Palestinian Leader Seeks Transplant in Israel

When a people and their land are occupied by an enemy out to destroy rather than allow the Palestinians the freedom to develop economically, it is to be expected that there cannot be more than the most basic care available in Palestine. This is no surprise.

I agree. That's exactly what the Arabs have tried to do since May 14, 1948

"there is no way the pals would give medical treatment to jews.....whether they were leaders or not."
Well this Doctor treated israeli's, and they killed his civilian children

The first shell came from the tank space, which is there, came to shell two daughters who were sitting here on their chairs. And when I heard this shell, I came inside the room to find, to look. I can’t recognize my daughters. Their heads were cut off their bodies. They were separated from their bodies, and I can’t recognize whose body is this. They were drowning in a pool of blood. This is the pool of blood. Even look here. This is their brain. These are parts of their brain. Aya was lying on the ground. Shatha was injured, and her eye is coming out. Her fingers were torn, just attached by a tag of skin. I felt disloved, out of space, screaming, "What can I do?" They were not satisfied by the first shell and to leave my eldest daughter. But the second shell soon came to kill Aya, to injure my niece, who came down from the third floor, and to kill my eldest daughter Bessan, who was in the kitchen and came at that moment, screaming and jumping, 'Dad! Dad! Aya is injured!
Izzeldin Abuelaish - Wikipedia

And thats how israeli's treat a Palestinian Doctor working for israel

The war of 2009 started by Hamas. That is when this happened.
But you do not like the background.

Where are the circumstances where that family was hit, before this video.

Dozens of Gazans being killed because of Hamas' demands for the destruction of Israel.

Anyone who is not pro Hamas suffers first, in poverty or death.
It has been that way in every war, since 1948.
The Arabs attack, dozens of Arabs are uprooted or die.

As for what happened in the video, exactly what is Israel supposed to do, when Hamas puts weapons, bombs, etc in civilian areas, as it always does. As Hezballah is also doing in the south of Lebanon?

Get your criminal friends to stop shooting missiles against Israel, provoking for more wars, and wanting to kill as many civilians as they can on both sides.

EVERY death on both sides is the responsibility of Hamas.
They got the power, they chose war and not peace.
THEY will be as responsible for anyone of those deaths as Arafat was and Abbas and Jordan, and Iran also are.

Now, stop with the empty nonsense of Israel does not save lives, or a Jewish Israeli wanted to have her child born a Palestinian citizen.
That country does not even exist, for any one of them to be called a citizen.

Stick to the issues of the thread.

Every time one starts a thread showing the good that Israel does, comes the parasites to attempt to show the apposite.

BEG your friends to make peace.

Egypt and Jordan did it.
So can Abbas, if only he had any guts at all.
Not counting decency and what honor really is.

No apology for israeli war crimes against civilians from our resident plagiarist
If israel does not respond to this attack on civilians, a case in the Hague should be coming soon

Oh by the way your use of the word "Every time one starts a thread showing the good that Israel does, comes the parasites to attempt to show the apposite."
  1. apt in the circumstances or in relation to something.
  1. Definition of APPOSITE

There have been no "war crimes" on Israel's side.

On the other hand if you would like to count all the violations on the Muslim side....

Oh, wait, they are not a country - be it Gaza or the PA, so they are not obliged to follow the Geneva Convention as to how wars are conducted.

Isn't it nice for the Muslim Arabs to be that free to kill and kill and kill?

Kill, kill and what now?View attachment 141554

Ya gotta love these Pali supporters for their blatant stupidity. Palestinians attack & kill one or more Israelis. Israel retaliates. And then they bitch about how many more dead Palestinians there are than Israelis. It's called Palestinian mentality!

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