Palestinian website shows Palestinians celebrating kidnapping of Israeli kids

Whether you claim to be a Christian is besides the point. You are a terrorist supporter who feels it is OK to murder civilians. Strange how Pakistan was carved out of India to give the Muslims a country of their own, and the Hindus still living there whose ancestors actually lived there for thousands and thousands of years are not blowing up the Muslims there. In fact, has anyone seen the Cypriots who are occupited by Turkey murdering the Turks living there? Is there any forum where Hindus in Pakistans or Cypriots living in the part of Cyprus in which the Turks are occupying calling for the murder of innocent people?

i didn't say "OK." I did say that these quasi-military illegal settlements that Israel turns a blind eye to, are legitimate targets, that is all.

And you should watch "Slumdog Millionaire" if you didn't already see it. I've been to India a few times and don't know much about its history except that there were, shall we say,'excesses'on both sides.

You have gotten down to the Nitty Gritty and have shown the viewers that you believe the Israelis are legitimate targets whether they are (even the Olympics) so you are not fooling anyone. Next time take a trip to Pakistan where you can see your Sunni friends suicide and car bombing innocent Shia and Ahmadiyya Muslims.

Israeli citizens are excluded from the "protected persons" class (i.e. civilians) by the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Gaza war tourism - Keren Levy: I'm a little bit fascist - YouTube


Gaza - A Closer Look !!! - YouTube

You just proved everyone here, right. Here some kids are kidnapped, and likely will be killed, and you post a comic making fun of Israelis.

If your kids were kidnapped, and we posted comics making fun of you, you and most of the world would be having a fit over it.

But you have no problem doing that to other victims.

You just proved everything they say about you, right. Why anyone should care what you have to say about anything, ever again is beyond me. You zero credibility with me now. None.

We all know that tinmore has little credibility. We treat him as a sick joke.

Pffffttt! You can't handle thr truth.
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If your kids were kidnapped, and we posted comics making fun of you, you and most of the world would be having a fit over it.

WTF? Our kids are killed almost daily, and you do make fun of it!!

Plus I don't think that cartoon is making fun.

Its making a point!
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You just proved everyone here, right. Here some kids are kidnapped, and likely will be killed, and you post a comic making fun of Israelis.

If your kids were kidnapped, and we posted comics making fun of you, you and most of the world would be having a fit over it.

But you have no problem doing that to other victims.

You just proved everything they say about you, right. Why anyone should care what you have to say about anything, ever again is beyond me. You zero credibility with me now. None.
You mean he actually had some credibility with you?! The guy is the official Hamas terrorist spokesperson here in the US.
i didn't say "OK." I did say that these quasi-military illegal settlements that Israel turns a blind eye to, are legitimate targets, that is all.

And you should watch "Slumdog Millionaire" if you didn't already see it. I've been to India a few times and don't know much about its history except that there were, shall we say,'excesses'on both sides.

You have gotten down to the Nitty Gritty and have shown the viewers that you believe the Israelis are legitimate targets whether they are (even the Olympics) so you are not fooling anyone. Next time take a trip to Pakistan where you can see your Sunni friends suicide and car bombing innocent Shia and Ahmadiyya Muslims.

Israeli citizens are excluded from the "protected persons" class (i.e. civilians) by the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Wow, another sick psycho comment. Ha ha ha. Tinmore is now repeating the Hamas dogma.

Of course...these are all lame attempts at diverting from the OP of this thread, which is, Palestinian animals celebrating the kidnapping of teenagers.
If your kids were kidnapped, and we posted comics making fun of you, you and most of the world would be having a fit over it.

WTF? Our kids are killed almost daily, and you do make fun of it!!

Plus I don't think that cartoon is making fun.

Its making a point!
"Our kids". Where are you posting from, Fatima, Gaza-hellhole? Ha ha ha.
Roudy, I have been trying to find that "Palestine Times" website and can't find a thing, not a single link on google, so I bet its another one of yours, set up to deceive people.

And as far as the Israeli athletes in Munich, if they weren't a legitimate target I can't imagine what would be.

Athletes are not a target you dumb bitch.
Apparently, Amity doesn't possess any knowledge of the ancient history of the Ancient Olympic Games.

This excerpt from Wikipedia:

During the Olympic Games, a truce, or ekecheiria was observed. Three runners, known as spondophoroi were sent from Elis to the participant cities at each set of games to announce the beginning of the truce.[38] During this period, armies were forbidden from entering Olympia, wars were suspended, and legal disputes and the use of the death penalty were forbidden. The truce was primarily designed to allow athletes and visitors to travel safely to the games and was, for the most part, observed.[38] Thucydides wrote of a situation when the Spartans were forbidden from attending the games, and the violators of the truce were fined 2,000 minae for assaulting the city of Lepreum during the period of the ekecheiria. The Spartans disputed the fine and claimed that the truce had not yet taken hold.[37][39]
i didn't say "OK." I did say that these quasi-military illegal settlements that Israel turns a blind eye to, are legitimate targets, that is all.

And you should watch "Slumdog Millionaire" if you didn't already see it. I've been to India a few times and don't know much about its history except that there were, shall we say,'excesses'on both sides.

You have gotten down to the Nitty Gritty and have shown the viewers that you believe the Israelis are legitimate targets whether they are (even the Olympics) so you are not fooling anyone. Next time take a trip to Pakistan where you can see your Sunni friends suicide and car bombing innocent Shia and Ahmadiyya Muslims.

Israeli citizens are excluded from the "protected persons" class (i.e. civilians) by the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Yes, you've been peddling that lie ( among many many many many others) for a while now.
Israel proper is not occupied territory, so the citizens within her are civilians. You've showed me that law many times, and it applies to citizens living in OCCUPIED TERRITORIES.
If your kids were kidnapped, and we posted comics making fun of you, you and most of the world would be having a fit over it.

WTF? Our kids are killed almost daily, and you do make fun of it!!

Plus I don't think that cartoon is making fun.

Its making a point!

Absolutely not. You are liar, and a scum bag. I have never, not one time in my entire life, made fun of someone losing a child. Never.

The cartoon is making fun of Israelis being hit by rockets, and that they really are not being hurt by them. Lies and deception. That's all we ever hear from you people. Now a cartoon clearly insulting to the people hit by those rockets, is 'not making fun'. Bull crap.

You act this way, and then accuse others of not caring about your kids. Hello... have you seen your own posts? Figure it out.
Years ago, Caroline, there was a poster who said an FBI friend told him all these forums and message boards were monitored by the FBI and that there was a file on each posters. I would imagine that when they see posters supporting terrorism, they will check up on this person, especially investigating whether the person is collecting money and sending it to terrorist organizations to help them in their killing of people.

Yes, Sally, that is common knowledge, not just the security services in the US but other countries too. They have the powers legally to trace IP addresses etc. The war against terrorism is not only fought where we are told it is fought, but also where we are not told. Considering USMB is, I believe, in the top 10 of political message boards, I am positive the threads regarding terrorism and the support of terrorism, whether subtly or overt, are watched very closely.

Yes, I am sure that is true too. The FBI called me in one day long ago and said they had intelligence about death threats against me and did I know of anything that would help them protect me. I said don't bother.

I am a loyal American, had a long career as a federal employee in fact, and I do NOT support terrorism, but we define terrorism very differently, you and I. I think U.S. interests would be best served by bugging out of the whole situation and stopping aid altogether in fact, but especially aid to Israel. I am somewhat isolationist in outlook as an American.
Ha ha ha, you're not even good at lying. If anything, Homeland Security should be hauling your ass in for questioning and investigation. I'm sure they'll find enough ties to Hamas and other terrorist organizations to lock you up for a while. Could be any day now.
If your kids were kidnapped, and we posted comics making fun of you, you and most of the world would be having a fit over it.

WTF? Our kids are killed almost daily, and you do make fun of it!!

Plus I don't think that cartoon is making fun.

Its making a point!

Absolutely not. You are liar, and a scum bag. I have never, not one time in my entire life, made fun of someone losing a child. Never.

The cartoon is making fun of Israelis being hit by rockets, and that they really are not being hurt by them. Lies and deception. That's all we ever hear from you people. Now a cartoon clearly insulting to the people hit by those rockets, is 'not making fun'. Bull crap.

You act this way, and then accuse others of not caring about your kids. Hello... have you seen your own posts? Figure it out.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Years ago, Caroline, there was a poster who said an FBI friend told him all these forums and message boards were monitored by the FBI and that there was a file on each posters. I would imagine that when they see posters supporting terrorism, they will check up on this person, especially investigating whether the person is collecting money and sending it to terrorist organizations to help them in their killing of people.

Yes, Sally, that is common knowledge, not just the security services in the US but other countries too. They have the powers legally to trace IP addresses etc. The war against terrorism is not only fought where we are told it is fought, but also where we are not told. Considering USMB is, I believe, in the top 10 of political message boards, I am positive the threads regarding terrorism and the support of terrorism, whether subtly or overt, are watched very closely.

Yes, I am sure that is true too. The FBI called me in one day long ago and said they had intelligence about death threats against me and did I know of anything that would help them protect me. I said don't bother.

I am a loyal American, had a long career as a federal employee in fact, and I do NOT support terrorism, but we define terrorism very differently, you and I. I think U.S. interests would be best served by bugging out of the whole situation and stopping aid altogether in fact, but especially aid to Israel. I am somewhat isolationist in outlook as an American.

You are so full of shit, you are not American.
You have gotten down to the Nitty Gritty and have shown the viewers that you believe the Israelis are legitimate targets whether they are (even the Olympics) so you are not fooling anyone. Next time take a trip to Pakistan where you can see your Sunni friends suicide and car bombing innocent Shia and Ahmadiyya Muslims.

Israeli citizens are excluded from the "protected persons" class (i.e. civilians) by the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Yes, you've been peddling that lie ( among many many many many others) for a while now.
Israel proper is not occupied territory, so the citizens within her are civilians. You've showed me that law many times, and it applies to citizens living in OCCUPIED TERRITORIES.

Indeed that is correct. In Palestine and other places, Israel is called 48 or 1948 land. Palestinians in Israel are called 1948 Palestinians.

What does an Israeli say? Listen @ 2:30, 3:40 and other places.

[ame=]Israeli activist Gal Lugassi - Struggle Against Apartheid 1 of 4 - YouTube[/ame]
Israeli citizens are excluded from the "protected persons" class (i.e. civilians) by the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Yes, you've been peddling that lie ( among many many many many others) for a while now.
Israel proper is not occupied territory, so the citizens within her are civilians. You've showed me that law many times, and it applies to citizens living in OCCUPIED TERRITORIES.

Indeed that is correct. In Palestine and other places, Israel is called 48 or 1948 land. Palestinians in Israel are called 1948 Palestinians.

What does an Israeli say? Listen @ 2:30, 3:40 and other places.

[ame=]Israeli activist Gal Lugassi - Struggle Against Apartheid 1 of 4 - YouTube[/ame]

No one cares what you post. You insulted people who lost their children. Your opinion, and posts, are irrelevant to the rest of us.
Here is a Palestinian Website named, "Palestine today". Observe the animals in celebration. The Text on the bottom of the photo says "passing around sweets in Gaza in celebration of the successful operation on Israelis". What sick, depraved, barbaric savages and disgusting culture.

The Paltimes. net you quote is based in San Francisco CA, United States:eusa_whistle:
Here is a Palestinian Website named, "Palestine today". Observe the animals in celebration. The Text on the bottom of the photo says "passing around sweets in Gaza in celebration of the successful operation on Israelis". What sick, depraved, barbaric savages and disgusting culture.

The Paltimes. net you quote is based in San Francisco CA, United States:eusa_whistle:

So tell us what your own views are with regarding to this kidnappying. Do you think it was right or wrong? Do you think that Arab teens have a right to speak up against the kidnappings without being threatened? Since you mentioned that a publication was based in San Fransco, and there are many Muslims living up there, I hope if anyone speaks up against the kidnappings, they are not threatened because of it.
If your kids were kidnapped, and we posted comics making fun of you, you and most of the world would be having a fit over it.

WTF? Our kids are killed almost daily, and you do make fun of it!!

Plus I don't think that cartoon is making fun.

Its making a point!

are you delusional? or do you simply not care what you say so long as you are mindlessly repeating pro terrorist propaganda?
Here is a Palestinian Website named, "Palestine today". Observe the animals in celebration. The Text on the bottom of the photo says "passing around sweets in Gaza in celebration of the successful operation on Israelis". What sick, depraved, barbaric savages and disgusting culture.

The Paltimes. net you quote is based in San Francisco CA, United States:eusa_whistle:

So tell us what your own views are with regarding to this kidnappying. Do you think it was right or wrong? Do you think that Arab teens have a right to speak up against the kidnappings without being threatened? Since you mentioned that a publication was based in San Fransco, and there are many Muslims living up there, I hope if anyone speaks up against the kidnappings, they are not threatened because of it.

Do you refer to kidnappings in general, or just when it involves Israeli's?
Ten days ago, at a security cabinet meeting, Mossad Chief Tamir Pardo outlined a scenario spookily similar to the kidnapping of the three Israeli teens missing since Thursday night.

The meeting dealt with the report of the Shamgar Committee on prisoner exchanges and on the Habayit Hayehudi bill that prohibits granting pardons to terrorists.

Pardo, along with other defense establishment officials present, tried to convince the ministers not to advance the bill. He was against it because it would limit the government's room for maneuver in future abduction cases, would keep its hands tied, and prevent it from considering other solutions for dealing with a potential crisis.

Pardo gave as an example the kidnapping of the 200 schoolgirls in Nigeria by the militant group Boko Haram. He addressed Economy Minister Nafatali Bennett, whose party promoted the bill, and used it to draw a comparison of something that could happen in Israel in the future.

"What will you do if in a week three 14-year-old girls will be kidnapped from one of the settlements?," he asked. "Will you say there is a law, and we don't release terrorists?"

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