Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

Is name calling your only rebuttal?

Rebuttal of what, you aren't presenting any argument.
I'm merely stating a fact, your professor likes to
appear on IranTV with a guy who uses lectures
to accuse Jewish students of being 'pawns'.

Is this what you want for education?

Prof. Avi Shlaim - Hamas is Not a Greater Obstacle to Peace Than Israel​

Rebuttal of what, you aren't presenting any argument.
I'm merely stating a fact, your professor likes to
appear on IranTV with a guy who uses lectures
to accuse Jewish students of being 'pawns'.

Is this what you want for education?

The Israel Lobby in Academia: Film screening and panel discussion​

If after closing streets screaming genocidal threats,
assaulting and using lectures to single out Jewish students,
still don't feel "heard enough", maybe you aren't doing it right?

Florida Imam: "Liberate Palestine -
even at the price of tens of millions of Muslims"


Maurice Hirsch: There is no real difference between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas | Top Story​


Launch of Israel/Palestine: In Search of the Rule of Law Conference Souvenir Brochure​


Ongoing Nakba: Palestinian activist blasts Israeli violence at Al Aqsa and Sheikh Jarrah​


Rashida Tlaib Asks U.S. to Recognize Palestinian Suffering | The Mehdi Hasan Show​


Decolonize Now: A Conversation about Radical Imagination and Justice in Israel/Palestine​


The intuition to expect prophecy from Israelis is true.
However, it's the fundamental misunderstanding
about the purpose, which fails the Arabs.

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