Palestinians are Christians too. Let's discuss.

Horse shit.

Maybe 1% of all Arab immigrants in Israel are pauline christian and the rest are muslim. And that 1% is declining fast as Arab Muslim intolerance dictates the slaughter of all who are not Muslim.

I give it ten more years before there is 0% pauline christians in the Arab Muslim areas of Israel.
Isn't it against the ROC to post an OP with a link but no original content? So...what is your point?
Isn't it against the ROC to post an OP with a link but no original content? So...what is your point?

Same as always.

To post half truths and lies

Because its the only way to support the terrorist view
Isn't it against the ROC to post an OP with a link but no original content? So...what is your point?

Same as always.

To post half truths and lies

Because its the only way to support the terrorist view

So, presenting the fact that Palestinians are Christians too is supporting terrorism, clown.

And, what is the "lie" or "half truth" about the fact?
More Arab Muslim hasbara ;--)

There is no such thing as a palestinian unless you are referring to the Roman use of the term to refer to the ancient Judiac people named as such by the emperor Hadrian thousands of years before any Arab Muslims even remotely existed.

If you are referring to the Arab Muslims in Israel only some few dared risk conversion as the penalty for converting from Islam is death. What few do survive are at best a fraction of a percent of the total Arab Muslim population.

So what is there to discuss ?

Your misuse of the term palestinian or your misconception that there are any great numbers of christians among the hostile Arab Muslims of Israel.
There is no thing as "Arab Hasbara" it is a Jewish organization.

Palestinians are the people of Palestine, Palaestina Prima as the Christian land was called during Roman (Byzantine) rule, also after Christianity became the state religion, and only Christians could live in Palaestina Prima.

Many of the Christians converted to Islam after the defeat of the Romans and the fall of Aelia Capitolina (the Roman name of Jerusalem) but a great many remained Christian.

The Christians represented about 12% of the population of Palestine before the European Zionist Jews began their invasion. They were the wealthiest and the major land owners of Palestine. The Christians, being the most educated and most knowledgeable of the ways of the West, began leaving Palestine as they understood that the Jewish hordes intended to take over the country and had British support for doing so. But, there are over 4 million Palestinians overall, in Palestine and in the Diaspora.

I am not sure what you mean that there are few Muslim Palestinians that are Christians. There are no Muslim Palestinians that are Christians. But the Christian Palestinians resist the hostile Jew occupation as much as the Muslim Palestinians.
A more perfect example of Arab Muslim hasbara you could not have possibly presented.

grossly exaggerated, historically nonsensical and awash with error after error.

I have to admit I did just about fall out of my chair laughing when I read this whopper

Post #7 Monty ole Bean says


Many of the Christians converted to Islam after the defeat of the Romans and the fall of Aelia Capitolina

End Quote

Maybe you can explain to us how in about 400 VE christians converted to Islam, a religion that wouldn't even exist for another thousand years ;--)
Kinda throws a wrench into the old Arab Muslim hasbara now doesn't it ;--)
There is no Arab Hasbara, son. Only a Jew Hasbara.
A more perfect example of Arab Muslim hasbara you could not have possibly presented.

grossly exaggerated, historically nonsensical and awash with error after error.

I have to admit I did just about fall out of my chair laughing when I read this whopper

Post #7 Monty ole Bean says


Many of the Christians converted to Islam after the defeat of the Romans and the fall of Aelia Capitolina

End Quote

Maybe you can explain to us how in about 400 VE christians converted to Islam, a religion that wouldn't even exist for another thousand years ;--)

Just as those of different religions converted to Christianity when it became the state religion of Rome. Christians converted to Islam when it became convenient to do so.
Pucker up Princess. It'd be a miracle ;--0 if there were even 2 or 3 % christians within the Gazan's or even slightly more than that within the Arab Muslims of Israel.
Just as those of different religions converted to Christianity when it became the state religion of Rome. Christians converted to Islam when it became convenient to do so.

And now, it is convenient for those who can deal with it to become Israelis. And for those who can't to be removed. What happened before can happen again. Maybe we should just convert them all back to being Jewish. What do you think?
Isn't it against the ROC to post an OP with a link but no original content? So...what is your point?

Same as always.

To post half truths and lies

Because its the only way to support the terrorist view

So, presenting the fact that Palestinians are Christians too is supporting terrorism, clown.

And, what is the "lie" or "half truth" about the fact?
Could it be that the Arab-Moslems keep a few token xtians for propaganda purposes? If you look around the rest of the Islamist world, Jews and Christians (and even the "wrong kind" of Moslems), are not tolerated and live in fear for their lives.

It seems to me that you're promoting the few token xtians in the Arab-Moslem occupied portion of the disputed territories as supporting Islamic terrorism.
The Palestinian Christians don't feel that they are "token".

Palestinian christians protest controversial barrier in the WB
Palestinian Christians and priests celebrate an open-air mass in the occupied West Bank village of Beit Jala to protest against the building of Israel's controversial separation barrier between the sprawling settlement of Gilo in annexed east Jerusalem.

Palestinian christians protest controversial barrier in the WB
The Palestinian Christians don't feel that they are "token".

Palestinian christians protest controversial barrier in the WB
Palestinian Christians and priests celebrate an open-air mass in the occupied West Bank village of Beit Jala to protest against the building of Israel's controversial separation barrier between the sprawling settlement of Gilo in annexed east Jerusalem.

Palestinian christians protest controversial barrier in the WB
And the fake Christians in the US, like that fat fuck John Hagee, approve of Israel's treatment of Christians in Palestine.
Yeah, totally, especially considering that Palestinian Muslims are responsible for killing over 150,000 Lebanese Christians.

Another lame attempt by goofus trying to gin up Christian hatred towards Jews. In a day and age where Muslims including Palestinian Muslims are committing ethnic cleansing and genocide on Christians all over the world, goofus the "good Christian" is only concerned about Israel, virtually the only state in the region that protects Christians from being wiped out by Islamic savages.
Christians that support Jews at the expense of their fellow Christians are sinners. This is the I/P section.

For the Middle East section of the forum Christians that support Muslims at the expense of their fellow Christians are also sinners.
Yes this is the IP section. Christians that support Palestinian mass murderers of over 150,000 Lebanese Christians are sinners. Why should any sane "Christian" support an invented people who are run by an ISIS-like radical Islamic organization labeled as terrorist by the US govt. who want to convert the land into yet another Islamic caliphate?

Israel has proven itself as a state that respects and protects all faiths.
The Palestinians that you say mass-murdered 150,000 Lebanese Christians (propaganda by the way), included Palestinian Christians you idiot. It was a civil war and the Phalangists (Lebanese Fascists) were fighting other Lebanese Christians as well as Palestinian Christians and Muslims. ASALA were Armenian Christians allied with the Palestinians and George Habash's Christian Palestinian forces were also fighting against the Phalangists.

So, quit peddling your bullshit propaganda trying to pit Muslim against Christian to the Jew's advantage. We know what you people are trying to do.

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