Watch: Israeli soldier knocked over by rolling tire

Leave it up to a rolling tire to remind people of how big of assholes, Zionists really are.

The simple act of reading their responses in this thread, tells one the problem is not with the Palestinian's.

Zionists are some of the most fucked up humans on the planet.

Sherri is not a Zionist.
Leave it up to a rolling tire to remind people of how big of assholes, Zionists really are.

The simple act of reading their responses in this thread, tells one the problem is not with the Palestinian's.

Zionists are some of the most fucked up humans on the planet.

Leave it a Pro Palestinian who " thinks" a ROLLING TIRE is News! That reminds people of how FUCKED UP Pro Palestinians are . You are even a bigger ASSHOLE for reading the thread and commenting on those who respond to it in a way YOU disapprove of . Who gives a FUCK what you " think?"
Sherri would start a thread if a Palestinian farted next to a soldier, if that'd by her a good laugh.
Leave it up to a rolling tire to remind people of how big of assholes, Zionists really are.

The simple act of reading their responses in this thread, tells one the problem is not with the Palestinian's.

Zionists are some of the most fucked up humans on the planet.

Leave it a Pro Palestinian who " thinks" a ROLLING TIRE is News!

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