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Palestinian Love For Christians: 40,000 Slaughtered in Lebanon

"The Lebanese civil war was a long and high intensity violent conflict that lasted from 1975 to the early nineties when the Taïf*(Saudi Arabia)*accords were signed and ratified in 1989. The tiny county of 10453 km2,*once known as the “Paris” of the Near East, still is a powder keg ready to explode in sporadic or sustained violence. The Lebanese civil war was in fact inevitable from the day the French Mandate took over the region known as Greater Syria. They carved a country out of historical Syria to create a homeland tailor -made for their traditional clients, the Christian Catholics called Maronites. The socio-political very complex and archaic system based upon religion that was worked out and survived to post colonial times, contained the seeds of guaranteed and interminable conflict and violence."

"It is very difficult to put a specific date to the end of the Lebanese civil war, but the official start has a very infamous date: April 13, 1975, when the Christian right wing Phalangist militiamen stopped a bus full of Palestinians returning from a celebration and passing through the working class suburb of Ain El Remmaneh. The Phalangist, in retaliation to an earlier attack on Christians, opened fire with automatic firearms, killing the mostly civilian passengers to death. The country was in total chaos and the civil war was “officially” on. The bus attack was the prelude to the indiscriminate attacks, killings and horrible violence."

"Broadly speaking, the Lebanese civil war is often thought and described as an inter-sectarian bloody conflict between the mostly right wing Christians, against a coalition of Muslim and leftist forces allied with the P.L.O. The War left hundreds of thousands dead, naturally mostly innocent civilians (no available official figure is possible). A long war, where the conservative Maronites did their best to resist change and fight for their very survival against the mostly Sunni, Druze, Shia and Palestinians. Therefore, “Christian against Muslim” became a common and somehow simplistic description of the Civil War. This narrative, however, disregards the fact that the warring sides were not monolithic or “pure” along ideology and religious lines. In this essay, I will argue that some of the most despicable, unpredictable and yet highly significant violence in Lebanon occurred within the “Christian” camp. These intra-Christian violence left more long lasting political schisms and consequence than say Maronite – Sunni killings, if we are to judge by the political affiliations and coalition of present day Lebanese politics. Old foes like mainstream Sunni and Phalange are now very close allies, while the various Maronite factions attacked by the Phalange are still bitter enemies."

Krikor Tersakian: The intra-Christian violence during the Lebanese civil war (1975-1989)
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That still doesn't explain why Palestinians were killing the Christians. Lebanese civil war was abut Muslim ethnic cleansing and genocide of Christians. You wanna know why? Read the Koran.
That still doesn't explain why Palestinians were killing the Christians. Lebanese civil war was abut Muslim ethnic cleansing and genocide of Christians. You wanna know why? Read the Koran.
To a simpleton like you the war was about religion.

In reality, it was about geopolitics, power, and money. . :cool:
That still doesn't explain why Palestinians were killing the Christians. Lebanese civil war was abut Muslim ethnic cleansing and genocide of Christians. You wanna know why? Read the Koran.
To a simpleton like you the war was about religion.

In reality, it was about geopolitics, power, and money. . :cool:

yes---it was all about the fact that the muslims demand all the power and
all the money------what else is new?------power and money is the religion of
That still doesn't explain why Palestinians were killing the Christians. Lebanese civil war was abut Muslim ethnic cleansing and genocide of Christians. You wanna know why? Read the Koran.
To a simpleton like you the war was about religion.

In reality, it was about geopolitics, power, and money. . :cool:
Ya sure, if only the Christians would have been Muslims, then the Palestinians wouldn't have done such a good job slaughtering them in the name of Allah and "geopolitics" <winking>. :lmao:


The government of Lebanon had been dominated by Maronite Christians since the state was created as a safe haven for them[6] by the French colonial powers. However, the country had a large Muslim population and many pan-Arabist and Left Wing groups which opposed the pro-western government. The Cold War had a powerful disintegrative effect on Lebanon, which was closely linked to the polarization that preceded the 1958 political crisis, since Maronites sided with the West while Left Wing and pan-Arab groups sided with Soviet aligned Arab countries.

Fighting between Maronite and Palestinian forces began in 1975, and Left Wing, pan-Arabist and Muslim Lebanese groups later allied themselves with the Palestinians.

Muslim vs Christians. Muslims cannot coexist with non Muslims. Unless of course Christians agree to being subservient or converting.

"Geopolitics". Ha ha ha.
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Christians, churches dwindling in Iraq since start of war 10 years ago | Fox News

Iraqi Christians&#8217; Slow Decline

I'm curious. Why do Republicans suddenly care about Middle Eastern Christians when they didn't during the Iraq war? Remember, as Christians were being firebombed, crucified, raped and chased from their homes while Bush had an army right there and apparently didn't want to show "favoritism" by protecting Christians. Where was the right wing "outrage"? And then Republicans helped them write a constitution stating that all legislation is based on Islam. What's up with that? Iraq never asked for American help so you can't say we "made them free". We invaded. They didn't invite. There is no "America Appreciation Day". Only "Die Great Satan". And that is terribly embarrassing.
Congress granted Bush the power to seek and take out alQaeda members responsible for and engaged in a war with United States civilians following 911. I do not recollect that alQaeda were going to Lebanon following their defeat in Afghanistan, but I do recollect that alQaeda were swooped up in jumbo jets the night of their defeat in Kabul and whisked off to Baghdad, where Saddam Hussein gave them a hero's welcome complete with even more sophisticated training camps on a few of his 27 palaces' properties. He was still bitter at the US for stopping him from murdering more Kuwaitis and other neighbors he wanted to punish, and he planned on getting even by establishing the largest army in the world in Iraq to go after the US. We all know how that worked out for him.

I'm surprised a Democrat would insist that Bush should have done more than Congress granted him the power to do.

As a matter of fact, rdean, I'm pretty certain if he had you would have joined forces with other democrats and put GWB's feet to the fire over exceeding his power, which he did not do.

Is this more Boooooooooooosh blaming getting revved up for the next election or what. If so, you are certainly scraping the bottom of the barrel this time. :rolleyes:
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That still doesn't explain why Palestinians were killing the Christians. Lebanese civil war was abut Muslim ethnic cleansing and genocide of Christians. You wanna know why? Read the Koran.
To a simpleton like you the war was about religion.

In reality, it was about geopolitics, power, and money. . :cool:

What a steaming pantload.

The ethnic cleansing of Christians certainly was about religion. It was islamist ideology and purging the Middle East of competing religions.

The crusading thugs of Arafat’s PLO knew nothing of geopolitics. They were ignorant, illiterate thugs who knew only brute force.
That still doesn't explain why Palestinians were killing the Christians. Lebanese civil war was abut Muslim ethnic cleansing and genocide of Christians. You wanna know why? Read the Koran.
To a simpleton like you the war was about religion.

In reality, it was about geopolitics, power, and money. . :cool:

What a steaming pantload.

The ethnic cleansing of Christians certainly was about religion. It was islamist ideology and purging the Middle East of competing religions.

The crusading thugs of Arafat’s PLO knew nothing of geopolitics. They were ignorant, illiterate thugs who knew only brute force.

Lebanons civil war had nothing to do with the ethnic cleansing of Christians.
To a simpleton like you the war was about religion.

In reality, it was about geopolitics, power, and money. . :cool:

What a steaming pantload.

The ethnic cleansing of Christians certainly was about religion. It was islamist ideology and purging the Middle East of competing religions.

The crusading thugs of Arafat’s PLO knew nothing of geopolitics. They were ignorant, illiterate thugs who knew only brute force.

Lebanons civil war had nothing to do with the ethnic cleansing of Christians.

Well actually it did. That's why so many were killed.

Try paying attention to what is written.
To a simpleton like you the war was about religion.

In reality, it was about geopolitics, power, and money. . :cool:

What a steaming pantload.

The ethnic cleansing of Christians certainly was about religion. It was islamist ideology and purging the Middle East of competing religions.

The crusading thugs of Arafat’s PLO knew nothing of geopolitics. They were ignorant, illiterate thugs who knew only brute force.

Lebanons civil war had nothing to do with the ethnic cleansing of Christians.

Let us look closer at the Christians of Lebanon.

"I will highlight the intra Christian violence mainly through the life of assassinated President-elect of Lebanon Bashir Gemayel (1947-1982), the son of the*Kataeb(Phalanges) party founder and commander in chief of the Phalange- Lebanese Forces until his assassination. Bashir was a charismatic, visionary military and political leader with great conviction and frightening honesty. But he was also very ruthless and violent in achieving his goals. He took over the Phalange militia by late 1977, turned it into a formidable fighting force with the gradually direct and open help of Israel. He forcibly suppressed allied “rival” Maronite armed militias, did not tolerate any dissent outside his rule, attacked and massacred other Christians, fought the Left and Palestinians and dared to challenge the greatest taboo of it all: open and extensive political and military cooperation with Israel.

As a direct result, he was elected President of Lebanon on August 23, 1982, while west Beirut was still under Israeli occupation. The P.L.O. was by then defeated and had left Beirut under U.S.A. guarantees, allowing the exile of the Palestinians leadership, cadres and thousands of*fedayeen*fighters to Tunis. (Fisk, p.609) The P.L.O stayed in Tunis until Arafat was allowed back to the West Bank after the Oslo accords in 1993.Meanwhile, Bashir Gemayel seemed to have won it all: he had defeated the Lebanese Leftist coalition with Israel’s help, the P.L.O. was expelled, and he had subdued almost all his Christian allies and potential rivals in the territories he controlled with an iron fist. Then the previously unthinkable happened, as the most feared, admired and hated person in the country, Bashir Gemayel was officially elected President of Lebanon. (Fisk, p.329) He was promptly assassinated by a fellow Maronite before being sworn in (September 14, 1982). *He still divides opinions sharply but he is respected as a unique personality by friend, foe and victim alike.

As a direct result of his assassination, the Phalangist forces entered West Beirut Palestinian camps and committed the Sabra and Shatila massacres on September 16, 1982 (Fisk, P444-446). Hundreds of unprotected Palestinians were murdered by the angry Christians, under the watchful eyes of Ariel Sharon and the Israeli army who allowed them in the camps (Fisk, p. 360, 372).(note: Bashir was killed by an enemy Maronite, therefore why were**Palestinians*murdered to avenge his death?)."

Krikor Tersakian: The intra-Christian violence during the Lebanese civil war (1975-1989)
What a steaming pantload.

The ethnic cleansing of Christians certainly was about religion. It was islamist ideology and purging the Middle East of competing religions.

The crusading thugs of Arafat&#8217;s PLO knew nothing of geopolitics. They were ignorant, illiterate thugs who knew only brute force.

Lebanons civil war had nothing to do with the ethnic cleansing of Christians.

Well actually it did. That's why so many were killed.

Try paying attention to what is written.

You are the dense one, it was a civil war between rival factions in Lebanon for power. And Christians were even brutally killing other Christians. Nothing whatsoever to do with ethnic cleansing of Christians.

No credible source documents Palestinians killed 40000 Christians either. More Zionist Fantasies.
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What a steaming pantload.

The ethnic cleansing of Christians certainly was about religion. It was islamist ideology and purging the Middle East of competing religions.

The crusading thugs of Arafat’s PLO knew nothing of geopolitics. They were ignorant, illiterate thugs who knew only brute force.

Lebanons civil war had nothing to do with the ethnic cleansing of Christians.

Let us look closer at the Christians of Lebanon.

Cutting and pasting the same article multiple times doesn't magically make it true.
Lebanons civil war had nothing to do with the ethnic cleansing of Christians.

Well actually it did. That's why so many were killed.

Try paying attention to what is written.

You are the dense one, it was a civil war between rival factions in Lebanon for power. And Christians were even brutally killing other Christians. Nothing whatsoever to do with ethnic cleansing of Christians.

No credible source documents Palestinians killed 40000 Christians either. More Zionist Fantasies.

So it's a Zionist conspiracy.

How was it so obvious you would find some way to blame the Zionists™
Well actually it did. That's why so many were killed.

Try paying attention to what is written.

You are the dense one, it was a civil war between rival factions in Lebanon for power. And Christians were even brutally killing other Christians. Nothing whatsoever to do with ethnic cleansing of Christians.

No credible source documents Palestinians killed 40000 Christians either. More Zionist Fantasies.

So it's a Zionist conspiracy.

How was it so obvious you would find some way to blame the Zionists™

Noone documents Palestinians killing 40000 Christians, not even one single source linked in this thread.

Except a Muslim hate site , exposed as a hate site in this article.

Exposing the infrastructure of anti-Muslim hate

By Frankie MartinThe dismissal of Juan Williams' from NPR once again exposes the difficulty America is having discussing Islam in a cool or rational manner. Williams' exchange with Bill O'Reilly featured much of the usual ignorance, with both agreeing that, although undefined "good Muslims" do exist, all Muslims must be considered potential soldiers in an Islamic war against America. This ludicrous belief is not only a distortion of reality, but also poses a serious threat to the well-being and security of the United States. In adopting this position, Williams and O'Reilly were reflecting the climate of hatred against Muslims that is fueled by prejudice and lack of knowledge.

Guest Voices: Exposing the infrastructure of anti-Muslim hate - On Faith at washingtonpost.com
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You are the dense one, it was a civil war between rival factions in Lebanon for power. And Christians were even brutally killing other Christians. Nothing whatsoever to do with ethnic cleansing of Christians.

No credible source documents Palestinians killed 40000 Christians either. More Zionist Fantasies.

So it's a Zionist conspiracy.

How was it so obvious you would find some way to blame the Zionists™

Noone documents Palestinians killing 40000 Christians, not even one single source linked in this thread.

Yet you somehow managed to include the Zionists™ in your saliva-slinging tirade.
To a simpleton like you the war was about religion.

In reality, it was about geopolitics, power, and money. . :cool:

What a steaming pantload.

The ethnic cleansing of Christians certainly was about religion. It was islamist ideology and purging the Middle East of competing religions.

The crusading thugs of Arafat&#8217;s PLO knew nothing of geopolitics. They were ignorant, illiterate thugs who knew only brute force.

Lebanons civil war had nothing to do with the ethnic cleansing of Christians.
Ha ha ha!

It was about Christians being Christians and living as Christians in an area filled with Muslim savages. No religion involved there. None at all. Move ahead folks it was geopolitics. So are all those wars and ethnic cleansings by Muslims in other hotspots involving Muslims. Islamic terrorists? Yup, geopolitics again. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ISLAM OR BEING A MUSLIM, Do you understand. :lmao:

In other words, Sherri just took a dump on the board and Sunni thanked her. :cool:

You guys have to stop meeting each other like this and start dating. :rofl:
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So it's a Zionist conspiracy.

How was it so obvious you would find some way to blame the Zionists™

Noone documents Palestinians killing 40000 Christians, not even one single source linked in this thread.

Yet you somehow managed to include the Zionists™ in your saliva-slinging tirade.

Your obvious problem is Zionist hate for Muslims. It seems to define the essence of who you are and shines brightly through every post.
Noone documents Palestinians killing 40000 Christians, not even one single source linked in this thread.

Yet you somehow managed to include the Zionists&#8482; in your saliva-slinging tirade.

Your obvious problem is Zionist hate for Muslims. It seems to define the essence of who you are and shines brightly through every post.
Actually the problem is Muslim hate for anybody that is not Muslim. That includes Jews, Christians, Zionists, Baha'is, Hindus, Buddhists, etc.

So tell us who exactly are Muslims getting along with and NOT trying to kill these days?

Here let me give you a clue: A BIG....FAT....
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Noone documents Palestinians killing 40000 Christians, not even one single source linked in this thread.

Yet you somehow managed to include the Zionists™ in your saliva-slinging tirade.

Your obvious problem is Zionist hate for Muslims. It seems to define the essence of who you are and shines brightly through every post.

It's obvious you're trying to justify your insensate Juice hatreds. That's a failed strategy.

Are we to assume that your failed attempt to drag this thread into your dark world of conspiracies involving The Zionists™ has fallen off the rails?

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