Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

“ Jewish Voice For Peace” is just a front group . In every State they have a Chapter. I have written and called in my State asking basic questions; What assurances will Jews have to Visit their Holy Sites starting with their Official Policy; No Jews at the Western Wall? And of Course there is no reply The Main Headquarters is in California. I have tried to communicate with them with no response
What assurances will Jews have to Visit their Holy Sites starting with their Official Policy; No Jews at the Western Wall?
You obviously have a reading comprehension problem I have posted MANY links Re; their OFFICIAL POLICY that Jews will NOT be permitted at the Western Wall
You provide the link that the Palestinians gave the Israelis assuring them they will NOT be forbidden to pray at their other Holy Sites like Jordan did

Rabbi Yehuda HaKohen: Making One State Work​

“ One State” with NO acknowledgment of Jews being forbidden to pray at the Western Wall and NO mention of the possibility of having access to their other Holy Sites? 😊 Thank You for proving my point

‘The Making of Hamas's Foreign Policy’: Palestine Chronicle TV Hosts Daud Abdullah & Na’eem Jeenah​


58. Miko Peled and Phil Weiss on centering Palestinians and saving Jewish culture from Zionism​


Conversation with Farah Nabulsi, Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian and Lila Abu-Lughod​


59. Conditioning U.S. aid to Israel and anti-Palestinian smears at Florida State University​

RE: Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

We've talked about this before. This is a case of our contributor being unable to think and speak on his own.

59. Conditioning U.S. aid to Israel and anti-Palestinian smears at Florida State University​


It appears that our contributor merely searches for anti-Israeli and pro-Palestinian anything and finds these old videos. In this case, this video is (at least) 6 years old.

It does not reflect current events.


Most Respectfully,

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