Palestinians are not HAMAS!?

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I'm not suggesting anything. Clearly pro-war folks exist. I'm not even against war, per se, so long as it's declared and constitutional. But I don't believe in trolls anyway. Trolls can only exist if others allow them to guide them around with a carrot and a stick.

I just don't think it's very fair, and certainly not ethical to run around arbitrarily invoking the notion that people are supporters of a terrorist organization just because they question more. That's just a cowardly form of intimidation.

Unfortunately, a lot of people wil shut up when they are at the receiving end of those sorts of mainstream tactics.

I don't care for that flavor of bully behavior. It's not what men do.
It certainly is cowardly, but I expect it. No one is more anti-war than me. I’ve been called a traitor numerous times since I started here. Doesn’t bother me in the least. I know they’re just idiots controlled by state run media.
What according to international law is the consequence

for using a hospital as a military installation?
What about all those thousands of Palestinian women and children murdered by Israel?
I'm 1000% against violence and terror, and I want justice for the innocent people murdered in Israel, and I have made it clear in numerous posts that I have always supported Israel and the Jewish people. So the stuff you've been saying (to both me and other people on other threads) is nothing but a nasty, ugly vicious lie.

Asking questions or pointing out historical facts about wars based on lies does not make one anti-Jewish or a Hamas supporter. That is the most asinine illogic....either that or just plain nastiness and hate and smearing for anyone who doesn't march in lockstep and immediately believe the msm narrative. But you know what? We can agree to disagree. I told you twice that I didn't want to continue posting with you, and you kept coming back with parting shots.

Lol. Do you think your question means anything? Israel is committing genocide right now and you want to argue meaningless points. Why?

Hamas is a terrorist organization. Speaking only for myself here, openly and arbitrarily being charged with supporting a terrorist organization like that would get someone's ass kicked if they had the courage to say it to my face.

A few of you have routinely and arbitrarily made that charge to several people on here whenever they've dared to expand on topical content.

I get that some of you want to dominate the board in a manner in which the terms of controversy are kept strictly limited to what you specifically want them to be limited to (which, from where I'm sitting, has been about as deep as a mud puddle). But that's not how functional dialogue works.

You don't get to just run around calling people supporters of terrorist organizations just because you're a Jew or whatever and want to stand for something and see expanding on dialogue as a rain cloud on your parade.
When people shift responsibility AWAY from Hamas and on to other targets, they are acting to support Hamas.

If they do not want their feet held to the fire for this, they shouldn't shift responsibility away from them like they are doing.
What about all those thousands of Palestinian women and children murdered by Israel?

Exactly the intention of Hamas

in launching rockets from hospitals...

When people shift responsibility AWAY from Hamas and on to other targets, they are acting to support Hamas.

''Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas... This is part of our isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.'' - Netanyahu speaking to his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019.
There's a reason that he wants to keep Gaza Palestinians and West Bank Palestinians isolated.

As well, keeping Hamas funded, as Netanyahu called for, only ensures that what we are observing over there continues.

He'd be out of a job if the turmoil wasn't constant.

And that's why Biden comes to the rescue by doing just that very thing again, this time putting the American taxpayer on the hook to repay another hundred billion.
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''Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas... This is part of our isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.'' - Netanyahu speaking to his Likud party’s Knesset members in March 2019.
So, you blame Neyanyahu.

Got it.
When people shift responsibility AWAY from Hamas and on to other targets, they are acting to support Hamas.

If they do not want their feet held to the fire for this, they shouldn't shift responsibility away from them like they are doing.
Even if those people are right?
So, you blame Neyanyahu.

Got it.

What you ''got'' was your own argument in return, as an illustration of just how little you actually know about why things are the way they are over there, as well as just how little you understand of the intellectual ineffectiveness of the argument that you tried to make.

But I suppose that's why you and a few others who seem to be trying to set the trend to trivialize the affair try so hard to attack arguers rather than the argument.

Perhaps it's why we had around a half dozen ''which side do you support'' polls pop up as soon as the latest even occured. So that people are coerced into just hurrying up and picking a side to commence attacking each other first and foremost rather than thinking things through and discussing the matter like civilized, informed beings.

That Micky Mouse blame game bullsugar don't work on me, man.
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From 2021
The scientific poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research also found plummeting support for President Mahmoud Abbas, who was sidelined by the war but is seen internationally as a partner for reviving the long-defunct peace process.
The poll found that 53% of Palestinians believe Hamas is “most deserving of representing and leading the Palestinian people,” while only 14% prefer Abbas’ secular Fatah party.
but said it also resembles previous swings toward Hamas during times of confrontation. Those all dissipated within three to six months as Hamas failed to deliver on promises of change.

So, they like HAMAS when they promise to kill Jews. Lolz
No, they shouldnt be conflated at all :rofl:
Palestinians raised those HAMAS bad little m'fers.
Ah well. It's chicken pot pie time. Enjoy your evening, all.

Just quit inferring that people are terrorist sympathizers for simply questioning more.

It's rude.

Beyond that, it's a rather serious contention. Particularly given the sad state of affairs these days. Cripes, they'll kick your door down for posting the wrong meme.

What. Do you think your turn won't come or something? Get real...
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By the way.

The APN article pointing to the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research Poll made no effort to clarify whether Gaza Palestinians or West Bank Palestinians were polled specifically, or both. Predictably.

Until a clarification is made, which there won't be, also predictably, you don't get to reserve the luxury of dictating that the OP is strictly limited to what Gaza Palestinians think and that everyone else has to follow along with what you alone perceive to be the terms of controversy.

I mean, you can try, I suppose. But eventually someone who doesn't care what kind of names you call them for relevantly expanding on topical content is gonna come along and say something about it.

There's a big difference between Palestineans of Gaza vs those of the West Bank, to include geo-political differences which are absolutely relevant to and impact what's going on over there.
PSR is an independent nonprofit institution and think tank of policy analysis and academic research. PSR was founded with the goal of advancing scholarship and knowledge on immediate issues of concern to Palestinians in three areas: domestic politics and government, strategic analysis and foreign policy, and public opinion polls and survey research. PSR research units conduct and organize four types of activities: research and policy analysis, empirical surveys and public opinion polls, task forces and study groups, and meetings and conferences. The units focus on current public policy issues with a special reliance on empirical research as a tool to advance scholarship and understanding.

PSR is dedicated to promoting objective and nonpartisan research and analysis and to encouraging a better understanding of Palestinian domestic and international environment in an atmosphere of free debate and exchange of ideas. PSR is registered as a nonprofit institution in the Palestinian Ministry of Justice.

Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR)
Off Irsal street, 2 Sa’d Ibn Abi Waqqas Street, Ramallah, P.O.Box 76, Ramallah , Palestine , Tel: +970-2-2964933
email: [email protected]

All of their polls and studies I've seen include both Judea and Samaria as well as Gaza. Their polls and studies I've seen date back to the 1990's.
All of their polls and studies I've seen include both Judea and Samaria as well as Gaza. Their polls and studies I've seen date back to the 1990's.

Yeah. That's been my experience in reading the polling data as well.

Though, admittedly, I don't go reading it every day or anything.

It's why it's so disingenuous and intellectually dishonest to cinsinuate that only Gaza Palestinians are queried.

There are vast differences in why West Bank and Gaza would suupport funding/propping up Hamas. That Palestinians with opposing positions support them is not as significant as why.

And I just very quickly touched on it a few previous postings back in the thread.

Again, those are largely geo-political differences.

That would actually be very good topical content. If it could be had. But I'm not confident that it can. Not here anyway.
Actually, I should correct myself, that APN piece did say that both were pollled.

''The pollsters held face-to-face surveys with 1,200 Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza last week, with a 3 percentage point margin of error.''

The logical question would be, in my view, why the rise in both West Bank Palestinian and Gaza Palestinian support, given their largely geo-political differences?
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Yeah. That's been my experience in reading the polling data as well.

Though, admittedly, I don't go reading it every day or anything.

It's why it's so disingenuous and intellectually dishonest to cinsinuate that only Gaza Palestinians are queried.

There are vast differences in why West Bank and Gaza would suupport funding/propping up Hamas. That Palestinians with opposing positions support them is not as significant as why.

And I just very quickly touched on it a few previous postings back in the thread.

Again, those are largely geo-political differences.

That would actually be very good topical content. If it could be had. But I'm not confident that it can. Not here anyway.
I've only seen slight differences is support for Hamas in Judea and Samaria and Gaza. Do you have a source for vast differences?
I've only seen slight differences is support for Hamas in Judea and Samaria and Gaza. Do you have a source for vast differences?

I'm talking about their differences as an isolated people. There are major geo-political differences in worldviews between the two. As well as social views. Domestic governmental views. Etc.

That's what makes those slight differences in support for Hamas so interesting.

So, not so much the ''how'' as far as the rise that both are seeing in support of Hamas but more so the'' why'' between the two, based on the fact that those geo-political/social/governmental differences exist between the isolated Palestinians, West Bank and Gaza.

As I said, this question is topic worthy in itself, if it could be had. Get back to the why rather than the ''hurry up and just pick a side and commence to calling each other bad names'' shenanigans that are currently so dominant on the board.
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