Palestinians are not HAMAS!?

I would like to point out that Hamas had intemet information about the towns and kibbutz’s they attacked on October 7 th they could not have had that informatio unless they got that information from the Palestinian labourers that the Israelis employed over the years from the Gaza Strip making the “ average” palestinian compleset in the murders of their employers and showing that Hamas had support from the general population in the Gaza Strip…
I would like to point out that Hamas had intemet information about the towns and kibbutz’s they attacked on October 7 th they could not have had that informatio unless they got that information from the Palestinian labourers that the Israelis employed over the years from the Gaza Strip making the “ average” palestinian compleset in the murders of their employers and showing that Hamas had support from the general population in the Gaza Strip…

Yes ^^^

I don't doubt that all all!
RE: Palestinians are not HAMAS!?
SUBTOPIC: The obfuscation or the ground truth using irrelevant interpretation of historical facts.
※→ Natural Citizen, et al,

1. Any propaganda for war shall be prohibited by law.​
2. Any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law.​

You don't get to just run around calling people supporters of terrorist organizations just because you're a Jew or whatever and want to stand for something and see expanding on dialogue as a rain cloud on your parade.

I call it as I see it. If you advocate for the objective of any one of these organizations, then you support terrorism. It is just that simple. It is one of the few things that is either black - or - white.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade’​
Hamas’, including ‘Hamas-Izz al-Din al-Qassem’.​
Hizballah Military Wing​
Palestinian Islamic Jihad​
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine’​
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command​


Most Respectfully,
Yeah, many people in the West (I mean non-Muslims here) attend pro-Palestinian rallies because of 'a just cause' as they perceive it. Oppressed Palestinians and apartheid Israel. This sort of things.

The main question is what the West's policy (first and foremost the US) should be towards the Middle East. The Islamic state, Hamas, Islamic jihad, Hezbollah all the same shit, no matter what names are. You are just not going to eliminate them. There are millions who are ready to fill their ranks.
The head of the snake is Iran
The head of the snake is Iran
Yes and no. It can be called certain that Iran is supporting Islamic terrorist groups in one way or another. But cutting that head off won't end the snake's functioning.

As recent events showed any rapprochement with Israel happened mostly on higher stages of the societies, among the elites. The Arab street remained mainly untouched by that. Even if Iran is somehow eliminated as a threat to Israel, there will be someone else trying to exploit that. It is a very strong political active.
What you ''got'' was your own argument in return, as an illustration of just how little you actually know about why things are the way they are over there, as well as just how little you understand of the intellectual ineffectiveness of the argument that you tried to make.

But I suppose that's why you and a few others who seem to be trying to set the trend to trivialize the affair try so hard to attack arguers rather than the argument.

Perhaps it's why we had around a half dozen ''which side do you support'' polls pop up as soon as the latest even occured. So that people are coerced into just hurrying up and picking a side to commence attacking each other first and foremost rather than thinking things through and discussing the matter like civilized, informed beings.

That Micky Mouse blame game bullsugar don't work on me, man.

RE: Palestinians are not HAMAS!?
SUBTOPIC: The obfuscation or the ground truth using irrelevant interpretation of historical facts.
※→ Natural Citizen, et al,

1. Any propaganda for war shall be prohibited by law.​
2. Any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law.​


I call it as I see it. If you advocate for the objective of any one of these organizations, then you support terrorism. It is just that simple. It is one of the few things that is either black - or - white.

Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade’​
Hamas’, including ‘Hamas-Izz al-Din al-Qassem’.​
Hizballah Military Wing​
Palestinian Islamic Jihad​
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine’​
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command​


Most Respectfully,
If, somehow, the kkk were to cross from America into Canada, slaughter a bunch of black kids and behead a bunch of Black babies, the same logic would apply. If people indulged in nothing but obfuscation to cast doubt, blamed the attack for the victims, or otherwise acted to remove responsibility away from the KKK, they would, indeed, be acting to support that kkk.

These bullshit artists know FULL WELL that Hamas seeks the extermination of Jews and that the large majority of Gazans support that mission. All the rest of their twaddle is just word salad designed as a masquerade.
Are you suggesting we have pro-war government trolls spamming the board?
Yes, Jews are the only people in the world who cannot possibly be allowed to protect themselves against those who wish to exterminate them due to their ethnicity.

Such a tough choice you offer me -- Either refuse to allow them to defend themselves against those seeking their genocide or I'm a "Pro-war government troll"
RE: Palestinians are not HAMAS!?
SUBTOPIC: The Basic Principle
※→ et al,

The General Assembly said:
Distr: General
24 October 1970
Resolution adopted by the General Assembly
A/RES/25/2625 (XXV). Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations

Interestingly enough is → any outside observer who has an objective view, can see (prima facie) that HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement) does not operate anywhere close to the International Law.

(EXCERTS of Two of the Principles)
  • Every State has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.
  • Every State has the duty to refrain from organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands including mercenaries, for incursion into the territory of another State.

Last week, HAMAS jumped across the demarcation and drew first blood. That is a prefect example of an aggressor.


Most Respectfully,
Last week, HAMAS jumped across the demarcation and drew first blood. That is a prefect example of an aggressor.


Most Respectfully,
They do this knowing that their propaganda machine has been successful in reversing cause and effect in the minds of their western apologists.
From 2021
The scientific poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research also found plummeting support for President Mahmoud Abbas, who was sidelined by the war but is seen internationally as a partner for reviving the long-defunct peace process.
The poll found that 53% of Palestinians believe Hamas is “most deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people,” while only 14% prefer Abbas’ secular Fatah party.
but said it also resembles previous swings toward Hamas during times of confrontation. Those all dissipated within three to six months as Hamas failed to deliver on promises of change.

So, they like HAMAS when they promise to kill Jews. Lolz
No, they shouldnt be conflated at all :rofl:
Polls Schmolls...

Polls supporting your favorite side or theirs are a dime a dozen and every one of them prove whatever point you're trying to make.


There are no good guys in this mess.
The leaders of Israel talk openly of the destruction of any Palestinian state.
The leaders of Hamas talk of destroying Israel.
Both sides kill indiscriminately in support of their false ideologies.

The best thing the US and the rest of the world could do is to blockade the region and tell Israel and the Palestinians to go ahead and destroy one another.
Perhaps an existential threat with no world powers to stop the stupidity is what both sides need to end this crap.
RE: Palestinians are not HAMAS!?
SUBTOPIC: The Basic Principle
※→ et al,

Interestingly enough is → any outside observer who has an objective view, can see (prima facie) that HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement) does not operate anywhere close to the International Law.

(EXCERTS of Two of the Principles)
  • Every State has the duty to refrain from the threat or use of force to violate the existing international boundaries of another State or as a means of solving international disputes, including territorial disputes and problems concerning frontiers of States.
  • Every State has the duty to refrain from organizing or encouraging the organization of irregular forces or armed bands including mercenaries, for incursion into the territory of another State.

Last week, HAMAS jumped across the demarcation and drew first blood. That is a prefect example of an aggressor.


Most Respectfully,
Sorry but HAMAS is not a "State" and Gaza is not a country.
Polls Schmolls...

Polls supporting your favorite side or theirs are a dime a dozen and every one of them prove whatever point you're trying to make.


There are no good guys in this mess.
The leaders of Israel talk openly of the destruction of any Palestinian state.
The leaders of Hamas talk of destroying Israel.
Both sides kill indiscriminately in support of their false ideologies.

The best thing the US and the rest of the world could do is to blockade the region and tell Israel and the Palestinians to go ahead and destroy one another.
Perhaps an existential threat with no world powers to stop the stupidity is what both sides need to end this crap.
I dont disagree. The only thing I was saying is, the palis support this shit. They arent all sweet little innocent victims.
I dont disagree. The only thing I was saying is, the palis support this shit. They arent all sweet little innocent victims.
This line of reasoning may get too far. Hamas is claiming that Israeli settlers are part of occupational forces and thus are legitimate targets.
I dont disagree. The only thing I was saying is, the palis support this shit. They arent all sweet little innocent victims.
And the Israelis support the abuses by Israel.

No good guys.

Let them destroy one another or decide on their own to make peace.
As long as the world is willing to get between them this stuff will never end.
This line of reasoning may get too far. Hamas is claiming that Israeli settlers are part of occupational forces and thus are legitimate targets.
Then go after the government. Dont rape women in front of their families. Dont torture innocent civilians.
Those freaks get no sympathy from me.
So, kill them all?
No, fatass. Root them out of their ratholes.
Those who have been at the receiving end of those infantile tactics for daring to expand on topical content in a relevant way would do better to stop splainin themselves to their accusers.

All it does it maintain a revolving opportunity for their accusers to continue making the open accusations, thus ensuring (theoretically) that dialogue never gets any deeper than the mud puddle they want everyone else to wallow in and therefore maintained strictly on their own terms at all times.

Don't let those sorts of people intimidate you into shutting up. Say what you wanna say, within fair boundaries of the TOS, of course, and fukem if they don't like it...

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