New poll finds “Palestinians” prefer terrorism and violence over peace with Israelis

Gee, whiz. I hadn’t realized that Europe had the institution of Dhimmitude that characterizes the Islamist Middle East.

Read up on the Spanish Inquisition. It was far worse than anything the Muslims did.
Read up on the Spanish Inquisition. It was far worse than anything the Muslims did.
But… but… but… but what about the Spanish.

Not an argument at all. It’s obvious what you’re trying to accomplish but whatever for? If the poisonous vitriol uttered by mufti’s, Sheiks, Imams, Ayatollahs, Emirs, etc. condemning the infidels were nothing more than just an occassional lone voice in the great Islamic ideological wilderness that would be one thing. But let’s be honest, the last two decades in particular with reference to Bali, Madrid, Spain, New York, London, Darfur, etc., etc., are not just isolated incidents™. Odd, don’t you think?

The Jews and Christians who were unfortunate enough to live as second-class dhimmis ("protected" people) under the Islamic state were routinely humiliated, overtaxed, derided, dispossessed, and were helpless to defend themselves from Moslem cruelty and oppression. This is the fulfillment of sura 9:29 and it is a matter of historical record, contrary to the modern multicultural facade of an Islamic tolerance that simply did not exist in Moslem occupied Spain, Egypt, the Balkans, Greece, Israel, and beyond. The People of the Book (Jews and Christians) who scraped by under their Moslem overlords weren't "living in peace," They lived in fear and misery. The money extorted from them—the jizya poll tax—in exchange for being allowed to cower in their homes, practicing their faith out of sight, was used to fund the gee-had war chest. If they were found guilty of breaking their covenant of "protection" with the Islamic state (a guilt which was all but assured, seeing as they had no standing in a sharia court against a Moslem), they were executed or sold into slavery. This is all in accordance with the Moslem God's writ in the Koran, and Muhammad's degenerate example in the sunnah, and it continues today
But… but… but… but what about the Spanish.

Not an argument at all. It’s obvious what you’re trying to accomplish but whatever for? If the poisonous vitriol uttered by mufti’s, Sheiks, Imams, Ayatollahs, Emirs, etc. condemning the infidels were nothing more than just an occassional lone voice in the great Islamic ideological wilderness that would be one thing. But let’s be honest, the last two decades in particular with reference to Bali, Madrid, Spain, New York, London, Darfur, etc., etc., are not just isolated incidents™. Odd, don’t you think?

I'm going to cut you off here because you are boring.

We don't have a problem in the Middle East because their belief in an imaginary sky man is worse than your belief in an imaginary sky man.
They could all be atheists, and we'd have the same problem. Nobody likes it when you take their land and exploit their resources.
I'm going to cut you off here because you are boring.

We don't have a problem in the Middle East because their belief in an imaginary sky man is worse than your belief in an imaginary sky man.
They could all be atheists, and we'd have the same problem. Nobody likes it when you take their land and exploit their resources.
I’m refusing your silly cut off. I’m going to disallow you another post in this thread.

For your next history lesson, I’ll advise that at the start of the eighth century C.E., much of Spain had already been seized in the Moslem gee-had. Moslems today still refer to Spain as Al-Andalus, mistakenly named "the land of the Vandals," when it was actually the land of the Visigoths. You may have heard of an Islamic center proposed in New York after 9-11 that was within walking distance of the twin towers. It was to be called Cordoba House. Lots of gee-had baggage carried by Moslems.

Anyway, much of Spain remained under Islamic rule for the next five centuries afterward, with Islam was given the Bum's Rush coming in 1492. That year marked the expulsion of Islam. The teachings of the koran, the sunnah, and sharia law are absolutely hostile to our way of life, and gee-had is the primary tool employed by Islam to handle such a clash. It always has been that way since Muhammad came up with his madman's vision of a religion fourteen centuries ago. In Iran, Syria, Israel, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Cyprus, Constantinople, Spain, Bosnia, the Caucasus, India, and anywhere else Islam's expansion met with resistance from the native population, the gee-had mowed them down, enslaved their women and children, and subdued their lands in the name of Islam’s god; Allah and his partner; muhammud.

Now, you can leave.
’m refusing your silly cut off. I’m going to disallow you another post in this thread.
Good luck with that.

For your next history lesson, I’ll advise that at the start of the eighth century C.E., much of Spain had already been seized in the Moslem gee-had. Moslems today still refer to Spain as Al-Andalus,
Yes, and it was a center of learning, culture and trade while the rest of Europe was doing the whole "Dark Ages" thing. The problem is you learn "White People History" which ignores the much more interesting stuff going on in the rest of the world.

But we aren't talking about the 8th century. We are talking about today.. Why do they hate us, today?
Good luck with that.

Yes, and it was a center of learning, culture and trade while the rest of Europe was doing the whole "Dark Ages" thing. The problem is you learn "White People History" which ignores the much more interesting stuff going on in the rest of the world.

But we aren't talking about the 8th century. We are talking about today.. Why do they hate us, today?
Ready for another history lesson?

I understand you’re hoping to play the “moslem golden age” card but there are a host of flaws in doing so. Let’s understand that islam was flush with the plunder of recent conquest which artificially accounted for the so-called “advancements” that moslems claim. Once the rapid expansion into newly conquered territories ended and moslems had to depend on being productive and innovative themselves, they discovered that they were not up to the task.

You forget that the Islamic Empire collapsed from the inside.

The so-called Islamist empire was an empire of stamp collectors.

My favorite example of the ineptitude of moslems as innovators is exampled by the discussion of optics as a science. It poses yet another inexplicable challenge to the claims of “Islamist innovation”. It is undeniable that Moslems collected and preserved much of the science and theology innovated by the Greeks. That enabled them to collect some understanding of physics and light that constitute classical optics. Yet they failed to make pragmatic use of any of that knowledge. They understood from the Greeks the mathematics of light, lenses, prisms, mirrors, reflection and refraction but never managed to invent a single telescope, microscope, or pair of spectacles. All of these were later European inventions, making use of the knowledge passed to them by Islamic scholars who do not appear to have known what to do with it.

The problem is, you suffer from Self Hating White Leftist Syndrome™. It’s a debilitating disease characterized by fear, ignorance and self-loathing which are symptoms commonly shared among far left, inept white libs.

Antifa is hiring. You’ll fit in just dandy with these fine folks.

Again, not from you... you are piss ignorant.

All Empires do, eventually. The Decline of America will probably begin with "Then they put a Game Show Host in the White House after the people soundly rejected him."

You refuted nothing, added nothing.
Ya’ Allah, dude. You’re off on another of your Sloppy Joe Jew rants™️

I think it should be noted that “converted to Islamism” is another of the slogans used by the Dem / Marxist Jew haters. Dhimmitude was a powerful motivator used by the invading hordes of Muhammad’s armies to coerce conversions. If you look at islamist history, the pseudo-religion invented by muhammud has been destroying every civilization it encountered since the “holy warriors” spilled out of the Arabian Peninsula after the death of Mo.

Egypt was once predominately Christian. Christianity and Judaism both had long histories in the Middle East. Both of those faiths are vanishing from that portion of the globe due the onslaught of Islamism. Much of the (now) islamist Middle East is the result of incessant and religiously motivated revulsion for competing faiths that defines islamist ideology.

Dhimmis paid less tax than muslims. The Ottoman empire outlawed dhimmitude in 1837.
Its really true, despite your conspiracy theories to the contrary. The relics of dhimmitude are alive and well across the islamic middle-east. They're just not as blatant as a century ago. The hardships imposed on Christians in Egypt for example relative to discriminatory practices regarding simple repairs to a church. Do you need a history lesson regarding the Christian Copts in Egypt? I suppose you can give us some happy-fun news regarding Christians and Jews in Yemen, Iraq, (the Yazidi are having a hoot, eh?), Iran, etc., etc.

The population of infidels has been largely purged from the Islamist Middle East. Did you know the population of the KSA is 100% Islamic? Tell us how many churches or synagogues that will allow for.

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Golly, gee. When 93% of the population in the Middle East and North Africa is Moslem, life is not all date palms and camel’s milk for the reviled infidel.

Most westerners in Arabia are Christians... Or nominally so. Church and Sunday school are very popular.

Christians and Jews are not infidels.
We don't have a problem in the Middle East because their belief in an imaginary sky man is worse than your belief in an imaginary sky man.
They could all be atheists, and we'd have the same problem
The irony of genocidal holy land maniacs trying to hold moral high ground via their religion is rather deafening Joe


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