Palestinian game: "Blame the Settler"

You aid it because you were pissed, yeah, I got it... but I get pissed many times too, and I don't remember saying "fuck that kid" on their child victims. ever. You were never famous for your PC but that was a whole new type of low. But in your defence, that was in the heat of the argument, so we overlooked that, Fanger doesn't have that excuse. We were discussing Israeli children victims of terror when he said, totally calm and collective, "Maybe they'll be sent to hellfire." He even was coward and smart enough to post it in Hebrew, probably addressed directly to Hebrew readers, in some sort of sick joke.

I don't make this stuff up. I believe even Coyote was witness to this post (easily understood and translated in GT), and somehow this scum is still posting. I got temporarily banned for lesser things than this.

But I guess a public forum is not the purest form of equality.
You were banned? What, does this website have something against kosher Latina's?

As far as my remarks back when, they were in response to you trying to use that kids' death to score debating points and that was my way of objecting. I wasn't saying "fuck that baby" literally, I was saying "fuck your use of that baby", which you were playing like a trumpet.
Hitler was a leader, not a civilian. Are you TRYING to make yourself sound stupid?

Nazis were soldiers, not civilians. Again, it is not the same thing.

And comparing any possible thing to the Nazis cheapers the argument, btw.
The comparison is relevant and valid.
Any supporting evidence to these events, or are you taking the word of Palestinian liars as being the be all and end all

I take their word the same as Israeli's word.

Tends to be a lot of lying on both sides.

I don't always take Israel's word for it if there is no supporting evidence. But you can bet the farm that any Islamic outlets will carry the self same details from the same source
It is absurd to assume the lying was telling the truth, unless, you are taking a biased position in the first place. common sense.

?What are you responding to?
The claim Palestinians were assaulted by settlers every day in relation to the opening post.

They are physically assaulted and targeted with arson, property damage, etc frequently by settlers, this is well documented.

Just as the Jews are also ohysacally assaulted and targeted with arson, vandalism et. by Palestinians. Also well documented and known

I don't disagree - I've never said the Pal's were angels and I don't make excuses for their attacks on civilians, like are made for the settlers.

So what is the solution to the problem, a new law imposed by the Law Makers that makes it a capital offence. Will it deter the Palestinians or the settlers do you think ?
I don't take videos very seriously - they are difficult to verify and easy to alter by removing context, dates etc.

Correct, and so easy to fake in other ways by dubbing sound on later

Exactly - or you can take bits and pieces from events earlier and patch them in to a current event - it's very hard to research it like you can a written item. I don't even like to waste the time watching them.

Actually it is very easy as most of them have distinct lines where the camera cuts away and then another scene is presented.

Ya, but what I meant was trying to find the source of the bits and pieces - so, for example is it a case of selective editing that chops out segments or did they put in totally unrelated footage? I can google words and find sources, but can't with images.

You can by right clicking an image and then copying it into the Google search box. This will bring up every instance of the image and will give the details, which is how so many Palestinian propaganda images are shown to be fakes. How can a picture from Kosovo also be a picture from gaza ?
Hitler was a leader, not a civilian. Are you TRYING to make yourself sound stupid?

Nazis were soldiers, not civilians. Again, it is not the same thing.

And comparing any possible thing to the Nazis cheapers the argument, btw.
The comparison is relevant and valid.

Only if you are comparing like for like, and not projecting because you have been told it is so.
I take their word the same as Israeli's word.

Tends to be a lot of lying on both sides.

I don't always take Israel's word for it if there is no supporting evidence. But you can bet the farm that any Islamic outlets will carry the self same details from the same source
?What are you responding to?
The claim Palestinians were assaulted by settlers every day in relation to the opening post.

They are physically assaulted and targeted with arson, property damage, etc frequently by settlers, this is well documented.
More than 300 "documented" incidents as mentioned before? You should ask yourself how many of these incidents were actually proved fabricated.
Claiming that none is not a satisfying answer after so many times the Palestinians lied, don't you think?

I'm sort of confused - you responded to me, but I didn't post anything about 300 documented cases.

I use B'tselem's figures when I do discuss these things because they have a pretty solid reputation for documenting things.
I was thinking you take Billo_Really source as well, I think we already talked about this before.
However my position remains the same, poisonous tree can bare poisonous fruits.
CAMERA: UPDATED: B'Tselem Photographer Stages Scene

I don't trust CAMERA - CAMERA - SourceWatch

B'tselem may have some bad actors, but much of it's work is well substantiated and has stood the test of courts and many of the allegations seem to come from staunch pro-Israel groups like Camera, and have been rebutted: B'Tselem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
First of all those killers need to be caught, why you jump the line and are in such a hurry to reproach me on the felony of supporting those who burn babies?

We don't know their names or background. unless you know something I dont

Because of your statement that you sympathize with the settlers, even the radicals who do such things.
I was thinking you take Billo_Really source as well, I think we already talked about this before.
However my position remains the same, poisonous tree can bare poisonous fruits.
CAMERA: UPDATED: B'Tselem Photographer Stages Scene
What is "taking Billo_Really source"?

Simple using Jew hatred sources because they support your POV

Not every source that posts information showing bad behavior on the part of the Israeli's is "Jew hatred"...
I don't take videos very seriously - they are difficult to verify and easy to alter by removing context, dates etc.

Correct, and so easy to fake in other ways by dubbing sound on later

Exactly - or you can take bits and pieces from events earlier and patch them in to a current event - it's very hard to research it like you can a written item. I don't even like to waste the time watching them.

Actually it is very easy as most of them have distinct lines where the camera cuts away and then another scene is presented.

Ya, but what I meant was trying to find the source of the bits and pieces - so, for example is it a case of selective editing that chops out segments or did they put in totally unrelated footage? I can google words and find sources, but can't with images.

You can by right clicking an image and then copying it into the Google search box. This will bring up every instance of the image and will give the details, which is how so many Palestinian propaganda images are shown to be fakes. How can a picture from Kosovo also be a picture from gaza ?

That's useful - did not know you could do that.
I take their word the same as Israeli's word.

Tends to be a lot of lying on both sides.

I don't always take Israel's word for it if there is no supporting evidence. But you can bet the farm that any Islamic outlets will carry the self same details from the same source
?What are you responding to?
The claim Palestinians were assaulted by settlers every day in relation to the opening post.

They are physically assaulted and targeted with arson, property damage, etc frequently by settlers, this is well documented.

Just as the Jews are also ohysacally assaulted and targeted with arson, vandalism et. by Palestinians. Also well documented and known

I don't disagree - I've never said the Pal's were angels and I don't make excuses for their attacks on civilians, like are made for the settlers.

So what is the solution to the problem, a new law imposed by the Law Makers that makes it a capital offence. Will it deter the Palestinians or the settlers do you think ?

I don't know the solution, but currently most of the reining in is with the Palestinians, not the settlers. The settler violence needs to be taken more seriously.
First of all those killers need to be caught, why you jump the line and are in such a hurry to reproach me on the felony of supporting those who burn babies?

We don't know their names or background. unless you know something I dont
Ya’alon: We know who firebombed Palestinians
“We know which group is responsible for the despicable murder of the family in the village of Duma. We do not have enough evidence to put people to trial at this point, but I am convinced we will have them in the future,” Ya’alon told Army Radio on Sunday morning.

Ya’alon was reported earlier this month to have said that Israel knew who the suspects were, but could not prosecute them without revealing sensitive information.

Ya’alon: We know who firebombed Palestinians, justice is coming
First of all those killers need to be caught, why you jump the line and are in such a hurry to reproach me on the felony of supporting those who burn babies?

We don't know their names or background. unless you know something I dont
Ya’alon: We know who firebombed Palestinians
“We know which group is responsible for the despicable murder of the family in the village of Duma. We do not have enough evidence to put people to trial at this point, but I am convinced we will have them in the future,” Ya’alon told Army Radio on Sunday morning.

Ya’alon was reported earlier this month to have said that Israel knew who the suspects were, but could not prosecute them without revealing sensitive information.

Ya’alon: We know who firebombed Palestinians, justice is coming

The community hiding them knows who they are, and the fact that they are deliberately shielding them means they are no different than the Palestinian communities that hide their terrorists. Protecting someone who deliberately seeks to kill children is reprehensible.
I don't always take Israel's word for it if there is no supporting evidence. But you can bet the farm that any Islamic outlets will carry the self same details from the same source
The claim Palestinians were assaulted by settlers every day in relation to the opening post.

They are physically assaulted and targeted with arson, property damage, etc frequently by settlers, this is well documented.
More than 300 "documented" incidents as mentioned before? You should ask yourself how many of these incidents were actually proved fabricated.
Claiming that none is not a satisfying answer after so many times the Palestinians lied, don't you think?

I'm sort of confused - you responded to me, but I didn't post anything about 300 documented cases.

I use B'tselem's figures when I do discuss these things because they have a pretty solid reputation for documenting things.
I was thinking you take Billo_Really source as well, I think we already talked about this before.
However my position remains the same, poisonous tree can bare poisonous fruits.
CAMERA: UPDATED: B'Tselem Photographer Stages Scene

I don't trust CAMERA - CAMERA - SourceWatch

B'tselem may have some bad actors, but much of it's work is well substantiated and has stood the test of courts and many of the allegations seem to come from staunch pro-Israel groups like Camera, and have been rebutted: B'Tselem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Try looking at the source for this entry, a clue is an organisation called spinwatch based in Scotland and very racist
I was thinking you take Billo_Really source as well, I think we already talked about this before.
However my position remains the same, poisonous tree can bare poisonous fruits.
CAMERA: UPDATED: B'Tselem Photographer Stages Scene
What is "taking Billo_Really source"?

Simple using Jew hatred sources because they support your POV

Not every source that posts information showing bad behavior on the part of the Israeli's is "Jew hatred"...

Never said it was, but when they make a habit of it, or are traced back to Islamic roots then they do become suspect. A clue is when they report the same events from the same source as MA'AN and the like. So easy to open another web page and do the research, even easier with windows 10
Correct, and so easy to fake in other ways by dubbing sound on later

Exactly - or you can take bits and pieces from events earlier and patch them in to a current event - it's very hard to research it like you can a written item. I don't even like to waste the time watching them.

Actually it is very easy as most of them have distinct lines where the camera cuts away and then another scene is presented.

Ya, but what I meant was trying to find the source of the bits and pieces - so, for example is it a case of selective editing that chops out segments or did they put in totally unrelated footage? I can google words and find sources, but can't with images.

You can by right clicking an image and then copying it into the Google search box. This will bring up every instance of the image and will give the details, which is how so many Palestinian propaganda images are shown to be fakes. How can a picture from Kosovo also be a picture from gaza ?

That's useful - did not know you could do that.

Instructions are on youtube

I don't always take Israel's word for it if there is no supporting evidence. But you can bet the farm that any Islamic outlets will carry the self same details from the same source
The claim Palestinians were assaulted by settlers every day in relation to the opening post.

They are physically assaulted and targeted with arson, property damage, etc frequently by settlers, this is well documented.

Just as the Jews are also ohysacally assaulted and targeted with arson, vandalism et. by Palestinians. Also well documented and known

I don't disagree - I've never said the Pal's were angels and I don't make excuses for their attacks on civilians, like are made for the settlers.

So what is the solution to the problem, a new law imposed by the Law Makers that makes it a capital offence. Will it deter the Palestinians or the settlers do you think ?

I don't know the solution, but currently most of the reining in is with the Palestinians, not the settlers. The settler violence needs to be taken more seriously.

Correct, but while the Palestinians are firing illegal rockets and murdering innocent people they will face the backwash
First of all those killers need to be caught, why you jump the line and are in such a hurry to reproach me on the felony of supporting those who burn babies?

We don't know their names or background. unless you know something I dont
Ya’alon: We know who firebombed Palestinians
“We know which group is responsible for the despicable murder of the family in the village of Duma. We do not have enough evidence to put people to trial at this point, but I am convinced we will have them in the future,” Ya’alon told Army Radio on Sunday morning.

Ya’alon was reported earlier this month to have said that Israel knew who the suspects were, but could not prosecute them without revealing sensitive information.

Ya’alon: We know who firebombed Palestinians, justice is coming

We do not have enough evidence to put people to trial at this point

Do you understand what this means ?
First of all those killers need to be caught, why you jump the line and are in such a hurry to reproach me on the felony of supporting those who burn babies?

We don't know their names or background. unless you know something I dont
Ya’alon: We know who firebombed Palestinians
“We know which group is responsible for the despicable murder of the family in the village of Duma. We do not have enough evidence to put people to trial at this point, but I am convinced we will have them in the future,” Ya’alon told Army Radio on Sunday morning.

Ya’alon was reported earlier this month to have said that Israel knew who the suspects were, but could not prosecute them without revealing sensitive information.

Ya’alon: We know who firebombed Palestinians, justice is coming

The community hiding them knows who they are, and the fact that they are deliberately shielding them means they are no different than the Palestinian communities that hide their terrorists. Protecting someone who deliberately seeks to kill children is reprehensible.

Or they are afraid of reprisals if they go to the police from the families and friends of the culprits.

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