Palestinian Talks, lectures, & interviews.

Briahna Joy Gray: Double Standard for Israel's GENOCIDAL War Crimes as UNRWA Loses CRITICAL Funding​


🚩 Most Accurate Description of Isreal by Ali Abunimah | The Electronic Intifada [ Isaac Eshetu ]​


3 Months of Genocide in Gaza: Why Israel Will Never Win w/ Ali Abunimah​


Mainstream Media Coverage of the War On Gaza: Complicity, Duplicity, Accountability, with Layla …​


ICJ, UNRWA & Prosecuting UK Politicians Over Gaza War Crimes | Dania Abul Haj & Tayab Ali​


Israelism Screening and Discussion with Gabor Maté, Naomi Klein, and Simone Zimmerman​


Defying Hamas: Egyptian Woman's Bold Stand

In the discussed video, Dalia Ziada, an Egyptian researcher, strongly defends her stance against Hamas and in favor of Israel, emphasizing the importance of dialogue for peace. She credits Israel with aiding Egypt against terrorist organizations in Sinai and highlights the benefits of Israeli-Egyptian security and economic cooperation. Despite facing fierce criticism, legal challenges, and threats for her views, Ziada remains committed to advocating for peace between Egypt, Israel, and the broader Arab world.

Her situation is complicated by accusations of espionage and personal safety concerns, making it difficult for her to return to Egypt. The discussion also touches on the broader context of state and public reactions to her positions, illustrating the complexities of Middle Eastern geopolitics and the personal risks for individuals involved in public debates on these issues.


Gaza Besieged, Jews Divided, & a World in Pain: Gabor, Aaron, & Daniel Maté in Conversation​


Against Two-State Apartheid, For One Democratic State in Palestine/Israel !​


Israeli killing machine continues despite ceasefire talks, with Jon Elmer​


Israel destroyed my university. Where is the outrage? | The Chris Hedges Report​


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