Palestinian speak with forked tongue!

Sep 11, 2011
With one tongue they cry to the world give us land and we will give you peace.
With the other tongue they wisper we must kill all Jews and erase Israel from the earth.
Gee have we seen this befor? Dont let yourself be fooled Palestinians dont want some land.
The verry basis of their culture demands they except nothing short of Israels complete destruction.
Fakestinian :lol:

Guy Milliere, Eminent Professor of History and Political Science, Sorbonne, Paris
No one had heard of a Palestinian people before the mid-1960s. They did not exist. Israel under the British Mandate until Israel' s Independence in 1948 was called Palestine. All Jews who were born there until i948 had the word « Palestine » stamped on their passports. The current Palestinians are those Arabs who, for a variety of reasons, decided to leave the land during the 1947 War of Independence, when five countries – Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq – attacked the 600,000 people in the fledgling state of Israel the day after its birth, hoping to kill it in the crib.
The War Against Israel Goes On- by Guy Millière |

[ame=]Who are the Palestinians? - YouTube[/ame]
With one tongue they cry to the world give us land and we will give you peace.
With the other tongue they wisper we must kill all Jews and erase Israel from the earth.
Gee have we seen this befor? Dont let yourself be fooled Palestinians dont want some land.
The verry basis of their culture demands they except nothing short of Israels complete destruction.

Come on now, I think the Palestinians' plotting pales into insignificance compared to the Jewish conspiracy.
Oh yes...I'm onto your little game!!!
The goal of the Jewish Masonic elite is to establish dictatorial Illuministic Communism and to enslave all of mankind under the thumb of a Jewish master race led by a world messiah who is to rule from Jerusalem.
Masonic Jews Plot to Control World—Zionist Secret Society Conducts Luciferian Rituals Deep in Cave Under City of Jerusalem

And now everyone else knows too!!!
With one tongue they cry to the world give us land and we will give you peace.
With the other tongue they wisper we must kill all Jews and erase Israel from the earth.
Gee have we seen this befor? Dont let yourself be fooled Palestinians dont want some land.
The verry basis of their culture demands they except nothing short of Israels complete destruction.

Come on now, I think the Palestinians' plotting pales into insignificance compared to the Jewish conspiracy.

Constitutional Rights Foundation: The Hebrews and the Foundation of Western Law
The Ten Commandments and many other elements of Hebrew law provided a major source for the development of western legal systems and democracy.
Three thousand years ago, the ancient Hebrew people lived in the Near East in an area called Canaan. This ancient people developed the idea of monotheism, the belief in one god. They believed that their god gave them laws to regulate their society, their religious practices, and their relationships with other people.

Conquered by the neo-Babylonians and later by the Romans, the Hebrews eventually became a scattered people, living in many countries under different legal systems. But they continued to develop their own law and tried to follow it even in foreign lands. Their law was based on the Ten Commandments and other sacred writings, which today we find in the Hebrew Bible. In developing their law, they sometimes borrowed legal concepts from other civilizations as well as passing on their own ideas. The Jewish law that developed influenced Roman law, English law, and our own Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

The Torah teaches that God created Adam, the first human, as the father of all peoples. Thus, all humans are born equal and should be treated equally by the law. This is today recognized as a major principle of law.
The Rule of Law
The Torah does not recognize the idea of kings ruling by divine right. According to tradition, the Hebrew people made Saul their first king in 1030 B.C., when enemy nations threatened their survival. But Saul and the other Hebrew kings that followed him were never considered to be gods or high priests with the power to interpret God’s will.

Hebrew kings, like everyone else, had to obey the Ten Commandments and the other laws of the Torah. The written Torah, not the whims of kings, was considered the law of the land.

Majority Rule and Democracy
The Hebrew concept of majority rule comes from the Torah’s command to “follow the multitude.” The majority decided disputes among scholars on the meaning of God’s laws, the court decisions of judges, and the local acts of Jewish communities.

Since Jews lived under the rule of foreign nations after A.D. 70, they practiced only limited forms of self-government. By the 12th century, however, many countries permitted Jewish communities to elect local town councils, the “Seven Good Men of the City.” These councils, chosen by the majority of adult males, supervised religious, economic, educational, and charity activities. The entire community often decided important questions at a town meeting.

Freedom of Religion and Speech
Being born a Jew makes one obligated to follow the Torah. But Jews must do this freely. Non-Jews have the freedom to practice their own religions. Moreover, unlike most other religions, Judaism does not actively seek converts.

A tradition of free speech existed among the Hebrews. Hebrew prophets openly spoke out against their kings and the people for failing to follow the Torah. During the long history of disputes over the meaning of the Torah, no one was tried for heresy (going against religious doctrine). Also, while the majority decided matters of law, the minority had a chance to be heard and their opinions were often recorded.

Fair Trial

In Judea, the court system had three levels. The highest court was the Great Sandedrin, which had 71 judges. Lesser courts with 23 judges dealt with death penalty cases. Lower courts with three judges handled most civil and criminal matters. Most of these courts stopped functioning after the Romans destroyed the temple in Jerusalem. In countries where they were permitted to operate, however, three-judge courts continued to hand out justice in Jewish communities.

Many parts of the Torah, Talmud, and the codes of law that followed described due process procedures to ensure fair trials. Anyone accused of a crime had the right of bail except in death-penalty cases. Traditional Jewish courts had no trained lawyers arguing cases. The prosecutor was either the victim himself or, if he had been killed, a relative (“blood-avenger”) or someone appointed by the court. The accused could defend himself or ask another to plead for him. Evidence included documents and the testimony of witnesses. The consistent testimony of two male witnesses to the crime was necessary to convict the accused. The judges closely cross-examined witnesses in the presence of the accused. Circumstantial evidence alone was never enough to find someone guilty. Witnesses who broke the commandment forbidding one to “bear false witness” faced the same penalty that the accused would have suffered. The accused had an absolute right against self-incrimination and was not permitted to make statements harmful to himself. Likewise, confessions were not admissible evidence in court. There was no jury. The judges deliberated with the accused looking on. The youngest judge spoke his opinion first in order to avoid being influenced by the senior judges. The judges then decided the verdict by majority vote

BRIA 16 4 a The Hebrews and the Foundation of Western Law - Constitutional Rights Foundation
With one tongue they cry to the world give us land and we will give you peace.
With the other tongue they wisper we must kill all Jews and erase Israel from the earth.
Gee have we seen this befor? Dont let yourself be fooled Palestinians dont want some land.
The verry basis of their culture demands they except nothing short of Israels complete destruction.

Come on now, I think the Palestinians' plotting pales into insignificance compared to the Jewish conspiracy.

Constitutional Rights Foundation: The Hebrews and the Foundation of Western Law
The Ten Commandments and many other elements of Hebrew law provided a major source for the development of western legal systems and democracy.
Three thousand years ago, the ancient Hebrew people lived in the Near East in an area called Canaan. This ancient people developed the idea of monotheism, the belief in one god. They believed that their god gave them laws to regulate their society, their religious practices, and their relationships with other people.

Conquered by the neo-Babylonians and later by the Romans, the Hebrews eventually became a scattered people, living in many countries under different legal systems. But they continued to develop their own law and tried to follow it even in foreign lands. Their law was based on the Ten Commandments and other sacred writings, which today we find in the Hebrew Bible. In developing their law, they sometimes borrowed legal concepts from other civilizations as well as passing on their own ideas. The Jewish law that developed influenced Roman law, English law, and our own Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

The Torah teaches that God created Adam, the first human, as the father of all peoples. Thus, all humans are born equal and should be treated equally by the law. This is today recognized as a major principle of law.
The Rule of Law
The Torah does not recognize the idea of kings ruling by divine right. According to tradition, the Hebrew people made Saul their first king in 1030 B.C., when enemy nations threatened their survival. But Saul and the other Hebrew kings that followed him were never considered to be gods or high priests with the power to interpret God’s will.

Hebrew kings, like everyone else, had to obey the Ten Commandments and the other laws of the Torah. The written Torah, not the whims of kings, was considered the law of the land.

Majority Rule and Democracy
The Hebrew concept of majority rule comes from the Torah’s command to “follow the multitude.” The majority decided disputes among scholars on the meaning of God’s laws, the court decisions of judges, and the local acts of Jewish communities.

Since Jews lived under the rule of foreign nations after A.D. 70, they practiced only limited forms of self-government. By the 12th century, however, many countries permitted Jewish communities to elect local town councils, the “Seven Good Men of the City.” These councils, chosen by the majority of adult males, supervised religious, economic, educational, and charity activities. The entire community often decided important questions at a town meeting.

Freedom of Religion and Speech
Being born a Jew makes one obligated to follow the Torah. But Jews must do this freely. Non-Jews have the freedom to practice their own religions. Moreover, unlike most other religions, Judaism does not actively seek converts.

A tradition of free speech existed among the Hebrews. Hebrew prophets openly spoke out against their kings and the people for failing to follow the Torah. During the long history of disputes over the meaning of the Torah, no one was tried for heresy (going against religious doctrine). Also, while the majority decided matters of law, the minority had a chance to be heard and their opinions were often recorded.

Fair Trial

In Judea, the court system had three levels. The highest court was the Great Sandedrin, which had 71 judges. Lesser courts with 23 judges dealt with death penalty cases. Lower courts with three judges handled most civil and criminal matters. Most of these courts stopped functioning after the Romans destroyed the temple in Jerusalem. In countries where they were permitted to operate, however, three-judge courts continued to hand out justice in Jewish communities.

Many parts of the Torah, Talmud, and the codes of law that followed described due process procedures to ensure fair trials. Anyone accused of a crime had the right of bail except in death-penalty cases. Traditional Jewish courts had no trained lawyers arguing cases. The prosecutor was either the victim himself or, if he had been killed, a relative (“blood-avenger”) or someone appointed by the court. The accused could defend himself or ask another to plead for him. Evidence included documents and the testimony of witnesses. The consistent testimony of two male witnesses to the crime was necessary to convict the accused. The judges closely cross-examined witnesses in the presence of the accused. Circumstantial evidence alone was never enough to find someone guilty. Witnesses who broke the commandment forbidding one to “bear false witness” faced the same penalty that the accused would have suffered. The accused had an absolute right against self-incrimination and was not permitted to make statements harmful to himself. Likewise, confessions were not admissible evidence in court. There was no jury. The judges deliberated with the accused looking on. The youngest judge spoke his opinion first in order to avoid being influenced by the senior judges. The judges then decided the verdict by majority vote

Taking Over The world
All Jewish children shall be taught from birth that the ultimate aim of The Faith is to take dominion over the entire world. This shall be acheived using plotting, conspiracy, skullduggery, chicanery and general deviousness. This Knowledge is to be kept from all non-Jews and is to be recorded on the detached foreskins of the male children so that it can be passed between the generations.

BRIA 16 4 a The Hebrews and the Foundation of Western Law - Constitutional Rights Foundation

I put back the passage which I assume that you accidentally left out.
Interesting...nice spent my entire life as a Jew and no one ever said anything that nonsensical to me.

Thanks for reminding me that some people on my side of the aisle are mentally retarded about Jews and Israel.

P.S. He may be a bit overzealous, but are you pointing out to our resident terrorist supporters and quoters of mein kampf and the protocols of the learned elders of Zion that they're pathetic terrorist-supporting trash?

Just wondering

*edit* I just looked at your little addendum and couldn't find it anywhere in his link. So I'd have to wonder why you'd insert something like that which is clearly a lie..but is used throughout history to get my people killed
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Interesting...nice spent my entire life as a Jew and no one ever said anything that nonsensical to me.

Thanks for reminding me that some people on my side of the aisle are mentally retarded about Jews and Israel.

P.S. He may be a bit overzealous, but are you pointing out to our resident terrorist supporters and quoters of mein kampf and the protocols of the learned elders of Zion that they're pathetic terrorist-supporting trash?

Just wondering

*edit* I just looked at your little addendum and couldn't find it anywhere in his link. So I'd have to wonder why you'd insert something like that which is clearly a lie..but is used throughout history to get my people killed

**sigh** Yes, you're right of course Jillian, it was a lie, a fabrication and completely made up...and totally insensitive.
I'd have to think the genocide supporters would offend your sensibilities at least as much as jstone.
With one tongue they cry to the world give us land and we will give you peace.
With the other tongue they wisper we must kill all Jews and erase Israel from the earth.
Gee have we seen this befor? Dont let yourself be fooled Palestinians dont want some land.
The verry basis of their culture demands they except nothing short of Israels complete destruction.

Come on now, I think the Palestinians' plotting pales into insignificance compared to the Jewish conspiracy.]
Strange how you admit to palestinian plotting (thanks that took guts) but as far as jewish conspracy? If doing what it takes to keep your people from being murderd by lowlife terrorists is a conspiarcy well Maybe Israel needs to step it up a notch.
I'd have to think the genocide supporters would offend your sensibilities at least as much as jstone.

The high ground is yours Jillian.

I can't promise to never offend again though - I'm sorry.
With one tongue they cry to the world give us land and we will give you peace.
With the other tongue they wisper we must kill all Jews and erase Israel from the earth.
Gee have we seen this befor? Dont let yourself be fooled Palestinians dont want some land.
The verry basis of their culture demands they except nothing short of Israels complete destruction.

Come on now, I think the Palestinians' plotting pales into insignificance compared to the Jewish conspiracy.]
Strange how you admit to palestinian plotting (thanks that took guts) but as far as jewish conspracy? If doing what it takes to keep your people from being murderd by lowlife terrorists is a conspiarcy well Maybe Israel needs to step it up a notch.
You're part of it...and now you're trying to recruit me!!!!
I'd have to think the genocide supporters would offend your sensibilities at least as much as jstone.

The high ground is yours Jillian.

I can't promise to never offend again though - I'm sorry.

I don't ask not to be offended. But I kind of expect reasonable people to express their disapproval of the jew hatiers at least as much as they might disapprove of stone giving back what he gets
I'd have to think the genocide supporters would offend your sensibilities at least as much as jstone.

The high ground is yours Jillian.

I can't promise to never offend again though - I'm sorry.

I don't ask not to be offended. But I kind of expect reasonable people to express their disapproval of the jew hatiers at least as much as they might disapprove of stone giving back what he gets

I have already ceded the high ground to you Jillian.

As an aside, was there not enough parody in my posts to make it clear that I don't agree with Jew haters?
I would have thought a ham-fisted addition to the text above would have been plain enough, as was the link to the ridiculous website.

I can't promise to have balance in each of my posts but I hope that the nett result of all of my posts will be fair to all parties (pardon the tortured English).
Come on now, I think the Palestinians' plotting pales into insignificance compared to the Jewish conspiracy.

Constitutional Rights Foundation: The Hebrews and the Foundation of Western Law
The Ten Commandments and many other elements of Hebrew law provided a major source for the development of western legal systems and democracy.
Three thousand years ago, the ancient Hebrew people lived in the Near East in an area called Canaan. This ancient people developed the idea of monotheism, the belief in one god. They believed that their god gave them laws to regulate their society, their religious practices, and their relationships with other people.

Conquered by the neo-Babylonians and later by the Romans, the Hebrews eventually became a scattered people, living in many countries under different legal systems. But they continued to develop their own law and tried to follow it even in foreign lands. Their law was based on the Ten Commandments and other sacred writings, which today we find in the Hebrew Bible. In developing their law, they sometimes borrowed legal concepts from other civilizations as well as passing on their own ideas. The Jewish law that developed influenced Roman law, English law, and our own Declaration of Independence and Constitution.

The Torah teaches that God created Adam, the first human, as the father of all peoples. Thus, all humans are born equal and should be treated equally by the law. This is today recognized as a major principle of law.
The Rule of Law
The Torah does not recognize the idea of kings ruling by divine right. According to tradition, the Hebrew people made Saul their first king in 1030 B.C., when enemy nations threatened their survival. But Saul and the other Hebrew kings that followed him were never considered to be gods or high priests with the power to interpret God’s will.

Hebrew kings, like everyone else, had to obey the Ten Commandments and the other laws of the Torah. The written Torah, not the whims of kings, was considered the law of the land.

Majority Rule and Democracy
The Hebrew concept of majority rule comes from the Torah’s command to “follow the multitude.” The majority decided disputes among scholars on the meaning of God’s laws, the court decisions of judges, and the local acts of Jewish communities.

Since Jews lived under the rule of foreign nations after A.D. 70, they practiced only limited forms of self-government. By the 12th century, however, many countries permitted Jewish communities to elect local town councils, the “Seven Good Men of the City.” These councils, chosen by the majority of adult males, supervised religious, economic, educational, and charity activities. The entire community often decided important questions at a town meeting.

Freedom of Religion and Speech
Being born a Jew makes one obligated to follow the Torah. But Jews must do this freely. Non-Jews have the freedom to practice their own religions. Moreover, unlike most other religions, Judaism does not actively seek converts.

A tradition of free speech existed among the Hebrews. Hebrew prophets openly spoke out against their kings and the people for failing to follow the Torah. During the long history of disputes over the meaning of the Torah, no one was tried for heresy (going against religious doctrine). Also, while the majority decided matters of law, the minority had a chance to be heard and their opinions were often recorded.

Fair Trial

In Judea, the court system had three levels. The highest court was the Great Sandedrin, which had 71 judges. Lesser courts with 23 judges dealt with death penalty cases. Lower courts with three judges handled most civil and criminal matters. Most of these courts stopped functioning after the Romans destroyed the temple in Jerusalem. In countries where they were permitted to operate, however, three-judge courts continued to hand out justice in Jewish communities.

Many parts of the Torah, Talmud, and the codes of law that followed described due process procedures to ensure fair trials. Anyone accused of a crime had the right of bail except in death-penalty cases. Traditional Jewish courts had no trained lawyers arguing cases. The prosecutor was either the victim himself or, if he had been killed, a relative (“blood-avenger”) or someone appointed by the court. The accused could defend himself or ask another to plead for him. Evidence included documents and the testimony of witnesses. The consistent testimony of two male witnesses to the crime was necessary to convict the accused. The judges closely cross-examined witnesses in the presence of the accused. Circumstantial evidence alone was never enough to find someone guilty. Witnesses who broke the commandment forbidding one to “bear false witness” faced the same penalty that the accused would have suffered. The accused had an absolute right against self-incrimination and was not permitted to make statements harmful to himself. Likewise, confessions were not admissible evidence in court. There was no jury. The judges deliberated with the accused looking on. The youngest judge spoke his opinion first in order to avoid being influenced by the senior judges. The judges then decided the verdict by majority vote

Taking Over The world
All Jewish children shall be taught from birth that the ultimate aim of The Faith is to take dominion over the entire world. This shall be acheived using plotting, conspiracy, skullduggery, chicanery and general deviousness. This Knowledge is to be kept from all non-Jews and is to be recorded on the detached foreskins of the male children so that it can be passed between the generations.

BRIA 16 4 a The Hebrews and the Foundation of Western Law - Constitutional Rights Foundation

I put back the passage which I assume that you accidentally left out.

Yale University Seal and the Hebrew Bible: Stamp of Approval
Hebrew words in Yale Seal mean light and perfection

Yale’s early leaders had spiritual aspirations for their college and saw themselves as American successors to the ancient Israelites
Yale Alumni Magazine: The Yale Seal (March 2001)
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