers and as weapons.

The fucking scumbag Hamas and other filthy pig bastards are in no position to tell an Israeli court that they don't recognize it. So what? Fuck them and what they do or don't recognize.

Israel is not obligated to die to suit the imbecile notions of crap like Palestinian terrorist "children."

Nothing in your post smacks of credibility.
Somebody needed to tell the kid that there never was a country called Palestine, nor was there ever a Palestinian people. The kid is obviously a fool. He's lucky he's in an Israeli court. I doubt the Arabs even afford an Israeli rights to a court of law.
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Palestinian child Ahmad al-Salibi provoked the judge of Ofer military court which was convened to look into his case and those of seven other children, all under 16 and all hail from Beit Ummar to the north of al-Khalil, when he said that he does not recognise the court or the Zionist entity and described them as a gang.

According to the lawyers of the Palestinian Prisoners Society, Salibi was asked to stand up by the judge and the prosecution lawyer began to read the indictment list, but the child interrupted the prosecutor saying: "I do not recognise you. I am a 16-year-old child and you are unjustly trying me. You are a Mafia gang and I do not recognise your state.”

When the judge heard these words, he got very angry and left the court room warning the boy that his punishment was going to be severe, according to those who attended the hearing.

Salibi was arrested on 12 March in the town of Beit Ummar and was subjected to beating and “various forms of barbaric torture,” according to defence lawyers who said that signs of torture are still visible on his face and body.

Palestinian child provokes Zionist judge into leaving court room

Palestine Info Co? Do you have any other source for this story?
AL-KHALIL, (PIC)-- Palestinian child Ahmad al-Salibi provoked the judge of Ofer military court which was convened to look into his case and those of seven other children, all under 16 and all hail from Beit Ummar to the north of al-Khalil, when he said that he does not recognise the court or the Zionist entity and described them as a gang.

According to the lawyers of the Palestinian Prisoners Society, Salibi was asked to stand up by the judge and the prosecution lawyer began to read the indictment list, but the child interrupted the prosecutor saying: "I do not recognise you. I am a 16-year-old child and you are unjustly trying me. You are a Mafia gang and I do not recognise your state.”

When the judge heard these words, he got very angry and left the court room warning the boy that his punishment was going to be severe, according to those who attended the hearing.

Salibi was arrested on 12 March in the town of Beit Ummar and was subjected to beating and “various forms of barbaric torture,” according to defence lawyers who said that signs of torture are still visible on his face and body.

Palestinian child provokes Zionist judge into leaving court room

Palestine Info Co? Do you have any other source for this story?

Now that we're on the subject of "human rights" and freedoms, or total lack thereof in Muslim countries and especially the Palestinians, why is it that they are so focused on the Israelis when their own governments so flagrantly violate them?
According to the lawyers of the Palestinian Prisoners Society, Salibi was asked to stand up by the judge and the prosecution lawyer began to read the indictment list, but the child interrupted the prosecutor saying: "I do not recognise you. I am a 16-year-old child and you are unjustly trying me. You are a Mafia gang and I do not recognise your state.”
Ah, palistanian recognition abnormalities.

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