Palestinian football player defeats the ‘lies and smears’


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
"A right-wing smear campaign targeting a National Football League player rose and crashed this week. At the center of it is Oday Aboushi, a Palestinian-American Muslim draft pick for the New York Jets, who appears for now to have come out of the smearing proudly. "It is upsetting to see people try and tarnish my reputation without even knowing me," Aboushi said yesterday in a statement issued by the team. "But I appreciate all the support I have been getting from people of all backgrounds across the city and country."

The smear of Oday Aboushi began at Frontpage Magazine, a website started by rightwing Islamophobe David Horowitz. On Tuesday this "right wing extremist rag" ( my words)published a story painting the lineman as a Muslim extremist and anti-Semite and headlined, "NY Jets Player Speaks at Extreme Anti-Israel Conference." The story sought to support its claims by referencing and linking to an Aboushi tweet, where he praised Islamic Relief USA for helping Palestinian refugees, and to an another tweet in which he shared a photo of an 88-year-old Palestinian woman standing outside of her house in Jerusalem after she was evicted to make room for Orthodox Jews.

Writer Joe Kaufman, who has advocated using a nuclear bomb on ME countries, alleged that the UK-based Islamic Relief is "a charity that the Israeli government has labeled a front for Hamas and that has been cited for both receiving and giving huge sums of money to al-Qaeda related groups." While it's true the Israeli government has accused the British group Islamic Relief of being associated with Hamas, hardly a conclusive or persuasive claim, Islamic Relief USA is not the same as the British organization. So, Kaufman is obviously distorting the truth in his claims in this article, Islamic Relief USA is an "affiliate" of the British group, and there is no proof of any Al Qaeda links. Islamic Relief USA has worked with the U.S. government and boasts of corporate sponsors that include JP Morgan Chase, not a typical relationship for a terror group.

The lie was on its way, and it bounced from FrontPage to Yahoo Sports. As Greg Howard at Deadspin explained: "Adam Waksman... part of Yahoo's contributor network.... penned an article in which he came to the same conclusion as the FrontPage buffoons—that Aboushi "is a potential disaster that needs to be dealt with before it becomes anything real." The link doesn't work, because the article was taken down.

Dave Zirin of The Nation points out that Aboushi was never quoted in the Yahoo piece and he was hardly even mentioned. Waksman used Aboushi as a stand-in for all potential Palestinians in the NFL. Waksman just rolled with FrontPage, because he didn't know enough, or didn't care enough, and was too lazy to report for himself. He didn't pick up the phone and give Aboushi a call. In his mind, there is no doubt: Aboushi is a Muslim, and is therefore is taking taking part in "anti-Semitic activism." In his mind, Aboushi is a Muslim, and already a criminal."

But once the inaccuracies in Kaufman's piece were pointed out, Waksman or Yahoo Sports took the piece down. But the ball kept rolling. JD Mael, said to be a new media coordinator for Major League Baseball, also got into it. On his twitter feed, he compared Aboushi to an accused murderer who formerly played for the New England Patriots--"The @nyjets are a disgrace of an organization. The Patriots have Aaron Hernandez, the Jets have Oday Aboushi." Mael subsequently deleted and apologized for the tweet. By now the smear was beginning to hurt those who were promoting it. Even the Daily News headlined its story: "NY Jets' Oday Aboushi unfairly compared to alleged murderer Aaron Hernandez by employee on Twitter."

Ali Abunimah reported: When challenged by other Twitter users for this outrageous comparison, Mael promptly deactivated his entire Twitter account. Reached by telephone at’s corporate offices by The Electronic Intifada, Mael said, “I’m sorry I can’t help you right now,” and immediately hung up phone."...

The smearers are surely on the defensive. The latest example of how the smear campaign has fallen flat on its face is that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has now condemned the attacks against Aboushi. "There’s a lot of exaggeration and hyperbole in all the talk about Jets lineman Oday Aboushi. Absolutely nothing in the public record suggests that Aboushi is anything other than a young American athlete who takes pride in his Palestinian heritage," said ADL leader Abe Foxman in a statement. "Being pro-Palestinian does not mean you’re an anti-Semite or an extremist. The record simply does not show that Aboushi has crossed that line.""

Palestinian football player defeats the 'lies and smears'

This is a perfect example of how the Zionist lobby works to smear someone in the US, who is critical of Israel. All the man did was speak out for Palestine and for Palestinian rights at a conference and he encounters this character assassination. But it was worse then that, on the right wing hate site FrontPage, they were calling on readers to contact the New York Jets and demand Oday Abousi be fired and the article even provided a link readers could use to make these demands.. And the allegations were filled with lies, alleging and implying that dozens of US Muslim organizations were all linked together as terrorist organizations, and there was no substance to any of the claims. Noone in the article even addressed what Oday said at the conference in his talk.

Here is a link to the Front Page article that began this smear campaign against Oday Aboushi.

Fortunately, what we see in this case is that this bogus and hate filled attack and demonization of Oday Aboushi simply on the basis of his heritage and his religion and his ancestry and speaking out for justice for Palestine has been fully disclosed for the filth it is

Oday Aboushi is a Palestinian American who has accomplished much in his life to be proud of and he remains proud of his Palestinian heritage and speaks out proudly in support of Palestine.

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American-Arab group calls on MLB to fire Jonathan Mael for smearing Jets’ Oday Aboushi

"ADC called on both Yahoo! Sports and MLB to immediately terminate Jonathan Mael and Adam Waksman and issue an official apology to the Arab American community,"

(needs hot title) Today's Oday
Look at these comments about the vicious FrontPage attacks upon Oday Aboushi, what I call the smear campaign against Oday Aboushi is Profiling, a very huge problem Americans are today confronted with as illustrated by the Zimmerman case,.

"This takes us to a very uncomfortable place. It's a place we usually try to avoid visiting, but I do not think this story is going away so I feel it is necessary we go here. In the eyes of some, the charges made against Aboushi were viewed as more credible than they should have been due to the fact he is a Palestinian-American. The same charges made against a white man such as myself would not carry the same resonance or suspicion to many. I do not think this is debatable.

Over the past few days, I have been scanning sites, sports, news, and political regarding this story. As I expected, I saw many people defend Aboushi. As I expected, I also saw some truly vile and disgusting comments about him. There was, however, one similar comment I saw a few different times that jumped off the page to me. I saw multiple commenters say they were worried about something like this when the Jets drafted Aboushi.

These comments left me deeply troubled. What information would anybody have had on Draft day to be worried about Aboushi outside of the fact he is a Palestinian-American? This is where I think we all need to be vigilant. We all know about the ugly bigots who openly profess hatred of other groups. Those folks tend to be a vocal minority and easily marginalized."

(needs hot title) Today's Oday

(needs hot title) Today's Oday
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The smear of Oday Aboushi began at Frontpage Magazine, a website started by rightwing Islamophobe David Horowitz.

Indeed, David Horowitz is a slime-ball extraordinaire and lying sack of shit.
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David Horowitz's War on Rational Discourse. "Enter L.A. tabloid editor David Horowitz, liar extraordinaire and author of the incomparable bullshitting manual*The Art of Political War and Other Radical Pursuits*(Spence Publishing, 2000). This book, much*applauded*by Karl Rove, promulgates a political endgame in which brute force triumphs over any notions of intelligence, truth or fair play. The author contends that "[y]ou cannot cripple an opponent by outwitting him in a political debate. You can only do it by following Lenin’s injunction: ‘In political conflicts, the goal is not to refute your opponent’s argument, but to wipe him from the face of the earth.'" Read more:*David Horowitz's War on Rational Discourse | Inside Higher Ed This article addresses Horowitz liar extraordinaire.
David Horowitz's War on Rational Discourse. "Enter L.A. tabloid editor David Horowitz, liar extraordinaire and author of the incomparable bullshitting manual*The Art of Political War and Other Radical Pursuits*(Spence Publishing, 2000). This book, much*applauded*by Karl Rove, promulgates a political endgame in which brute force triumphs over any notions of intelligence, truth or fair play. The author contends that "[y]ou cannot cripple an opponent by outwitting him in a political debate. You can only do it by following Lenin’s injunction: ‘In political conflicts, the goal is not to refute your opponent’s argument, but to wipe him from the face of the earth.'" Read more:*David Horowitz's War on Rational Discourse | Inside Higher Ed This article addresses Horowitz liar extraordinaire.

Horowitz is a hateful and rabid hater and bastard.

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