Palestinians Deny Jewish Connection to Jerusalem

In 1905 the Census figures Included the Kaza of Jerusalem (which included Abwein, Beit Jala, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Ramallah and Saffa) which stated the Kaza contained a total of 110,200 Ottoman subjects, of whom 67,700 were Muslim, 28,800 Christian and 13,700 Jewish Ottomans. Of course the 1905 census did not include foreigners resident in the Kaza which the Ottomans estimated to be about 3,000 Christian and 21,000 Jewish Europeans\Westerners. The Sanjak of Jerusalem at the time included the Kazas of Hebron, Jaffa, Gaza and Beersheba as well as Jerusalem. The Kazas of Jerusalem and Hebron combined had a total population of over 168,000 so its unclear how the Catholic Encyclopedia source he cites arrives at the figures quoted. My figures come from "Population characteristics of Jerusalem and Hebron Regions according to Ottoman Census of 1905" by U. O. Schmelz in "Ottoman Palestine, 1800-1914: Studies in Economic and Social History." pages 16-47

Wrong again, Jews have been coming back to Israel for 2000 years, including during the Ottoman Empire, when they eventually became a majority in the 1800's. The Arabs are just 20th century invaders and imposters...

My post doesn't dispute anything you posted from the Jewish Encyclopedia. The Jewish population of the city of Jerusalem certainly increased over time until it became the majority. This does not, however, apply to Palestine as a whole. The native population (largely composed of Greeks, Romans, Phoenicians, etc.) gradually adopted the Arabic language, culture and religion in the centuries following the Arab conquests. Actual Arabs from Arabia were always a relatively small minority in Palestine, as were the Turks that followed them as rulers. Both Christianity and Judaism were tolerated by the Arabian Muslims.

Just because there were Jewish communities in the region throughout that time does not give European Zionists the right to colonise the region and dispossess the native population.

Bottom line: Jews kept migrating back to their holy land for 2000 years, as evidenced during the Ottoman Empire and leading up to the 1800's which created a majority in Jerusalem. Since there was NO MUSLIM MAJORITY in Jerusalem as far back as the 1400's, the Arab Muslim claim on it is hogwash, as they are 20th recent century invaders from neighboring Arab lands.

Israel has always been and will always be the Jewish holy land, first and foremost. The Jews that migrated back from Europe in the 1900's were joining their brethren in their ancestral holy land, and did so legally.

Case closed.

The European Jews colonized Palestine intending to evict the rightful inhabitants with the help of the British.

The Palestinians continue to hold on and their numbers are increasing at a greater rate than the Jewish population. It's not over until the fat lady sings.
Bullshit, no eviction occured, and the Jews that came from Europe simply came to join their brethren who was already there since the 1400's.

Jerusalem was Jewish majority in the 1800's, and this majority arrived in the 1400's. You can bray all you want. Arabs invaded the land just like they did everywhere else. It's what their religion commands them to do.
Bullshit, no eviction occured, and the Jews that came from Europe simply came to join their brethren who was already there since the 1400's.

Jerusalem was Jewish majority in the 1800's, and this majority arrived in the 1400's. You can bray all you want. Arabs invaded the land just like they did everywhere else. It's what their religion commands them to do.

Of course eviction occurred. That's why Palestinians are in refugee camps today. There were no Jews in Palestine before 1850 to speak of, only a handful.


"The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine. Most of them were animated by religious motives; they came to pray and to die in the Holy Land, and to be buried in its soil. - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921
Where's the eviction asshole?

Same set of bullshit mutilated documents proving absolutely nothing but an Arab invasion, over and over and over.
Yada yada yada. Jews kept coming back for 2000 years, and a big group that left Spain to the Ottoman Empire ended up in the Jewish holy land. The ones that came from Europe were just coming back to join others that had been there since the 1200's. Jews became a majority in Jerusalem in the 1800's as a result of this eventual build up.

Eat Shiite.
You are just full of shit Ruddy. You just repeat fairy tales. The facts are the official records.
Meh, meaningless lip service. Here's what counts:

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion — Denied Religious Tax Status
Posted by Zia Shah

This post was originally made in the Muslim Times by our Japan Editor: Mrs. Abida Rehman. I have copied it in this post, to be able to put it in slide show again.

Italy has denied religious status to Islam. Politicians cited extremist (fundamentalist) imams, polygamy and failure to uphold women’s rights by Muslim immigrants as obstacles to recognizing Islam as an official religion in Italy.

Until now, the government had earmarked 8 percent of income tax revenue for Italy’s established churches. The great majority of these funds go to the Catholic Church, although if they wish, individual tax payers may elect to give the money to charities and cultural projects instead.

Islam is not an established religion in Italy and there is only one official mosque in the country, Rome’s Grand Mosque. Politicians from the ruling coalition cite radical imams, polygamy and failure to uphold women’s rights by Muslims immigrants as obstacles to recognising Islam as an official religion in Italy.

Until now, only the Catholic Church, Judaism and other established churches including Lutherans, Evangelists, Waldensians and 7th-day Adventists have received the income tax revenue from the Itallain government.
L' Italia appoggia la risoluzione: deluso Israele"

"Italy supports the resolution, Israel disappointed."

Palestina stato osservatore s dell Onu L Italia appoggia la risoluzione deluso Israele -

Hey Monte, what went wrong then?! Ya think? Yup....Ha ha ha:

Germany France Italy condemn anti-Semitism in anti-Israel protests Reuters

World | Tue Jul 22, 2014 4:49pm EDT
Germany, France, Italy condemn anti-Semitism in anti-Israel protests
The foreign ministers of Germany, France and Italy on Tuesday condemned anti-Semitism that has marred protests against Israel's conflict with Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

On Sunday, French media showed the burnt-out front of a kosher grocery shop in the Parisian suburb of Sarcelles, which is home to a large Jewish community, and clashes between pro-Palestinian marchers and riot police outside two synagogues.

"Anti-Semitic incitement and hostility against Jews, attacks on people of Jewish faith and synagogues have no place in our societies," the three foreign ministers said in a joint statement issued in Brussels.
In 1905 the Census figures Included the Kaza of Jerusalem (which included Abwein, Beit Jala, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Ramallah and Saffa) which stated the Kaza contained a total of 110,200 Ottoman subjects, of whom 67,700 were Muslim, 28,800 Christian and 13,700 Jewish Ottomans. Of course the 1905 census did not include foreigners resident in the Kaza which the Ottomans estimated to be about 3,000 Christian and 21,000 Jewish Europeans\Westerners. The Sanjak of Jerusalem at the time included the Kazas of Hebron, Jaffa, Gaza and Beersheba as well as Jerusalem. The Kazas of Jerusalem and Hebron combined had a total population of over 168,000 so its unclear how the Catholic Encyclopedia source he cites arrives at the figures quoted. My figures come from "Population characteristics of Jerusalem and Hebron Regions according to Ottoman Census of 1905" by U. O. Schmelz in "Ottoman Palestine, 1800-1914: Studies in Economic and Social History." pages 16-47

Wrong again, Jews have been coming back to Israel for 2000 years, including during the Ottoman Empire, when they eventually became a majority in the 1800's. The Arabs are just 20th century invaders and imposters...

My post doesn't dispute anything you posted from the Jewish Encyclopedia. The Jewish population of the city of Jerusalem certainly increased over time until it became the majority. This does not, however, apply to Palestine as a whole. The native population (largely composed of Greeks, Romans, Phoenicians, etc.) gradually adopted the Arabic language, culture and religion in the centuries following the Arab conquests. Actual Arabs from Arabia were always a relatively small minority in Palestine, as were the Turks that followed them as rulers. Both Christianity and Judaism were tolerated by the Arabian Muslims.

Just because there were Jewish communities in the region throughout that time does not give European Zionists the right to colonise the region and dispossess the native population.

Bottom line: Jews kept migrating back to their holy land for 2000 years, as evidenced during the Ottoman Empire and leading up to the 1800's which created a majority in Jerusalem. Since there was NO MUSLIM MAJORITY in Jerusalem as far back as the 1400's, the Arab Muslim claim on it is hogwash, as they are 20th recent century invaders from neighboring Arab lands.

Israel has always been and will always be the Jewish holy land, first and foremost. The Jews that migrated back from Europe in the 1900's were joining their brethren in their ancestral holy land, and did so legally.

Case closed.

In your dreams. What you fail to point out is that most Jewish people invited into the Ottoman Empire settled anywher BUT Palestine. most preferred to settle in Istanbul or the Balkans or in Anatolia, only a small fraction decided to settle there. You are right to say that Jewish people migrated to Palestine thruoughout the last 2000 years, there was nothing and no-one stopping them from migrating, settling and creating a Jewish "homeland". The pertinent question is why so few bothered to undertake the journey? The answer is simply that they didn't care.
So, it is your contention that there were 16,270 people in the whole of Palestine in 1844. Interesting.

Not really, just another Phoney phail.

maybe you can find were I said that rat boy, or are you LYING again because the truth hurts.

Thanks for posting this Phoney:

"it was evident from these statements that "His Majesty's Government were not free to dispose of Palestine without regard for the wishes and interests of the inhabitants of Palestine,

Cherry picking again freddy boy, after saying that you don't.
here is the paragraph in full

170. With regard to the various statements mentioned in paragraph 168, the above committee considered that it was beyond its scope to express an opinion upon their proper interpretation, and that such opinion could not in any case be properly formed unless consideration had also been given to a number of other statements made during the war. In the opinion of the committee, however, it was evident from these statements that "His Majesty's Government were not free to dispose of Palestine without regard for the wishes and interests of the inhabitants of Palestine, and that these statements must all be taken into account in any attempt to estimate the responsibilities which—upon any interpretation of the correspondence—His Majesty's Government have incurred towards those inhabitants as a result of the correspondence
177. As to the claim that the Palestine Mandate violates Article 22 of the Covenant because the community of Palestine has not been recognized as an independent nation and because the mandatory was given full powers of legislation and administration, it has been rightly pointed out by the Peel Commission:" (a) That the provisional recognition of certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire as independent nations is permissible; the words are can be provisionally recognized, not 'will' or 'shall';

" (b) That the penultimate paragraph of Article 22 prescribes that the degree of authority to be exercised by the mandatory shall be defined, at need, by the Council of the League;

" (c) That the acceptance by the Allied Powers and the United States of the policy of the Ball-four Declaration made it clear from the beginning that Palestine would have been treated differently from Syria and Iraq, and that this difference of treatment was confirmed by the Supreme Council in the Treaty of Sevres and by the Council of the League in sanctioning the Mandate."154/

That notwithstanding the above, British reiterated that:

"it was evident from these statements that "His Majesty's Government were not free to dispose of Palestine without regard for the wishes and interests of the inhabitants of Palestine..."

Because they did not have the authority to do so under the Mandate. That fell to the LoN who took that decision after looking at all the facts. That is why it was partitioned into arab muslim Palestine and Jewish Palestine.
In 1905 the Census figures Included the Kaza of Jerusalem (which included Abwein, Beit Jala, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Ramallah and Saffa) which stated the Kaza contained a total of 110,200 Ottoman subjects, of whom 67,700 were Muslim, 28,800 Christian and 13,700 Jewish Ottomans. Of course the 1905 census did not include foreigners resident in the Kaza which the Ottomans estimated to be about 3,000 Christian and 21,000 Jewish Europeans\Westerners. The Sanjak of Jerusalem at the time included the Kazas of Hebron, Jaffa, Gaza and Beersheba as well as Jerusalem. The Kazas of Jerusalem and Hebron combined had a total population of over 168,000 so its unclear how the Catholic Encyclopedia source he cites arrives at the figures quoted. My figures come from "Population characteristics of Jerusalem and Hebron Regions according to Ottoman Census of 1905" by U. O. Schmelz in "Ottoman Palestine, 1800-1914: Studies in Economic and Social History." pages 16-47

Wrong again, Jews have been coming back to Israel for 2000 years, including during the Ottoman Empire, when they eventually became a majority in the 1800's. The Arabs are just 20th century invaders and imposters...

My post doesn't dispute anything you posted from the Jewish Encyclopedia. The Jewish population of the city of Jerusalem certainly increased over time until it became the majority. This does not, however, apply to Palestine as a whole. The native population (largely composed of Greeks, Romans, Phoenicians, etc.) gradually adopted the Arabic language, culture and religion in the centuries following the Arab conquests. Actual Arabs from Arabia were always a relatively small minority in Palestine, as were the Turks that followed them as rulers. Both Christianity and Judaism were tolerated by the Arabian Muslims.

Just because there were Jewish communities in the region throughout that time does not give European Zionists the right to colonise the region and dispossess the native population.

Bottom line: Jews kept migrating back to their holy land for 2000 years, as evidenced during the Ottoman Empire and leading up to the 1800's which created a majority in Jerusalem. Since there was NO MUSLIM MAJORITY in Jerusalem as far back as the 1400's, the Arab Muslim claim on it is hogwash, as they are 20th recent century invaders from neighboring Arab lands.

Israel has always been and will always be the Jewish holy land, first and foremost. The Jews that migrated back from Europe in the 1900's were joining their brethren in their ancestral holy land, and did so legally.

Case closed.

The European Jews colonized Palestine intending to evict the rightful inhabitants with the help of the British.

The Palestinians continue to hold on and their numbers are increasing at a greater rate than the Jewish population. It's not over until the fat lady sings.

WRONG just you repeating islamonazi propaganda because you have no evidence of claims other than personal views and manipulated reports.
Bullshit, no eviction occured, and the Jews that came from Europe simply came to join their brethren who was already there since the 1400's.

Jerusalem was Jewish majority in the 1800's, and this majority arrived in the 1400's. You can bray all you want. Arabs invaded the land just like they did everywhere else. It's what their religion commands them to do.

Of course eviction occurred. That's why Palestinians are in refugee camps today. There were no Jews in Palestine before 1850 to speak of, only a handful.


"The Jewish element of the population numbers 76,000. Almost all have entered Palestine during the last 40 years. Prior to 1850 there were in the country only a handful of Jews. In the following 30 years a few hundreds came to Palestine. Most of them were animated by religious motives; they came to pray and to die in the Holy Land, and to be buried in its soil. - See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Interim report of the Mandatory to the League of Nations Balfour Declaration text 30 July 1921

LIAR the reason the Palestinians are in refugee camps is because they have propaganda value. What would you be saying if it was the Jews living in refugee camps as well after being evicted from arab muslim nations in 1948 and 1967. Would you apply the same rules to them as you apply to the arab muslims, or would you be demanding that the Jews stop using them as propaganda and take them in.
Bullshit, no eviction occured, and the Jews that came from Europe simply came to join their brethren who was already there since the 1400's.

Jerusalem was Jewish majority in the 1800's, and this majority arrived in the 1400's. You can bray all you want. Arabs invaded the land just like they did everywhere else. It's what their religion commands them to do.

Bray all you want, Jerusalem is not Palestine and Islam spread in Palestine by voluntary conversion.
Bullshit, no eviction occured, and the Jews that came from Europe simply came to join their brethren who was already there since the 1400's.

Jerusalem was Jewish majority in the 1800's, and this majority arrived in the 1400's. You can bray all you want. Arabs invaded the land just like they did everywhere else. It's what their religion commands them to do.

Bray all you want, Jerusalem is not Palestine and Islam spread in Palestine by voluntary conversion.

How about a link proving this, when the Koran calls you a liar.

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