Palestinians Behaving Badly, Again

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[ame=]On The Map with Avi Lewis: Gaza Coup d'Etat? - YouTube[/ame]
Rights Group Says Hamas Targeting Fatah Members Rights Group Says Hamas Targeting Fatah Members - ABC News

Hamas and Fatah joined in a short-lived unity government following 2006 parliamentary elections. But the following year, the alliance shattered and Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip during several days of fighting, leaving the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority in charge in the West Bank


Your source (AP) is crap.

Do your parents know you defend hamas on the internet?

When are you planning conversion to islime in order to join hamas? Reciting the shahada takes only a few moments: "There is no true God except Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."

Careful, though, because once you become a slave of allah, you can't go back: The penalty for apostasy is death allahu akbar
Rights Group Says Hamas Targeting Fatah Members Rights Group Says Hamas Targeting Fatah Members - ABC News

Hamas and Fatah joined in a short-lived unity government following 2006 parliamentary elections. But the following year, the alliance shattered and Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip during several days of fighting, leaving the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority in charge in the West Bank


Your source (AP) is crap.

Do your parents know you defend hamas on the internet?

When are you planning conversion to islime in order to join hamas? Reciting the shahada takes only a few moments: "There is no true God except Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."

Careful, though, because once you become a slave of allah, you can't go back: The penalty for apostasy is death allahu akbar

I merely defend the truth.

AP lies.

Your source (AP) is crap.

Do your parents know you defend hamas on the internet?

When are you planning conversion to islime in order to join hamas? Reciting the shahada takes only a few moments: "There is no true God except Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."

Careful, though, because once you become a slave of allah, you can't go back: The penalty for apostasy is death allahu akbar

I merely defend the truth.

AP lies.

hamas doesn't accept infidel freelancers
Do your parents know you defend hamas on the internet?

When are you planning conversion to islime in order to join hamas? Reciting the shahada takes only a few moments: "There is no true God except Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."

Careful, though, because once you become a slave of allah, you can't go back: The penalty for apostasy is death allahu akbar

I merely defend the truth.

AP lies.

hamas doesn't accept infidel freelancers

Did you get that from AP too?

Your source (AP) is crap.

Do your parents know you defend hamas on the internet?

When are you planning conversion to islime in order to join hamas? Reciting the shahada takes only a few moments: "There is no true God except Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."

Careful, though, because once you become a slave of allah, you can't go back: The penalty for apostasy is death allahu akbar

I merely defend the truth.

AP lies.

The truth, like Jesus Christ was really a muslime fakesteenian suicide bomber?

[ame=]Arafat said Jesus was a Palestinian. Palestinian author and TV host agree. - YouTube[/ame]

We’re talking about an ongoing chain [of prophets of the Islam], from Adam to Muhammad. It’s an ongoing chain, representing the call for monotheism, and the mission of Islam… The prophets were all of the same religion [Islam]… Jesus was born in this land. He lived in this land. It is known that he was born in Bethlehem… He also lived in Nazereth, moved to Jerusalem. So he was a Palestinian par excellence…We respect Jesus, we believe in him [as a Muslim prophet], just as we believe in the prophet Muhammad."
[ame=]Jesus misrepresented as "Palestinian" by Mufti of the Palestinian Authority - YouTube[/ame]
Rights Group Says Hamas Targeting Fatah Members Rights Group Says Hamas Targeting Fatah Members - ABC News

Hamas and Fatah joined in a short-lived unity government following 2006 parliamentary elections. But the following year, the alliance shattered and Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip during several days of fighting, leaving the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority in charge in the West Bank


Your source (AP) is crap.

Looks like the Washington Post, NY Times and even the Fakesteenian Maan news service got snookered.

Palestinian rights group charges Hamas with mistreatment of Fatah members in Gaza Strip - The Washington Post

Maan News Agency: PCHR: Hamas detaining Fatah affiliates in Gaza
Rights Group Says Hamas Targeting Fatah Members Rights Group Says Hamas Targeting Fatah Members - ABC News

Hamas and Fatah joined in a short-lived unity government following 2006 parliamentary elections. But the following year, the alliance shattered and Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip during several days of fighting, leaving the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority in charge in the West Bank


Your source (AP) is crap.

Looks like the Washington Post, NY Times and even the Fakesteenian Maan news service got snookered.

Palestinian rights group charges Hamas with mistreatment of Fatah members in Gaza Strip - The Washington Post

Maan News Agency: PCHR: Hamas detaining Fatah affiliates in Gaza

OK, but I don't see this reported.

PCHR note that Israel’s actions with regard to the right to education are
inconsistent with its binding obligations under international law. PCHR
asks that the international community take all appropriate measures to
end Israel’s repeated violations of international law which inhibit basic
human rights, including education, and development goals in the oPt.

The rule of international law must be upheld so that it can protect
civilians, and safeguard the rights of future generations. book.pdf

OK, but I don't see this reported.

PCHR note that Israel’s actions with regard to the right to education are
inconsistent with its binding obligations under international law. PCHR
asks that the international community take all appropriate measures to
end Israel’s repeated violations of international law which inhibit basic
human rights, including education, and development goals in the oPt.

The rule of international law must be upheld so that it can protect
civilians, and safeguard the rights of future generations. book.pdf

You know as much about the law as you do about hamas and islime: zero

OK, but I don't see this reported.

PCHR note that Israel’s actions with regard to the right to education are
inconsistent with its binding obligations under international law. PCHR
asks that the international community take all appropriate measures to
end Israel’s repeated violations of international law which inhibit basic
human rights, including education, and development goals in the oPt.

The rule of international law must be upheld so that it can protect
civilians, and safeguard the rights of future generations. book.pdf

You know as much about the law as you do about hamas and islime: zero

This is from PCHR, the same organization in your post.

Gadahn was born Adam Pearlman, the son of musician Phil Pearlman. Gadahn's Jewish paternal grandfather, Carl Pearlman, was a prominent urologist; and on the Board of Directors of the Anti-Defamation League.
Adam Yahiye Gadahn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Can't Hamas and Fatah just get along like their Arab Muslim brethren? :lol:

Iran Iraq War, 1 million dead
Lebanese Civil War, 250,000 dead
Algerian Civl War: 300,000 dead
Bangladesh Civil War: 500,000 dead
Black Sept., Jordan's King Hussein murders, expells 80,000 Palestinians
Syrian army kills 20,000 Syrians at Hama
Iraq gases hundreds of thousands of Kurds
1400 year conflict between Sunnis and Shiites
Fratricide between Hamas and Fatah
Syria/Hizballah assassinate Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri

Alexis de Toqueville...
I studied the Koran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. So far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself.

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