Israel Massacre In Shejaiya District in Gaza Kills At Least 40

That's not evidence that Hamas hasn't done it. Either way, it is irrelevant.
The Syrian rebel group ISIL has claimed responsibility and yes, it is relevant, because this latest aggression by Israeli forces is based on this bullshit lie about Hamas involvement in the kidnapping.

Over 500 people are dead you see no reason to show evidence as to why?

You're disgusting!
That's not evidence that Hamas hasn't done it. Either way, it is irrelevant.
The Syrian rebel group ISIL has claimed responsibility and yes, it is relevant, because this latest aggression by Israeli forces is based on this bullshit lie about Hamas involvement in the kidnapping.

Over 500 people are dead you see no reason to show evidence as to why?

You're disgusting!

On the other hand, the IDF has discovered the tunnels that Hamas was going to use as a Trojan Horse.
Tunnels are a natural response for 1.8 million Gazans locked up in an Israeli maintained cconcentration camp.

The tunnels are lawful under international law, a people under Occupation have the right to use armed resistance.

The tunnels do not justify the massacre Israel carried out addressed in the OP, the massacre involved unlawfully targeting civilians and a civilian neighborhood. .
Israel actions are directly linked to the Rockets Hamas has shot at Israel for days so the question IS relevant. As a " lawye you should be able to understand it.
The rockets were in response to Israeli missile attacks.

Israel provoked the rocket attacks.

Hamas doesn't like the " atrocities" :D Why did they reject Egypt? That is also relevany
Because they weren't consulted in the talks.

You can't have a truce with only one side at the table.

so backassward
People who compare the gassing of tens of thousands of Jews in the Holocaust to the IDF using tear gas as a means of riot dispersal have no credibility, sorry.

But keep it up with the Nazi comparisons Billo, you're the one who is making a fool of yourself; not me.
Still trying to peddle that same lame ass lie?

You mean to say that was not your job?
Tunnels are a natural response for 1.8 million Gazans locked up in an Israeli maintained cconcentration camp.

The tunnels are lawful under international law, a people under Occupation have the right to use armed resistance.

The tunnels do not justify the massacre Israel carried out addressed in the OP, the massacre involved unlawfully targeting civilians and a civilian neighborhood. .

Lying sherriKKKins the whore of HAMASS is lying again.

The people who made Gaza a 'concentration camp' are HAMASS, PIJ, and a few others of that sort.

There is nothing 'lawful' about building tunnels across an international border to kidnap civilians.

That wasn't a 'massacre' - it was pretty typical of a firefight in an urban setting IFF the civilians haven't moved out of the neighborhood. War is like that, yes it is. Again, it's HAMASS who kept telling their people to stay put.

And Israel STILL isn't 'targeting' civilians: that's what your HAMASS masters do.
I thought as much. Israel has been on the wrong end of genocide before, do you think they would commit genocide themselves?

When has Israel "been on the wrong end of genocide before", thats BS Mac

Wow. Tell me you aren't that uninformed of history...

6 million Jews were slaughtered by the NAZIS in World War II. That qualifies as genocide. Pull your head out of your backside.

Non of the 12 million were Israeli's were they ?
When has Israel "been on the wrong end of genocide before", thats BS Mac

Wow. Tell me you aren't that uninformed of history...

6 million Jews were slaughtered by the NAZIS in World War II. That qualifies as genocide. Pull your head out of your backside.

Non of the 12 million were Israeli's were they ?
That's 5.5 million Israeli Jews, and a majority of them are Jews who fled Arab Muslim countries, or descendants of those Jews.

Just imagine, 5.5 million vs a sea of at least 500 million Muslim savages surrounding the Israelis, and the Israelis come out on top every time. Gawd.
When has Israel "been on the wrong end of genocide before", thats BS Mac

Wow. Tell me you aren't that uninformed of history...

6 million Jews were slaughtered by the NAZIS in World War II. That qualifies as genocide. Pull your head out of your backside.

Non of the 12 million were Israeli's were they ?
Israelis ,Zionists , Jews, or Israelites - Same people, same race and same religion with a modern new name.
All Jews and even the slightly traditional one would only marry Jews because of the same religion, Jewish marry Jewish and that way the same race tied with religion is so called Israelis (except the non-Jews Israelis by birthright/religious converse) so basically the "Israeli" is just a new name for Jews (The Jewish State of Israel) including the non-Jews as well.
Confused? :lol:
And the fatalities of the holocaust are 6,000,000 Jews.
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Tunnels are a natural response for 1.8 million Gazans locked up in an Israeli maintained cconcentration camp.

The tunnels are lawful under international law, a people under Occupation have the right to use armed resistance.

The tunnels do not justify the massacre Israel carried out addressed in the OP, the massacre involved unlawfully targeting civilians and a civilian neighborhood. .
Well, considering that a vast majority of Gazans are actually Egyptians, and the Egyptians have blocked all the tunnels, monitoring the southern border closely, and have also named Hamas a TERRORIST organization, how is it ONLY an Israeli maintained "concentration camp", freak?

Your propaganda is truly pathetic and getting more and more desperate with each of your posts. Get a life, or don't, who cares.
Tunnels are a natural response for 1.8 million Gazans locked up in an Israeli maintained cconcentration camp.

The tunnels are lawful under international law, a people under Occupation have the right to use armed resistance.

The tunnels do not justify the massacre Israel carried out addressed in the OP, the massacre involved unlawfully targeting civilians and a civilian neighborhood. .
Tunnels, used to infiltrate into Israel, and commit acts of terror and sabotage, are lawful, under international law?

To the devil with any international law that allows such a thing.

Best wishes to Israel, and to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), and God keep them safe, as they penetrate deeper and deeper into Gaza, in order to slaughter Hamas fighters by the bushel-basketful.
People who compare the gassing of tens of thousands of Jews in the Holocaust to the IDF using tear gas as a means of riot dispersal have no credibility, sorry.

But keep it up with the Nazi comparisons Billo, you're the one who is making a fool of yourself; not me.
Still trying to peddle that same lame ass lie?
No, he's got your lame ass pegged properly, alright.
When has Israel "been on the wrong end of genocide before", thats BS Mac

Wow. Tell me you aren't that uninformed of history...

6 million Jews were slaughtered by the NAZIS in World War II. That qualifies as genocide. Pull your head out of your backside.

Non of the 12 million were Israeli's were they ?
In 1948-1949?

Scores of thousands of those newly-minted 'Israelis' were, indeed, Jewish refugees who had spent time in Nazi concentration and death camps, and barely escaped with their lives, due to the Allies advancing into those geographic areas before those particular Jews could be slaughtered.

The linkage between Jewish Holocaust Survivors, with the birth and early years of the State of Israel, is deep and profound and irreversible; damned-near synonymous.
Still trying to peddle that same lame ass lie?
No, he's got your lame ass pegged properly, alright.

He sure does.
He's trying to peddle the idea that the simple act of denial makes the denial operative.

a.k.a. Automatic Gainsay.

It ain't workin'...
^ It's an apologists way.
He's trying to peddle the idea that the simple act of denial makes the denial operative.

a.k.a. Automatic Gainsay.

It ain't workin'...
I'm not peddling anything. I know the point I was making and it's not what you and Toasty are trying to spin it into.

But feel free to be as disingenuous as you like.

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